Aussie Determination

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  • Guilt? What guilt?! 😉😂

    Fare enough!

    Mornin’ CG! How are you doing? Did you get to mow the grass? It rained relentlessly all day here so I just lazed around reading and watching Netflix! Couldn’t even bring myself to do housework apart from the basics.

    Hey Fit, sounds the perfect day for doing what you did😉 I have to strike whilst the iron is hot here, weather and body😏 And both played the game for me. Bit of heavy rain over night, up 5 times again (and read about the party, they sound to have had a ball) God luv em 😱 We have a service here Nurse on call, 24/7 for medical questions, I rang to see if I could take a sleeping tab with this pain patch, I’m so zombyfied….24 hrs a day, keep dropping of through the day and 2–2.5 hr increments through the night. I was told no! I’d checked online, but don’t always trust medical advise! But she suggested I to check with my pharmasist today as they get a different listing, so will phone them shortly, if they are open Sunday? Oh what I’d give for 4-5 straight hours sleep! Whinge over 😏 The garden looked beautiful when I’d finished mowing, so lush and the most beautiful colour green, from new spring grass. I left the girls in their little paddock all day, longest day yet,so I bet they slept well last night, they are a joy to watch frollicking around playing chasey with invisible ghosts and each other. I hope you get a good nights sleep and feel very relaxed, Cuddles ❤️😉Xxxxx😊

    Oh poor you, CG. That kind of sleep is not very refreshing. But I’m delighted to hear you enjoyed your time in the garden, I’m sure it looks gorgeous. I bet your babies will find that fresh, spring grass lovely and juicy. 🐮🐮🐮🐮😃

    Oh yeah, and glad they are not in the house, just for that reason! If you get my gist!😱🍪

    Gotcha! 👍😉😃

    Hi everyone. I’m back after being away for a few days. Hubby’s op went off OK & he does not have any pain which is good. I thought the area just in front of his ear, where they took the skin graft might hurt but he says no. While waiting to go into theatre he met up with one of the nurses that I used to work with some 30 years ago. They had a good chat about all the unpleasant surgeons we used to complain about. I wonder if they ever realised how we used to laugh about them and how we’d go out of our way for the decent ones who were not ” up themselves. ” – excuse the vulgar term but it’s most apt.
    We have to go back to the Eye Hospital tomorrow so it will be another long day. I’m hoping hubby’s vision will be OK to share some of the driving with me after he has his eye patch removed. I won’t bother with a ..FD tomorrow as it will be too difficult. That is the good thing about this 5:2. Is that one can tweak it to suit our weeks happenings. I’ve managed to lose 3 kilos since starting again. It’s been slow going but as CG so often reminds us it’s a marathon and not a sprint.

    Hi all, Doggy that is great.. 3kgs is a good loss since starting again. Hope your day goes well tomorrow.

    Well gang, who is fasting tomorrow and who is not. I am giving it a go, depending on how the old tummy feels…So good luck to all. Gyps and Gailo certainly had a good celebration on the weekend…are you up to fasting Gyps? Remember our challenge.

    CG. You certainly are in the up and down stage with your medication. Hope you get some decent sleep soon.

    Had a nice easy couple of days. Packed all my sewing room and Linen Cupboard up yesterday in spits and spurts. And then took it across to Woolgoolga and unpacked it all into the built in in the Garage. Lots of storage space in there so half of it is now linen cupboard and half sewing cupboard. Perfect. HAd lunch with daughter and OH is now taking her to the airport for a weeks holiday in Perth, her old stomping ground, visiting friends and having a few days on Rottness Island Boy does she deserve the rest..gave her strict instructions NOT to think about us at all.

    So tomorrow Fast Day, Pool at 8am and doctor at 12 noon. Hopefully get some answers.

    bye for now💜💜💜💜💜

    Hi everyone, first day of hopefully my new successful eating plan. I’m avoiding calling this a diet because I don’t feel like it is one!

    Finished Michael’s book today and decided to start straight away – feeling good thus far!

