Atkins and 5:2 followers

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Atkins and 5:2 followers

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  TimN 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I lost a fair amount of weight on Atkins, but as many have done, gained back some of the lost weight.

    I started 5:2 to jump start the weight loss this second time around as 3 weeks on Atkins with High Intensity Training resulted in weight gain. On my non-fasting dates, I follow Atkins and the fasting days, I eat 500 calories of what I would have eaten normally.

    Anyone else trying this way of eating?

    @amyc ….all I can say to this is no thanks. 😀 I tried Atkins some years ago and I found it the most restrictive boring thing ever.

    But hey!! If it works for you, go for it.


    Yes! Not strictly Atkins (never read the book) but low carb as it helps to keep me feeling satiated. I find the fast days easier to manage if haven’t overdone it on the carbs. The scales haven’t moved in a favourable direction for a while but I have to admit to drinking too much wine which I’ve now cut out Mon-Thurs. I’ve also starting logging in Myfitnesspal to make sure I’m not going over my allowance. How’s it going for you?

    I am on day 6 of 5:2/Atkins hybrid , so the jury is still out on the effectiveness. I am losing weight (6 lbs so far), but sure am hungry a lot of the time on non-fast days and really hungry on fast days (until the end of the day when the hunger subsides).

    I am sure the weight loss rate will taper off dramatically soon, especially if I raise the calories on the non fast days.

    I need to watch my calories on the non fast days, as I haven’t identified true hunger with me wanting to eat all the time. Atkins is what I know and can follow.

    You’ll get used to the hunger. As long as I haven’t over indulged in the wine the night before a fast day, it doesn’t bother me too much now. Keeping really busy helps, as does getting plenty of sleep. I’m doing HIT at the gym too. It helps to take the edge of the hunger too. Do you find that?

    Amc C this seems to break the basic principals of Atkins. ie even on a fast day you cannot eat (low)carbs and expect to stay in Ketosis. So on these days just stay on LCHF. I would think that by restricting the fat on the fast days ( <600 KCal tot) it would encourage your body to replace the missing cals from your own body fat. I am going to try this. The only fat I will still be taking on fast days is Omega 3 ( + a bit from cooking and protein, but will keep this to a min ).

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