Dead man walking, first water fast day over

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Dead man walking, first water fast day over

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Merryme 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • My weight loss journey update. Did my total water fast day Wednesday. Today around 7pm ish. I ordered a takeaway fish burger and chips. Nothing but running to the loo all night. Will never make that mistake again. Wednesdays water fasted. Thursday ate, but clearly the wrong food. Never make that mistake again, friday tomorrow another total water fasts

    Hi DMW,

    Well done, you ‘ve started and worked out something already. Keep on going, you’ll work out what works for you, just keep putting one day after the other, and one foot after the other. Work out what what works for that day and so on. I am sedentary because of a chronic health problem, I’m a senior, and have lost 18kgs on 5:2. You can do it too, and you’ll end up fitter and more physically capable than me.

    Onwards and downwards,

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