    If anyone in Melbourne is interested in starting a facebook group or knows of any support groups – I’d love to meet up with people on the same journey as me.

    We can do this!

    Hi Jasmine and welcome aboard. If you prefer FB there is a large following in there under 5:2☺️ But haven’t tried it but sure you’d get support there too.As well as a larger group with hints, good luck 😊
    Doggy 3 K….woohoo,you must be estatic, and so quickly too after such a long lay off, good for you😊
    You are right PH, we all are back to fasting twice weekly, I ‘m still having the pain med related issues but will try a fast. I threw up again this morning, and feel like I was at Gyps’s last night….quite seedy, but I’ ll see how I feel tomorrow. Often heavy foods can help a seedy tummy, and not quite fasting foods😉Good luck everyone, are you prepared? C’mon, you know the drill, dead easy…WE CAN DO THIS xxxxx

    Hi All

    I am new here and like what I see in this thread although by no means have read it all.

    Do you report your losses each week?

    I plan to fast Mondays & either Wednesday or Thursday.

    I know it is not a quick loss program and I hope to lose about 16 kilos by my 70th birthday in October 2017.


    Hi Pam & Jasmine. It’s nice to have you aboard. This group is about support and encouraging each other. If you have a question just ask. There is invariably someone who can give you an answer. We prefer not to call it a diet either. It’s just a a way of eating we do twice a week. It’s also helpful to check out your TDEE. All the info is on the website and worth a browse. There are also numerous recipes plus other info.
    I was watching one of Michael’s ” Trust me I’m a doctor ” on TV last night. I always find them very interesting. One of the articles was on – housework vs going to the gym. It would appear that doing vacuuming, mopping floors, cleaning windows, mowing the lawn is just as beneficial in a metabolic sense than going to the gym. Also doing these chores daily is also better than going to the gym a few days a week. I’m not fan of housework but most of us have to do it anyhow. My main exercise is in the form of a walk at a moderate pace ( walking the dog) each day before breakfast. I’m not always dead keen on doing it but it’s become a pleasant habit over many years.

    Hello again. Where is everyone? I’ve just got back from doing some grocery shopping as we have a few days of possible heavy rain forecast. We get cut off from the nearest town quite offen after heavy rain as our causeway floods and we get water over the road. Most of us keep a good supply of food so it’s no big deal. In the case of emergency we have that great organisation , The Royal flying doctor as well as a police boat that can access our small fishing harbour.
    I’m having my only FD of the week tomorrow so plan to make it a good one. I’m about to go and prepare my meals.
    Happy 5:2ing all.
    🐾🐾 Doggy

    I have had a couple of hectic months. We celebrate my grandson second birthday (heartkid) and it was a joy to see him running around and enjoying himself. Some guests just walked past not recognising me. Good for the self confidence.

    The weather has been all over the place. We had the huge amount of rain last month and it did not let up. This meant that my yard was under water again. I have spent the last fortnight hand mowing the yard. Even then I could not do all of it as some is still quite damp. I have a rule is the ground is soft underfoot then I cannot use the ride on mower. The last couple of days the weather has got back to normal. I have had to go to a few funerals this month which makes FD a hassle.

    Still maintaining goal weight and find sticking to my routine FD easiest.

    Hi everyone..this is my second week of 5:2..still sitting on the fence of what i think about it as feel no different. i fast monday & thursday,2 days that i work outside my home as easier to control. monday is my busy day so i have coffee in the morning,a big cal lunch with green apple& 10 almonds as my snack before i workout and lots of green tea during the day. thursday i have a smaller lunch & fish & veg for tea & kiwi fruit.
    i eat well on the other days with sunday being a bit of a free meal at dinner time as i have the in-laws come round every week. i exercise 4/6 times a week but would like to loss a few kgs and the main thing is to feel better in my clothes ( and my bikini now summer is coming).
    i am a person who is very conscious about what i eat, i have always enjoyed micheal mosleys doco so thought i would give fasting a go. i am going to keep to the 500 for about a month, see how it goes but due to training for marathon starting soon i will be upping my calories to about 900 (trial & era)
    so far so good ( even though i havent been on scales think ill wait another 2 weeks before i jump on those horrid things lol

    Hi everyone!

