Brand new me!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  fast for life 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi
    I have been reading the stories on the forums throughout my fasting journey but not commented so thought I would introduce myself.
    i am so grateful to the Fast Diet for changing my life. I am a primary school teacher and a mother of a now 20 year old. I have bought my child up alone and have always worked full time. Things have been tough over the past 5 years as my son has had big problems with anxiety and OCD – I have supported him through this but it all took its toll. I was in a fairly bad place really – I have always struggled with my weight – I have never been thin and have had a poor body image and fairly low self esteem.
    However – in April a friend at school who had watched the Horizon programme talked about the Fast Diet and I thought why not give it a go. I have lost weight on other diets before but always it has gone back on again. I really did not think this would work. So in May half term I did my first Fast Days. Well the results were almost instantaneous after only a couple of weeks people began asking if I had lost weight. My body shape just seemed to change. I am very much pear shaped but the weight was going from all the areas I usually store it i.e. bum and thighs as well as round my ever increasing waist (middle aged spread I think!) By the summer holidays – 7 weeks later I was really starting to see a big difference.
    By the end of the summer holidays I went back to work looking like a different person. I continued with the fasting and it is just like I am the incredible shrinking woman. Without any real effort it feels like the weight is just dropping off but it doesn’t really feel like I am on a diet. This is a new way of thinking about food and a new way of eating for me which I feel I can stick to for life (hopefully).
    I feel so much healthier and happier both mentally and physically. I look younger and can wear the styles and shapes I want – I am a bit of a lethal shopper now!
    Someone said to me the other day that I look like a completely new woman but I think I just look like the woman I used to be before life dragged me down for a while.
    Thanks to the Fast Diet I feel like me again. I feel stronger and healthier and ready to take on the world with a smile on my face again. Thank you Fast Diet and I hope other people feel inspired to give it a go.
    I don’t know how much weight I have lost and don’t really care as I know I have lost a lot and have gone from cramming myself into size 16 clothes ( and some bigger) to happily wearing size 10/12.
    It feels good to be me again!!!
    Alison x

    @asmith.bath Hi Alison……what a wonderful story! I know exactly what you mean about feeling brand new. I’m sure there are many of us who can relate to how you felt before and after.

    Welcome to the forums – there’s a load of help here, praise for when it’s going well and support at the times it’s not so good.

    Well done!! look forward to hearing from you again


    I’ll second Sylvestra in saying what an inspiring story Alison!!

    welcome from me too and well done 🙂

    Alison thank you for sharing your story, and well done on your success! xx

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