Australia viewing EAT FAST AND LIVE LONGER in November

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Australia viewing EAT FAST AND LIVE LONGER in November

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lockie 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • EAT FAST AND LIVE LONGER is scheduled on SBS1 on Monday 11 November at 8.30pm

    I saw the Michael Mosley exercise and diet series on SBS earlier in the year and the series is being repeated now. He really woke me up to those topics and I bought the fast diet book and am now on to day 3 of the IF way. It’s not easy – I still have to have my latté in the morning but I’m sticking to it to get back to my former svelte (nice word) self.
    This forum is also helping in that one if far from alone in the quest for zest (phew). IF onwards!

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