Day 15 Lancaster, PA NFD
It has become a NFD today~ 🤔
This topic contains 2,027 replies, has 142 voices, and was last updated by Yondi 6 years, 5 months ago.
Day 16 – Tokyo, Japan – FD continuing
@16 hours – glucose 95mg/dl, ketones ~0.0 mmol/l, 82.4kg
@30 hours – glucose 90mg/dl, ketones ~0.5 mmol/l, 80.2kg
@41 hours – glucose 91mg/dl, ketones ~1.5 mmol/l, 79.8kg
Weight loss is slowing down but it is probably a lot more fat than at first. Ketones
is evidence of fat being burned. I’m into the 2nd day which has been typically harder for me. I would have typically ended my fast by now, but I’m hoping to burn 1kg of fat this week. I think that is a very aggressive goal and it may take 100+ hours of fasting.
I hope everyone is making the fast count! I see others are also going into day 2 of fasting! More power to them!
@sirisan B2B
@mia139 B2B
@flourbaby (1st of B2B2B) <=== You are seriously tough!
@snowflake56 2nd of b2b
Day 16 AUS FD
@dykask good luck with your fast, it sounds really intense. Are you doing water only the entire time?
2nd post
Day 16 fasting pocketeers
@dykask (2nd of B2B2B2B2!)
@sirisan B2B
@mia139 B2B
@flourbaby (1st of B2B2B)
@snowflake56 2nd of b2b
Day 15 NFD Portland, OR
Day 14 FD
Day 13 NFD
Day 12 NFD
Day 11 NFD
Day 10 FD
Well the travel certainly kept me from logging in and keeping up with everyone. I have pages and pages of posts to read. I suppose the positive spin on that is I often come to this page when I feel like I’m losing motivation.. and I’ve been able to stay quite focused. I weighed in on Sunday and lost just 1 pound from the week before. I can’t help but feel a bit disappointed but have to keep in mind that in total I am 6.4 pounds down over the last 4 weeks. And that is definitely something to smile about! 🙂
Day 15,US, NFD
Have been missing in action the last 4-5 days. Oh fellow pocket winos, I was fairly good over the weekend but completely blew it on Sunday night. Which made doing a FD at work the next day extremely challenging to say the least. I craved grease, and cheese, and carbs, but I resisted. Yay me. No weight gain in the last week, but no loss either.
Day 16 | Sydney Australia | FD B2B
Day 14 was an attempted fasting day. I made it to about 8 pm then I got home and my 8-year-old daughter was eating strawberry ice cream with chocolate topping. And I had to have some. My wife had cooked some chicken drumsticks in the oven and I had 3 of those as well, with sweet chili sauce.
Day 15 was a successful fasting day, no temptations at all. I had brussels sprouts for lunch followed by some very spicy Tom Yam soup. The brussels sprouts were awesome, the Tom Yam soup just about made steam come out of my ears but it wasn’t very good, I won’t be buying that brand again. When I got home I had a couple of boiled eggs and 3 small Roma tomatoes while I taught my 12-year-old son basic algebra. I wasn’t even remotely tempted to break the diet yesterday, and came in under 400 calories for the day.
Day 16 is today and I’m attempting a B2B. I’ve made myself a very big lunch, a heap of brussels sprouts (boiled in salty water) and a big head of broccoli (steamed). I didn’t weight my lunch but it’s got to be about half a kilo – I’m calling it 200 calories since I’m not having any cheese or butter with it.
Day 16 NFD Brisbane Australia
@dykask Thanks for the explanation and the stats, and your determination is inspiring. Holiday here today so chillin out with the fam.
Day 16, Norway, FD
Today is going to turn in to a spontaneous FD. I have been fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, but I realized this morning that I’m going on an RV-trip to Sweden for a long weekend tomorrow. It ‘smy sister in law, my aunt and my mom and I, doing a road trip to Ullared (“a famous shopping place in Sweden”, even got its own TV Show ). So in fear of having to “fail” on my FD for the road trip starting tomorrow, I switched until today. My last fast on Monday I got the headache from hell, so today I’m going to be very conscious about getting enough water throughout the day.
I hope yesterday was mindfully eating, I had a Herbalife shake (240kcal) for breakfast and again for lunch, but we had our niece over for dinner (home again from studies in Australia) and she wanted sushi. I ate 14 pieces, mix of Nigiri and Maki…I’ve tried to google the kcal-amount in sushi, but I just get more confused. After eating the Nigiri/Maki yesterday I though OMG why didn’t you just eat Sashimi!! Next time!
