Aussie Determination

This topic contains 14,766 replies, has 323 voices, and was last updated by  Countrygal1 3 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 14,651 through 14,700 (of 14,786 total)

  • Morning All FD is here again – thank goodness the scales tell me it’s been a while since my last (you’re so right CG)! Amazing how they keep on going up in between fasts just over 3 days, shows how easy it is when we decide to have a break to whack on the weight again. Might also be the wine I consume F/S/S but ….life has to be worth living πŸ™‚
    So my morning coffee is in my hands & my dinner is already planned. HB eggs to boil after my coffee.
    CG hope your meds are still doing the magic and keeping you pain free. Tell me again when is your first app’t. Are you able to drive again now? If not how are you managing with where you live? Hope you’re getting more sunny days so you can get out in your lovely property. xx
    Up yes cold and rainy here but so with you on the Never mind it’s onward AND downward here too πŸ™‚ Quite enjoying seeing those scales move & telling them who’s boss for hte moment!
    Fit so good to hear the good news re your sister & so happy for you πŸ™‚ The odd glitch with carers is WAY better than how it was for you all before & the main carer sounds like a gem! Woohoo another wedding for you – how lucky for you all that she found an irish guy to marry out of all the aussies! So she can come back home to her nest πŸ™‚

    My neck is coping reasonably well for those who’ve asked about it. But today has been set by me as the day that I stop kidding myself and get back to doing my exercises every day!! My visitors got me out of routine & I just haven’t re-started yet. As my physio says the only one who can strengthen my neck muscles is ME through exercise. I did have a reaction to the gardening & also to reading a book yesterday. Have to rig up something to hold the book up I think. Anything looking down is my worst enemy! But I’m down to needing occasional panadol osteo if I’m sensible so that’s good.
    PH sorry to hear that your pain is continuing & that it’s got you down also. It’s not surprising as you’re such a dynamo normally so lying in bed for a whole weekend doesn’t sound like you at all. Hope your dr can sort out your meds so you can tolerate it. And sure hope that the pool gives you some comfort and that the movement helps the back and hip. {{{{ }}}} and continue with the rest as needed. Maybe it’s what your body needed after all your mad activity xxx Hope the house sells soon.
    Hi to Gyps GG Doggie and Jade and our not-so-newbies. Have a great day all those who are fasting. Remember it’s only for today. Noone ever died from a one day fast and those hunger pangs do disappear if you keep yourself busy or have another drink. So hang in there despite the weather, think of the benefits not just on the scales – they are many!! And it’s the best thing you can do for yourself πŸ™‚ suejen xxxx

    Darn I just wrote a big post and lost it all. So very quickly….on to another FD for most of us. Agree with you Up Onward and downward! Hang in there and you’ll reap the rewards. Remember noone ever died of a one day fast!
    Hi to everyone….just don’t have the energy to type all the individual replies again! suejen xxxx

    Hi team. Commiserations to CG , PH & now you too SJ who are in pain. Yes SJ if one has a painful neck, looking down is the pits. Oh the joy of ageing. ! I too have Ostioarthrits and often take 2 Panadol Ostio in the morning so that I can get out and have a pain free walk. This morning we had along the dunes looking down on the beach and it was lovely. We did, However see our fist snake of the season. Eek!! It’s hardly surprising as we are surrounded by bush. One just has to keep one’s eyes peeled. Luckily they are not agressive and will only bite if they feel threatened. I still am very frightened of them though.
    FD again here too. I’ve not had any breakfast but am planning a lunch with eggs, smoked salmon plus salads. I’ve got a rather boring Shiitake mushroom soup for dinner but it’s only for today so doable. My trying to keep to my TDEE which I have not always stuck to in the past. Sometimes it’s been a fast one day followed by a feast which is not clever.
    For the AD ” oldies”. Thanks for your kind comments. I may well join you on the FB site.
    XX Doggy

    Woohoo Doggy, I’ll send you a personal invitation again, it’s only for us oldies on a private forum, so you are safeπŸ˜‰πŸ’—
    Just back from the Dr,she reinterated about driving, but I’m not silly enough to drive if I feel wobbly and light headed. Whilst down there grabbed a bit more shopping, to cook up some meals I can divide up and freeze in portions, don’t think I’ll be doing much driving, anyway, Julie will grab anything I run short of when she does her shopping. I had to get a script for this constipation too, she said NOT to let it keep building, as it will be too painful and uncomfortable, another thing I don’t need! Sue I’m glad you are getting relief with your neck and hope the exercises help. I asked about phisyo but she said no way does she want anyone to touch my neck until I see the neurologist😏 So there’s nothing much, other than rest, I can do to help myself. Nights are worse, I wake in pain, and can’t lift my head off the pillow, I have to slide it off, just lifting my head is agony😱 Anyway enough of whinging………
    I haven’t had much other than my milky coffee brfore the Dr, in fact just poured my second, salad for dinner and haven’t decided yet what to have with it……stay strong team YOU CAN DO IT and remember, we are all here for YOUπŸ˜‰πŸ’•Cuddles (gently) xxx

