Hi WB,
This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by Countrygal1 3 years ago.
hi all
I lost 6kg by doing 16:8 then only keto lunch, followed by a no fat no carb diet yoghurt pouch. then small ( I mean small) low fat, low carb dinner and another yoghurt for dessert… plus tea and coffee….
it works out about 800 cal/day. I do this for at least 4 days a week, but dont go overboard on non-diet days (I do have a glass of wine!). Over 3 mths I lost 6kg. it might not sound like much but I am really happy with progress! i have dropped a dress size and feel great. and the diet hasnt really hurt that much…
my key to survival is Chobani yoghurt. the low fat high protein plain yoghurt has almost no carbs. I have a snack after dinner of frozen rasberries covered with plain fat free chobani yoghurt and it fills me up… i dont go to bed hungry…
this is the only thing I do that makes the diet work, as otherwise I crave carbs too much and feel like I am starving all the time.
i stopped over christmas and for 1 month have maintained my weight!! yay!! no weight gain even with a lot of christmas cake!!
i am starting again now, aiming to lose another 5-6kg.
keen to hear tips from others as we are all in this together!!
Hi SuzQuez
It sounds like you have got a good system going there, and 6 kg over 3 months is a great loss, I think anyone would be happy with 2kg a month, and you have maintained it too, which is all the better. There’s nothing worse than being terrified to eat something in case you put on weight, well done!
Yeah chobani yoghurt is great, nice an thick too as they strain it I think..
I am very happy this morning with being 1.1 kg down from yesterday after my fast day…I know that is will stabalise throughout the week, but am hoping to consolidate it with my second fast on Thursday…. I am getting back to the basic plan for a few months, until I feel confident to mix it up with 16:8…. which I find really easy to do.
I am planning for our traditional Australia Day dinner, which is a homemade meat pie. I do individual ones and usually use a whole sheet of puff pastry per person….eeek! May have rethink that one this year….. maybe just go for a lid on mine haha
My tip for fast days (doing 5:2) is protein and vegetables….. I skip breakfast so have fasted from about 7pm night before….. then for lunch I have a hard boiled egg and mixed fresh veg (cucumber, cherry tomatoes, carrots, celery, etc) about 100-120 cals….. then fast until dinner and have large mixed green salad with leaves and vegies… 100g of meat (last night lean roast lamb) and another egg…. this came out at approx 350 cals…. I then had 10 grapes…. and then nothing else (which I didn’t need as I was wasn’t hungry) until 7am next day. The protein really fills me up 🙂
This morning I had a yummy overnight oats recipe for breakfast…. rolled oats, sprinkle of sultanas and pepitas, half cup frozen berries, 1/4 cup milk (I like soy) and 1/2 cup of yoghurt (I make my own so it is full fat) soak overnight in fridge …then I added a sliced small banana…it was like having dessert for breakfast 🙂
Have a great day guys, so glad we are doing this together
Hey Foxy 😃wow, long time mate. Hope you are well, and things going good with your family. I remember our chats with affection. The older we get the quicker the years seem to fly by. I have to get back to TWL again, I’m 7;5k over what I like to be, in fact I accepted it as BEING me! Not good. So tomorrow will be my first fast for, golly, eons!! Not proud in saying that because I thought I would do it forever, but like us all, life gets in the way, old habits return, quick meals for ease, then selling my farm and moving really through me for a loop. I have just gotten over Covid, even though I was double vaxxed , but it’s still in my system, so healthy eating will help me get back on track. Look forward to our catch ups, and lets get back to Friday weigh ins. I would think this recent heat would have dripped k’s off me, but think the ice cream I ate was stopping that happening 😂 STAY POSITIVE, WE CAN DO THIS ❤️
Good morning “team”, such a long time since I said that. Love the BRAVO GG, I had to change my sign in too, just adding a 1 at the end, but because my email was changed, due to a stuff up from a tel-co, this site didn’t recognise me, and I couldn’t remember my old password…..golly I don’t know what I did yesterday let alone remember something from that far back. Soothing soft rain falling here, cooling the air for a while. The humidity has been horrible which effects the appetite to a point. Yet, I cooked a sausage sizzle for the “boys” and myself, yumm, but not quite 5;2 😂 so, today, back into it. Mind set is key for us all.having the support from our forum is essential we help each other with all sorts of issues that arise. Dieting, as such, is an all round way of life, because some eat from stress, boredom, laziness etc, so supporting each other gets us back on the rails.😃 knowing we have that life line to come to here for is essential and welcoming. We ARE pack animals, so support is essential. Starting with my milky coffee then hopefully nothing until tonight’s dinner. You can go back into MFP and see what worked for you the last time, plus your own ideas of foods you liked. We are in this together, so stay strong for the team😃 you CAN do this, have a fabulous day, Cuddles😘
Here it is the Friday weekly weigh in.