    I started the Fast Diet in March this year. I lost 10 kilos in just under 3 months and I was doing so well. However, I moved house, started new job and things just fell away, including my will power to fast. I’ve done a few days here and there but I’ve been succumbing easily to food, especially junk food.

    But now….I want to get back on track! I don’t want to completely give in because I felt so good when I was fasting. I had more energy and I began to have hope that I would lose the 20k’s I need to lose. As I take this time to re-commit myself to the program, I was wondering if anyone could share some advice in regards to motivation, discipline and well, any advice really.

    Thanks! Looking forward to getting back to it!

    Hi scarletshay
    Welcome back
    I can’t offer much advice, I’ve only been following the wol since September but I will say that motivation is a purely internal driving force, we can’t offer you motivation that will be lasting or meaningful but we can offer support and a sense of shared journey.
    As for discipline, I eat the same 400ish cal dinner every fast day, I don’t get creative on FD just plenty of water and the same one meal in the early evening to help me sleep properly. I experimented with getting down to one meal and with what that meal needed to be to satisfy me then I have stuck with it every FD since.
    The only other thing I would say is, I don’t weigh anymore, the scales were destroying my motivation and making me feel terrible about myself. So with difficulty I stopped and put my full faith in the process, I currently have no idea what I weigh but in two months I’m back to wearing jeans that I couldn’t fit all this year before 5:2. It really works if u follow the simple process and trust in the fact that tomorrow is going to come, when it gets here do you want to look back and feel good about your choices or regret that you gave up, either way tomorrow will still come and you have that choice to make every day

    Thanks Lany, that’s a great idea to cook the same thing each fast day. It would make it so much easier if I have a set menu. Thanks

    Hi Everyone
    Another Aussie with some determination and lots of hope for a weight loss to assist in low back problems (L5/S1 arthritis – the pits). I am on the Gold Coast – are there any other Gold Coasters on this forum??

    Only just beginning today (with a FD, fluids only) so I am looking forward to great things.

    Having a strong community presence will be a great help in staying on track too. Do you all post your results in the Friday weigh-in?

    Cheers to all.

    Thanks for your post Lany36 – to a newby it really helps to hear what successes folk have had with different ways of conducting the fast days. Very helpful.

    Hi again Aussies! Been away from here for far too long…
    We sold up and left the Gold Coast, retired from work , to lovely country Vic, and celebrated …and gained a lot of my hard earned weight loss back. So now the celebrations are over! Time to knuckle down and get fasting again!
    Started off today with a bike ride, and lots of water.
    I feel confident I’ll lose what I’ve gained because this 5-2 is Brilliant!!!
    It won’t happen overnight…

    Good morning 🙂 Pretty quiet here… do you still have a Friday weigh in?
    After a pretty good first week of two reasonable fasts, I lost 1.5kg
    Giving up the vino, for a while is the main thing which helped the loss. Also doing a bit of walking and bike riding. Today is blowing like mad! So, not a nice day for it. Maybe a little weeding in the garden 🙂 I hope you all had a good week 🙂

    Lany36 can you share your meal ?
    ( just gate crashing …I’m over the ditch )

    Hello lovely Determined Aussies,

    I am not Australian, live in the Missouri Ozarks (USA) but was drawn to your thread in memory of my dear daddy who died at the young age of 49. He often spoke of how much he loved Australia and her people having served with the U.S. Army and spent time there. He always wanted to make his way back but died way too young of war injuries so I thought maybe I could “visit” for him.

    Would love to join you, if I may.

    Thanks, Linda

    Just starting.

    Rural Australian background. Retired and ready to go. About to do my calorie chart for the most likely and popular foods that eat.

