anyone use meal replacement shakes

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anyone use meal replacement shakes

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  apple1 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi brought some not the kind you get from the supermarket but a company who do products for body building etc so the shakes ive brought are high protein contain a good vat of vits and minerals plus green tea. Yesterday was my first fast day and the smoothies were lush and i managed through on them till 7pm when i had a protein bar which wasnt good another post about that :-(.
    Anyways back too original question does anyone else use these things as a way too get through a fast easily. Me personally i think eating and chewing things would make fasts harder as id want more

    I sometimes drink protein shakes, more so in summer than in winter. I like Svelte shakes made by a company called CalNaturale. I’m vegan and a lot of protein drinks have whey. These do not and I find them tasty and filling. Our grocery stores carry them, but I’ve also ordered in bulk off Amazon.

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