Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Body Weight loss

This topic contains 1,170 replies, has 81 voices, and was last updated by  AnneMarilyn 6 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 451 through 500 (of 1,171 total)

  • Day 10 – Japan – NFD 80.5kg (23 FDs done in 2018)

    I’m humbled by all the people fasting still!

    @steve toon taxi driver
    @strawberriesandcream (1st of B2B2B)
    @redrockgirl302 (1st of B2B2B)
    @penz (1st of B2B2B)
    @debster251 (1st of B2B2B)

    Day 10 – UK (currently in Australia) – CD
    Day 9 – CD
    Day 8 – Feast Day (Niece’s wedding)
    Day 7 – CD

    Good morning all from a warm Melbourne – aiming for a high of 31 degrees apparently – it’s 24 degrees, overcast and humid at the moment……

    My gorgeous niece got married on Sunday 👰 a beautiful ceremony in the grounds of Como House mid afternoon followed by a reception by St Kilda beach in the evening – so happy I could share the day with the happy couple 💑 and the sun was shining all day with a gorgeous sunset on the beach that evening. And yes the dress was fab and fitted beautifully – I’m so glad I let myself get tempted and bought it!!!!

    No FD since my arrival but several CDs and a feast day on Sunday with lots of bubbly 🥂- weight this morning = 54kg

    Out for the day today with friends so not much time to read and comment on the posts but hoping everyone is doing well and staying strong and a big welcome to those who recently joined the challenge!

    Day 8 Sarasota, Florida CD
    Day 9 NFD I was 112 pounds with clothes on at my Dr visit today. That’s 5 pounds below my goal. I think two things have happened. The practice of writing down EVERYTHING I eat keeps me honest and, after a year of the 5/2 as a WOL I get full very easily. I’d still like to be eating more vegetables so I have that as an intention. Thanks to all of you for being out here in cyberspace encouraging accountability.

    @mogaman – 112 pounds is so tiny! However it is great to here you were so successful.

    I agree my food choices have been changing from the fasting and I now crave food I never would have even eat in the past. I don’t write down everything I eat but I used to do that. Thank you for your encouraging story.

    Day 10, Emden Germany, FD

    Pocket list Day 10, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list

    @strawberriesandcream 2nd B2B2B
    @redrockgirl302 2nd of B2B2B
    @penz 2nd of B2B2B
    @debster251 2nd of B2B2B

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 10, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Not a lot happening here as my cold has turned into an annoying cough and I’m in a mood along the lines of ‘if fasting is good for you, then why I am ill?’ I know its silly and I caught something through all the socialising over easter. But I still feel mad!

    I did complete a fast day yesterday but the planks are on hold for the moment.

    @fatrabbit – I too love vege curries – my OH makes a lovely sweet potato and butternut curry. I make lots of dahl.

    @merryapple – the art exhibition sounds lovely. Would love to see a link if its not too personal. Good not to gain when away.

    @iratherreadabook – your progress sounds amazing – you should have a good month.

    Day 10 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Good morning all. In much more chipper form today. The work situation is now absolutely fine. First thing yesterday morning we talked about it with the boss, and I talked about it with him in the afternoon…and everything is grand. It had nothing to do with me, although there had neen an implication that I was somehow involved. Anyway, all good now. My colleague won’t be coming back……and now that she is gone I realised yesterday how much of her days were spent moaning about the job and the people. Very unhappy person….but not my problem.

    Had a good FD yesterday. No movement on the scale but today’s B2B FD might help.

    I have a sore throat so there might be a cold coming on. Will try to fight it with natural remedies, gargling with diluted Apple cider vinegar, turmeric tea, chamomile and honey tea……..any tips?

    Also I bought some magnesium oil spray at the weekend. I know at least @flourbaby and @michelinme use magnesium oil regularly. Do you see any benefits?

    The spray really stings though when I put it on. I believe that means I am deficient in magnesium but it will improve as I continue the intake? I can only spray it on the soles of my feet at the moment as it’s the only place that I don’t feel the sting.

    @dingping, @toddybear, @annemarilyn, @debster251 thanks for the good wishes about work. We spend such a lot of time there that it’s bad when there is an uncomfortable situation. That’s why I finally left a well paid management role in a multinational and went back to college to study horticulture. Now my days are spent in a glasshouse growing herbs……stress free until that blow out on Friday. 😄 It will continue stress free from now on.