    Hi all
    CG, SJ, PH I’m so sorry that you are all suffering.
    You are all so inspirational to me. Everyone has such kind words to share and I’m overwhelmed with how strong you all are to be in so much pain and still sound so positive. I’m wishing you all freedom from your troubles as soon as possible. 😊😊😊
    My problem seems so insignificant in comparison, staying in control on a NFD is such a little issue but I’m sure it’s purely psychological, I’m fasting today and not remotely worried about food but come tomorrow….

    Anyway, I mostly wanted to say to you all that I can’t relate to OA and neck pain and the kinds of stressors that are affecting all of you but I do care and I’m thinking of you. As a small aside I’ve got my own Drs trip planned now too, it’s completely pain free, but I found a small lump this morning so I’ll take my turn at the Drs rooms later this week. I used to be a breast care nurse and I don’t love the idea of exposing myself to my old colleagues if it becomes necessary, but one step at a time.

    Oh Lany, how frightening for you, EVERY lump should be explore, luck and love to you, I hope it’s nothing to worry about. I’ve always been a positive person, pain or not, even with the ostio in my neck, I keep thinking, “you silly old fart!” Something else to get used to. I worked in age AND disability so saw what was in store for me or at least the possilities of it happening. I tend to think it varifies that I’m getting older, now to convince my brain😊 Good luck with your fast, and Cuddles to you, please keep us informed, YOU ARE NOT ALONE😊❀️….🍷xxxxxx

    Lany, well done for finding the lump. And seeing the doctor quickly. Hope all is well. Even though a few of us are in pain at least it is not life threatening so all good. Just seems that everything come at once sometimes..I’ll have mine all sorted soon, at least find out what is causing it and then onwards and upwards/downwards as UP says. I am doing my fast days on Tuesday and Thursday this week as today still a little upset in the tummy. Hope everyone who is fasting is doing well. I, sure you all are as you are all so determined…having a nice afternoon lying on the bed and watching the birds feeding on the Australian Natives that are all in full bloom in the garden. Have all different colours in Grevillia and Bottle Brush and a wisteria beautiful. And such a lovely sunny day after the rain on the weekend.

    To everyone who has expressed concern for me …….all good here. And you are all correct. I have had a busy time of late and I just hate doing nothing. A full week of it last week and then the weekend was just too much to cope with. πŸ›ŒπŸ›ŒπŸ›ŒπŸ›ŒπŸ›ŒπŸ›ŒπŸ›Œ Am looking forward to doing some planning this week , along with more resting, getting ready to go” Glamping ” in the Villa for a while. OH organised for a fellow down the road who does small removal jobs to come up tomorrow morning and give us a price for moving a couple of beds, comfortable chairs, my sewing things and a table and chairs to the Villa next weekend hopefully. Doing it the easy way!! πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ˜€ That way we can be as messy as we like in our new villa and the house will still look good. We do have enough furniture for two houses so should,make use of it before we sell half of it.

    Sue, go you for deciding to get back into the exercise…only way to get those muscles Strengthened!! ….πŸ‹πŸΌπŸ‹πŸΌπŸ‹πŸΌ don’t think we are up to this anymore. Well done on the great loss!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜πŸ˜

    Gyps. Hope you survived your birthday weekend!! Looks like quite a party. πŸΎπŸΉπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰Now it’s time to get back to our challenge!! When you get home that is…

    CG. Keep up with the encouragement!! We need as much of it as you can give. Really keeps us on track!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’•πŸ’•

    GG. Amazing losses…legend!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜
    FIT and Jade, our O/s contingent sure are doing well , guess the weather is starting to change over there and all the leaves will soon start falling. Such a beautiful time of the year , as is Spring over here. I would love for it to just be Spring and Autum all year round. Keep focused and the losses will continue. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜πŸ˜

    UP. you are going so well. πŸ‘πŸ‘I am determined to do well again this week. WE CAN DO THIS, ALL OF US,! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

