Best day to weigh?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Sakina5 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Looking for some advice on the best day to weigh. This is my second week on 5:2 and seem to be getting on ok. Don’t want to weigh everyday as I know I will obsess, will weigh once a week but not sure which day would be best

    Thanks in advance

    Hi Lulu:

    Scales are fickle things not to be trusted. You can get a different reading depending on how you stand on them, where they are placed on the floor, and, some claim, whether you inhale or exhale before getting on them (apparently, if you inhale you have more, lighter air in you and get a better result). Many try to figure out when they will be the lightest during the week – usually a day or two after a diet day, thinking they will have less food in transit in them because of the reduced intake connected with the diet day. Those that weigh daily often record the results on a spread sheet and create a trend line. Those without spread sheets often record only weights lower than their previously recorded low weight. Some like weekly, because it takes away the daily fluctuations – you can go up or down two or more pounds daily for no apparent reason. But you still can be a victim of those fluctuations on a weekly basis if your previous weigh-in day had you dehydrated and your weigh-in day a week later had you over hydrated and filled with food in transit. Some scrap weekly for monthly, and some say they don’t weigh at all, relying on their clothes or measurements to confirm their progress.

    A long way of saying there is no correct answer for you. There are thoughts on the subject in the ‘Warnings’ post, and the TDEE post will give you an idea of how much weight you can reasonably expect to lose in a given time period. Pick any day you think will be best for you.

    Good Luck!

    Thanks for all the info 🙂 today I could see that my shape is changing so will try not to worry too much what the scales is saying

    Thanks again


    Hi Lulu

    I weigh myself every Friday morning – because then that way i have the weekend to enjoy and eat nice things (within limit of course). Then start fasting again on monday! x

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