Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Body Weight loss

This topic contains 1,170 replies, has 81 voices, and was last updated by  AnneMarilyn 6 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 501 through 550 (of 1,171 total)

  • Day 11…..Florida…… FD

    Yesterday turned out as a flop. While I was away, my husband planned a little visit from his Uncle from Buffalo and his cousin from Connecticut, they were in Florida visiting with their daughter/sister who lives about an hour away from us. So, had nice visit with lunch and sweets afterwards.
    Today, I’m back to the grind stone, work that is……I love going back after a vacation because it makes the people realize how much I actually do. You know those little things you do that no one notices until they have to do them.
    I’m also ready to get back into the swing of life, being off my WOL has taken quite a toll on my body. Although, I only gain 5lbs, eating all that food did more than put on weight. I also think that it stretched my stomach a bit too. I found my self a bit hungry soon and I was able to eat more than usual.
    Matilda has also been running a muck, she wants all the crap she get her hands even if I’m not hungry. She’s been purring up a storm, which is better than the. Normal fire she’s breathing on me but let’s be honest her happiness is slowly killing me.
    I’m expecting a huge fight on my hands today, probably tomorrow to…. hell more than likely all week.
    I’m going to be going back to the basics for the next couple weeks……wish me luck!

    Your riding a horse at full speed, a giraffe is next to you and a lion is chasing you…..
    What do you do?
    You get your drunk ass off the carousel!

    Day 11, Leeds UK, NFD
    This week has been great so far, but iam not going to be over-confident.
    Keeping everything steady and not listening to what my mind says , its a devil to me.
    Good luck everyone.

    Day 11, Virginia, USA- FD

    Good morning everyone, I have been doing a combination of ADF/5:2 since the end of March and am 8 pounds down as of this morning. Fasted yesterday and today will be a fast day as well. I have been testing my blood glucose in the mornings and am happy to see mine now at a normal 89, as opposed to the worrisome 44 or 69 of the first few days on the diet. That tells me that something good is happening to my insulin levels. This forum is such a huge source of support. Everyone is so good-natured and polite, it is a refreshing change from other forums I’ve observed. @flourbaby, thank you for that quote, I’m writing it in my notebook for today. So true and uplifting! 🙂 May I add myself to the pocket list?

    FD Pocket list Day 11

    Day 11 FD.

    I am planning water only until 3:30ish when I will have some chicken soup ( I hear it’s good for the soul) 🙂
    Adding myself to the pocket list, first time I have done that in a while. Slowly but surely I am getting back into it, So Stoked!

    FD Pocket list Day 11

    Day 11, Guildford UK, CFD (whole of April)

    But holding accountable on exercise.

    Did my first ever ballet class yesterday. Thought position 1 was the beginners pose from the Karma Sutra, apparently not. Felt like an elephant compared to the tiny waifs around me, but I have abs and biceps and thick thighs (muffin top doesn’t count in this) and can hold a pose without the barr thingie. Always wondered what that was in the gym, now I know. However the stretchy bendy bits were a surprise, my internal elastic has gone I guess.

    @onlyhermes great news on sugars and 8 lbs is great news.

    @bert1802, that’s what Matildas do, de rigeur.


    Day 11 – UK – NFD

    Some wonderful posts…

    @onlyhermes – how fantastic is that?!

    @rainbowsmile – you paint a wonderful picture – made me laugh out loud!

    Had a good FD yesterday but didn’t show on the scales this morning – I’m in a good frame of mind so not worried and I’m convinced I’ll have a whoosh at some stage.

    @bert1802 – I still have trouble with my Matilda when roused…. I try not to rouse her these days that way she seems to be a lot less troublesome!

    Have a good day everyone

    Day 11, FD, USA

    Day 3 of B2B2B.

    I hear you @Strawberriesandcream. I had a really bad day at work (have got a major event next week I seem to be the sole planner for and I’m really stressing about it) and had 2 glasses of wine last night. It made me sleep well (first time in many nights) so the benefit to my mental health outweighed any physical health aspects! And, actually, I’m still counting yesterday as a FD because I do do liquid only FDs and this would have (just) come under 500 calories for the day!

    So another FD today.

    I am going on a week’s holiday to the beach at the end of the month which I am soooo looking forward to.

    Day 11 USA (IL – traveling to TX) NFD

    My FD of yesterday went wonderfully with the exception of poor sleeping last night. I think the tea I drank about 9 p.m. had more caffeine in it than it said… supposed to be caffeine free. Humm… But only had just about 400 calories. That’s good for me on a FD.