    Hope I have not missed anyone , forgive me if I have . Time for an afternoon cuppa…πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    Hi all!
    It’s brilliant to see the thread alive and buzzing!
    SJ, it’s amazing how much damage a short break can do. I think we need to be mindful at all times because the speed at which the weight goes on is so disheartening. I had a disastrously overindulgent weekend and the scales almost ran away from me this morning! I know some will be food in transit but I was already still up after my previous weekend away, so I need to be really strict now. Why doesn’t the weight fall off as fast as it goes on?! Take care of your neck, I hope it doesn’t curtail your piano playing πŸŽΉπŸŽΌπŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
    Doggy, I don’t think I could settle in Oz for good, all those dangerous critters would have my nerves in shreds! πŸ˜±πŸ™ Sounds like you had a lovely walk, well done! πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ
    CG, you are definitely not getting old, just showing the signs of one who has done so much in life with gusto and energy and probably not alot of regard for your own health along the way. Look after yourself now and you will overcome this present obstacle too πŸ‘ŒπŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ’š
    Lany, so sorry to hear about the worry you have at the moment but I’m sure it will be something routine such as a cyst. You know you are doing the right thing getting it checked immediately. Best of luck, my dear πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
    PH, yes, it’s getting cooler and the days are getting shorter here. The leaves haven’t turned yet but they will be beautiful when they do. Best of luck with that glamping but let others do the organising and the work to make it happen, you’ve done more than enough. πŸ’žπŸ’•

    Hi team, how did you all go with fasting yesterday. I found it quite easy as Monday usually is, strange….,my only problem is the little bit of food I am having, isn’t going out the other end😱 The constipation is awful and I know it’s being caused my the narcotics?grrrr…..can’t manage without them, (they do work some magicπŸ˜‰)and don’t like what they do to my system. Trying all suggested and known relief, but it’s an ongoing battle. And the fact my food intake is very healthy because of 5:2 things have to start working normally sooooon, surely! Whinge over!
    Have a lovely day team, stay positive, and think healthy choices when planning meals, EVERYDAY counts, not just the days we fast😊 Try some new recipes, there is so much online, a lot of ingredients I’ve never heard of, and many supposed to be the new super foods? I still think our basic foods, veggies, salads and fruit are the best😊 Be happy team, smile, and your insides do react and appreciate it, cuddles β˜ΊοΈπŸ’—Xxxx

    Hi all, well I talked the talk but did not walk the walk! Plans changed suddenly so will fast today instead. I wasn’t terrible but no one has a roast for dinner when they are fasting, or the lunch I had yesterday!

    Yes, Lany, get checked. Then if it is nothing, you have one less thing to worry about! I seem to be always doing that. Usually, I worry about the wrong things!

    CG, it is a long wait but I think the advice is wise. How awful that you are in such pain lying down.

    SJ, Fit, Doggy and PH, tke care with all the issues! Good advice from lots of people. Have a good day all.

    Morning CG and UP!
    Oh, CG, I hope you get relief soon. It’s not a nice problem and certainly one you can do without at the moment. Yes, foods seem to go in and out of fashion just like everything else in life but we all know our grandparents had it right! πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
    UP, I’m sure you didn’t do too much damage with a roast and veg. Best of luck fasting today. πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Œ
    I’m just coming to the end of my fd but I don’t think I stayed under 500 cals…..leftovers from yesterday were a bit too tasty and couldn’t be left for another day πŸ˜³πŸ˜‹

    Thanks Fit, just having a bolw of wheetbix with fruit and seeds….anything to help😊
    Up I’m with Fit,doubt a roast dinner, if that’s all you had, would do much damageπŸ˜‰And don’t forget it’s not what you eat, it’s the portion that matters😊
    Fit good for you,another fast day under your belt, well done Cuddles πŸ’—Xxxxx

    Morning ADers had a successful fast yesterday despite having one of those freezing cold days where you can’t get warm. Had plenty of hot drinks partly just to hold on to the mug for a while! If you’re new to fasting this does happen to some of us but not every FD by any means.
    Today we head up to town so have to make sensible choices eating out for lunch & not waste my FD. Very determined so should be OK. Really pleasing seeing the weight come off again πŸ™‚ So by summer I should be able to look in the mirror again & my clothes will look 100% better!
    CG hope you manage to get over the dreaded constipation somehow. It’s not pleasant at all. I reckon when they give out some medications they should also give out one for this as well! It seems to be a common side-effect of many drugs. But being pain free right now is important for you CG so hang in there…..not that you got much choice girl πŸ™‚
    Oh Fit those leftovers are killers aren’t they! They just stare at you & draw you to the fridge or wherever! We all feel so guilty if we don’t use them/eat them etc. But remember what we always say….any attempt at a FD will give you reduced calories to some extent πŸ™‚
    Up that’s OK you’re going again today so all is good. Despite us saying we do better when we stick to set days, sometimes it just aint going to happen! But picking ourselves up & keeping going is the important part πŸ™‚ and keeping our motivation high.
    Fit I have some days where I just can’t play the piano for long at all – it’s more the piano seats with no backs on. But when I do my strengthening exercises I do OK so all the more reason for me to be more vigilant. Have to get into a set time of day somehow.
    We had a lovely surprise yesterday…a bit like Gail’s. We have a front entryway that’s nicely protected from the rain & wind & have lots of big pot plants there. Well right outside my kitchen window we spotted yesterday a nest of a yellow winged honeyeater with 2 eggs! She’s only a few inches away from the glass. Can’t get a photo for you as there’s too much glass reflection. We’re amazed that we’ve been walking in & out of there every day & have never seen her though we have noticed birds darting in & out sometimes. Will be great to watch πŸ™‚