    Have a good Tuesday

    Day 10 UK NFD

    Out for lunch and dinner today so danger lurks, but will have further FD tomorrow to hopefully negate the effects!
    Thanks @shinything for the encouraging words. I just feel the cruel scales are not moving fast enough in the right direction! But, onwards and downwards as we say!

    Day 10 – London – NFD

    Still in north wales returning to London tonight.

    Plenty of walking and feasting, hoping the first will offset the last, wishful thinking!

    @daffodil2010 pleased to hear things are resolved, amazing how one person can bring a whole team down.

    @at – wedding sounds wonderful.

    Wishing everyone a great day. X

    Day 10, Newcastle UK, FD (2nd of B2B2B)

    Good start with an amazing 4lb drop this morning – thank goodness for the ‘easy on, easy off’ effect.

    Thank you for your encouragement @fivetwofan5252 & @ccco.
    Good to see you @basyjames.
    Appreciate the company on B2B2B @redrockgirl302, @penz & @debster251 too.
    Cheers to your new beginnings @michelinme 🙂
    Well done @merryapple – great job.
    Good to hear from you @at – glad the dress was a success 🙂
    @mogaman – I take it all is good with your health – I know you were worried a little while ago. Are you planning your trip north for the summer soon?
    Thank you for kicking off today’s pocket list @snowflake56.
    Good outcome @daffodil2010. Our career histories are the same – I tell myself it was worth the pain of the former career to allow me the pleasure of the latter.

    “One pound at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time.”

    Day 10, London, UK, FD (1st of B2B2B)

    Yesterday was very controlled, I had a boxercise class as part of a world record attempt with Antony Joshua …………. He really is lovely and soooo engaging ………………………… and not too hard on the eyes either!!!! The event ran so late that there was no time for dinner once I got home, so the day included some snacks & fruit pre exercise and water, water, water!!!!

    @daffodil2010, I came back from holiday with a stinking head cold, caught on the plane home no less!!!! Not usually one for drugs but I turned to Beechams which helped along with adding extra vitamin C to my water although it’s still lingering!!! My go to remedy includes ACV, Vit C, ginger shots, ginger tea and lots of water. Regarding magnesium oil ……………. I swear by it …………………… It helps me sleep like a baby & I’ve used it as a deodorant for quite a few years now. The deficiency-sting will go once you’ve topped up and then you can up your dose as you tolerate it better, 10 sprays is a good start keep going and you’ll suddenly reap the benefits!!!!!
    If anyone is interested in magnesium oil, there are additional benefits to transdermal absorption rather than tablets. Have a look at the benefits of magnesium oil, it really is a ‘miracle oil’ – I buy the flakes and make my own to the recipe below,


    @bigviking…………………….. I hope you’re on holiday rather than doing the backstroke in a barrel of red wine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    “No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.” – Tony Robbins

    Day 10 UK NFD

    Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well.

    I woke up feeling even worse this morning as this cold is now going on to my chest and I have a sore throat, boo! But I did have another successful fast day yesterday and I came in at 491 cals. Decided to make the most of the weather as it was a gorgeous sunny day and popped the baby in the pushchair and got out for a 6 mile walk. Despite being full of snot I was surprised at how much energy I had. 😁

    Day 10 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Good FD yesterday and slept well so feeling good today. Hope those of you suffering colds get well soon. @flourbaby OH and I caught a horrible virus on the plane home from our last holiday, its put me off flying during the flu/cold season – thanks for the magnesium info, I take tablets but I will investigate the spray version.

    Have a great day everyone 😊

    Day 10, Leeds, UK, NFD
    Finally had a very strict FD yesterday. Feeling great. Just need to keep the focus on.
    Good luck everyone.

    Day10 UK FD

    Last week was a bit of a letdown, my birthday seemed to go on and on. Finally had a FD planned for Thursday and my SIL booked us into a local restaurant with the meal on her and her OH. She’d forgotten the day itself and panicked. So the meal was to apologise, they live quite a way from ours so it would have been churlish to refuse. 😀. Then the weekend was spent I the cottage. I always hope the walking will offset the calories.