It’s 5am ,have been up since 4.15am as expecting Coles delivery plus the usual bathroom call around this time.
Unofficially started 5:2 on Tuesday. Yesterday was my fast day
So I did my weigh in
WEIGH IN 28/01 82.7KGS
Loss 1.5KGS
OK, the process has commenced! Surprised….yes….ha ha its water loss!
My true confession is I, do not drink alcohol these days
It has been 2yrs just could not enjoy the taste . When I do have a G&T or wine which is 1-2 a month if that,I really do not enjoy it. Cannot even do the non alcoholic brands.
I hope that your weigh in today show positive numbers.
Morning all, GG your weigh in is identical to mine 😂same weight same loss, so here we go hand in hand again. My alcohol intake has always been low, I enjoy a W & C but I make it so weak and rarely have more than one or two a day, so can’t blame that for the weight gain. I had two very big surgeries this last 12 months, a huge skin graft on my lower leg, and unable to weight bare for almost three months, hence a lot of sitting…..and nibbling! My movement is very slow, so much nerve damage in my spine, so exercise is just not happening, yet I still love my garden, and have days I find bearable pain wise, to enjoy pottering. Simple pleasure but better than none. Have a lovely weekend one and all, and prepare for our next fast Monday 😃slow and steady, we CAN do this..
I meant to say, when I lost the initial 30K’s I had no real goal in mind, just knew weight had become a health issue and my back could not carry it any longer. I have fluctuated around 10K since, up and down. . I’m doing the same this time around. I’m making my goals in small reachable increments of 5 very doable K’s. It’s a personal satisfaction but only achievable with the great support here. We all try on our own, but how did that go? I found my first fast yesterday very easy, no stress, no hunger, so expecting this marathon to go smoothly 😃We are all experienced with 5:2 and know what lies ahead, so stay positive, this is your journey with like minded people along for the ride, so enjoy it, experiment, but NEVER be too hard on yourself 😘
@foxycoxy you’re similar weight to me. I was 87 & weighed myself today and am 85.2!
Yay!! Been doing hypnosis/ meditation too for stress which I think helps.
So I can have a few glasses & get straight back on it on Monday!
I just concentrate on 1/2 plate veges at evening meal along with whatever protein & tiny bit of slow release carb.
I have keto bread with peanut butter for lunch time & almond milk coffee X2 or 3 per day.
Hey I wonder if Michael Moselys team still monitors these chats?!
Today was booster day for Hubby and I. So many people with sleeves rolled up, those that were so impatient, My day off I am already suffering RSI in my Rt hand from vaccinatingThe appointment was not until 3.45pm ,we waited an hour, had the JAB home at 5.30pm . I am exhausted after being up at 4.30am.
Our weights are in the 80’s our goal mid to low 70’s.
My thinking is that another important consideration is THE BMI. We are in the category of obese…… gee I dislike that Word!
Let’s have a great week with our 5:2
Well done to us for this week!
WB, I am in NSW …where do you buy keto bread from?
