Breakfast I've said it before but for me the key to dappening the appetite

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Breakfast I've said it before but for me the key to dappening the appetite

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Delayedgratification 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I love breakfast and food.

    I have found my successful fast days have only come from when I’ve skipped breakfast. The slightly annoying point is I can feel “less on the ball” and as I posted recently (and Amazon kindly answered and gave me tips) I can feel a bit faint.

    If I get to 9 am without eating (I’m up early each day) I can achieve the fast day (800 kcal for me).

    I’d be curious to know how many others have found this the case. If I have anything for breakfast, that’s it the snacky monster arrives.

    I’ve posted a few posts this am, I’ve had a few coffees and feeling very encouraged by my recent achievement of two days on the 800 kcal Fast!

    Hi D,

    I will fail 5:2 if I eat breakfast – for both fast and slow days.

    If I do (at around 7.30am) then I will feel very hungry at 10.30am and I must eat. This will add too much calories even for slow days. My slow day limit is only 1500 calories.

    So I skip breakfast everyday. Fortunately for me I don’t usually feel hungry in the morning. Black coffee (no sugar) helps to suppress my apatite. Yesterday I managed to fast from 7pm (previous night) to 6.45pm without any calorie intake. Yes I also skipped lunch on fast days.

    Of course it’s not easy when I feel the urge to eat. Drinking hot drinks, keep busy, going to bathroom, have a chat with someone seemed to help.

    Good luck!

    It has always been the case that if I eat breakfast I am hungry all day, I think about food constantly and end up eating a staggering amount. So I never have breakfast. I have a firm rule about never eating before noon and preferably not eating until I have finished my work for the day. As soon as I give in to temptation and eat breakfast one day then I have a hard time stopping myself from doing the same the next day and a vicious cycle starts where my eating quickly get out of control and up goes my weight. I know that if you can control yourself and eat earlier in the day it is better healthwise but it just doesn’t work for me as I would end up eating four times as much every day.
    But I am perfectly happy when I don’t eat until late afternoon. I actually feel much better and have more energy. I have maintained a healthy weight for over a year now having lost almost half my bodyweight.

    Well, for breakfast I’m eating a fruit and an energy bar on my way to work like 8 AM, it’s keep me full until around 11 AM, then I’m eating a mid size meal.
    Between launch and dinner I’m having another fruit or energy bar or a small sandwich.
    And in the evening like between 5-6 PM I’m eating a large size meal.

    I’m with fatrabbit on this one,
    I eat breakfast every day but rarely before noon and the longer I go without eating the better.

    When I get up in the morning I am always thirsty but rarely hungry and if I do feel anything akin to hunger I know it is actually a craving due to not eating wisely the evening before. The only thing eating early in the morning ever did for me was set me up for a day of over-eating.

    I am just adding to this this is still the case with me. Breakfast and hungry all morning. Without breakfast not hungry. Even on my “overeat days” on a non breakfast day they never reach what I can eat on a breakfast day!

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