    Well OH will be pushing me to get cracking soon so I’d better do just that. Enjoy your day…smile….shine bright suejen xxxx

    Hi team. Firstly, Lany I Ido hope you manage to get your breast lump seen to ASAP. It’s a huge worry for you. I had a breast biopsy many years ago and it turned out to be a fibroadenoma. – benign. Needless to say I was so relieved. I’m hoping the same for you.
    My FD yesterday was uneventful. I’ve probably already blown a big chunk of my TDEE on my breakfast this morning. How those darn calories mount up. Anyhow will have Ryvita and vegemite for lunch and then spag Bol for dinner. I’ve also just discovered a bottle of Tasmanian Pinot Noir in the garage. It’s won lots of awards in the wine industry. I’m thinking I bought it at Xmas time last year and forgot about it. If I’ve not overdone the calorie intake I’m going to treat myself to a glass of that as a nightcap.
    XX Doggy

    Hi all!
    I was at the dentist this morning for a routine checkup and decided to skip breakfast so I’ve just had scrambled eggs with whole grain toast for brunch. Hoping to just have dinner later, fish and veg, and so, make this a very good nfd for a change!
    CG, delighted to hear you got ‘results’ at last! πŸ˜³πŸ˜‰
    SJ, keep up those exercises….we’ll be needing you at the keyboard for WTF 2017! How lovely to have birds nesting so close, it’s fascinating to watch all the coming and going. Nature is always wonderful to watch in action. πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
    Doggy, love the sound of that Pinot Noir…mmmmπŸ˜‹ Enjoy!

    Good morning/evening team. Fit good luck with the dreaded dentist 😱 And your planned meals sound great, even fast day eating,woohoo,your really pushing your AD now πŸ’—πŸ˜‰
    Just heard Brad and Angie are splitting up….what a shame, they have 6 little kiddies, celebs always look like their lives should be envied, but no way, give me the simple life in the country, you don’t need their money to enjoy the beauty of nature😊
    Are you all planning for your fast day tomorrow, only one more to go this week, and today is still yours☺️so don’t waist it fretting over something that is so simpleπŸ˜‰ YOU CAN DO IT….
    Things are “moving” well for me now, even got up twice through the night, so looking forward to a fresh cleansing fast tomorrowπŸ˜‰
    Have a lovely day team, don’t sweat the small stuff, life is for living,so enjoy every moment…..Cuddles 😊xxxxxxx

    Hi all I am on the September Challenge but just wanted to see if anyone is interested in becoming a house sitter around the world or if anybody needs their house and/or pets looked after while they are away, my hubby has started a new business
    and he is offering complimentary annual memberships to a limited number of home owners and house sitters as a special end of summer offer. The campaign is being run on FB and if anyone is interested please send an email to and he will send you a coupon. 😎

    Mornin’ CG!
    I got on fine at the dentist’s, thanks, just six monthly checkup with no nasty surprises. My nfd wasn’t quite as virtuous as planned but still not too bad, I think.
    Glad to hear it’s all systems go for you πŸ˜‰πŸ‘ How’s your pain? It was a beautiful day here today and OH, the dog and I enjoyed a lovely walk in the sunshine this afternoon. β˜€οΈπŸŒ³πŸŒ²

    Hi Fit,it sounds the perfect day for you,weather like that can’t help but make you feel good and want to get out and enjoy itβ˜ΊοΈβ˜€οΈ Pain level is manageable, just being careful of how I move, and feeling a lot better now all systems are a go!πŸ™„ I’m sure your nfd was still more careful than the usual, so well doneπŸ€—Cuddles🍷😏xxxxx

    Hi all,
    Lots of great chatter on the thread. Had the worst FD I have ever had yesterday but still managed it…so goodπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό. So come on girls we can do anything if we really try…started out with you pool exercises and the then a coffee only after and straight home. On the bed To rest the old back and fell asleep…so far so good….
    Then a change for the better..we received a call to say that the Villa at Strawberry Close had settled of course went to Woolgoolga to pick up the keys .packed my trusty HBEggs as a standby and headed off. Picked up the keys, did some measuring, ate my HB eggs as was feeling a bit peckish and then headed back out the door. Was overcome by a wave of nausea and headed for the garden, nearest place I could see, fertilised the garden with some HB eggs and managed to get home without another mishap. (That should get the neighbours interested) Into the Alka Selza and off to rest again. Managed to get through till dinner time and keep it headed to bed very proud of myself, still feeling nausea, but did manage my FD….a great example of Aussie Determination if I may say so myself. So come on girls …you too can achieve if you really do set your mind to it.. Hope I see some results on the scales on Friday. Putting the nausea down to the after effects of a medication change. Hope it works itself out before tomorrow,

    Sue. Enjoy your trip to town today and you are setting a great example for the rest of us, what a treat to be able to watch nature in action so close. Well done to you also Fit. And CG so great things are finally moving, interesting offer from Fitzy re house sitting and Doggy well done on your FD.

