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This topic contains 1,170 replies, has 81 voices, and was last updated by  AnneMarilyn 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Day 7 – UK – NFD

    Good FD yesterday – finished just over 600cal and 1.2lbs down this morning. Had my first meal today at 11.30 so all good!

    @diana123 – Congratulations! I hope to reach my goal by the end of the month too so maybe both doing a happy dance!

    Love the sound of your curry @fatrabbit – I love a good curry!

    I hope you are all ready to join me in spirit on my long training run tomorrow – the weather is set to be cool and I’ve set a course overlooking Morecambe Bay!

    Have a good weekend everyone

    Day 7 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Doing fine but busy — hope to read and post more later.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 7 – Dubai – NFD

    Just checking in.

    “Three months from now, you’ll thank yourself.”

    Day 7 UK feast day

    Yesterday’s CD turned into a bit of a feast, after the day’s delicious salads were rounded off with baked camembert and a few glasses of sauvignon blanc.

    Got up early today and went swimming, first time in more than a decade. Amazed to manage it at all, but did 20 lengths of a 33m pool – followed by vegetarian cooked breakfast. Less of a blowout, more of a conscious choice. Feeling pretty wonderful, yay for holidays.

    Love the sound of your curry @fatrabbit. Do you begin by frying in coconut oil?

    Wishing a happy weekend to all xx

    Day 7 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Big pub meal last night but skipped breakfast this morning to make up for some of the extra calories. I’ve got out of the habit of drinking plenty of water so now aiming to rectify that.

    @toddybear good luck for your run tomorrow.

    Wishing you all a fabulous weekend 🤗

    Dykask, there are many ways to do planks and counting minutes is not the most difficult. I have been doing planks with my personal trainer and I do some while I am moving parts of my body. Currently, I have been doing one where I am moving one leg over the other while I am in plank position. You do one leg and then the other. It’s not time oriented but rather you county how many times you can cross each leg over. There are so many ways to do it. As per increasing muscle mass, as with any exercise, when it’s challenging you can do it every other day. The off day your muscles repair themselves. When the muscles repair is also how and when they strengthen. It is amazing how quickly you get stronger doing this! Good luck all you plankers!

    ccco USA Day FD

    500 calorie FDs are getting easier, so I am hoping to build up to a Monday water fast. It is odd how this works. I have not water fasted for some time and now I am having difficulty doing it. When I first started water fasts, they were easy. I shouldn’t have allowed so much time to have passed but I am working myself into. Green light for Monday!

    Saturday and Sunday are the only days I don’t exercise, so no planks today!

    Have great and productive weekend everyone!

    Day 7 – USA – NFD

    Good FD yesterday, 493 cals. For me, the key to keeping FDs to 500 cals. is planning, planning, planning. As long as I have a few choices of foods that will combine to 500 cals., I’m able to do it successfully. Weight is still 160.2, but I expect to have a whoosh in a day or two. That has been my body’s pattern and I’m grateful to have recognized it.

    Day 7, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Waiting for the atmospheric river event today, also called epic rain fest!😊🌧

    Have a good Saturday everyone! ⚘⚘⚘

    Day 7: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD

    Day 7 California NFD Maintenance

    @redrockgirl303, glad to push our atmospheric river event out in your direction. 😄 We needed the rain, but enough is enough!

    @metatauta, agree on the FDs. I always feel great the next morning. And usually not particularly hungry.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Still trying to eat up all the colored eggs from Easter.

    Day 7 UK NFD

    My fast day was much easier yesterday and I came in at under 500 cals.

    It was weigh in today and despite over indulging over the Easter bank hol I am pleased to report that I am 3 Ibs down. Wahooo! 😁

    I also really enjoyed my workout today and I am pleased to have returned to my exercise after a week off visiting family.

    Feeling very positive 😁

    @diana123 Congratulations! You did it…

    Day 7 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Think I’m still in a celebratory mode eating-wise as I finish out spring break. Will get back on track with a proper FD on Monday.

    Need to get out to the Farmers’ Market for fresh veggies this morning. We have a wind & rain event also @redrockgirl302. Want to get done with errands before strong winds are predicted. It’s already pretty wild out there!

    Enjoy the weekend forum friends!

    Day 7, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Good evening/night everyone.

