Sorry if too much info.
But I really need help and advice.
I’ve been doing 5:2 for a couple of months now.
And had some success with weight loss however this was before Christmas and I ate my body weight in chocolate!
Over Christmas I have been extremely bloated and I have slow transit constipation which obviously doesn’t help with feeling like that.
So yesterday did my first fast of the year, went well, woke up today feeling much less bloated and lighter already.
Had breakfast was fine, then had lunch, and within 10 mins of finishing lunch. Without any warning had terrible diarrhoea! No warning so didn’t make it too toilet. Never in my life have i experienced anything like it even when with stomach bugs.
The thing is although today was the worst it’s ever been, it’s not a one off. Since doing the 5:2 on the day of fasting or the next day after a fast I have terrible diarrhoea fortunately up till now made it to a toilet. And as usually I’m the opposite constipated it made a change.However Today was so quick and it’s made me really weary about carrying on. As although the results with weight loss have been good. I couldn’t cope with explosive diarrhoea as a side effect. I wouldn’t want to leave the house the way I was today.I’ve had a look around on net and some people say they have also had diarrhoea but usually after much longer fasts of a few days. The strange thing is like I’ve previously said for years I’ve had slow transit constipation and have to use laxatives for days normally to go.
I’m sorry if this all too much information but I’d really like to continue but not sure what to do any advice appreciated.
9:14 pm
3 Jan 19