    Must get moving..bye for now. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    HI Everyone how are we all. I had a lovely day yesterday doing a few too many wine tastings as we found lots of the local wineries had good end of season specials going. Came home with a few cartons & no dearer than wine at the local bottle shops (apart from a couple of special bottles!). You gotta get them when they’re going cheap – some are just locals specials. Just say you’re a local & out come the specials sheets! Drove around some lovely country roads too. Made pretty sensible food choices so all good. Came home & just had a poached egg on toast for dinner.
    PH great news re the villa….not so great news about your first event there! Boy hope the new meds treat you nicer than that from herein πŸ™‚ But a wonderful effort to stick with your FD. That’s SUPER aussie determination!!!
    Lany I too like Doggy have had a breast lump biopsied (2 in fact) and one was a fatty cyst the other a duct papilloma. It’s a great relief when you get the news after all that huge worry. So I hope that yours turns out to be something similar.
    CG yes thinking about FD tomorrow & planning today. Love to see another good result on Friday but you do have to work towards it! Glad you’re feeling a bit freer πŸ™‚
    Dawg hope you’re enjoying that tassie pinot noir. They have some of the best. Your NFD save sounded pretty good. When you think about it we can often rescue a sabotaged day or at least minimise the total cals.
    Fit great to hear you’re getting some sunshine and some exercise with OH & the dog.

    Gotta go so talk later. suejen xxxx

    Hi team, been trying to post for hours but they are still “playing” with the NBN around here and only get an occassional window, , so my eyes are on my modum waiting for lights to turn greenπŸ™„ Even lost Foxtel for a while😑mmmmm, modern technology?
    PH what a day of mixed emotions for you and such fabulous strength with your AUSSIE DETERMINATION,just wondering if the meds should be.taken on a full tummy, or before, and not having breaky does make it difficult. I’ve moved my meds to lunch time, and often that ‘s around 2:00 so very late for meds…..could be the cause of throwing up, and very unpleasant for you. Great news with getting keys though, and walking into your own new unit😜 Even though you did christen your garden rather unceremoniously😏
    Sj you sound to have the perfect day too, with excellant specials, too good to pass up of course, only for visitors I take it πŸ˜‹……enjoyπŸ˜‰ Good for you.
    Internet gone again, so waiting for the green light to post 😑 also feeling really good in the lower tummy now, but oh so sleepy, feel lke I’ve had a really heavy night,no wonder my Dr said no driving if I feel like this! I can hardley walk straight, as if I’d try to drive!mmmmmmmEnjoy what’s left of your day team,,,,,,no matter what time I get to post this πŸ˜€πŸ€”πŸ˜―πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Šxxx

    Hi all!
    Wow, PH, you really kicked a** yesterday! πŸ’₯βš‘οΈπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Well done for not giving in despite feeling so unwell. What a way to christen your new home, the neighbours will be expecting quite some house-warming party! πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚ Best of luck in your beautiful new home πŸ’šπŸ’ž
    SJ, sounds like you had a pretty perfect day with OH and lots of nice bottles to look forward to in the future too πŸ·πŸΎπŸ˜ƒ
    CG, tech problems are so annoying. Our broadband can be very hit and miss too which is very frustrating for my OH as does all his work on computer. Just now, he is having trouble accessing his emails…he can access mine but not his own…go figure! He rang a helpline and they advised him to change his password, which he did… better! And patience is not his strong suit, so the air has been rather blue around here lately! πŸ™‰πŸ˜±
    My sister gets home from New York this morning so I’ll be looking forward to hearing all about her holiday later…..I’m sure it will also involve coffee and cake! πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ

    Good morning/evening team,posting early incase they start working on our internet connections again,and shut us down! Good luck to those fasting today, Thursday seems to be the hardest to get the head around for some reason, but stay strong, remember the benefit, and know YOU CAN DO IT
    Very drizzly here this morning, not very cold, but certainly cover up weather. More rain predicted the next 7 days so it’s been a wet few weeks. The garden is loving it, as is my water tank….ooohhhh, long hot showersπŸ€— Life is full of challenges team, just tackle one at a time 😊 Cuddles πŸ’—xxxxx

    Hi there CG! I’m not long home from dance class which was great fun as always. I’m ready for my fast tomorrow…..homemade fish cake with veg but no potatoes. It rained heavily all day here and, as it’s the Autumn Equinox today, from now on the days will be getting shorter πŸ˜• Bummer!