    Feel more positive now about the future. DH starts his new job on 23rd which will give us back some much needed structure. In that frame of mine we rejoined our local gym yesterday. Did half an hour on the treadmill and felt I’d run a marathon. Exercise really isn’t my thing but if we’re paying for it I’ll make an effort to go. Also booked on their regular yoga class.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone.

    Day 10 – UK – Reading – CD

    Despite a pretty good FD yesterday, the scales weren’t cooperating. Feeling a bit deflated about it as I do find it hard to keep going on a FD sometimes. Picking myself up with a CD today, and trying to remind myself how much progress I’ve made. Perhaps I’ve got unrealistic expectations. Must order yog starter, and glad work is better @daffodil2010. So many interesting posts here, it’s hard to reply to all. Apart from – planks are quite hard, aren’t they?

    Day 10 NFD.

    @shinything and @strawberriesandcream thanks for the warm welcome; it feels so good to be back. Usually my pattern is B2B FD during the week, but after being away for so long; I have decided to ease into it. This is a journey not a sprint 🙂

    I am trying to get caught up on posts, so far every body looks so good! slip ups now and then are expected ( we are human after all) but this WOL is sustainable long term and that is the best part of it all. I decided to re-acquaint myself on the benefits of fasting; I know it’s good for me but it doesn’t hurt to remind myself.
    Keep fighting the good fight, we are all worth it. My best to you all.

    Day 10 – UK – FD

    Good day again yesterday – I hope today’s FD goes well too!

    @fatfingers – hope the run in the rain went well. I always feel a sense of achievement having completed an exercise session but nothing quite tops the feeling of having battled the mind (and won) which is trying to persuade you that it’s too wet to bother!!

    I bought some Miso paste with a view to trying something different to drink (over black coffee on FDs) I mixed a teaspoon with hot water… feeling it may be an acquired taste?!?!? If anyone has any suggestions for how to make it more palatable I would be very grateful.

    Pocket list Day 10, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list

    @strawberriesandcream 2nd B2B2B
    @redrockgirl302 2nd of B2B2B
    @penz 2nd of B2B2B
    @debster251 2nd of B2B2B

    Day 10, FD, USA

    2nd day of B2B2B. Doing well. How are my fellow back-t0-backers doing? @redrockgirl302,@ Strawberriesandcream & @debster251?

    Wow, Mogaman. You sound trim, taut and terrific!

    Glad the work situation has resolved Daffodil2010; I can well imagine it must have been weighing on your mind all weekend. We spend so much time at work, that it makes life miserable if it’s not a happy place. Re your possibly pending cold, I favour a hot drink of just hot water, a squeezed whole lemon and a clove or two of garlic. And zinc.

    @toddybear, I spose miso is an acquired taste! If this is your thing, you could try adding small cubes of tofu, and nori (seaweed)… Thanks for adding me to the picket lust!

    Day 9 – Iceland – FD

    Have been yo-yoing upwards this month, despite three good FDs so far, I am still 0.5kg heavier than April 1st… 🙈
    @kerryn73 – I too feel I have lost my good March vibe… will be aiming for a B2B2B to turn things around before it gets really bad, join me in pushing the reset button? We can do it!
    @at – the wedding sounds wonderful, glad you had a good time in your new dress!
    @strawberriesandcream – great success with the 4lb off!
    Welcome back to the forum @tango @kaywesterman
    @daffodil2010 – I use a plant extract from the Pelargonium sidoides root, it always stops a sore throat from turning into a cold
    Get well soon @sarahbob and @cornish-jane

    Thank you for starting the much needed pocket list today @snowflake56

    Pocket list Day 10, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list

    @strawberriesandcream 2nd B2B2B
    @redrockgirl302 2nd of B2B2B
    @penz 2nd of B2B2B
    @debster251 2nd of B2B2B
    @borealis 2nd of B2B2B

    Day 10 – Dubai – FD#4
    The dreaded diabolical scales have begun to move in the right direction, thank goodness, ‘onwards and downwards’

    Thanks for the encouragement @at sounds like you’re having a great time. Lucky you.
    Way to go @mogaman – I can only dream of being 112 pounds, wow.