    Look forward to reduction from 135 to 110kg

    Hi everyone,

    I saw this thread and decided it was me all over. Live on a cattle property in central qld…..boy isn’t it hot at the moment. Am also a teacher and as we are 75km out of town the kids and I live in town during the week and come home on weekends.

    I started three weeks ago and am ecstatic to have lost 3 kg. Am heading to New York in May with my best friend….leaving the four kidlets with my amazing hubby and would like to be down 10kg although I’m not putting a deadline on it. Am just happy that I’ve gone down each week.

    I haven’t been part of a support group since my weight watcher days which was years ago so am looking forward it again.

    Hi Ladies

    Are you still allowing folks from the old country to share in your shennanigans? If so I’m back! And so glad to see so many of you here, especially our glorious leader!

    Been a while, but couldn’t handle the ole 5:2, weight went back on, but not too much, still 8kg under my starting weight, which was 91 -eeek – however targeting another 8 and going the slow route. Can just about handle 600 now without having to keep the loo in my eyeline!

    Glorious summer here in Scotland, by glorious I mean of course the rain is a bit lighter, the evenings are longer and dawn is early, the birds are in love and dont they bluummin want us all to know it, but we need these little signs to remind us it is summer. Hope your winter is not too bad. Looking forward to having a read to getup to speed, I do hope my old marra Gypsy is still around, and Ive spotted fit already. Hope to find there is a little less of each of you and that life has been kind.

    Hi Milena, we are all still fasting, when possible, but not as often as we used to. We have a private site now, (but it’s more personal subjects not just 5:2)just a few of us, so we don’t post here any more. But please keep posting here and spread the word….IT WORKS. I’m still sitting on 68K down from just over 100 K so again,.,,,IT WORKS ❤️😃I really think the lessons learnt here stay with us. We sub consciously think twice about what and how much we eat. My appetite has shrunk so much since getting back to my normal weight before menopause etc and the BIG gain so stay with it, even just maintaining when satisfied with your weight, once a week fasting helps too of course. Best wishes to you all, it’s lovely to see our thread still going, Cuddles Country Gal ❤️🌹Xxxxx

    Hello Aussies, I started 5 weeks ago and can already see and feel the changes. I try do my fast days on Mondays and Wednesdays at this stage. I tend to do a microwave dinner at night on my fast days as I think it is easier to know my calories ahead as I am too lazy to weigh and count my dinner portions. I still cook for my family. I am yet to buy any scales and prefer to go by clothes 🙂

    I’m with you CG. Nice to see the thread still going.. quick update. I am still losing weight and following 5.2. Can’t quite remember what weight I started at but if I combine the weight I lost before joining 5.2 and really feeling like giving up till I found this wonderful WOL then my total loss so far has been 27kg. Almost at my 30kg goal Finding it very easy to stick to this plan and will be doing it for life..almost to my original goal and very lucky to have found some fabulous friends on this thread. Cannot say strongly enough that this works long term and will change your life forever. STUCK WITH IT…💜💜💜💜💜purple

    Hi all,

    I’ve been absent for a very long time. I started fasting a few months back but only stuck with it for a few weeks. I found it to be successful. My problem is that I do night shifts (7 a fortnight) and am not sure I’m doing it correctly. Does anyone else work nights and have any tips?

    A note to Purple Hats. I joined to thank you for your post about the green smoothie and the suggestion of taking metamucil on fast days. Very helpful to me.I’m just beginning my fasting journey.

    Hi all just finished my first week, haven’t weighed myself yet but feel lighter, am doing Tues and Fri as it suits me, had 1 egg, spinach breakfast Tuesday dinner salmon and spinach but Friday fasted all day, had chicken and vegetables for dinner and found this so much easier. Just drank hot and cold fluids all day and had a big glass of water if tummy rumbles started. Beautiful day here in Brisbane, good luck everyone, have yo-yo dieted over the years but have a feeling this is the right one for me.