    Day 7, Surrey (UK), NFD, Fast Strength Day (FSD)

    I’m not being deterred by this plateau. I’m NOT! I’m keeping on keeping on with 5:2 AND increased exercise/ movement. This morning, I tried out my ‘fast strength’ routine. This is what I did in half an hour:

    1. A jog around the block to warm up
    2. 10 jumping jacks
    3. 10 sit-ups
    4. 10 reverse curls
    5. 10 modified press-ups (on my knees, dipping as low as I could)
    6. A plank for 20 seconds
    7. 10 tricep dips
    8. Wall squat for 10 seconds – thighs parallel to the ground
    9. Repeated 2-8 above twice more. Held last plank for 30 seconds.

    It shows that it IS possible to fit exercise in to my life, as long as I make the effort to create a space in my schedule. There’s no excuse not to, really.

    Yesterday I did a LOT of walking around. My hubby and I were visiting Cambridge. We went to a concert in the evening and decided to do a day’s sightseeing as well. In fact the only time I was seated was when in the car, eating dinner, and during the concert itself. That still amounted to 6 hours of sitting, but was a big improvement on my usual sitting habits.

    It’s good to hear what you are all doing, exercise-wise. Well done especially to the plankers! @toddybear – I will be thinking of you on your training run tomorrow. I think you will beat me to your target!

    Have a good evening everyone. Don’t let those wretched scales grind you down!

    Day 7 NFD Oregon USA

    Well my intention of weighing everyday didn’t start well as I forgot today! But will weigh in tomorrow. Yesterday probably stuck below TDEE but just barely. Doing lots of physical work cleaning and moving furniture today so hopefully I burn off any extra and will keep today to more CD.

    For those who were here in March and know my struggle with my 90 year old Dad selling his house, we are now preparing to move a lot of his furniture into our house. Requires a lot of rearranging here but ultimately good as will be improvements in many rooms. We have been in our house for 20+ years though and it is forcing some loooong overdue cleaning.
    We go in two weeks to load the moving truck for him and drive it from Arizona to Oregon.

    @flourbaby-so happy for you to have had that time with your Mom. ❤️
    @diana123 Congrats!! You should be so pleased with your success. You jumped in and just did it!💪💪
    @at many happy times in Australia with your family!
    @metatauta- love that you have figured out your body’s pattern. Certainly helps you remain calm when the scale is being Cruella. 😊
    And as @annemarilyn said we are predicting some strong winds here today. Just don’t want to lose power!!

    “Have a 🔥 in your soul and grace in your ❤️”

    Day 8…NSW Australia…FD
    8.10am Sunday
    Hi everyone
    Just checking in. Trying to shake off a head cold – don’t like being unwell!
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 7, UK, NFD

    So I got myself this app called ‘Lose it!’ , and I thought ok lets try it and see if that makes it easier to get the grasp of how much to eat on NFDs. So I logged all my food today and omg! No wonder my losing weight is going at a snail (not even tortoise) pace! I just didn’t realise how much calories all the food has that I eat.
    I like this app already, because when I put in my planned food for dinner it took me over my TDEE by around 300 kcal 😮 . So I changed it to a different option and am ending the day at around my TDEE. Success 🙂

    @at glad to hear from you, it sounds like you had a fab flights and having a great
    time in AUS, enjoy! 💃

    You are welcome @ktcaroline, I mostly make kefir and its better than any I tried from the shops 🙂

    @sarahbob well done on staying strong despite the kids driving you nuts, thats what I call staying the course 💪 , glad to hear you are doing well and feeling positive, your positivity is contagious 😊

    @steve toon taxi driver enjoy your Sunday bike ride. 🚲

    @mjrbcd44 it sounds like the issues with your dad are coming to a close and in a positive way? Its good to hear 🙂

    I’m having a working weekend but I hope everyone has a good, relaxing one 🤗

    Day 5 Sarasota, Florida CD
    Day 6 NFD
    Day 7 NFD I’ve been posting in April but my posts don’t seem to be appearing. I need the accountability with a lot of company and restaurant eating. I haven’t needed FD’s in a couple of months, just CD’s because I was well below my goal weight. I see the Dr Monday and find out where I stand now. I’d like to have a FD soon! I’ll get on track for sure when my last company leaves Tuesday. Wishing everyone well worldwide! 🌍

    First week complete! Down 4.4lbs. Great start to 5:2 and the April Challenge!