    Off today for a few days with youngest DD who is completely vegan (and teaches Core Power yoga.) I know I will eat smartly. Next-to-youngest DD and her fiance from Utah are at a conference in town. Interestingly, he has a brother in Austin and of course the sisters will both be there. Looks like it will be a bit of good family time.

    I sent this website link and info about “The Fast Diet” book to a dear friend. I hope she decides to join us – likely just has about 20-25 pounds she wants to lose.

    @bert1802 – My body reacts to any sugar (even some carbs) with making me hungrier than I ought to be. Perhaps your time of sweets did that to you?

    Onward and downward.

    Day 11 – USA – FD

    Adding myself to the list:

    Day 11 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Wishing everyone fasting today success and sleeping dragons 😊

    Day 11 NFD Oregon USA

    Well up a pound from yesterday, but I’ll take it as I had a really late dinner. Feeling like Friday could see that nice solid 1 lb. down from last week.
    Remembered to drink lots of water yesterday so thinking that will help all around–good reminder for everyone. The acupuncture/nutrition gal said at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces every day of water and on fasting days more. She also said that other liquids do not count (coffee dehydrates) except for green tea. And on fasting days even more than 1/2. So for me it’s at least 85 ounces a day–every day.

    Am in a bit of a hurry this morning so good luck to all today. Hoping that some of the long-timers that haven’t been about are doing well. @bigviking are you out there?

    “Have a 🔥 in your soul and grace in your ❤️️”

    Day 11, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    I could not do my second FD, it evolved into a CD. I am glad I am not alone @strawberriesandcream and @penz. I would like to do a FD today but it already looks like a CD.

    Have a good Wednesday everyone! ⚘⚘⚘

    Day 11 Stevenville Maryland USA CNFD

    Staying super busy at work, everyone wants their yachts back in the water after a long winters nap on land. We hauled 200 boats out last fall.

    I just broke my 66hr fast and feeling great. Still need to research maintenance, I have seen most do 6:1. Will find out how that works in May.

    The best preparation for tomorrow is to be your best today. Have a great Wednesday everyone.

    Day 6 – NFD
    Day 7 – NFD
    Day 8 – NFD
    Day 9 – NFD
    Day 10 – FD
    Day 11 – NFD

    I have been behind on updating for the challenge! But things are going well. I have dropped more weight after my FD! Still not my lowest weight on record, so we will see.

    Happy hump day everyone!

    Day 11 – Atlanta, GA, USA – FD

    Adding myself to the list:

    Day 11: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Let’s see what tomorrow brings…..

    Day 11 – SW WA USA – NFD

    I was glad to see a downward trend on the scale this morning after a LFD Monday and a 500 or so yesterday. Most of the Easter/spring break indulgences gone.

    @cornish-jane – may you feel well soon!
    @daffodl2010 – I can see you now in your final goal dress. Will be quite lovely!
    I just bought some ginger/turmeric tea recently. What is it supposed to do for us?
    @ktcaroline – part of the beauty of 5:2 is flexibility. I think that’s part of what makes it a sustainable WOL. I find it I fast too much, I sometimes get feeling deprived and that doesn’t help. Learning to listen to our bodies and doing what makes sense in each of our lives helps us get to our goals.
    @flourbaby – TY for the encouraging Tony Robbins quote! I need to remember that.
    @onlyhermes – great results! yes, you’re always welcome to add yourself to the pocket list.

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 11 UK NFD

    Still full of cold & today turned into a miserable day. I have had Chinese takeaway, wine & chocolate. I feel full, bloated & full of snot. ☹🤧

    But at least I got over my 10,000 steps again & tomorrow is my second fast day of the week.☺

    Day 11 UK, CD

    Yesterday’s FD went well, a smidge over 500 cals. Braved the scales this morning and very surprised to see a 1lb gain since Easter. It’s weird how our bodies work – it’s been almost a week and a half of basically not worrying overmuch about what I’m eating and only a pound up. Another time I’ve managed to put 3lb on after a “proper” week of 2 FDs and the rest under TDEE.

    Today I should finish the day around 1200cals. I’ve been craving a burger for ages, so on the basis of you can eat what you want I bought a couple of venison burgers (apologies to all bambi lovers). It was about 240 cals plus about 130 for the bun so it wasn’t too bad. Next stop fish finger sandwiches a la @dingping

    I’m another flag waver for magnesium. I get regular leg cramps and the only drawback to this WOL was they were getting worse. Magnesium has done the trick. I rarely get a bad cramp and sleep like a baby.

