Any Plant Based / Vegan People Following 5:2?

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Any Plant Based / Vegan People Following 5:2?

This topic contains 54 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  ElYVR 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I’m looking to connect / get ideas from people who eat Plant Based Whole Foods (healthy vegan) and who have had success with 5:2 or who are just starting out with 5:2 – would like to share ideas for fast days….

    This may be a silly question but is it possible to be over weight if youre a vegan? I suppose you could live on a lot of sugar and alcohol and that’s still a vegan diet, so technically you could still eat unhealthy as a vegan, right? I tend to eat a lot of PBWF and try and steer away from anything in a processed packet.

    I add a little bit of tuna or chicken to my “PBWF” meals but you could leave this out if youre a vegan. Big bowl of salad. I add any green vegetables like broccoli, sweet peas, zucchini, cucumber, iceberg lettuce, avocado all chopped up. A tomato (although I tend to limit sugary veg and fruits), some tofu, almonds. A chili if you like it spicy. Add about 3 table spoons of apple cider vinegar. It really is quite tasty and filling. If youre a vegan the trick will be to find foods with protein and fat in them. For me that’s easy as I just have a little bit of chicken or tuna or egg and I love cheese.

    Good luck with it.

    Livethelife, I have recently started 5:2 as well. While I am not vegan, I am a vegetarian Who eats a lot of plant food
    On my fast day, I had oatmeal for breakfast; Clementine and A 100 calorie packet of almond; and for dinner 1 ounce of homemade wheat bread and a smear of hummus.

    And lots and lots of water and Tea, even though I am not a tea drinker!

    No offence guys but the 5:2 diet is a load of bollocks. Anything that restricts your calories is ridiculously stupid. The focus should be a high carbohydrate vegan diet focusing on a low level of fat. When you use this diet you can eat as much as you like and you don’t need to worry about counting calories or any of that bs. You’ll be healthier than ever and actually have energy. For more info head to

    I’ll pop over and have a read after I finish eating my bowl of chicken salad and my high fat yogurt for desert.

    Hi Livethelife. I do eat eggs and cheese (actually I also eat fish if I don’t have to cook it) but OH is very much veggie. However, I think fast days are good with lots of leafy greens (spinach and kale are my favourites) plus spicy/highly flavoured chick peas or lentils. To save time in the kitchen I have been experimenting with some of the packets you can buy but I know it will be cheaper to make from scratch. It just takes time to calculate the calories but a big batch then divided and frozen would help. I imagine pulses will be more useful (less cals) than nuts and seeds.

    (VeggieAthletic: I think you are wasting your time here and suggest you find a forum more suited to your needs and interests)

    Hi livethelife. I’m a healthy vegan – but quite a bit overweight. Would very much like to connect! No one I know is doing 5:2, and moving in with a friend on Sunday (temporarily) who I know is very anti-5:2, so I need all the support I can get!
    I had my first fast day on Thursday to get into it again, and am now fasting properly from today. Thinking of doing Mondays and Thursdays.
    How are you holding up?

    I lost over 20 pounds in 2014, but then life got in the way, I went off the plan and gained it back plus another 20 pounds after going to uni. Ironically, this is also when I went vegan.
    Looking to lose 60 pounds, if not more. But I am very excited and optimistic about this!

    VeggieAthletic, while I agree that a vegan diet is the best one (for humans, the environment, the animals…. basically for everyone) I don’t agree with you on eating all you want and not worrying about calories. While I have seen it work for some people, and while I believe in the science of a high carb, low fat vegan diet, it just did not work for me … πŸ™
    5:2 coupled with a healthy vegan diet is the way to go for me.

    Best to one and all. Alex πŸ™‚

    VeggieAthletic, it might be an idea to put your brain in gear and do at least a few minutes of research before you post nonsense and make yourself a laughing stock. Or maybe being a bit of a dick is a novel spamming tactic?

    As to the original post, I’m a veggie on a mostly vegan diet due to my girlfriend being vegan and I do alternate day fasting. I’ve recently embraced the joy of lentil dishes (something I thought I’d never do!), especially Indian dishes, and this, plus the increased tofu and vegetable intake, has improved my diet no end. I still booze and snack on feed days but my belly has disappeared and I’m almost flat of stomach now.

    I’ve been doing it since October but I’m nowhere near as strict as I was and I happily have the occasional week off. So go for it. It’s easy and you’ll get results.