    Glorious day here after a rainy and gloomy day yesterday.

    PH, what a funny memory that will be when it is all over. Not at all funny now. πŸ™

    Went out to dinner last night. Did someone say Margarita?? Wasn’t going to have dessert but my brother in law and I decided to share. When it cam out he decided we needed one each and gave the whole thing to me. Some kind of chocolate macadamia and salted caramel tart concoction. Very rich. And I had already had blue cheese and port butter on my steak as well as the baked potato with sour cream…..

    So I guess I am definitely fasting today….

    G’day Fit, just had a lovely hot shower, then stripped my bed, ready for my homecare girl to help me remake. It i😊Love a freshly made bed ☺️ The rain seems to be everywhere, Julie is due today but don’t expect her in this weather. It’s stopped at the moment, but could continue on and off all day! But I love the rain, so no worries there. I’m glad you are still enjoying the dancing, any worries with your neck now? Yeah the shorter days are a bummer, but I prefer to eat when it’s dark, or just on dusk, here our summer days are bright till close to 9:00πŸ™„ And at least you have longer nights now to snuggle in. There is always a positiveπŸ˜‰
    Okay, I’ll get my sheets in to wash and start my day. Good luck with your fast,you have grabbed it with both hands. I’m not eating enough on my NFD’s, just no appitite, so doubt I’ll be fasting today…Cuddles ❀️☺️xxxxxx

    Up, I’m salivating looking at what you had last night. I think if someone dished that up in front of me,I’d make a pretty good effort to get through it β˜ΊοΈπŸ’• Good luck with your fast 😊xxxxx

    Morning. Enjoying my cup of coffee to start off my FD. CG I’m not like you as I soo want sunny weather to come and this rain to disappear. We’ve had a very long winter here & most of us in town are OVER it – & we were away for 9 weeks of it! It’s been unusually long but then nothing these days with weather is unusual. We will have stacks of tourists down here for the long weekend & they will be disappointed as the only day possibly without rain is Sunday.
    Need a good FD to counteract the usual over-eating on NFD’s – not too bad but not too good either. We’ll see the result on Friday’s weigh-in. Have been keeping off the scales as I promised myself I would.
    Up your night sounds delightful but you’ll definitely need a FD to counteract that lot! Was the tart as good as it sounds?!
    Fit back into dance classes & you do enjoy them so much πŸ™‚ What sort of dancing do you do?
    Well have my FD dinner all ready a lemon coriander chicken & veg with that Chang’s konjac noodle stuff. Just HB eggs to cook to fill in the gap & a miso soup if needed in between. Wishing those who are fasting a successful day & then you can be positive about your weigh-in tomorrow! suejen xxxx

    SJ, actually too rich for me. I can’t waste food but don’t have much of a sweet tooth. It was the salted caramel and the pecans that drew me in. Chocolate I can take or leave!

    The blue cheese and port butter on the other hand was divine!

    UP, that meal out sounds delish, your BIL was a good partner in crime! πŸ˜‹πŸ˜ƒ
    CG, delighted to say that my neck is absolutely perfect but I am careful when dancing not to turn my head too much.
    SJ, it’s mostly ballroom with a bit of Latin thrown in and our teacher is very witty so we always have great laughs too. I’m with you on the rain… gets so depressing, especially when it doesn’t seem to know when to stop!

    Hello everyone. I’m going to be MIA for the next few days. Hubby is having eye surgery tomorrow and we have to spend the night in Launceston as he needs to see the Opthalmologist the next day before we head back home. We live in a lovely part of the world but the downside is we are a 2 1/2 hours drive from our closest city. Of course that is where the Eye hospital plus other specialists groups are. Anyhow it was our decison as we could have chosen to live in any part of Australia.
    I did my weigh in session this morning as tomorrow is going to be an early start. Once again I’ve not lost any weight and only 1 cm off my measurements. Although I’ve kept within my TDEE it could be the wine. – sigh. After the precious week where I did not have any, I did imbibe again on my NFD. Not to excess of course. Once the surgery etc is over and things are back to normal I will have somemore alcohol weeks.
    Fitzy, if you are reading this I MAY be interested in a house cum pet sitter next year. I have to admit to being wary of a complete stranger living in our home and looking after our dog. I will check it out though.
    XX Doggy