    Happy Wednesday everyone.

    Day 11, UK, NFD

    Uneventful day here, but not complaining. Been busy and out most of the day so my eating has been fine so far. Evening is here though, so lets see ….

    @onlyhermes good going 😀 . I added you to our spread sheet, feel free to fill any details if you wish 🙂

    @annemarilyn i really like what you said about listening to our bodies, and couldn’t agree more 🙂

    Just a quick post to keep accountable, more tomorrow.

    Have a great day/evening everyone 🤗

    Day 11, Emden Germany, NFD

    Day 11 UK FD

    Having good FD so far. Some fruit at lunch and veg curry, home made, for dinner. So far, that’s it for the day. So, hopefully will finish there!

    Day 11 Belfast FD
    May all of you suffering g from colds, flu and viruses get well soon.

    @daffodil – I’m glad you’ve got a resolution. You can also put magnesium flakes in a bath, which is what I do. I also use the oil but not as much.
    @merryapple – I too would love to see a link to the exhibition if you would like to share.
    High five ✋ @strawberriesandcream!
    Welcome and well done @onlyhermes
    @rainbowsmile I did ballet up until I was about 14 and loved it(of course I wanted to be a dancer) and then did adult ballet in my forties and I attribute my suppleness to that. Mental note to self: look for a local class.
    @AnnMarilyn – turmeric is supposed to be good for inflammation.
    Are you hanging in there @Ciren?

    This is my first B2B2B. Despite two good fast days, the scales were down the first day then up this morning. If not been so controlled today but still counted about 850 cals. We’ll see tomorrow.

    There is a very positive vibe here at the moment. Hope some rubs off on me! My mojo has gone walkabout at the moment.

    Day 11 UK unexpected FD

    Topsy turvey week – Monday’s FD turned into a CD at 950 (darn that raisin-stuffed baked apple!) then yesterday was also a CD at 1200. Just home and realise i’ve eaten just under 800 calories – I’ll take that as a bonus FD and follow up with my planned FD tomorrow.

    Last night was a late one as I finally sent off the meeting papers just before midnight then washed my hair & crawled to bed. This morning was hard to get going but pretty chilled, on time & ready for most things. None of the meetings produced much, mainly bc they were first mapping meetings in a 6mth planning cycle. This is the most frustrating stage.

    Tomorrow my mother is coming to tea so I can help her plan her funeral. She’s determined to get it planned & paid and I’ve said I’ll help – the undertakers she wants to use are at the bottom of my road.

    @shinything thank you for asking – she texted late Mon to say she’d been ill but was up & pottering again 🙂 The last couple of times I’ve gone round after a week and she’s been pretty unwell – before Christmas she was hospitalised with a lung infection and only just recovering. Pretty challenging times – sometimes she needs urgent help, other times she’ll disappear and not check messages or reply to texts for days on end. I think we need to agree a pattern for staying in touch – I can’t keep guessing/worrying.

    @sarahbob @cornish-jane hope you feel better v soon
    @strawberriesandcream way to go with the walking
    @daffodil2010 good to hear about the job being more settled. And what a wonderful achievement to get back to fitting that wonderful dress after 14 years!!
    @bert1802 hope Matilda settles down stat – persuasion might work better than punishment 🙂
    @onlyhermes welcome 🙂
    @rainbowsmile “lost my internal elastic” 😀 😀 😀
    @mjrbcd44 thanks for that water/weight calculation, seems my 2.5litres a day is just right 🙂

    Today I’m working on looking after Future Me

    Had a great day. Visited the Everglades and took the airboat ride. Awesome!! This was a NFD for me and was able to keep on my normal calories intake. Tomorrow will be my second FD.
    Hope you all have a great evening.

    Day 12…NSW Australia…CD

    Day 12 – Japan – NFD

    When I woke up this morning my weight was 82.8kg. After breakfast, using the bathroom and some exercise my weight was down to 81.7kg (naked). Before working out and dressed except for shoes my weight was 84.3kg. So what is my weight? That is the problem, most of us don’t really have a weight, we have a weight range and we bounce around inside of that.

    Day 12, Emden Germany,FD

    Pocket list Day 12, if you want to join, please copy and paste and add your name to the list


    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 12 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Wish this murky weather would stop and give us some Spring sunshine please. It’s not particularly cold but grey and drizzly.

