December 2017 Challenge

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December 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 1,190 replies, has 97 voices, and was last updated by  Maayyaa 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • It’s holiday time once again, welcome old friends and new ones just beginning the journey!
    I’m your fabulous host for this month, we are going to have so much fun, learn more than we ever would have thought and get support from around the world in every stage of 5:2.

    It all started by one person Coda looking for support in 2016 and turned into what we have here today! Thank you Coda, without you none of this would be possible.

    What we do here is love, support and encourage each other, we all come from different aspects of life, in different parts of the world. Some of us are just beginning, some of us are in the middle and some of us are just holding steady. But, we are all here for the same reason to learn to love ourselves again!

    How this works….. start you post with this heading Day 1…..Florida…..NFD

    The day is the date…… No matter where you start….. ps it correlates with the day of the month.
    Place….. where you live…..Gives us an idea where your at….. I’m in Florida!
    And what you want your day to be
    FD-fast day
    NFD- no fast day
    CD- control day

    You can add as little or as much as you want to your posts. We encourage you to share because support we offer is not just for this WOL (way of life) but for every aspect.

    Rules…… be kind to everyone….be kind to yourself!
    No use of self damning words……such as the word (sorry I got to say it, just once just so everyone knows) fail…….. No one does this we just some times take a wrong turn, but the reset button is always there.

    Okay, I think I’ve covered everything!

    This is the month of giving. We give to local charities, we give to coworkers, friends and families, all in attempts to spread the holiday cheer!
    So, the challenge I give to for the month….. is give yourself something. No need to wrap it and it’s should not be food.
    Sometimes, we are so worried about others we forget about ourselves. So, this month, I want each and everyone to get something for themselves as a reminder to take care of yourself.
    When we love and take care of ourselves, loving and taking care of others is easier!

    Okay, If I missed anything please add it……

    Lastly….. Thank you to each and everyone of you who have helped me, encouraged me and laughed with me! You are the stars of this group!

    Want to know why Santa is so jolly?

    That’s because he knows where all the bad girls live!

    Forgot to hit the notify button…….

    Day 26 November, Mountaintop PA USA, NFD

    Thankyou @bert1802 for hosting our December 2017 challenge. It will be my 12th month following the Fast 5:2 monthly challenges. Over that time we have seen fasters join, reach their goals, and enjoy a healthy sustainable WOL. Please keep me on the challenge and spreadsheet docs. Checking in keeps us moving forward.

    I’m on – remaining on maintenance, now for just about a year! Yeah! Thanks, @bert1802 for hosting December!

    Thank you for hosting – please count me in!

    Yay! I am in as well!

    I’m in.

    December should be the month I enter maintenance, which I think will be 5:2 for me (still no food on FDs though). Five eating days per week? That will be so sweet after more than 8 months of AFD.

    Count me in and thank you @bert1802 for hosting.

    Add me as well and thanks for hosting.

    Need to press reset button after dreadful diet december challenge a good start

    All in here!

    Thanks for hosting @bert1802

    Love the note about Santa. 😃😃

    December 1 will mark my new weight and goal. Hoping to still go down by Friday.👍

    YAY, @bert1802 – Thank you for hosting such a busy month for us. Holiday season! The support is even more crucial.
    Some offices employ a “Maintain, don’t gain” game during the holidays. I’ve even joined them with my coworkers in the past. But this year I don’t want to maintain, I want to lose/ incinerate/ banish some pounds!

    November really kicked in for me on 11/20/17 when I finally came off those awful medications. But I have a Looonnnngg way to go till goal, so I’m definitely in for this December’s Challenge!

    No need to add me to the chart though @bert1802 I’ve been enjoying tracking on a big paper calendar in my kitchen. @coda originally plugged this method for accountability eons ago. Every day I jot down my:
    1- Weight,
    2- Workouts
    and 3- FD/ NFD/ or OMAD.

    It’s incredibly motivating & easy to glance at when I’m thinking of snacking… all the info is staring me in the face right there from my kitchen wall.
    Helps me to pause & reconsider! And then ask myself, “WILL THIS GET ME CLOSER TO MY GOALS?”

    Count me in Bert.

    count me me. many thanks

    @bert1802 , Please could you count me in and thank you for hosting.

    I have been part of the November challenge(my first), but unfortunately I haven’t posted much, but have been updating the spreadsheet.

    How do I get added to the forum? Is there a link for the December one please, or will any one add me in please?

    I am hoping to be more involved in this wonderful forum ..