Congratulations to everyone losing weight, it’s such a good feeling! I haven’t gotten to where I can say I “feel better” yet, so hopefully I will not come to a plateau just yet. For how long have you guys been doing this WOE before stepping on this “well known plateau”? I’ve just started, I’m now in the middle of my third week.
Well, better get back to my office work, and get this day started.
Still day 15 for me but adding my name for day 16
Day 16 fasting pocketeers
@dykask (2nd of B2B2B2B2!)
@sirisan B2B
@mia139 B2B
@flourbaby (1st of B2B2B)
@snowflake56 2nd of b2b
Norway, Day 16, FD/CD?
I had planned for a FD today, as I am going away the rest of the week. But I have come down with a cold(headace/sinus ace, feeling weak, runny nose, hurting throat). I am at work, but I don’t think I will stay here long. Of course my kids had to have a real bad night too, with a lot of screaming an waking up, so in addition to feeling bad beacuse of the cold I am super tired too. So, that is why I am not so sure about having a full on FD today, isn’t it reccomended to skip the fast when you are sick? I will anyway try for a CD, but we will see. A bit disappoiniting to have a set back so early in the new WOL, but then again, it IS a WOL and not a diet, so I know that I can adjust it to present health and social life without anything being ruined. That’s just life.
Have a good day everyone, fasters as well as nonfasters 🙂
Day 16 Ireland – FD
Yay, clambered back into the 10 stone anything enclosure this morning. Oh that half pound looks good 🤗
My second FD of the week and plan a B2B FD tomorrow, just to see if I can do it. Still experimenting with this WOE.
@califdreamer – cheers for the shout out. I was very pleased with the 2.5 drop, over 3 litres of water and cups of green tea do help👍. Let’s see how the next 2 go.
Day 16 UK NFD
Successful B2B FD. Scales show 61.1 Kg ( 134.4 lb ) today so almost reached August target of 61Kg (134.2 lb ) . No doubt there will be a “jump up before the end of the month but happy to see this weight so early into the month! 9.5 Kg. ( 20.9 lb ) in total dispatched since the middle of March. Very happy dance!! I love this WOL!
A question for ” the maintainers ” … how did you decide what your target weight was? As I haven’t been this weight since I can remember, it’s hard to know what’s right for your body etc. My BMI is right in the middle of the range but I still have lots of flab especially on my tummy. Is toning the only answer? I feel I could lose another couple of pounds and had set a target of 60 Kg for no other reason than it seemed a nice round number! And, so long since I’d been 9 stone anything! I know this is a good problem to have but am on the receiving end of some comments about the weight loss…. the usual… “you’re thin enough” and a favourite. ” especially see it in your arms” . Yes my arms were my biggest problem at 70+ Kg!!! O dear this is turning into a rant…. sorry… !
Anyway, rant over…. good luck to all the fasters today.
Day 16 UK FD
@dykask (2nd of B2B2B2B2!)
@sirisan B2B
@mia139 B2B
@flourbaby (1st of B2B2B)
@snowflake56 2nd of b2b
Ainming for a good solid>500 FD to get me back in the groove
Update and Unit correction
@16 hours – glucose 95mg/dl, ketones ~0.0 mg/dl, 82.4kg
@30 hours – glucose 90mg/dl, ketones ~0.5 mg/dl, 80.2kg <— Some fat burning
@41 hours – glucose 91mg/dl, ketones ~1.5 mg/dl, 79.8kg
@48 hours – glucose 85mg/dl, ketones ~4.0 mg/dl, 79.0kg <— Lots of fat burning now
I have only been drinking water, black coffee, unsweetened tea and diet soda / club soda. No eating.
I was starting to feel a little rough, like I used to feel when I was trying to use calorie restriction. However that was almost continuous where this was just a few hours. I’m feeling better now, just slightly hungry and a bit empty. However the empty feeling is no longer unpleasant.
I don’t know how long I’m going to go, but my goal is 1kg of fat. That is about 9000 calories. Not all the calories burned though are from fat, so probably I need to burn more like 11,000.
Right now based on my activity tracker my calories burned are 800 + 2900 + 1860 or 5560, so half way. I’ve climbed 120 floors of stairs both days to push up my activity.