    Day 8, Emden Germany, FD

    Day 8 UK FD

    Yesterday’s fast turned into a feast as I gave in and had leftover curry for lunch and then cooked something far too delicious for dinner – ginger sweet potatoes and coriander green beans with asparagus and red peppers. Another keeper that.

    So a week in and my weight is up again from yesterday but still down two pounds from a week ago so all in all this return to fasting is working. I will try again today. I hope my sister finished off the food or the leftovers may ruin this fast too. I am doing roast veg for them this evening so I absolutely can’t afford lunch. Lots of work to do though so at least I will be busy.

    Day 8 – Dubai – FD#3
    Just checking in. Thanks for the info about planks @ccco.

    “Three months from now, you’ll thank yourself.”

    Checking in fast day 🙂I’ll let you know how it goes

    Day 8 UK FD

    Aiming for FD today but will see how it goes. Feeling very hungry already and not even 10 am! Must stay strong and hopefully the scales will reward tomorrow!

    Day 8: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    I haven’t made a very good start to the April challenge, with two very half-hearted fast days, neither of which completed well.
    I will try again tomorrow, when at work it is always “easier”. My downfall continues to be coming home from work starving, with empty hours ahead. It just shows me how much time I spend (or fill up) with eating.
    If I can get a proper fast day in then I can weigh myself…
    How I admire all of you with will-power!

    Day 8 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Day 8, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Don’t worry @ciren2 – you’re in good company. I’ve got the willpower of a gnat!

    Yesterday’s FD started well and I didn’t eat until early evening. It then turned into an OK NFD as I failed miserably on no wine in the house. So OH and I have amended our rules to say on a weekend if we go to a pub we don’t drink in the house, but if we don’t go out, we’ll allow ourselves a drink in the house. Dry the rest of the week bar social occasions. @metatauta – I’ll keep aiming for a dry 5:2 as bit by bit I am gaining control. At least I didn’t finish the whole bottle!!! Scales showing right side of 140lbs again this morning.

    Today we have family descending for late lunch (last minute arrangement) but I should be able to have a good day as I’m doing a standard roast chicken and loads of veg.

    Day 8 Devon, UK Feast Day

    Finished yesterday with a wonderful vegetable curry – parsnip, carrot, sprout, cauliflower and spinach – with a couple of spoons of wild rice on the side. I’d forgotten how delicious curry can be – thank you for the inspiration @fatrabbit. An epsom salt bath, an early night and almost 10 hrs sleep – feeling rested and a genuine sense of well-being for the first time in ages, incipient cold is present but not yucky after sleep, air, loads of cinnamon tea and water.

    Last full holiday day today, and due to go out for lunch at a beach cafe down the coast. I’ll make healthy choices, and enjoy my last day here. Just time for an hour of yoga & meditation before we head off.

    I’ve not done half the things I brought to do & I’ve probably put on weight. But I’ve really enjoyed being with my friend, sleeping, stretching my body and relaxing – and eaten an epic amount of vegetables! That’s what holidays are for – new perspective comes from mindful restoration 🙂

    Day 8 – Iceland – FD

    @diana123 – congratulations on reaching your goal!
    @songbirdme – the same happened to me, never really got into planking because of extreme back pain unfortunately…
    @fatrabbit – your curry sounds yummy😋

    I have been making some very poor food choices for the last couple of days, felt like I needed a little break after a very controlled second half of April… but this can’t go on so I am pushing the reset button now! Aim for a good FD today and tomorrow.

    Day 8 pocket list:

    Stay strong fellow pocketeers!!

    Day 8 Newcastle UK NFD 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
    Family meal out with wife sisters and Dad so I’ll just enjoy the day.
    Put weight on over the Easter period which I expected back on track on Monday. Although I’ve put weight on I still feel I’ve got my weight under control and have done for over a year now.

    Day 7 UK NFD

    Woke up full of cold today but I have a yummy delicious roast dinner to look forward to later. The main struggle for me today will be to try not to comfort eat. Planning my next fast day for tomorrow.

    Day 8 – London – NFD
    Managed a good CD yesterday.

