Day one of fasting after putting on 2 stone of baby weight and a chocolate habit im having trouble kicking ! Need to hear some success storys to keep me going !
This topic contains 14 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by monis498 11 years, 2 months ago.
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Hi dandan,
Plenty of success stories on here to keep you going. It takes about three weeks to kick the chocolate habit.
Stick with it and you will loose weight a bit hard to start with but it does get better. You really miss a Fast Day after a few months and really enjoy the plan. It has taken me 5 months to steadily loose 2 stone with a bit of excerise ( swimming twice a week)
Feel positive if you really want to loose weight you will…..get your mind set….get into those pre pregnancy clothes.
Good Luck, measure your self once a month, weigh yourself once a week
Hehe…Dandan…it does!
Once you started and you see you weight go down you will get such a boost that it becomes a real goal to continue.
This way of life is so easy and so flexible that it will grow on you. Tell yourself, whatever you can’t have today you will be able to have tomorrow! (As long as you stay within your TDE)
Whenever I have times coming up where I know I will eat more I do 4:3 to get some freedom. After only 7 weeks I am 1.5 kg away from my ideal weight!
Keep on coming back here and you will get all the support you need!
Best wishes
Dandan! Lovely name.
The first few days are the hardest, then it slowly gets easier and easier until you can’t live without it anymore! As an extra motivational tool, why not log your progress here? Just a weekly update or something. Not so that we can scold you if it’s not going well, but so we can cheer you on when it’s going great or you have a bit of a bad week 😉
I completed two fast days last week. The first was easy as I was busy. I noticed at times I actually felt ‘high’. The second day was much harder as I was working at home and had a hard time getting through all day – but I made it. Tomorrow is fast day #3. Haven’t gotten on the scale yet…how fast do results start to show? Happy New Year all!
Hi dandan, you will not “fail” your fast if you put it off until new year is over. Remember one of the plus points of fasting is its flexibility. You can change your fast days to suit yourself and your lifestyle. Get the word “fail” out of your mind and do not use it again. As regards sleep problems, you are not alone, many have the same issue, not necessarily linked to the Fast Diet. Browse the links on the top right of the home page, you will eventually come across some posters comments. Personally I use a focused breathing exercise to calm my mind and help me relax. Check out the internet if you find nothing to help from the posters, I am sure you will find some thing to help.
Good luck.
hello and welcome to the new starters,
in reply to monis,
its up to you, choose days that suit your routine, 2 out of 7, they can be freely or in a row, i do mondays and wednesdays, and swap about if i have something on that includes food that i can not fit into my fasting day. all the best and do keep us posted. x
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8:20 pm
28 Dec 13