    Grand CD yesterday, less than 1000 calories, and another half pound down. Today is my final FD of the week (I do 4:3 and will continue until I reach my goal), so will have the usual lentil soup for lunch.

    @annemarilyn I put turmeric into almost everything now as it’s an anti inflammatory.

    I did some research a few weeks ago on anti-inflammatory foods (after my painful burning guts episode) and I try now to load up on them. I haven’t had that painful guts feeling since. Mind you, I suspected at the time it was an overload of garlic that caused the pain and I have cut that out. I might introduce some soon to see if that was indeed the cause. I would hate to give up garlic but it’s easier than I thought to live without.

    So the magnesium oil is still going on. Still stinging on application (except on soles of feet) but getting better. Funnily enough my DH is also spraying and does not feel the burn. So he is either (a) well topped up already with magnesium or (b) has skin as tough as an old boot 😀

    I slept so well last night though. The alarm actually woke me up 😳 I am such an early bird that I am awake 99% of the time before my alarm. It could be that I was wide awake from 4am yesterday and was tired, but will be interesting to see.

    Ohh I love all these new health things I am discovering from this forum.

    On the Pocket List for Day 12

    Day 12 – London – FD

    I did so brilliantly yesterday until OH came home! It was his b’day yesterday and I wouldn’t normally choose to fast on a birthday day. He was supposed to be attending a sit down dinner to do with work last night but plans got changed at the last minute so he came home instead. Felt very mean to not celebrate with him so we went and walked to our local Italian. Ate mindfully, all good there, no starter, just olives, pasta main (thankfully not mega portions) and shared a plate of cheese with OH. What did it for me was the birthday cake I whipped up for him when I found out he was coming home unexpectedly, it was there when we got home with candles and everything!! So two slices in and I was lost… and the remains will be staring at me all day today, aaagh!

    Today I try again.

    @saffy420 – those controlled indulgence’s are soooo lovely.
    @sarahbob – hope you knock the cold on the head soon and can I have some of your determination?
    @onlyhermes – hello
    @daffodil2010 – ditto re ‘love all these health things’. Not heard of magnesium oil, how not? Investigating seriously.
    @dykask – it’s an added bonus when I get the empty on the inside weigh in! Who are we kidding really!!

    Adding myself to the list today.

    Have a good day everyone x

    Day 12 – UK- Reading – FD

    Yesterday turned into an EEISD day (eat everything in sight day) so trying again today. Strangely the scales recorded a loss. How does that work?

    Adding myself to the pocket list:


    Day 12, Newcastle UK, NFD

    Another good treadmill session yesterday. FD attempt not so good but under TDEE. I blame it all on the weather – 6 months of Winter is enough!! I’m out for lunch today with friends. Not going to commit to anything as self-sabotage devil has definitely got the upperhand right now.

    Day 12, London, UK, FD (3rd of B2B2B)

    I was so hungry last night I thought I might not sleep, so I figured a handful of baby plum tomatoes would do the trick, unfortunately I then went on to have some cheese crackers ………………… On a FD!!!!!…………… and a piece (or 4) of chocolate too!!!! The floodgates certainly opened and I had a terrible nights’ sleep because the dragon was awake and wanted to play!!!! This is a lesson I have to relearn regularly because I really do know exactly what will happen if I snack after closing the kitchen at 7:30…………… I KNOW THIS!!!!!

    Anyway, I’m down another 0.8lbs this morning, but kicking myself, I know I should be kind to myself, but I really need to give myself a good talking to!!!

    @daffodil2010 & @strawberriesandcream the weather is driving me insane!!!! I can only describe today as BLEAK!!!

    @debster251 ……………. Sending you some of my mojo!!! Although, considering what happened last night, it’s not the most effective variety, more Aldi than Fortnum & Mason!!!!!

    Welcome to the new newbies, you’ve made a good choice with this funny, varied, experienced, international forum!!!!!!

    @dingping ……………….“What did it for me was the birthday cake” …………. Enough said ………………been there, done that once or 50 times!!!!!!

    I’m proud to say Arid April is going well, however the plank challenge isn’t proving remotely challenging …………………….. ‘cause I fell off of that wagon last week sometime!!!!! LOL!!!! I WILL TRY AGAIN!!!

    I’m feeling the urge for stodgy comfort food & chocolate right now (TOM) and the weather isn’t helping, but I’m going to stay strong and if I have to go to bed at 8pm …………… so be it!!!!!