Hello all you happy little fasters😃 good luck today with our Monday fast, stay strong, if you feel hungry, wait 10 minutes, you may find it’s thirst, so have a drink, I blew out the carbs over the weekend watching the brilliant tennis we had, so really need this fast🥴if you stay busy, or have a Nanny nap, your day will go quicker….WE CAN DO THIS🌻
Hi All, I am fasting today to and I also blew my weekend watching tennis. I also started the 5:2 several years ago did really well then lost my way. I gained a lot of weight when I was unable to walk ( had been walking 6-8 klms per day) due to problem hips. I have now had both hips replaced in the last 3 years and decided late Jan 2021 I was going back on the 5:2 to lose the extra I had gained. I lost 12 kilos in around 9 months then went on holidays for 2 months not following 5:2 and of course gained around 3 back. I did start again once back but then Christmas came & I maybe wasn’t as onto it as I should have been so here I am again taking inspiration from you all and doing my Mon & Thurs fasts. I do sometimes change if I have things on one of my fast days and know I can’t manage the fast that day. Keep up the great work as you really inspire me to keep on top on this & stick to my fasting! Thanks for all the incentives.
Hi Red, There will always be a function or our health that will cause a holt to follow an eating plan…The last 18mths have been a real test . I had shoulder surgery and broke my knee from a work related injury. Hubby did the cooking made prepared meals that were easy for me when he was away… Man food LOL
My fast day is tomorrow I am trying 16:8 on non fast days. I have always tried different ways of fasting one time there I would do back to back fasts.
Hoping the thread will provide us inspiration to get back on track.
Welcome Red, support is the main ingredient to success, and we have plenty here, especially as new members join. As experienced fasters, we know the road well travelled. We tease ourselves going back into old habits, try different diets etc, when knowing. 5;2 is the guarantee to genuine success😉 I found my fast as easy to slip back into as the bad habits were. With the right mind set, and not being too hard on ourselves I know we CAN do this. Sensibly eating on non fast days, yet allowing treats as to not deprive yourself makes this so do-able. The fact that fast days can be switched around is a bonus because life DOES get in the way😏so don’t deny yourself living, enjoy it and don’t feel at all deprived. So, BE KIND TO YOURSELF, you’re the one who matters🌻
Thanks Bravo & CG, I am also trying 16:8 on non fast days but I don’t always get it right! I also don’t deprive myself on non fast days as this is where I have always come undone on other diets & found that is why the 5:2 works for me ( when I stick to It!) and why I keep coming back to it when I fall off the wagon. Bravo I hope you have recovered from your surgery & broken shoulder, I feel for you! Thanks for the encouragement I know we all can do it as we have in the past. I know I just need to stay focused & stick to it!
Hi, I always start my day with coffee…. the world seems better than . With 16:8 I rarely eat until 12md by that time the bod is telling me it needs fuel, After 18mths of physio twice a week with the shoulder and knee. I was otherwise lying around doing nothing ,literally not being of this world due to some pretty intense pain meds now is the time to get up and go.Have been back at work since July 2021. I now make sure I do not stand in front of a patient having a conversation who has a heart attack and collapses on me.
I always have protein ,it keeps me satisfied., be it a can of tuna with mixed greens or eggs and plenty of water up to 2litres not including the coffee x3/day..
I agree staying focused is the key to.
Golly GG, you have been through the mill, you poor girl. I hope your recovery is going well. Life gets hard at times, but stay positive, and don’t let it beat you. Being back at work is fabulous therapy as is being with people, I’m really happy for you. 😘 You need that fuel to keep going. As we know 5;2 is not a starvation diet, it’s the healthiest way of life we know❤️ If doing the 16;8 suits thats great. I’m afraid I go by the seat of my pants, if I’m hungry I eat, if I’m thirsty, I have a drink, but always aware of 5;2 so think twice before indulging 😉Red ask along the way for advice with the16;8 , (BRAVO) GG will help you.
I’m with you GG with the coffee, no way can I face the world without it😂even on my fasting days .