    Thank you all, you are all such an inspiration.

    Hi Everyone! Welcome!

    Real quick, I’m not good in the computer department. So for this month, there will not be an online spreadsheet, however, I will be doing a paper one that I will give weekly updates on.

    @aprilsunshine….. welcome to the forum just come back here everyday and you’ll be given support, love and encouragement. We’re glad your here!

    Want to know why Santa is so jolly?

    That’s because he knows where all the bad girls live!

    Please make sure I am in. Looking forward to starting with you in a few days. I will be fasting Monday and Thursdays starting tomorrow.

    November 26 2017, San Antonio Texas , FD

    Hello everyone ! I’m pretty new to this as I just registered and thought joining this challenge as a good way to kick start myself with alternate day fasting and hopefully find a solution to help me with my recent weight gain before letting it get out of hand since having Pcos symptoms in May and then be able to maintain my goal weight. So please count me in ! I’m hoping good life style changes will reverse my health issues and let me lead a healthier life!

    Please include me. I just started today. Fast days are Sunday & Thursday. I look forward to reading all the post.

    Hi all, I’m pretty new to this fasting forum so any help I can get would be great,
    Could you please include me, December is a hard month to get through, going into
    a supermarket is really hard, they are full of lovely lovely treats, the temptation not
    to put them into your shopping trolley is sooo hard, never mind the invites to nights out for meals and drinks,
    Hoping that being on here will help, as we’re all in it together,
    Good luck all 😃😃😃

    @bert1802 thanks for hosting for December 🙂

    I’m in, continuing from November ! I think my aim this month will just to not put any weight back on by the end of it lol

    @bert1802 – I’m not very good at spreadsheets but I tried to make one for you for December. Does it work?

    BTW – thanks for hosting and I’ll be continuing 🙂

    I get to post on page one! Please count me in! Thank you bert1802 for hosting!

    Welcome to old and new friends and thank you to the hostess with the most-ess for hosting. @bert I was quite excited to see what your ending would be!

    Count me in please.

    @tsubaki – thank you for doing that. If you hadn’t done the honours I would have done so. It opens fine but I can’t add my name. I think you need to share the editing rights. Great job!

    yes @tsubaki, once the editing rights are set up as @debster251 mentioned, we are all good to go. Thank you

    Please add me to the list, thanks

    Okie doke. I think I have done it now. Hopefully I have also added the names mentioned until now. These forums also seem to have helped me learn some new skills. 🙂

    Count me in @bert, looking forward to a rocking December!

    Please count me in for December!!

    Yeah! I’m in too for December! My second month in the challenges, started 5:2 in February 2017 and I can really say that it is so much easier to do it together with you!!!
    Thank you @bert1802 for hosting and I really liked your nice and warm welcome post 😊
    Let’s do this all together – December here we come!

    I’m in … second week for me

    Thank you so much, Bert, for hosting us in December. A very critical month for many of us – lots of baking, lots of cooking, lots of eating! Hopefully, as it did last year, the support on this forum will help keep me sane. I breezed through the holidays staying in maintenance mode.

    Looking forward to sharing this most glorious month of the year with you all. No need to add me to the spreadsheet, I will just post and read and enjoy the camaraderie.

    Thanks for offering to host @bert1802! I’m in for another month of laughs, support, FDs and fun. But no need to add me to the spreadsheet.

    I’ve had a (insert negative word!) November, so looking forward to a good December, even with the temptations of Christmas towards the end.

    I’m in for December. Doing 5:2 on Mondays and Thursdays and hoping to lose another 2kg during December. Its Christmas – am I mad?! I don’t want to repeat what happened during my summer hols where I gained 3 kg and took 6 weeks to get rid of it. So I’m going to celebrate family & friends without pigging-out at the same time.

    Thanks for hosting@bert1802, please include me in for December. I have been missing in action the past 2 months and now realize ( as I have have gained 5 pounds out of the 17 I lost) that the forum really does help keep me motivated and accountable! Or more accountable anyway…My OH and I are now in Mexico for the winter so trying to figure out new ways to do the 5 & 2 that will include the wonderful foods ( and drinks😉) of this great country. Look forward to reading your posts. All the best to everyone!

    I’d love to be included for December please. I’ve followed the posts for some time but never taken part and think I need some time extra motivation to get me back on track. Thank you and best wishes to all

    @bert1802 thanks for hosting.

    Been AWOL since June when hubby was in hospital and would love to join next month’s challenge.

