Coeliac disease and fasting?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Matrika 9 years ago.

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  • I was inspired by a work colleague who had completely transformed himself by doing the 5:2 and last year I stuck to the fast diet for 5 months and was very satisfied with the result. My skin was clear, my eyes were bright, I was working and training in the gym and generally feeling better than I had in a long time.
    I found it difficult to stick to my fast days whilst I was packing and moving house, it was also school holidays and cooking for my kids whilst I was fasting and stressed out with the move made me give up.
    After we moved (I’m a single mum of 3 so moving after a decade in one place was a big thing) I became ill, my hair fell out, I put on weight and I couldn’t stay awake (I was sleeping 14-16 hours a day). Blood tests showed that I was severely anaemic and nearly a year later I was diagnosed with coeliac disease.
    I haven’t eaten gluten since august and my ferratin levels have finally increased and I have more energy. I want to feel like I did when I was fasting again, so am trying to start the 5:2, but struggling. I can do one day a week, but then seem to have insatiable hunger and be quite exhausted the following day. I also have psoriasis and the doctors have said theres a possibility I have lupus – from what I’ve read all of these things would be helped by IF, does anyone have any advice? For now I’m going to start with one day a week and hope to progress to 2. Does anyone have experiences the same as mine!?

    i’m coeliac but only starting the diet this week, i’ll keep in touch

    hi mecurses, I’m a celiac, diagnosed about 12 years ago. I’m just wondering if you’re really feeling the hunger because your body is still trying to heal itself and you need lots of nutrients as your diagnosis is only very recent – when I was first diagnosed I was told it would take a min of three months for my bowel to heal and the villi to grow back (needed to absorb nutrients) – it ended up taking six months, but I did experience improvements before then. I know I was hungry all the time as I had been prior to this while my weight dropped to 47kgs no matter how much I ate. So I’m just thinking that you could have ordinairy fasting hunger or it could be that celiac hunger because your body is trying to heal and wanting maximum nutrients. I know that I don’t get hungry when I fast, in fact the longer I go without food the less hungry I am. Perhaps stick with the one day a week regime for a bit and really focus on good nutrition – have you had your B12 levels and other vitamin levels checked recently? Also I could not eat dairy for six months after diagnosis to allow the villi to heal faster- do you eat dairy? all the best and it will improve, it just takes a lot of recovery time.

    Hi, I was just wondering how things were going. My dad has coeliac disease and wants to try the 5/2 once he knows how I get on. I thought I would check in here first and saw your post x

    I first did the 5:2 diet 2 years ago. I found it really easy to follow and loved the results. BUT… I was ill after it and it led to me being diagnosed with coeliac disease. I actually see that as a positive because I needed to know that I had CD. So one year on, all blood tests are good. I am testing negative now for CD so today I started the diet again with the aim to lose 7lbs. For me the biggest hassle is not being able to eat porridge for breakfast (can’t even tolerate GF oats), but other than that I can’t see any problems. I am just eating 500 GF calories instead of 2500 (ish) GF calories.
    I will let you know how it goes though.

    anniel, rolled rice is a similar consistency to rolled oats and coeliac sufferers can eat them.

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