Carb/protein balance

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Bootsy Badger 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • My fast day consists of a 550 calories breakfast and then nothing except water, tea and coffee for 24 hours until the next breakfast.
    I have suddenly realised that my breakfast consists almost entirely of carbohydrates as it is built around porridge, with only a tiny amount of milk, fruit, one glass of fruit juice and one slice of toast and marmalade.
    Should I be having more protein in my breakfast such as kipper, poached egg, and baked beans – within the 600 calorie limit of course?


    Protein is likely to keep you fuller for longer. Maybe think about including some fruit and veg too. They are filling and might help you avoid a commonly reported prob of fasting – constipation.

    As you say, it is the 600 cal limit which needs to be maintained, whatever you eat.


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