I’m with both GG & CG with coffee, I allow one coffee on my fast days as I have a cappuccino with Skim milk then have my remaining calories at night. I find I’m good fasting as long as I have that coffee around 11.00 am – 12.00pm then I’m not hungry. I drink water & if I’m really looking for something else I’ll have a pepsi max. I count my calories so I know what I’m up to. On my non fast days I find I’m not looking for food until around 2 – 3pm sometimes later so hence trying 16:8 on those days. I don’t always succeed if I find I’m hungry then I will eat on non fast days but once I start eating I find I’m hungry all the time then eat more. I do have a couple coffee’s on non fast days and that helps especially when stressed at work. GG I also need to lose 10 kilos so I’ll take my inspiration from you! Has anyone else noticed that while doing 5:2 the scales don’t seem to go down but clothes certainly get looser? I do weigh myself but have found my clothes to be a better marker.
Hi Red, keep a diary and measure yourself. Quite often the inches fall off yet the scales refuse to move. It’s a good feeling, and yes, clothes are a great gauge on your progress. If you get mid afternoon hungries, carry carrot straws in a container, or a boiled egg, it’s surprisingly satisfying and get you through to dinner😃don’t forget to add them to your days count☺️
The good thing that I found with 16:8 is that you can choose the time and how often you do 16:8 ie 1 day or 7 days. As long as you are fasting for 16hrs, hopefully for most of it you are sleeping.
For example: commence the fast from 8pm and finish at 12md the next day, however, from the time you wake you are still in your fast period you should only have unsweetened coffee,tea or water until you commence your eating at 12md.I think commencing a fast at 10pm to 2pm 5he next day too long.
During this 8hr period this is when you spread your meals and snacks out.
I cheat ,I have my morning coffee with unsweetened almond milk. I found it less confusing than 5:2. Apologies Dr Mosley.
REMEMBER CG how ,I would get totally confused about TDEE and calories etc.
I do, ……I think we were all confused on so many levels. Every answer bought on another question GG. BUT in the long run, it’s easy enough, we know right from wrong with our eating, no matter how we do it. I stuck to the original before it became too scientific 😂and had good success. I eat out a bit now, part of a wonderful group of country girls, mostly off farms, we have coffee each week, which now is with a toastie or pie🥴so gotta pull the reins in there, plus quite a few blow in here for a chat, which means coffee etc…..but all part of a wonderful life, right😃I just think sticking with the basics, healthy meals and food choices, fasting twice a week, we will get there.
Morning fasters, not much of a weigh in today, only down 4grams 😏 but better down than up, yet my size 12 jeans are very loose and my bra needed tightening. Both clean on this morning, so usually a bit firm, but not today☺️I certainly notice a difference in lack of bloating and seem to have a bit more energy. So feeling personal positively and happy with life. Enjoy your weekend, and don’t be too hard on yourself, life is for living🌻
Hi everyone!
It’s been a few weeks since I last posted. I tried to get going and we’ll, u thought my CPAP trial would be the magic bullet to help all the inflammation & fluid I’m holding on to. Alas it did not, and so I fell off the wagon again!
Well I gave myself a few weeks and then decided to start again.
This time I’m doing it with saxenda injection & building that up slowly.
It’ll give me a good head start on top of doing a bit of fasting from 7pm till about 12 pm the next day, then a keto muffin at midday with peanut butter until dinner with lots of veggiesaround 630 pm.
The only thing is I want to know if a mug of coffee made with unsweetened almond milk will break my fast?
Anyone had this experience?
Hi Wobblybitz, I can’t start my day without my coffee, no matter the consequences 😂can’t see how it would affect your fast, almond milk is low cal, so I’d say go for it😃 have you had saxenda injections before? They seem to have a lot of side effects. May I ask how over weight you are? What is your goal, the support here goes a long way in helping your psyche, so stay on board and post daily it is a great help. I’m only starting back after a few years, and lost more than 30K first time around. I know I’m a bit half hearted this time, but not gaining as I was, so a big benefit of starting back at my age. Good luck.🌻CG
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12:27 pm
24 Jan 22