Austrian Diary

This topic contains 109 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hello Austrian, I don’t really expect to see much of you over the next 8 weeks. What a lovely time to have paternity leave. It tends to happen here when Bub first comes home from hospital. Are you doing any travel in that time? I have a 12 yr old, 11yr old, 10yo a 9 and a 7 yr old who is nearly 8, in the lounge playing computer games right now. The volume of voices is directly proportional to the intensity of the games. They’ve had outside time and 3 of the boys will be going to swimming shortly. My eldest granddaughter (the first grandchild to boot) is here with her brother while my daughter and son-in-law are both at work. School holidays are here again! It’s lovely to see them growing up. This morning we were entertained with the flute, trombone, French horn, and someone was trying out the clarinet and it was quite a cacophony. Good fun though. My granddaughter learns the flute. Am over halfway through my back to back. Having a Vienna coffee right now. Cup of broth planned for dinner. Hope to break the back of this plateau.

    Yahoo! You really are having a full house!!! 😀

    You never know what direction your words may send another into but today you “sparked joy”, Austrian. I wasn’t familiar with the term “konmari” so I looked it up and discovered a truly delightful person. She has inspired me to complete the journey of tidying I have been on for some time now. Her approach is genius and I can see my way forward now to tackle all those more difficult sorting categories.

    Thank you!

    How splendid to have Mr. Austrian on Texit at last. Enjoy this gift of time and we will be here when you are free to visit.

    Hi Austrian, Very fine weather at present, sunny days and cold nights. We may have up to 20 ducks on the dam at times and the other day there were over 40 ibises pecking away at insects in the grass. There’s a butcher bird on the back railing at the moment and magpies frequently come looking for a handout. There’s a guava tree beside the house that the rainbow lorikeets and the pale face lorikeets love to feast on. Hope your Texit is going well. I went for a 2km walk today. There’s a very steep incline 300 metres up the road that deters me from going in that direction. I wanted to have a cuppa with a friend up the road so had to brave the hill. Felt very pleased with myself. Has your littlun been giving you lots to laugh at? My second eldest granddaughter turned 9 today. I had the pleasure of buying jeans, leggings and a top for her geburtstag geschenk.(is that right? The memory is so rusty). Cheers, Fuvvie

    Fuvvie, you are right – Texit has changed the pattern of my days a little, we’re out and about a bit. It hasn’t been an easy adjustment for Mr. Austrian, who came from his action-packed office job (lots of things to do and achieve and delegate and praise and serious business lunches and whatnot) running at full speed and had a head-on collision with the gentle world of Babydom, where there is an astonishing lack of Big Things You Can Achieve In One Day. I talked to a friend about this and she said “What do you expect, he’s got pensioner’s shock.” You know,suddenly finding yourself without your usual round of activities, drives some guys (and certainly their wives!) nuts. But he’s adjusting, he’s adjusting…and tiny girl LOVES having her daddy about, he first chore of the day seems to be that she has to be lifted from her cot, put on the bed, and then has to crawl over to him and tweak his nose, gurgling and cooing and laughing all the while. Lovely age, nine months! She’s able to balance on two feet and two hands now, will be standing up soon, I guess…
    – Okay, baby fussing in sleep, will be back!

    Hi Austrian, and regards to Mr Austrian, Loved the description of the head-on collision between his world and baby-world. Your powers of description bring the mornings powerfully to mind. They conjure up so many memories. My youngest granddaughter is 13 months old. I got to cuddle her a lot over the weekend and she loves to play with my earrings. She’s cruising around the furniture and walking holding on to one hand, but not game to let go and go solo yet.
    How is the 5:2 fitting into your Texit life? My daughter is home from work with whooping cough. Her results were positive and mine were negative. So she can’t go back to work till next Monday. I’m really enjoying having her here. She is 42, just a tad older than you. My eldest daughter is 44, the twins are 40 and my “baby” is 38, all 196cm and my only son. He’s the only person that dwarves me.
    FD today and will complete it. Tried last two days but didn’t complete them.

    Hi guys,
    Don’t have time to post anything, but want to let you know how much I enjoy reading your stories. I think I now really ready to be a grandma! Need to send some hints to my daughter. 😉

    Missing your posts Austrian, and wondering if you are travelling or just enjoying your home. Is it harder to fast with Mr Austrian around? I imagine your little one is revelling in having him around.

    Me too. 🙁

    Hi Austrian, I imagine your 8 weeks of Texit must be close to finishing. I wonder how you are feeling about that and how is 5:2 fitting into your life now. Looking forward to hearing how you are going. Cheers Fuvvie😉

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