I was inspired by a work colleague who had completely transformed himself by doing the 5:2 and last year I stuck to the fast diet for 5 months and was very satisfied with the result. My skin was clear, my eyes were bright, I was working and training in the gym and generally feeling better than I had in a long time.
I found it difficult to stick to my fast days whilst I was packing and moving house, it was also school holidays and cooking for my kids whilst I was fasting and stressed out with the move made me give up.
After we moved (I’m a single mum of 3 so moving after a decade in one place was a big thing) I became ill, my hair fell out, I put on weight and I couldn’t stay awake (I was sleeping 14-16 hours a day). Blood tests showed that I was severely anaemic and nearly a year later I was diagnosed with coeliac disease.
I haven’t eaten gluten since august and my ferratin levels have finally increased and I have more energy. I want to feel like I did when I was fasting again, so am trying to start the 5:2, but struggling. I can do one day a week, but then seem to have insatiable hunger and be quite exhausted the following day. I also have psoriasis and the doctors have said theres a possibility I have lupus – from what I’ve read all of these things would be helped by IF, does anyone have any advice? For now I’m going to start with one day a week and hope to progress to 2. Does anyone have experiences the same as mine!?
11:00 pm
18 Dec 14