Christmas Weight Gain!

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Christmas Weight Gain!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Frisbee5 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi all, I have done the fast 9 times over the last month (3 the week before Christmas). Then this past week I didn’t fast and ate what I pleased but still hiked and exercised daily. I didn’t go nuts, but did have my fare share of wine, cheese, some bread, dips and seafood. Well, I was down from 130lb to 126 and today I weighed in at 131lb and my pants do not fit! This is the most I have ever weighed! I feel so discouraged and feel like possibly I weigh more than if I had never done the fast to begin with. Please help and let me know what you think. 🙁

    Well I can understand your problem. Don’t worry about your over weight. You just need to stick to a healthy life style for get your shape back. You can also find online help for a diet plan for your weight lose program.

    Frisbee, continue with 5:2. Your weight can fluctuate as much as 5lbs in the course of a single day. After you’ve done a couple of fasts the weight will have dropped off again. This way of eating works, I’ve lost 56lbs and my weight has gone up occasionally, but mostly it has moved in the right direction. It is a marathon not a sprint, and you need to keep the faith and keep fasting.

    Good luck.

    Thanks Amazon and Brax. I am fasting today and will keep you updated.

    Hi Frisbee, hope you are feeling better about things. I know I’ve put on a few lbs over Christmas, but am back on it today. I know that it’ll soon come off again. Good luck and stay positive 🙂 I also didnt go nuts with food, but it was the alcohol haha! Fasting today!

    Hi Frisbee, stay strong! How did your last Fast Days go?

    Thanks Dragon Fly and Vanessa. I fasted Tuesday and intend to fast again tomorrow on Sunday. I am going to wait to weight myself again. Still surprised the weight can creep up so quickly – weight that took 10 fasts to get off came back in one week! But will still keep going and hope for the best. Thanks again.

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