    I’m moving to Canada in September so hope to get myself to 125 pounds by then. Today the scales said 152.

    “Three months from now, you’ll thank yourself.”

    Day 10……Florida…… FD

    Good Morning Everyone! I arrived home late last night from our girls weekend away. Savannah is such a beautiful city and the history truly amazing. I recommend stopping by if you get the chance. It’s a walking city, so please take my advise wear a good pair of walking shoes.
    The food was okay, tons of fried southern food. All the food was very heavy, since changing my WOL heavy food doesn’t quite interest me anymore, but I did have this banana foster damn that was good!

    I am to say the least a bit behind on reading everyone’s posts, so I hope everyone faired well this weekend! I will try and catch up in the next couple days!

    Your riding a horse at full speed, a giraffe is next to you and a lion is chasing you……
    What do you do?
    You get your drunk ass off the carousel!

    Day 10 North Wales NFD

    Spending the week with my daughter and the grandchildren. She has given up sugar and is trying to eat a plant based diet to improve her skin. So the 5:2 should hopefully be easy this week.

    Day 10 USA (Illinois) FD

    Had more calories and sweets yesterday than normal NFD’s, so going to do a FD today. Going to Austin Texas tomorrow to visit with youngest DD for a few days. Next-to-youngest DD and her fiance will be there, so that’s what created the impetus to join them. Her fiance has a brother there, so we plan a nice “meet the family” kind of dinner out Friday night.

    Onward and downward

    Day 10 – USA – NFD

    @Strawberriesandcream, well done! @daffodil2010, glad everything boiled over during the weekend and you have your peace back! @songbirdme, have fun in TX!

    Day 10 Stevensville Maryland USA B2B2B Day

    Wow super busy at work makes it really easy to fast. Will break my fast tomorrow at noon making it another 66hr fast.

    Feeling fab, would someone be kind enough to add me to the pocket list today. I don’t even have time to read any post today, but still feeling the love and support from this site. Tonight I will have time to read everyone’s journey’s.

    The best preparation for tomorrow is to be your best today. Have a great Tuesday everyone.

    Day 10, Surrey (UK), NFD, Fast Fitness AND Fast Strength day!

    Went to the gym this morning, hence the double fitness routine! Yesterday’s run in the damp went well, too, thanks for asking! Just goes to show, mind over matter can overcome all sorts of excuses!

    Scales not being kind to me, though. Currently 168lb. Showing an overall 0.8lb loss this month so far. At least it’s a loss. Onward and downward!

    Day 10 – Atlanta, GA, USA – CD

    Yesterday’s FD went really well, had 600 Calories for Dinner and went to gym for my workout. Wokeup early this morning but still not feeling hungry so planning to prolong the fast for some more time.

    Day 10, Rocky Mountains, US, FD 2nd of B2B2B

    @penz: It is going ok. I had about 800 cals. I plan on around 500 cals today. It definitely helps to have you and our other B2B2Ber friends on my side. 😊😊😊

    @at: Happy for you that you are having a great time in Australia. 😊🐨😊

    Have a good Tuesday everyone! ⚘⚘⚘

    Day 10 NFD Oregon USA

    Had a good FD yesterday after my visit with the acupuncturist. It was very relaxing and pleasant–so going to keep at it for a few visits to see if I really feel different for the long run. She’s also a nutritionist and was very supportive of IF. She stressed water again to me so yesterday made a very dedicated effort to drink water and guess what?? Scales were very friendly this morning. Down 2.5 from yesterday and 1.0 below last Friday. HOPING this is the beginning of true downward movement for me (of course by sticking below TDEE and successful FD’s). Friday will tell the tale.

    @flourbaby thanks for the link on why the magnesium spray/oil is better. I need to try it again as I’ve reverted back to the capsules. I couldn’t get past the stinging/itching, but perhaps I’ve just not stuck with it long enough. Imagine ME, not sticking to something. 😉😉

    @daffodil2010 and @strawberriesandcream I love the fact that you both found second careers that were less stressful and more fulfilling. Stress is such a negative thing and I know that it alone has probably accounted for a lot of my weight issues in the past 5 years. (not all work related, but certainly some)

    “Have a 🔥 in your soul and grace in your ❤️️”

    Day 10: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD

    2nd post

    Thanks @flourbaby for the link to DIY magnesium oil spray. Another project to get my teeth into 😆 Right now I have sprayed about ten times around arms, legs, and stomach…..still stings but not as much. Maybe I am nearly topped up woo hoo 💃

    Oh and now I am off to google your Antony Joshua 😉

    @borealis thanks for the pelargonium root extract…..will google that too 👍

    @strawberriesandcream I have never rued the day I left my high flying career. It’s three years now. Ok, the money I earn now is so low compared to back then, but work life balance does not compare. Glad you got out too.