    PBH, nice job. More polite that I would have been.

    Hi, I am a vegan (well I eat local honey occasionally) but no meat/dairy products. I am just starting out on 5:2 as my dietician has recommended it to me over something like slimming world.

    I am being a bit naughty as today is my 1st fasting day so having a low-calorie ready meal for lunch and soup for dinner. All in all should be just under 600 calories. It is really unfair as my partner (an omni) has loads more protein options for less calories but going forward I think unsweetened alpro almond milk will play a bit part in my fast days as its under 20 calories a serving. I am also trying to find tasty low-calorie salad dressings instead of my usual Follow Your Heart ones.

    I can say although its only 12:30ish, on a normal day I would have had breakfast (200-300 calories) and a snack (100-200 calories) by now, so I am starving! How many meals are you supposed to eat on fast days, 1 or 2 but no snacks? I am not really sure about that one.

    Hello WFPB followers! After reading “The China Study,” I too went vegan two years ago hoping to lose weight. Although I felt a lot healthier and energetic, I didn’t lose any weight despite exercising every day. I concluded I was still eating too much. Everything changed after I went on the 5:2 IF diet. I’ve miraculously lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. So far, it’s been easy for me and I don’t feel deprived of food. My few hunger pangs go away with just a few sips of water. On my non-fast days, I observe portion control and no longer feel the urge to overeat. The thing that makes WFPB diet work for me, is that I press the water out of my tofu, then marinate it. The tofu then has the consistency of hard cheese and tastes very savory. I also occasionally use meat substitutes such as soyrizo, seitan, or soy meat to stave off meat cravings. I look forward to staying on the 5:2 IF diet longer term to take off more pounds until I am a healthy weight.

    I eat mostly vegan. I am in transit. I still eat a little fish and chicken some times, and I am trying to drop cheese and milk.

    Kung Fu Mama, I would like to know how you marinate your tofu. I am in France and there is limited pre-prepared tofu. I need to know how to make it more like say Cauldron tofu pieces, which I can get in the UK.

    I tried to use almond milk in my tea, but it curdled, same with the soy milk I bought. (I dislike the taste of the soy one though). I have not yet managed to drink tea with no milk. I drink many herbal teas instead, but still would like to have earl grey with milk of some sort.

    Since my diet is nearly all plant based, save a couple of cubes of chicken last week, I am doing well with the 5:2 diet. Lost 6.7 kilos since 12 April. I do not have any pre-made vegan products, except some nutritional yeast, and make all my own food.

    I am lucky since I do not seem to have the hunger pangs other people experience. I drink a lot of water, and eat berries and apples, well the outer parts of apples.

    Hi ABC1: Congratulations on your 6.7 kilo weight loss! I’m Chinese-American, so I was used to eating tasteless tofu straight out of the package. Instead, I learned from reading vegan cookbooks that pressing the water out of tofu and marinating them tastes much better. I found using extra firm tofu, more cheaply found in Asian supermarkets, works best. You can wrap the tofu in towels and press them between a plate and a heavy pan. Or make life easier and buy a tofu press, which you can find on any Internet marketplace like I cheat a little on my vegan diet, and marinate the tofu with fish sauce (which really doesn’t have any fish parts in it) and liquid smoke, which makes it taste very savory like meat. If you get good quality tofu, the tofu press won’t smash it to smithereens, and then the pieces come out firm like cheese. I’m sorry, I don’t know what is Cauldron tofu. I’m also very impressed you make your own tofu, but I haven’t a clue how to make it. Maybe you can find tofu at your local Chinese or Japanese restaurant?

    Also, if you like herbal tea, you might like Good Earth’s sweet and spicy tea. Amazingly, it does taste sweet and it has no calories, and absolutely no sugar or fake sugar. It tastes better at room temperature. It fixes my sugar cravings. It also comes with caffeine and caffeine free. Best of luck with your 5:2 diet!

    Hi while not vegan I am vegetarian and alot of my meals are vegan. I lost about 19 kilos on 5:2 over a period of a year. I have maintained the loss for a year or more now but some bad habits have returned and with it one or two kilos.
    I fast all day apart from coffee that’s what worked best although I tried different variations of breakfast lunch and dinner but found eating at the end of the day best or all I thought about was food.
    I love spicy food so dahl and rice is good or hearty soups.