    Sj, I’m with you prefering the lovely days,they entice you to come out and play, but adore the sounds and sight of the rain, much more than wind, I hate the wind,and firtunately there isn’t any in the wet weather lately😊 It’s they sky colour that can get depressing, I agree, just gloomy😟
    Up blue cheese and port wine butter,how interesting…..the whole meal sounds perfect, but I too have trouble tolerating rich foods these day,always been a savoury personπŸ˜‰
    Fit,glad the neck is fine and you are aware of it when dancing, and with chores too I hope, your class sounds funπŸ˜…
    Doggy take care on the roads, more rain predicted for both of us although most of it has gone around us,and we get blue sky brakes between small showers. Yes agree about trusting strangers in the home, and with pets, but sj does it and had no problems….I guess if they come with references,and you can check with others they have been to, they sould be okay πŸ˜‰

    Hi all!
    My fd just beginning and yours probably ending, hope it went well for you all. To those still in pain, I hope you’re starting to feel better……it seems to be a bit of a theme! The joys of getting older! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜•
    Doggy, don’t be disheartened, you know this will work. Don’t forget the ‘patience and persistence’ part of our four Ps. You can do this. Best of luck to your OH. πŸ‘πŸ’•
    CG, the sun is shining again here today so I’ll have to get out and about to soak up some vitamin D before our short, gloomy days set in. Hope you’re able to enjoy your beautiful surroundings too. πŸ‘πŸ’•πŸ’šπŸ’ž

    Hi Fit and welcome to the day we have almost finished πŸ˜‰Nothing can get me down in my Eden, it’s just a joy to either looking at or walk through😊 Stay strong with you fast, I came home at 420 and that was a struggle as still not hungry, but feel I must eat when injesting so many meds! Bummer……just remember there is more goodness in walking away from the fridge ( empty handed)πŸ˜‰ than walking towards it😊 With anticipation πŸ€”πŸ·YOU CAN DO IT πŸ˜‰πŸ’• cuddles xxx

    Thanks for the pep talk, CG! It’s ironic that you have to make yourself eat and still struggle to reach 420 cals, while I’ll be struggling to stay under 500! Oh well, that’s just 5:2 and it’s just for today and I know I can do it πŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ

    Of course you can, and my choices tomorrow could take me well over my TDEE, just luck of the drawerπŸ€—And might down a few slurps too 😊Xxxxxx

    Good morning/evening team, so how did we all go with our second fast for the week? Good news? Don’t get down hearted if the scales don’t show a downward trend. You are still keeping your body healthy and often, even the tapemeasure doesn’t improve with it’s reading, but 5:2 IS working. It may even show a better reading tomorrow😊And I bet you feel healthier anyway, and isn’t that well being feeling priceless?☺️ I haven’t weighed this morning,just having my coffee, but will after my shower, then ready for a day on the mower. I can always tell when spring arrives,you can litterally watch the grass grow,so it’s an ongoing chore too keeping up with it, but my favourite time cause I’m out in my garden, weather permitting😊 …. but I start to cough, from the 1st. Must be something in the garden, others sneeze, but I cough! Grrrr,sounds awful,but feels wonderful to clear the chest! So my hayfever goes straight to my chest,so much for Spring fever 😏
    I hope you have a lovely day planned and are looking forward to the weekend, our lives are going by so quickly, so take time to smell the roses, say g’day to someone and take time for a chat, we rush through life with so much pressure…..slow down πŸ˜‰ be kind to yourself, and DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFFπŸ˜‰
    Cuddles team β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•xxxxxx

    Feeling pretty good as I’m finishing my fd on about 450 cals. Let’s hope the weigh in tomorrow is good too. Best of luck CG with yours but I’m sure your priority is just to feel well and pain free. Don’t overdo things in the garden!

    Oh well done😊 Fit, I’ll play today by ear, I just fell asleep for an hour on the couch. I had some cereal as felt thingy in the tummy and light headed….I seem to be worse on this stuff in the mornings, so taking it slowly. I have the silliest damn dreams too😱 I dreampt I was dreaming? I’ve woken bright eyed so into my shower, weigh in, then hopefully on my rideonπŸ˜‰ Sweet dreams darling cuddles xxx

    Morning all. Well my weigh-in was a bit disappointing but I’m down 200gr. Expected more but all up I’m down from 77.8 to 76.2, so going in the right direction. We’ll see if we can hit that 75 next week now πŸ™‚
    CG we have sunshine too – yeah, such a beautiful sight after the dreary grey. So I too am thinking about time in the garden. Plenty of weeding to do after all the rain. Hope your tummy settles so you can enjoy your mowing & your garden.
    Well I’ve done my 4 day no alcohol without a drama – sparkling water in a tall glass works well – so looking forward to a wine tonight with my dinner. That’s about it…not much to report today.
    Hope to see more weigh-ins later today. Ladies where are you all? Let’s keep ourselves honest and motivated and encourage each other. It’s so great when the forum is buzzing. I find that it really does help the motivation!! Have a great day all. And if your weigh-in wasn’t what you expected like mine, just remember that it DOES all add up and get you to your goal. And it sometimes means a bigger loss next week too so keep that in mind! suejen xxxx