    @ktcaroline, I laughed, but I agree, yes….planks are hard!

    Day 10 UK CD

    Weighed myself this morning for the first time this challenge – no scales on holiday. Somehow despite holiday I’ve lost 2lbs and am back down to my late March low of 158lbs/71.55kg – yay!

    Yesterday’s FD disappeared in a mound of baked apple stuffed with raisins – what was I thinking?! But plenty of mini goals to keep me motivated for the rest of this month: I’m only 1lb away from 157lb/71kg – a weight last seen in 2007 – and around 2.5lb away from a BMI of 25.

    Only had 550 calories thus far today – currently seem to be addicted to apples and have had two already – also some oat bread toast with cheese and beetroot. If it works out I’ll make today a FD but going to be a late one – somehow only managed to plough through a mound of holiday week/Easter emails thus far and it’s already 7pm.

    Tomorrow is meetings in town from 11am, and still need to do 2 xagenda and main paperwork. Don’t know why I thought it would work to be away til yesterday, or indeed why I haven’t started with the urgent paperwork and done emails in the gaps. Transitions are my least favourite things, I need so much time to get used to different places/spaces and rhythms.

    On the bright side, my house is tidy and the laundry is done. And there are so many birds outide my window i’m wondering whether i should apply to become a nature reserve – sparrows, robins, starlings, bluetits and great tits all eating fromt he nut feeder and using the woodpile/cuttings for nest material. i’m sure they could do with some rabbit hair round here too – currently I put out my brushings and they disappear pretty fast.

    Sorry not to reply to posts. I’ve caught up with reading posts and with you all in spirit. Topping up the feeders to keep the company happy then back to work for a while yet. Hang in there xxx

    Plank Pocket List – please copy and add your name if you want to join us for April 💪
    @rainbowsmile with extra
    @hyacinth plus extra 😱
    @catch87 plus extra!

    Extras build up to 100 setups (crunches) and 100 squats


    @ccco glad to see you on top of the planks!

    I am building up to 3 minutes, so that’s 3:2.

    @fatfingers great selection of exercises

    @michelinme fingers crossed for tomorrow’s weigh in. GULP.

    ccco USA Day 10

    Just started a water fast day and if the first 24 hours goes well and I am going to increase it to my first B2B. Also, learned a new plank today with my personal trainer. I have two planks to share with everyone but it will have to wait until tomorrow. I only had enough time today to read all the posts. Great job, everyone!

    Day 10, Gozo Malta, cd

    Today’s fast day turned into a cd. I was babysitting at my daughter home this afternoon and kept nibbling till the evening. I had about 1,100 calories today.

    Ccco today I didn’t manage a fast day.

    Tomorrow will be a fast day the last one this week. Scales this morning said I’m 68.1 kilos up by a kilo from last week. I know I should weigh myself on Thursday after the fast days but can’t help myself.

    Have a great evening/ night everyone.

    Hello everyone. I made it through my first FD, yesterday. I will have to work on the calories, as I was way under my 500 goal. I did try to keep busy and that did help. Today, I’m more aware of what I’m eating. I notice for my breakfast, I wasn’t able to finish it all 🙂 Hopefully, I’m back in control. For tonight dinner, I will measure my food.
    Have a nice evening.

    Day 10 – SW WA USA – FD

    Liquid fast went well yesterday so continuing on with a 500 cal FD today.

    @saffy420 – good to hear from you. Glad you had the celebration of your life. Sounds like you’re regrouping and getting back in the groove.

    Pocket list Day 10, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list

    @strawberriesandcream 2nd B2B2B
    @redrockgirl302 2nd of B2B2B
    @penz 2nd of B2B2B
    @debster251 2nd of B2B2B

    Wishing everyone well!