    We have a fellow American in here! Well I have lived in London for a few years now. No soyrizo here πŸ™

    Fresh tofu from a Chinese shop is amazing. It already has a slight cheese taste. Cauldron pieces are marinated and baked. So try looking for baked tofu- its a lot denser and higher in calories but tastes great. I know vianna makes some thats good. Tofu is also good for tofu scramble. Where are you in France? You might want to visit Loving Hut for inspiration and sometimes they have a shop to buy their products.

    Some brands of plant milks always curdle.I dont take Earl Grey with milk but Provomel is always doing that in black tea. Try alpro brand. Yogi tea also have a “snack tea” range designed to reduce craving for sweets.

    I need a good dhal recipie, suggestions?


    Diannajs Tarka Dahl?
    400g red lentils
    2 tsps turmeric
    2 knobs unsalted butter
    2 tsps cumin seeds
    1 small onion, finely chopped
    2-3 cloves garlic, finely sliced
    1-2 fresh green chillies, finely sliced (remove seeds if you want to keep the heat down)
    Optional (recommended) extras
    1 tsp garam masala
    1 tsp ground coriander
    thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger, finely grated
    2-3 tomatoes, chopped small

    Place the lentils in a pan and cover with enough cold water to come to around two inches above their surface. Bring to the boil (skim off any scum that rises to the top), and reduce to a simmer. Stir in the turmeric and a generous knob of butter. Cover and leave to cook gently.
    In a small frying pan, dry-fry the cumin seeds over a medium heat until toasted and fragrant (no more than a couple of minutes). Remove from the pan and set to one side.
    Melt a second knob of butter in the same frying pan and gently fry the chopped garlic, onion, chillies and the grated ginger and tomatoes, if you’re using them. Once the garlic is golden, mix in the toasted cumin seeds and, if using, the garam masala and ground coriander. Remove from the heat until the lentils are completely softened.
    Give the lentils a good stir. They should have the consistency of porridge – thicker than soup and looser than houmous. Add more water as necessary (you will be surprised how thick they can get over just a couple of extra minutes cooking), and mix in your aromatic fried mixture.
    Season to taste, then serve on its own, topped with coriander, or with a side of basmati rice and greens.
    So simple, so quick, so good.

    This is the link to the dahl recipe I use. Hope the link works. I put favourite recipes into myfitnesspal as it works out all the calories for me.


    the link didn’t work so here is the dahl recipe.

    1 cup Red Lentils
    4 cup, Water
    2 each, Onion
    2 clove, Garlic
    2 tsp, Cumin
    1 tsp, Tumeric
    1 tsp, Garam Masala
    2 tsp, Spices – Ginger, ground
    1 tsp, Spices – Salt, table
    2 tbsp, Oil – Vegetable, canola

    Boil lentils or dahl in water until mushy – about 20 minutes(red lentils).

    Heat oil in pan cook onion garlic and spices leaving salt and garam masala to last.

    remove from heat and add onion mix to lentils and simmer for 5 mins.

    this serves four people – one serving is only 152 calories. I usually have with spinach and rice as well. Really filling.

    Hi I’m vegetarian with vegan partner so eat a lot of vegan foo (although he works away so I’m more like part-time vegan I suppose!). I did a few months of 5:2 last year and lost about 10 pounds, which was great – but then started a new job and then Christmas etc and gradually put a lot of the weight back on. Woke up today and decided to give it another go, so have done a successful fast day today.

    My tip for fast days is homemade soup – fills you up and doesn’t have the sugar content of bought soups – I also agree with the other posters about daal – I use a tweaked version of Jamie Oliver red lentil and spinach daal.

    But – my biggest tip is to plan exactly what you are going to eat on a fast day before you start so you have something to stick to! Otherwise I find I just give in to whatever food is in the fridge!


    I have been researching on the web for good vegan recipes. I found an app that has a lot of them and are delicious. I want to share the link if someone is interested.


    Hey! I know this has beenup for a while but I just came across this forum and wanted to say hi.

    I’m a HCLF Vegan just starting out on the 5:2 diet. I tried for a while to eat high carb low fat and eat as much as I wanted, but I found that some days I would end up eating too much or would go out and have ‘junk food’ which would be higher fat and then my calorie intake for the day would be crazy. As would my macros. Unless you eat only whole foods and hardly any avocado (I looove avo!) it’s hard to stay 80 carb 10 fat 10 protein.