    Keep the faith people!!!!! We really have got this!!!!!

    Day 12, Leeds UK, FD
    Day 13, FD
    Doing a B2B2B. Weight today morning (according to my scales) is 74.7Kgs.
    Will update on saturday morning again if I shed (or gain) some weight 🙂
    Good luck everyone. Be Strong!!

    Day 12 just starting! – Sydney and Berrara, NFD

    Hello all you lovely people, taking on the monster of a major threat to our health.

    I’m joining the April challenge late as I really need some accountability. Please be merciless:-)

    In the last few weeks I’ve lost nearly 6kg on the low sugar diet, but have stalled. It’s discouraging to be bouncing along a little up a little down, so I’m off on the 5:2 again, which has worked well for me before.

    I’m determined to stop being fat. Seriously, I gave up smoking! 60 a day to nothing, 30 years ago. I can do this. I wouldn’t accept any other similar health threat, so I’m going to stop accepting this one. All those issues that affect my eating (same as yours – tiredness, comfort, boredom and the rest) will just have to take a back seat.

    So first FD will be tomorrow, and I’m all ready. Thanks to all of you for your honesty and courage.


    Day 12 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Oh the dreaded scales! Until this month I only weighed in once at the end of the monthly challenges, but as I close in on maintenance I thought it would be sensible to weigh in more frequently to better understand the fluctuations. Well so far I’ve seen a tantalising 133.8 (my overall goal being 133) but I’ve also seen 135.2 and everything in between. I don’t really understand the fluctuations as my highest weigh in was the morning after my last FD when I expected to see a lower weight. @dykask thanks for sharing your weight fluctuations and you are so right about the weight range, I am going to decide on a happy range for maintenance.
    FD today and another weigh in Friday morning 😉
    Keep on keeping on everyone.

    Day 12 – Ireland – FD

    Hi all, very patchy on the updates this month and still not completely back on track but getting there..
    Lots of exercise this month which thankfully seems to be balancing out poor food choices..with several very long cycles.
    I am mindful of what I am eating though…and mindfully eating some rubbish along the way 🙄 but no dramatic weight gain…
    I WILL make this the first successful fast day of April!!
    Onward and downward….

    Day 12, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Today I weighed 66.9 kilos down from last week by 1.2 kilos. I hope I don’t regain the kilo over the weekend as I seem to be doing and maintain. I’m making today a controlled day. I’ll also have to be more mindful over the weekend. I also need to exercise like walking as I’m not doing any.

    It’s a beautiful sunny day. I’m not babysitting today. My son has started his O level exams.

    Onwards and downwards, have a great Thursday everyone.

    Gnsaway welcome to this friendly forum. That’s the way and right attitude that you have. Where there is a will there is a way. Welcome

    Day 12 – UK – FD

    Another good day yesterday but the scales are refusing to budge – I’m convinced that a whoosh is immanent!

    @gnsaway – Welcome!

    I had a rubbish training ‘run’ this morning – the mind was just not willing – agghh! Hope that isn’t a sign that it’s going to play havoc with my FD today so….

    Adding myself to the pocket list:


    Day 12 UK FD

    Today’s 2nd of unplanned B2B, tho my mother is coming to tea so may turn into a CD if I have to keep her company with something she brings. otherwise it’s my super healthy snacks and make her some toast 🙂

    Seem to be down c 1lb today, weird. Definitely feeling smaller. Yesterday I tried on a dress and it simply swam on me – wore it anyway bc I like big, baggy & pockets, but beginning to look a lot smaller in some clothes. Looking forward to tomorrow’s weigh/measure as the first proper one this challenge, chance to catch up with my naked Fri morning self 😀

    Funny how much easier it is to keep motivated now I have mini-goals – currently 158lbs & last saw 157lb back in 2007 🙂

    Adding myself to the pocket list:


    Hope you have a good day – sunny on the inside x

    Day 12 UK FD

    Still full of snot and miserable but I am determined to have a successful fast day and turn that frown upside down!

    Adding myself to the pocket list:


    Day 12….Florida…..FD

    I’m having a bit of trouble getting a solid FD in. So, I’m going to just keep trying until I can make it work. I’m hoping I’ve got Matilda in her cage and I actually think I locked her in this time.
    I think your right @songbird, sweets do trigger the gates to stay open but I still haven’t figured out how to stop my hands from driving the junk into my mouth. Oh, but I’m trying!
    I do apologize to you all, I’m trying very hard to catch up on posts. Hopefully, I will get there too. A big welcome to all the newbies that joined while I was away! This little family we have created is a life saver in more ways than one. And it keeps growing every day. @shinythingy…. do we have total count of how many of us there are?
    @ciren…… Glad to see your still with us!