    Second fast this week started, runs through Wednesday, hoping it goes well it’s a work day 🙂

    Day 10, UK, NFD

    I stayed well under my TDEE today due to being so busy at work (hence posting so late) but I’m not complaining 😀

    @michelinme glad to hear you had a nice, relaxing holiday, I need one of those! I
    hope your mum is ok, let us know please 🙂

    Welcome @kaywesterman , and good luck with your restart 🙂

    @at its great to read your posts, you are having a great time there, love reading
    about it 😀

    @mogaman I’m going to try your practice of writing down everything that I eat, I
    realised that I’m overeating without realising it. I’m using my nice Lose it! app for it, lets see how it works for me 🙂

    @cornish-jane sorry to hear you have that annoying cough now, uh not nice. And maybe fasting improves our health but doesn’t make us invincible? What I’m trying to say is if you didn’t fast maybe it would have been worse? Hope you feel better
    soon 🤗

    @daffodil2010 its really good that all is back to normal and good at work, its so
    important. Work place can make our lives miserable if its bad. And I hope you don’t get cold, maybe try mixing chamomile, honey and few drops of lemon juice tea? 🙂

    @mia139 there is nothing wrong with slow and steady 🙂

    @Strawberriesandcream congrats on 4lb drop, that really is amazing. Keep going 😀

    @flourbaby I don’t know how I missed the info about magnesium oil before! It sounds amazing and something that I definitely want to look into. Thank you for the link 🙂

    @sarahbob hope your cold goes away soon.

    Happy belated birthday @saffy420 🎂

    @ktcaroline my scales were not cooperating either, so I can relate. Its disheartening seeing them staying the same, but we must solder on. Things will get better 💐
    As @basyjames said, This is a journey not a sprint. Couldn’t agree more 🙂

    @toddybear if you are looking for something different to drink on your FDs have you tried sauerkraut juice? Mind you that may be an acquired taste too but worth trying different things. I personally like it 🙂 , and its full of health benefits. Its very good for hangovers too 😉

    @borealis and @kerryn73 join the forces and reset that March vibe, you know you can do it 💪

    @stoic glad to hear the dreaded diabolical scales have begun to move in the right direction, I must make mine do the same thing!

    @michelinme “And there are so many birds outide my window” I love birds, I hear this robin in my garden most of the mornings singing at a very early hour waking me up, and instead of being annoyed I say “good morning” back and smile 🙂

    @ccco you are an inspiration and you can maybe be our plank instructor too? that would be great 😀

    @anna6 don’t get discouraged by the scales, I know how disheartening it can be, but just take it as an another day and keep going. We got you 🙂

    @kaywesterman well done on finishing your first FD 😀 , my advice would be to keep it to 500kcal or to TDEE for start, not over-do it and make yourself exhausted to start with, we can put ourselves off like that. There is nothing wrong with taking it easy and steady for the long run 🙂

    @elinor I cheer for your second FD going well 😀

    Have a good evening everyone 🙂

    Day 11, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Up in the middle of the night with this cough. Keep thinking it must get better soon. Its good my OH is fasting with me as I am losing track of which days are which. Thanks for the good wishes.

    Day 11…NSW Australia…NFD
    Hi everyone
    Just checking in.
    Bye for now!

    Day 11 – Japan – NFD 82.4kg

    Day 11 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Completed my B2B FD and lost a pound. Better than nothing, I don’t mind, I notice things really slowing down as I get nearer to goal. Only about 6 or 7 pounds and I am there. I have pencilled my birthday of 6th June to reach goal, giving myself still some time to get there.

    I have a beautiful turquoise blue linen dress that I bought in Sorrento, Italy, back in 2004. I had lost all my weight on the Dukan Diet then and this dress is an Xtra Small. From that holiday the weight started piling on and I have never worn it since I bought it 😨 So that’s my final goal dress. I would love to wear it on my 51st birthday 🍾💃🏁

    My goodness, work is SO much better the past two days. I really liked my colleague who had the meltdown, we are the same age so palled around in the Glasshouse while the teenagers did their thing, but I am only realising how much of a drain she was on me personally in work. I feel free now. I would never have called her toxic, but there is something to be said about keeping away from negative vibes that some people give. Thanks everyone for your kind wishes..all of you ☺️ Great to share daily ups and downs here.