    I agree that it’s good to eat until you’re satisfied but I just don’t believe that you can eat unlimited calories (more than you’re burning off) and still lose weight… It just doesn’t make sense. In the books I read about the diet, it always suggests doing a LOT of exercise to accompany the diet. So yeah I agree with you alexa5 100%!

    I just wanted to share a youtube channel I found with you guys, I found her the other day when trying to find a vegan also doing this diet. She’s got some really good day in the life videos to give some ideas about what to eat and when πŸ˜€ (If the link doesn’t work, search for Olivia Budgen).

    Any advice would be appreciated and it’d be really lovely to have a vegan friend to do this with! I feel like everyone in the vegan community shuns calorie restriction so it’s a touchy subject and hard to find anyone else like minded. I’ve looked into fasting and the results seem amazing, how have you guys found it so far?

    Hi itskathryn.
    Im vegetarian but most of my eating is closer to vegan. I successfully lost 19 kilos on this what I like is that on the other days I didn’t need to restrict what I ate and yes I lost weight. I didn’t exercise apart from 30 min walks with the dog.
    I stayed more or less the same weight doing 5/2 or 6/1 for nearly two years but have just started to gain some weight. I think the reason why is that whereas before I was more mindfully eating and now old habits have come back in and I have started eating more than I need of the wrong food.
    Hope that helps.

    Hope I don’t come across as rude but can you give me examples of vegan foods that are “wrong foods”?

    Sugar is vegan

    P.S. Bigbooty, Arnotts biscuits are vegan, made with hydrogenated oils, white flour and white sugar.

    I make a fabulous vegan chocolate cake using courgettes in the mix and baking powder. It is wonderful, you would not know it was not an egg based recipe, but it is very dangerous to have in the larder; that is a vegan wrong food Bigbooty!

    I just get the impression that one would really have to try real hard to eat unhealthy being a vegan. Wow so just get rid of the sugar and my pet hate, grain based foods and youre laughing. Stick to whole foods.

    My son has been a vegan for years, and looks good on it. I cook vegan for the most part, the diet is very good for my digestive problems, but I also eat things that are not vegan.

    I read that in Italy they have been prosecuting parents offering a vegan diet to their children, but I think this is mainly through ignorance of what truly constitutes a vegan diet.

    Hi, I eat Whole Food Plant Based and have done for about 5 years. I have a stubborn 12 kgs clinging on since menopause. I’m doing IF, mostly 18 / 6 and I’ll see if that shifts it.

    bigbooty it’s very possible to be vegan and eat unhealthy…think chips and coke!

    I was vegan for 20 years. During that time I ate no sugar. Unfortunately, I would have had a very difficult time eliminating whole grains. A mix of whole grains, nuts seeds and pulses was required to provide me with the full spectrum of amino acids to make up complete protein. This mix ended up being heavily carbohydrate laden.

    There were times when I only ate raw food and the weight dropped off me without any need to fast. However, I don’t feel I ate enough protein during those months of raw food and it was very time intensive making my own ‘sunflower seed’ cheeses, etc. That diet also became very carb and sugar laden because I relied so much on fruit and breads made from sprouted grains, that hadn’t been cooked but just warmed so were still technically ‘raw’.


    When you say youre doing IF 16/8 are you incorporating a calorific deficit? If not then your 16/8 really isn’t achieving anything. When I first started doing 5:2 I would water fast for 2 consecutive days (60 hours). I would just enter ketosis after about 60 hours. I still water fast every Monday (36 hours). I now enter ketosis after 24 hours, but this is after many months of intermittent fasting and a lot of weight loss. This is not guess work on my part as I measure this with a keto meter. If you are overweight and eating carb dense foods then it is highly unlikely that are coming close to depleting your glycogen levels within a 16 hour period. There is no magical way of losing weight, you have to run a deficit.


    Protein shouldn’t be a problem if you eat tofu, seeds, nuts, beans etc. I love nuts and seeds. Nuts I limit to almonds, walnuts and brazil nuts. Of course it does become a lot easier if you eat a small amount of meat/fish, eggs and cheese etc. My pet hates are sugar and grains, especially any processed grains. They serve virtually no nutritional purpose other than supply carbs.

    bigbooty 18/6 just suits me, my new scales are on order so I’m unsure about the weight loss numbers but the centimetres are dropping nicely. I also do a longer fast now and then if the notion takes me.

