Any advice for dealing with those that criticize you for doing the fast diet?
I’ve been getting a lot of flack from people who act as if it is an eating disorder, and I kindly remind them that it is no different than if I were to cut back my calories by 200 per day versus 2 days of restrictions. I also mention that our problem in society is excess not starvation. (that being said-I recognize an eating disorder when I see one-and this is NOT it) On the days I am fasting, I eat about 600-700 calories. I eat a more plant based diet, reducing my cholesterol, and other unhealthy, high calorie foods in my diet. That has to be more healthy! I cannot wait to see my test results. Many people have said that this will make my metabolism worse, but I remind them that the science doesn’t seem to support that. Maybe I shouldn’t have told anyone, but I was so excited to have lost a pound a week for the first three weeks. I feel great and don’t feel like I am depriving myself of nutrition.
2:23 pm
12 Aug 13