    Hi everyone, I haven’t posted for an eternity!😱I’m so glad the site I started is still going. To all you members I haven’t met, just stick with it. I have lost over 30K, but in some way think too quickly, but it has stayed of and I haven’t missed it one bit 😂I have just downsized from a small farm to the local country town, and have had the energy to enjoy this new chapter with not having to carry so much weight around. My aches and pains from arthritis still continue, but less weight is less stress on the body. I can’t stress it enough, 5:2 DOES WORK, so use your AUSSIE DETERMINATION and “feel” that extra fat disappear. I hope now to stay in touch, because I too need to get back to this healthy life style, Cuddles team 💞CG🌻

    Hi Solegirl yes I’m Brisbane, Redlands and just finished my first week fasting, will weigh I tomorrow, anyway good luck and welcome.

    Brissynan, I spent most of my childhood in the redlands 💞Ormiston actually, small world aye?

    Okay team, this is it! Back in the harness and onto a healthy life again😃 We have all had success one way or another with 5;2 but being human we became slack! As of tomorrow we are back in the saddle 😉all the support is here, we are experienced and willing to help other so get on board because we know the only way to stay on this way of life is through the support here! This is FOR YOU to feel better to get that nasty fat away from your insides and stopping the problems it causes to regain the personal pride in looking better in your clothes and feeling healthier and able to enjoy life. You have the rest of today to plan tomorrow’s fast, so go do it. Rome wasn’t built in a day…..but I wasn’t foreman! Be warned, once my boots are on, you will be stringent with your eating habits and loving it 😃Cuddles 💓CG🌻

    Hello all. For those that don’t know me, I’m one of the original members. I’m guilty of serious backsliding but am determined to get back in harness again. Just remember when you hit a plateau just try and hang in there. I got disheartened and stopped fasting about six months ago. Since then I’ve gained 5 kilos. Eek. Not happy but I’m serious about fasting again.

    Monday has arrived you happy fasters😃 Are you ready for the challenge?? You CAN do it, it’s easy, in fact fasting is easier because it’s controlled, it’s the non fasting days that get away from you. Remember the benefits, that little bit of depravation will lead to a healthier you, and one you’ll be proud to look in the mirror at.❤️ Reread the book if you have it team, it’s very easy to follow, and gives those little hints we forget about. Stay busy,don’t let food fill your thoughts, and those snacks you go without, add up to calories you can have for your evening meal. Hey, it’s only one day, tomorrow you can have the things you crave for. Fruit and dairy is always an iffy subject, but I believe both are very health natural food, but with everything, portion control! You finde your appetite shrinks and you can’t eat the amount you used to, so the portions become smaller anyway, because it’s YOUR choice 😊 Have a fabulous day team, you are on the path of change, the support is here, so, away we go……..Cuddles💞….CG🌻

    Hi fellow ADs. Fro those that don’t know me I will give you a brief history of my weight gain. I’ve been skinny my whole life. That is until 16 years ago. I’ve suffered from depression for years but when we moved from Victoria to Tasmania, my new GP changed my antidepressant meds. That is when I started to gain weight. I’ve tried coming off the meds but fall in an emotional heap if I do. I started the Fast Diet about 4 years ago and lost about 10 kilos over that time. Six months ago, I had a birthday coming up, we went on holiday and I decided to give the diet a break. Well it’s not been good as I’ve gained six kilos and not a happy camper. We have house guests coming for a week from this Friday. Once they have gone I will be back to the straight and narrow. Even my fat clothes are now too tight. 😱

    Hi Doggie, you can do this I know😊We all slip off the wagon 😱Then regret it, or plateau and lose hope, but after the house guests leave, and your back in harness, that weight will fall away, again. With Winter staring to raise it’s head, home made veggie soup is perfect for low cal healthy meals, it’s just the crusy bread or rolls with it we go without😂 Meds are always a problem, I’m on Prednisilone (as well as being in a back brace😢) but with being bloody minded, KNOW 5:2 will help me lose the extra gain, or at least maintain it😃 Cuddles🌻

    Did anyone fast yesterday? It’s so easy, and today you should be bursting with pride, don’t over do the treats, be cautious
    , and watch the portion control, and you are certainly on you way to success😃Cuddles🌻

    is anyone there??? This is April 2019, are you still onboard with this?

    hi Aussie gals

    i seem to be the only one doing things really differently … I only eat lunch on fast days- with a light dinner- ie berries and yoghurt
    I find that not eating in the evening really depletes my glycogen stores and I start using fat as fuel…

    I dont always stick to 500 cal, sometimes up to 700, but skipping the evening meal is working well for me.