    Day 8 – UK – NFD

    Managed the training run – just! Most of my route was flat but there’s a gradual incline which lasts for about 0.5k – you all helped me up that without stopping! I find it interesting how strong your mind can be – sometimes for good and sometimes for ill!!

    I’m holding your hand @fatfingers – come on! Together we can achieve our goals before the hols! I’m very impressed by your selection box of exercises – good for you!

    @shimmera – WOW! what a great start to your 5:2 journey!

    A little disappointed with the scales this morning as it means only 1lb lost over the week – so I need to step things up this week if I am to meet my April target. I think I’ll go for 3 FDs. I was way too sedentary yesterday as I managed to get hooked watching the Commonwealth Games – I could sit and watch sport all day! I’m back to recording everything on MyFitnessPal to check I’m not over-consuming on NFDs. As you said @shinything – really interesting how it all adds up!

    You don’t get what you wish for… you get what you work for…

    Have a great Sunday everyone!

    Day 8-Spain- FD
    3 fast days , 3 controlled days (CD) & 1 non-fasting day (NFD) when I had a meal out & wine 🙂
    3lbs lost … yaay … & I now weigh now 167 lbs
    14 more to go to my first goal of 153 lbs
    Practiced yoga for 1 hour 3 times during the week… & walked too…
    Second-week for me

    Day 8 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Thank you for all of the congrats. It really is a great feeling. I have not see this weight in 40+ years. This WOL life really works. Stay diligent and you will see great results.

    I was so busy yesterday with working for four hours, then home to clean the house and wedding preparations, two dogs, MIL needs etc. I didn’t have anytime to think about food until dinner so I kept that under 500 calories. Went to be early because I was exhausted and today I woke up feeling fab. Well rested and not hungry at all.

    Meeting friends for brunch today with no food restrictions and of course a Bloody Mary or two. Then my plan is to come home and make split pea soup with the ham bone and left over ham from Easter that I took out of the freezer yesterday.

    The best preparation for tomorrow is to be the best you today. Have a great Sunday everyone.

    Plank Pocket List – please copy and add your name if you want to join us for April 💪
    @rainbowsmile with extra
    @hyacinth plus extra 😱
    @catch87 plus extra!

    Extras build up to 100 setups (crunches) and 100 squats


    Congratulations to everyone persisting with the challenge, it’s a toughie.

    If planks are hurting your back one cause is because tummy and back muscles are weaker than they should be. When doing planks you must hold those stomach muscles in to protect the back, otherwise the back takes the strain. That means bottom should be down. The back is flat at all times. You can add pelvic floor clenches at the same time which encourages tummy and discourages back.

    Tummy muscles can be exercised twice a day, back muscles tire and need rest. Split the plank into smaller challenges and rest between. If it’s ultra hard see if you can borrow an inflatable ball. Another alternative is to do a half plank with knees on the floor, but don’t raise your feet.


    If doing crunches and back hurts, stop. This is because posture is wrong, keep back flat on the floor, knees bent and raise head and shoulders. Don’t put hands behind head as it will stretch neck and put stress on upper back.


    Squats are great when you can get knees 90° with thighs parrell to the floor. If struggling hold hands in prayer position under chin. Clench tummy. Squats are for lower abs and also lift the butt.


    If in any doubt stop and get advice on posture, it’s better to do a few in the correct posture than loads in the wrong one.


    The above was told to me by my body pump instructor, I bribed her with a large cappuccino.


    Day 8 – USA – NFD

    Sounds like a lot of good news today – @annypanny and others, congrats on proving that this WOL works!

    Day 8, London, UK, NFD,

    Fridays’ weight is holding steady after 2 NFDs …………….. fingers firmly crossed!!!! I’m staying mindful and I think the benefits of Arid April are kicking in as the NFD choices have been pretty good!!!

    @steve toon taxi driver, funny how our mindset changes, a little weight gain doesn’t mean you’re going to throw in the towel or panic because you messed up your diet!!! Because now you know a FD or two will fix that easily and you’re not on a diet anyway!!!!

    So, I haven’t heard much from my fellow Arid April(ers) @bigviking & @jaifaim ……………………….. I hope you guys are hanging in there and not waking up in that hangover haze we’re all too familiar with!!!!