    Well…. I must start my day, although I wish I could pitch a fit and stay right in this bed!

    Your riding a horse at full speed, a giraffe is next to you and a lion is chasing you….
    What do you do?
    You get your drunk ass off the carousel!

    Day 12 – Iceland – FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list:


    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 12- Virginia, USA- FD

    Good morning everyone! Thank you for the kind greetings, it is so nice to be here. I was planning to make yesterday a fast day and get three days in, but decided to break my 65 hr. fast (coffee, water, tea) at lunch time. I’m getting much better about listening to my body. I had a great day though, and stayed at my calorie and Macro. goals.

    @shinything, thank you for adding me. Although I noticed I’m the most enormous person here. Ugh.
    @sarahbob, I hope you feel better soon!
    @rainbowsmile, I’m so impressed that you are doing ballet. I’d love to start that.
    @toddybear, @annemarilyn, thanks! 🙂
    @kaywesterman, Way to go!
    @dykask, good point about the weight range.
    @gnsaway, good for you!
    @dingping, Hi! 🙂 It sounds like you made pretty good choices. Dr. Fung says the only way this way of life will work is if we can adapt it to our real lives. He says, we don’t want to be the person at the party who doesn’t eat, or miss celebrations. The great thing is that we can celebrate, and then go right back to taking care of ourselves without feeling like we failed.

    Adding myself to the list today:


    Have a great Thursday everyone!

    Day 12, NFD, USA

    Finished my B2B2B yesterday, probably around the 600 calorie mark. Not my usual style as I prefer not eating on a FD, and as many of you will be able to relate, my OH offered me some corn chips last night, so I just had to have some. THEN of course I NEEDED a piece of cheese. And after that, well OF COURSE I had to have a spoon of peanut butter. Sigh.

    Some interesting posts this morning. I was particularly taken with your wise insight @dykask that we don’t really have a weight (as a single digit) but “a weight range and we bounce around inside of that”. Let’s all hope that our weight range reduces. The downward trend is more important than the daily fluctuations.

    When discussing weekend plans last night with OH, I realised that I now really focus on OMAD (even though most of the time I do eat both lunch and dinner). I am planning on making lasagne Saturday night but he also wanted to try a new place for lunch – I can’t do lunch and lasagne on the same day, I cried, knowing that lunch would not be a light affair! I see this as a good sign.

    Day 12 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    Feeling pretty light today. Can’t wait to step on the scale tomorrow. Just checking in, super busy at work.

    Adding myself to the list today:


    The best preparation for tomorrow is to be your best today. Have a great Thursday everyone.

    Day 12 North Canton OH CD

    Have a great Thursday everyone 🙂

    Day 12, UK, FD

    I’m not sure if today will end being FD since I’m meeting my friend. If we decide to have something to eat I can still eat sensibly and keep under 500 kcal? We shall see , it might just be a CD 🙂

    Welcome @gnsaway , you are in the right place 🙂

    @onlyhermes you are welcome, and it doesn’t matter if you someone is the heaviest or the lightest, we are all here with some goal and to support each other, that is what matters 🙂

    @bert1802 there are 83 of us here 😀

    I’ll come back later for more posting, gotta go now, just checking in and adding my name to our list:

    @flourbaby (3rd of B2B2B)

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 12 – Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Hello everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful day! Yesterday was finally nice enough for a ride with my husband on his motorcycle. I put on a vest to wear under my leather jacket and was amazed at how loose it was! It previously fit me so tight I rarely zipped it up and now even zipped it was loose! YAY! I have really noticed a difference in my body even if the scale isn’t moving as quickly as I think it should. Yesterday was supposed to be my fast day but ended up more like a light fast day…so to balance things today will probably also be a light non-fast day. I have not felt any deprivation with 5:2 and that is the BEST! My sister is on a very well known weight loss program and although she is losing weight it is exhausted to me the way she has to keep track of what she is eating…even though the program is better than it used to be. Anyway…just checking in. I don’t post daily but will post when I can. Best wishes to all!

Viewing 50 posts - 501 through 550 (of 1,171 total)

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