Today hasn’t been that bad. Maybe after dozens of fasts it get easier to switch to burning fat.
@mari84 you just need to listen to your body. It sounds like you have a lot of stress between lack of sleep and not feeling well. Personally I have found that stress and fasting don’t mix for me. That is why I’m stopped fasting when traveling. Just too much stress.
Day 16 Netherlands FD
Let’s do this
@dykask (2nd of B2B2B2B2!)
@sirisan B2B
@mia139 B2B
@flourbaby (1st of B2B2B)
@snowflake56 2nd of b2b
Good luck everyone!
Day 16 North Wales FD
Let’s do this
@dykask (2nd of B2B2B2B2!)
@sirisan B2B
@mia139 B2B
@flourbaby (1st of B2B2B)
@snowflake56 2nd of b2b
Good luck everyone x
Day 16, London, UK, FD (2nd of B2B2B)
@metatauta, I’m not sure if it was self-control (I’ll take it anyhow!!) or just laziness, if I could have dragged myself to the shops, freezer or kitchen there would have been a crisp massacre!!! However, I have realised that the motivation to get up & get snacks is less when the snacks are cucumber or celery sticks, baby tomatoes etc!!!! Hence, nothing tempting in the house, lesson learnt!!!!!
@dykask, not so tough really, again, just lazy!!!! FDs at work are so much easier than at home where I would spend all day thinking about food and feeling a tad deprived, which isn’t usual for this WOL, as much as I say I’ll have that tomorrow, my brain doesn’t register, so B2B2Bs at work, where I’m very busy, seem to suit me. Day 1 – relatively easy as positivity is high! Day 2 – a bit tricky but manageable, Day 3 I feel like I could run a marathon and fast indefinitely!!!! However, Day 4 dawns and I always find myself ravenous, but craving healthier foods than anticipated!!!!!! I take my hat off to you and your 100hr liquid only fast (no can do – I NEED to eat!!), I hope that 1kg of fat slithers away with ease!!!
Today’s (Day 16) amended list of fasters, copy, paste and add your name if you’re with us today!!
@dykask (2nd of B2B2B2B2!)
@sirisan B2B
@mia139 B2B
@flourbaby (2nd of B2B2B)
@snowflake56 2nd of b2b
Good luck everyone, stay strong!!
@flourbaby – We all just have to figure out what works easiest for us. Right now I’m very happy that day 2 has gone pretty easy. In the past I’ve really struggled with day 2. I was a bit scared of it. Fasting is just getting easier. I don’t do these longer fasts very often. I this is only my third one this year, I did one for 60+ hours and a 80+ hour one. The 1kg fat loss is just to give me a goal that I might be able to notice! You and others that routinely do multi-day fasts have my respect!
Hi all,
I’m returning to this fasting routine after a long absence- is it too late to join the August Challenge? I live in Melbourne, Australia. Health concerns is what is driving me to get this weight issue sorted once and for all! And three great kids and a supportive husband.
I need a supportive group to keep me going!
Day 16…..Florida……..?
Yesterday, ended up being a crazy day. We were so busy at work, I ended up doing an 18 hour fast because I took my lunch 2 hours later than normal. Then, when I arrived home, we decide to take the youngest kid to the mall for shoes, under garments and jeans. So, we ate out. So, today, I’ve got my leftovers from dinner, not sure if I’m eating them for lunch today or tomorrow on my scheduled FD.
I did end up buying myself two new pair of sandals….. cute as ever! The OH, says I need more shoes like I need more holes in my head. But he knows, I can miss a good price or a cute shoe!
@maayyaa…… I’ve been doing this WOE for 8 months, losing almost 30lbs, 29 to be exact. In March, I climbed up on plateau mountain and camped out for 4 long months. I finally climb down and kept going by going back to the basics of 5:2, drinking enough h2o and stay present and active in the group! Plus, @debster, gave me one hell of pull and I fell off!
@dykask……. wishing you well my friend!
Okay well, I’m off for another exciting day adulting!
I was addicted to the hokey pokey then I turned myself around!
Day 16 – London, UK – FD
Checking in to say hi today. I’m reading through the posts I’ve missed gradually today to keep me distracted from the hunger roar. I have my cup of mint tea but it’s not quite working.
A quick catch-up…
Day 12 – London, UK – NFD
Day 13 – London, UK – NFD
Day 14 – London, UK – FD (415, yay!)
Day 15 – London, UK – NFD
Day 16 pocket fasters: copy, paste and add your name if you’re with us today!