    @fatrabbit, any good bunny stories or piggie stories to share??? I only ask because your foody posts are making me drool!!!! Off to prepare a bag of sprouts for dinner…………. Hhmmm; I’ve no idea why????

    @coda, I hope you’re taking a little ‘me’ time and practising some well-deserved self-care, we’re here when you’re ready!!!!

    I need to drown some dragons today, I’m so dehydrated. With wine consumption at zero, my water should have gone up, alas laziness prevailed and refilling the water bottle has proved a monumental task!!!! LOL!!!!

    Stay strong people!!!!

    Day 8 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Maintenance going fine. And at a meeting yesterday, several commented how healthy and trim I look! It feels so great to have people notice the weight loss and maintenance.

    @borealis – glad to know I’m not the only one who cannot plank. My degenerative disks are likely the cause of my back pain when doing it. I am not in constant pain, but I have to be careful. The loss of 35 pounds certainly did help.

    Onward and downward

    @Strawberriesandcream, you make me laugh; willpower of a gnat…I like that!! The good thing, for me, is that at least I don’t struggle with alcohol, as I can’t stand the taste!
    No. it’s the eating that’s my problem….especially my sweet tooth.

    Day 8 – Japan – NFD

    Day 8 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD
    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    My plans and resolutions for a controlled weekend fell completely apart on Friday afternoon. There was a shocking shouting match at work between the boss and a colleague that me and my teenage coworkers were witness to….it really upset everyone. My colleague walked from the job. I have never in my entire working life seen anything like it.

    So wine was popped Friday evening and basically I have been snacking and nibbling ever since.

    Back to work tomorrow and it will be interesting to see what the prevailing mood of the boss will be like.

    RESET tomorrow for sure

    Day 8 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Enjoy your Sunday forum friends!

    @daffodil2010 hopefully Monday will be better at work.

    Day 8, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Ate Chinese food and a piece of cheesecake for lunch.

    This evening will have something light.

    Tomorrow is a fast day for me.

    Have a great day everyone, onwards and downwards 👍.

    Day 8 NFD Oregon USA

    So I remembered to weigh-in this morning…sigh. Up 2.5 from Friday. Going to believe that it’s probably more of a fluid retention as I know that sodium was high from Friday night to Saturday night. Luckily it’s going to stick in my mind today and hopefully keep me on the straight and narrow.

    @shinything that sounds like a good app. I track calories and then I don’t…or I guesstimate because I don’t really weigh/measure things too well. Probably need to do a lot more of that on my NFD’s because like you I’m in the 🐌 club.
    And yes, things are resolved with my Dad and sisters…been way more stressful than it needed to be however.

    Happy Sunday all–for those who follow golf, enjoy Sunday at the Masters!

    “Have a 🔥 in your soul, and grace in your ❤️️”

    Made it first 500 of the week 🙂, all good, marmite drink kept me through the end of the day, thanks for that tip.

    Day 8, UK, NFD

    Its very late again, working late. It turned out to be a good day food wise, I didn’t have time to eat before late afternoon, so I had lots of room left for the evening and ended up under my TDEE. After tomorrow’s FD I hope to see a bit of a drop 🙂

    @mogaman so good to see you posting here again. I hope you are ok 🤗 . Let us know please.

    @shimmera that is a great start indeed, keep it up 😀

    @fatrabbit you know its working, you’ve done it before you can do it again.

    @elinor keep us posted how your fast goes, we are always here for support when you just start with this WOL 🙂

    @mia139 the hunger strikes sometimes, but I find it that it lasts for a while and
    then you are past it , so its worth staying strong. It gets better.

    @ciren2 maybe try moving the times when you eat? Or having something low calories,
    like fruit, in the evenings? Its about finding the way that works for everyone, more than willpower I find 🙂

    @annypanny you are doing really great, its inspiring to see how this way of eating works 😀

    @daffodil2010 scenes like that at work can be really upsetting. We shouldn’t take it home but we do, because sometimes it takes time to calm down. Lets hope Monday is better.

    @mjrbcd44 its a really nice app, I tried few and this one is the best. At least for my needs 🙂

    Have a good evening everyone 🙂

    Day 9 – Japan – FD 82.8kg (#23 in 2018)

    Weight up, I’ll blame it on doing taxes this last weekend. I have to file both in Japan and the US.

    Today I’ve only done one 2 minute plank so far …

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