Born without a thyroid gland? Let's chat…

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Born without a thyroid gland? Let's chat…

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sdaqxqazi08 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi there, I know there a number of topics that cover thyroid conditions, but I am really interested in talking to people who were born without a thyroid gland. This will be the second time I embark on the 5:2 diet, although the first time I saw results (about 5kgs) I stopped, and now I am having another go! I am 31 years old, I walk every day and play basketball once a week, I try to eat quite healthy and just seem to stay the same weight. Would anyone who was also without a thyroid gland from birth like to share there stories, and their experience with weight loss programs – especially the 5:2

    Yeah no the backed up past ammo tee an sane now don’t sit down with your legs spread apart up keep your legs straight out yeah doomed bend forward and harder left but with your right hand and touch your spartagen xt head to your left knee work a ok I straighten up and bending forward hold your right foot with your left hand touch your head to the right knee keep your right hand folded behind your back a Duke I .

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