    I am on track (week 3) losing 1 kg/ week…

    Hello to all you Determined Aussies! Hoping that there are still a few of you around on this thread? I was a forum regular waaaay back in 2014 or 2015? Am getting back on track with 5:2 as I have been in wilderness and up and down with my weight for many years….. so here goes losing those 20 kgs again…. and hopefully some more.

    If there are any Determined Aussies out there that would like to join me…. please say hello

    Hi there fox! Its Go Gal
    The site disbanded several years ago.
    I have not been on the site since ….???? there may be some of the group that still are notified if someone is posting on the site like me.
    Hope that you are well despite the weight and life has been good to you Do you still have the nursery?
    I still fast. Do the 16:8 version, still my weight goes up and down, round and round in the site of my bod.
    Keep well and safe in WA. I think your Premier has done the right thing regarding Covid. It is riff here in NSW . I have been vaccinating and am now immune to the stubbiness of people and their beliefs. I just respect all decisions.
    Best regards GG

    Go Gal! Great to hear from you! I am impressed that you are still continuing with your fasting. I hadn’t abandoned it all together….. still did the odd fast now and then, and have been doing 16:8 on and off again for a few months…. but am determined to get back into the 5:2…. I remember how good I felt after a fast day and how my appetite decreased over time. So I started today and am going great guns…
    I’m sorry the crew have disbanded….it was a great place to hang out and get support, if you are in contact with any of them please pass on my regards 🙂
    Yes I think our premier has got it right too, sadly not all agree with him, but then everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have children over east, and fully vaxed, getting booster soon, and look forward to when I can see them again.
    I hope some others do get back on board or join the thread, it would be great to catch and meet again.

    Hey there! I’m in NSW. Good to see some of us still here! I was here about 2015-18 too. My kids are a bit more grown up now 12&15 so have a bit more time. Still I am 87 kg & need to be around 65!! Even 72 would be great.

    Tried keto, but the wine is my downfall. As soon as I have 2 glasses my munchies come on!!

    Now I’m doing fasting till 12 midday ,keto till dinnertime, then a half plate veggies 1/4 protein & 1/4 Sr carbs, then fast again from about 8pm till mid-day next day.

    But still I can’t shift it. I have thyroid inflammation and another autoimmune disease, not sure what yet, and I think that is causing me to hold on to the weight/ fluid.

    I tried reaching out to a few friends but they’re not as motivated to lose weight so glad found some buddies!

    Hiya Wobblybitz (lol love your name!) Wine is my downfall too…..I have been guzzling it for years and it’s caught up with me…. I actually eat quite healthy, but LOVE my carbs as well.
    I signed up to CSIRO Total Wellbeing diet and was great first week, but all the weighing and measuring and tracking is doing my head in. I am continuing with their meal plan loosely on non fast days (well actually this is my plan as just started today) but their units and portion sizes are quite large so I will adapt it to suit…
    5:2 worked so well for me before….. I like going hard for two days and being a bit less strict on other days.
    WB, you sound like you have a real challenge to shift your weight… but what you are doing sounds like it might help.
    I’m glad I found some buddies too! Most of my friends are all slim, which can be pretty hard going sometimes, always being the fatty, even though they like me for who I am, but I am still conscious of it, and I want to be more healthy.
    Weighed myself today and I was 85.7 kg….. hoping to get to 60kg…. but a long way to go. Friday is going to be my official weigh day:)

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