    Hi sj, yes very quiet today….no gardening for me, having quite an off day for some reason, I walked up to my bedroom to shower and fell into bed and slept again. I put a new pain patch on yesterday so maybe the system has to get used to the new one. I’m not hungry but felt maybe I’ve been under eating so just had a toasted cheese sandcwhich with another milky coffee. I’ll see if I can cheer up as the day goes on. I had to go to the freezer in the shed to get the bread and surprised how mild it is outside, tomorrow is predicted to be 20 so even better, there will be no stopping me getting out there then😊 I guess it’s been pretty full on for me over the last few weeks and the body has just shut down for a rest. I haven’t even showered yet and it’s 11:30😑😱 but not rushing at all. A loss is a loss so be pleased it’s not a gain….enjoy your garden, I envy you, Cuddles 😊xxxx

    He all. Sorry I have been slack. But I did weigh I. This morning before I went out for the day. From 97.6 to 96.9 so that’s .7 kg. Pretty good as I only really could manage one FD due to nausea. I wish I did. Ot feel like eating when icky o the gum..but feel like stuffing myself with carbs instead. So really pleased with the loss. Must have been the extra good Tuesday FD.
    SJ. A loss is a loss is a loss. well done. Especially when you had to taste all of those wines for the local community. Well done on the wine free nights as well. I too have not had any during the week and am looking forward to a scotch tonight in front of the footy. 🍾🍾🍷🍷
    Fit, must be great to be back dancing again. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ
    UP. That meal sounded delicious…..especially the blue cheese and port butter….😍😍
    Well have had a big day today, I’ve posted updates on FB so won’t bore you again with details.
    I’m with SJ, where is everyone??
    CG. Such great support you are giving to all even though I’m sure you must be struggling…πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    Bye for now πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

    Hi all!
    Well my weigh in wasn’t too bad. I’m only 100g down on last Friday but I’m a lot less than last Monday! So at 66.3 and hoping not to go overboard again this weekend. I really have to stop sabotaging myself!
    CG, gosh, you’re having quite a battle with the meds but hopefully things will settle down as you get used to juggling the various types and dosages. Your body obviously needs the rest, so do just that! πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’š
    SJ, a loss is a loss so well done! As you quite rightly say, it’s all going in the right direction and next week could be even better. So, on we go! πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ƒ
    PH, that’s a great loss especially in the light of all you’ve been going through. Take care and get plenty of rest. πŸ‘πŸ’•πŸ˜ƒ

    Hi Fit, I forgot to report my weing in, not surprised the day I’ve had, no internet for most of it either. I’m UP 800g would you believe, and that’s after a week of very low cal eating and just no appitite, so it does really show we need to zigzag to get the fasting effect. Sitting on 70.8 this morning😱 Not to worry,still very happy at this weight, the way I feel and how my clothes fit😊And considering where I was, can’t complain, crumbed chicken with chips , mushrooms and gravy tonight, that should start the zigzag again….πŸ˜…πŸ’•xxxxx

    You have such a brilliant and positive attitude, CG, it’s infectious! Best of luck with that zigzagging! It’s bright but cool here today so I’m trying to keep warm by doing some chores. We haven’t put on our central heating yet and I’m trying to put that off for as long as possible to fool myself into shortening the winter!

    Yes I understand Fit,we have a glorious day predicted tomorrow, but changing tomorrow night, heading towards the cold again, oh well, at least we are well enough to enjoy it either way, no matter our preferences….πŸ˜‰Enjoy your day xxxx

    Hi all, I had a weird week. Started well, finished badly. I pretty much weigh the same but that is OK. Have a good weekend all.

    I’ve been much the same UP. I had two good fasts this week but then couldn’t stop eating yesterday and ended up eating a whole packet of biscuits last night. So annoyed with myself 😑😞
    Hope everyone is going well and saw some good results this week. Take care and enjoy your weekend. The weather here is just awful today, very windy, rainy and cold. I lit my pellet stove last night for the first time. Still hoping to postpone putting on the full central heating for now.

    Hi Fit, oh golly, tut tut tut! Naughty😊 Your guilt is enough to stop you even thinking of doing it again. I weighed in 800 up after my fast, and not eating much through the week with being so crook them had a heavy food day yesterday, then down 900 today? Go figure, I guess thats the zigzag in eating correctly giving the zigzag in weight?making our fast work…..but funny how it works like that….you do need to eat enough on NFD’s πŸ˜‰you really are heading in to Winter with a vengeance aren’t you, we are the opposite….glorious day today, it will be
    short lived, but a taste of what is to come. The heat is all up North, and we get the chill winds down this end, but be positive, at least you can put on extra clothes enjoy your day ahead….Cuddles xxxx

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