Breakfast ideas

This topic contains 55 replies, has 44 voices, and was last updated by  Couscous 7 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 8 posts - 51 through 58 (of 58 total)

  • Hi meghna, My understanding of 5:2 is that it isn’t doesn’t depend so much on what you eat (vegetarian vs. meat eating) but rather when you eat. So as far as applying the vegetarian option to the 5:2 way of life, simply choose vegetarian foods within a 500-600 calorie limit for your fasting days and you’re on your way. If you’re looking for vegetarian recipes that you can make on fasting days to fit into the 500-600 limit, here’s a link which lists quite a few delicious looking options:

    I want to juice on non fast days. Not sure how to work out the cals. I normally juice carrot, celery, beetroot, ginger, kale and parsley. Sometimes I might add one of the following – Apple, lemon, orange or tomato.
    Is there a way to work out what my intake would be.
    Also can anyone tell me if there is a recipe section on this site or similar. I can’t seem to find.
    Thank you.

    Can anyone PLEASE help me with my post above. I am hesitant to juice until I have an idea how to work this out. Thank you.

    Hi geniegal, I am not an expert on juicing, I generally prefer solid food but I understand your concerns.
    If you click on the FAQ link at the top of the page you may eventually find the liks to food and posters who do use juicing in their diet.
    Another way of researching your questions re juicing and the 5:2 way of life is to look at the top right of this page. You will see a search box. Type in “Food and juicing”. This will provide a number of links, many are posts on this forum and are about juicing and posters experiences. You may also find a post by Michael Mosley about juicing.
    I hope this helps.
    Good luck.

    Thank you Couscous. I will give that a try. 👍👍👍

    Yay. Mi found a website that has juices for loosing weight and juices for health. Lists the calories and a breakdown of nutrients. Perfect.

    Every day breakfast drink a cup of aloe drink, like this news: believe me, you certainly have a month effect, aloe drink contains a lot of trace elements and nutrition, the effect of weight loss!

    At the moment I am doing the 5:2 and introducing just one or two different approaches to both my fast and non fast days. I recently made an excellent (if I may say so) minestrone soup, no pasta, loads of veg and 3 slices of smoked bacon pieces. I have no idea of the calorie content but with at least 7 different veg in it I suspect it was fairly healthy with some fats and proteins. It made around 6 bowl fulls.
    I had the last bowl for breakfast on a non fast day. It was superb, kept me full through to a light lunch time and gave me an unusual option for a fast day breakfast should I go the breakfast route.
    Try it, you might like it.
    Good luck out there.

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