    Weight was up a bit in June/July/August, but now half a stone lighter than the start of June so back in the swing and looking forward to enjoying some treats but, at worst, maintaining in December.

    Great to see a lot of people from the earlier challenges have joined again.

    @bert1802 Thank you for hosting!!
    this will be my second attempt with 5:2 .
    i did this for a month and lost 5 lbs but gained it all back (life happened- i started eating all the wrong kinds of stuff and was very stressed)
    but I am ready to put all that behind me and start again.
    Thank you so much for this forum, I definitely need to share my experience and learn from others .

    Happy December !!!

    Today is my day 1
    i live in Virginia
    I plan to fast on Monday’s and Thursdays 🙂

    adding myself to the spreadsheet

    @bert1802 many thanks for hosting December. I am definitely in. I love these monthly challenges, this will be my 5th one, and the support from this group is vital to helping me stay with it.

    I have lost 25lbs, with circa 11lbs to my goal…….Don’t expect to get there until Spring 2018 but I enjoy checking in here every day for accountability

    Hello @bert1802 – Thank you for taking up the reins for the December Challenge 💐 I’m signing up for another month ☺️

    I will be celebrating my first anniversary in maintenance on the 7th – so grateful to have discovered this WOL in January 2016 and finally joining the challenges in November 2016. I’m certain that being part of this great community has kept me focused and has ensured that I have stayed below my target weight for the past 12 months!

    This is a permanent WOL for me – “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    So excited to see myself already on the spreadsheet. Looking forward to this WOL. Mangaged a full fast day today…Having leftovers for dinner. Unfortunately its quiche so my break fast meal won’t be in calorie range. Lesson learned. Plan on having all the high calorie food gone by Friday. Looking forward to learning from all of you!

    Welcome, welcome, step right in to the show that never ends……

    Get turned around that’s alright…. someone will snap you right side forward again….

    Quick up date….. 36 members and counting! Including 9 newbies!!!! That’s 9 new family members…..Wow! Are family is a growing!!!

    Don’t forget….. treat yourself to something special this month…..

    Wanna know why Santa’s so jolly?

    He knows where all the bad girls live!

    Please add me for December

    Day 1
    North West England

    500 cal fasting on Monday and Thursday
    Rest of the week 1500

    I’m 49 3/4
    Just started hrt
    Approx 6 stone overweight…

    @bert1802, Thank you for hosting December Challenge and we look forward to another month of IF…

    December will be my 9th month of IF and looking forward to many months to come as this has been a great experience and know it feels automatic…

    Please add me in. Rejoining for the third time – third time lucky – she says with determination!! These monthly challenges are a new feature and will hopefully keep me focussed. Another new term is the term CD – control day – what is that? And I see that they haven’t fixed the search feature yet so couldn’t search the site to find out! I won’t track on the spreadsheet this month – plan to drop 2kg by end of December, while enjoying the seasonal feast days. Best of luck all!

    I’m in @bert1802 Thank-You for Hosting! It is Holiday season, Your posts have always brightened my Day! 🤣
    Sorry, I have been toooo busy, I will update after I get through some tough spots. In the mean time, I am really enjoy reading everyone’s posts. Everybody’s posts seems to have a grounding affect on me, which is wonderful. Like a warm hug.✨
    For the Newbies; some day probably in 2018 I will write in my profile. 🤣 I plan on sticking around even if posting has been Sporadic. I am fasting today, 😊✨😊 At this point it’s necessary to make up for Thanksgiving. ✨
    Glad to have a warm, soft place to land this December. ✨😊✨
    ✨✨Wishing Everybody Well.✨✨ 🤗

    This is my first official NFD…I had a good FD yesterday. How many of you try to eat the recommended amount? I was just going to use what My Fitness Pal suggested about 1200 calories on my NFD…and be okay with going a little over…The amount the TDE(?) suggests for nonfasting days is a lot higher…I’d like to do this right…

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    Hello @okeydokey – great to see that you are still following this WOL – looking forward to catching up on your news in December x

    @trishp1961 – Welcome to the 5:2 WOL – why don’t you work out your TDEE from the resources on this site – I would suggest you work it out for the weight you want to be and not your current weight – this serves two purspose – you lose weight quicker and you don’t have to adapt to eating less once you reach your target and you can chose to eat 1/4 of your TDEE or 500cals on your NFD whatever suits you best – the less you eat the more weight you lose. The following link by @simcoeluv might prove helpful and answer a lot of your questions:–

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