@dykask (2nd of B2B2B2B2!)
@sirisan B2B
@mia139 B2B
@flourbaby (2nd of B2B2B)
@snowflake56 2nd of b2b
Day 16, Norway, second post,
Just to add my name to the fasters today (instead of tomorrow)
Wow!! Fasting 4days in a row? How is that working out for you guys with more then one fastday at a time 😊
@dykask (2nd of B2B2B2B2!)
@sirisan B2B
@mia139 B2B
@flourbaby (2nd of B2B2B)
@snowflake56 2nd of b2b
Hello day 16 Co Down NI NFD but hopefully a no snack day – just healthy supportive food.
As usual finding it hard to get back on track after an indulgent period. I had started August with such promise – sigh. Thought yesterday was going well and once again did the hard yards only to indulge in snacking when I got home ?????. The scales are telling me enough is enough and it has to stop. How come some days you can feel you could say no to all the ‘bad’ things for ever and ever and mean it, only to get addicted once again. Not caught up on posts – so maybe tonight I will sit down and read instead of snacking! Hope all is good with everyone x
Day 16, Emden Germany, FD
I don’t know how I came on this list, but can do a 3rd FD today as I’m not hungry.
Day 16 pocket fasters: copy, paste and add your name if you’re with us today!
@dykask (2nd of B2B2B2B2!)
@sirisan B2B
@mia139 B2B
@flourbaby (2nd of B2B2B)
@snowflake56 3rd of b2b2b
Have a nice day everyone fasting or non-fasting
Day 16 USA NFD
@dykask I am following your keto diet journey with interest, because a constant keto diet is the one I am considering for my epilepsy. I have done it in the past and I’m pretty low carb now, but I have a tough time staying in ketosis. I’m wondering how you find the shift to a keto diet in regard to exercise? It’s that transition that is tough for me.
Day 16 Akron OH 2nd B2B FD. Yesterday went well. I went over by 1 calorie, but I am beginning to have that empty feeling again; it took a while but it’s back! I also feel full pretty quickly when I start eating, so I would say my stomach has shrunk back to it’s pre-allinclusive-vacation size. Clothes are feeling looser, scale is responding again. Stick with it guys, this WOL works.
Day 16 pocket fasters:
@dykask (2nd of B2B2B2B2!)
@sirisan B2B
@mia139 B2B
@flourbaby (2nd of B2B2B)
@snowflake56 3rd of b2b2b
@basyjames (2nd B2B2B)
Day 15 Australia NFD I am really proud of my food choices today. Days which are easy are great but then temptation day comes around and in recent months I have given in and then been angry at myself the next day. But not today – scrambled egg and veges for breakfast, a meat-free salad with dressing on the side for lunch, two bananas for snacks, stewed vege and turkey for dinner and a tangelo for dessert. I’m hungry and would have loved a wine to relax with but stuck to my guns. It is nice to know I can do it.
Day 16 Massachusetts USA FD I find it comical that it was 1/2 of a restaurant SALAD on Monday that forces me to be so strict this week. I asked my husband to please eat the leftover 1/2 yesterday, as he is not on a weight control plan. Yesterday was 600 calories and today will be 500. I’m on track for another FD Sunday but in between is a trip to the Maine coast where I want to have at least one Lobster roll! Carry on fellow fasters!
Day 16, USA, Missouri Ozarks, FD
Hello all, got to the boards early today before it gets too busy here at work. Feeling great, stayed on track thus far (my third fast day in a row (keeping it to 500 calories or less during a one hour window each night about six). Lots of water, lots of exercise. Lots and lots and lots of fresh summer fruit and vegetables. Last night I had a salad with wonderful garden tomatoes, cucumber, peppers and zucchini. Followed by yellow watermelon for dessert.
Was talking to my boss yesterday as we often do about health/exercise/nutrition, etc., she is a world class (seriously) Cross Fit-ter, 50 years old and looks great. She is very tall, probably 5′ 11″ (I am 5’4″ or 5″ not sure anymore) – she said that she finds me to be very tiny and petite. Tiny? Petite? I weigh about 142 right now. I wear about a size six in dress slacks which is how she usually sees me. I said well tiny I can take – skinny I hope to never be. At 68 years old, I want to be fit and healthy and strong.
Because, well – strong is the new pretty !
Wishing all well.
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10:19 pm
15 Aug 17