    Thanks @shinything for the cold tip. I did have a cup of chamomile and honey tea at bedtime last night and throat feels better. I have also been drinking ginger tea, and turmeric tea….and certainly the sore throat is not so far moving into a cold.

    There are a few of us with colds or feeling blah so best wishes to you all. Keep on keeping on.

    Have a great Wednesday. How is it day 11 already 🤔

    Day 10 Newcastle UK NFD 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
    Day 11 Newcastle UK FD 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
    Busy day yesterday so forgot to post.
    Can’t wait for the sun to start shining again it feels like it’s been Grey forever.

    Day 11, Newcastle UK, FD

    Long story short. I blew my 2nd FD yesterday. Everything was going fine until the evening and, well, it was just plain silly. Up half a pound this morning. Apologies to all my fellow B2B2Bers and those who congratulated me on day one’s result. I’ll redeem myself today and have another FD on Friday.

    The good thing about yesterday was spending 35 mins on my Dad’s treadmill. Did 2 miles at 4.5 mph, pumping arms with weights in an attempt to mimic nordic poles. I’m particularly pleased because 4.5mph is not far short of power walking and I didn’t even break a sweat or get out of breath. Plan is to do this at least 4 days a week. The weather was abysmal yesterday, so I’m fortunate to have an indoor alternative to walking.

    Day 11 – UK – Reading – FD

    I did a sort of controlled day yesterday – I was just so fed up of being hungry all the time. 1lb on the scales, but, well, it can’t go down everyday. And yes, @shinything, we must soldier on. So I’m going for a FD today and will try and go a bit more steadily. I think I want results too quickly. It’s lovely getting to know you all from these posts. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle, with little bits of information every day 🙂

    Day 11 – London – FD

    Got back late last night from three day visit to north Wales so not had time to catch up on everyone’s news. Just wanted to put it down there that I’m fasting and focussing today.

    Hoping to fast on water, turmeric tea, marmite drink and soup in the evening – no more fish finger sandwiches!

    Don’t think anyone has started a pocket list for today so may I start?

    FD Pocket list Day 11

    Thanks everyone. X

    Day 11, Amsterdam – FD

    I have been truly rubbish these last couple of weeks. Really need to reset everything! Am back up to 67, so disappointing. But I haven’t had a FD in at least 8 days so unsurprising.

    Hopefully it goes well today (so far so good). Am going to hot yoga tonight as well, will try and eat something beforehand so I don’t faint!

    FD Pocket list Day 11

    Good luck all (and please send strength ha!!!)

    Day 11, London, UK, FD (2nd of B2B2B)

    So, yesterdays’ FD was somewhere between a FD and a CD, but I’m feeling generous so I’m calling it a FD!!!!

    @daffodil2010, the magnesium oil really has worked wonders for my sleep, my mums’ swollen ankles and my brothers toenail fungus ………………… persistence, as with all things, is the key though!!! Anthony Joshua is probably the BIGGEST person I’ve ever met, his bicep is bigger than my thigh (which isn’t as small as I’d like!) I got a crick in my neck just from looking up at him (but he falls into the same category as your holiday helpers at the greenhouse – eye-candy only!!! – I’m old enough to be his ……………………………….older but youthful looking sister!!!!!!)
    @missybear, I’ve seen people whip out the hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to use on every surface around their plane seats, and thought OCD!!! Guess what I’ll be packing in the hand luggage next time??? The MO spray makes a fantastic & effective deodorant too, I tested it over a weekend at home, just in case, and I haven’t looked back, nor bought commercial deodorant for years now!!!

    @mjrbcd44, glad to see you’re on that downwards path, may it remain slippery for you!!!! Try the MO on your feet just before bed if the sting is too much and gradually build up to tolerance, sleeping then waking in the same position is an amazing feeling!!!!

    Although this post sounds like it …………………………………I can confirm I DO NOT own any shares in Magnesium Oil!!!!!! But I do urge anybody suffering from disturbed sleep to try it.

    This quote was written just for me……………………………..

    No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.” – Tony Robbins

    Keep on keeping on people!!!!!!!!!!!

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