    Hi Bigbooty,

    Well, unfortunately for me it was a problem, my particular body requires far more protein than the plant based diet allowed and after 20 years I did suffer health consequences. One of those was that teeth began loosening and I had to have a number of them extracted and my biological dentist cited low protein status as a primary reason and explained the physiological details of this. For example, my blood tests at the time reported low protein status. I’ve since moved to eating animal protein which suits my body type better. Everyone is different.

    P.S. I was anti-refined foods when on the plant based vegan diet. My only source of sugar was fresh whole fruit, though I could easily sit and eat 4 oranges for breakfast! Even though I ate a lot of whole fruit, I didn’t put on any extra weight and was quite slim. I ate grains, though only whole grains.


    If its working for you keep doing it!!


    Were you a vegan for ethical reasons or dietary reasons? My wife is a vego, my eldest son has recently become a vego for ethical reasons. I eat some meat, not a lot and I must admit Ive been toying with the idea myself (ethical reasons as well).

    I am fairly sure my son’s dental issues may be due to his vegan diet. He has some substantial tooth loss on the molars. As a child he ate a standard diet. He became vegetarian at the age of nine, and turned vegan when he was about twenty, ie twenty years ago. His son, aged six now, has a standard mixed diet however. His wife is intolerant to about everything. At Christmas I had to cook three different Christmas puddings.

    Thanks bigbooty, funny I have no trouble with anemia since I went WFPB, something I suffered with for many years when I was a meat eater. I’m careful in keeping a great balance of foods in my daily diet, I don’t do processed, sugar or alcohol and I grow a lot of my own veggies. It is more time consuming and would be hard for a person who doesn’t like cooking. My hubby is a meat eating type 2 diabetic and would rather take meds than change his diet, it’s his choice and I let him be with his decisions.
    WFPB suits me and I do appreciate that it’s not ‘one size fits all’
    That’s awful for you Lael, really unfortunate.

    Health and happiness guys.

    Hi Bigbooty, I became vegan because I thought it was a healthier way of eating and also because I never liked cooking meat and still really don’t!

    I ate tons of soy though, in the form of tempeh, home made tofu and soy milk. Unfortunately, soy is highly goitrongenic and so was another negative on my health since I developed autoimmune thyroiditis toward the end of my vegan life. Goitrogens of all kinds are considered unhealthy for thyroid patients.

    At the end of the 20 years I was also shocked that I had osteopenia even though I was a runner and would have expected my bones to have been more solid from that form of exercise.

    My biological dentist says that despite the common view that bone is mostly made of calcium, that it is made of a variety of minerals which are bound to protein and that the bone matrix is actually mostly protein.

    Despite all the health negatives that I was confronted with towards the end of those 20 years of being a vegan, I still miss it. I also know that it works really well for some body types and metabolisms.


    Tell your OH he is crazy. From what I have read there is only one end point with T2D and poor diet, and that is the complete failure of your pancreas and T1D. The meds just make your pancreas work harder and harder. The meds are squeezing more and more out of an organ that is slowly dying from oversupplying insulin. At some point in the future his pancreas will just stop working. Once that happens there is no coming back, he will need insulin injections several times a day after that. Does he not realise this? That’s just crazy.

    Hi Lael,

    Wow what a shame about your thyroid problems with soy. I love my raw cruciferous veggies. Don’t seem to be having any adverse effects from eating them. Had my thyroid function test earlier this year and everything was fine. What about iodine? Perhaps take a supplement to boost the amount of iodine that you take. Hmmm need to have a look at my test results to see if it included iodine levels.

    bigbooty. He has been told enough times and many of his friends are already injecting….he still doesn’t get it nor wants to hear. I respect his decision and look after my own health.

    Wow that’s just crazy.

    Hi bigbooty,

    I don’t hold the goitrogens responsible for the autoimmune thyroiditis, since it is my immune system that went haywire and began attacking my thyroid. I have a genetic tendency for this condition as I discovered from 23andme and also the fact that many in my family also have this condition. It’s just that the goitrogens didn’t help. Those with healthy thyroids shouldn’t have a problem eating highly goitrogenic foods.

    I agree that iodine is vital for thyroid patients, especially those like me who are permanently on thyroid hormone replacement therapy. I’ve been supplementing with Lugols for a few years now and currently take 8 drops of 5% daily. The iodine makes a huge difference to my energy levels, mental clarity and enables me to get the most out of my thyroid replacement hormone therapy.

    I make my own hummus and do not add oil to it, the cooking water or plain water if you accidently put all the rest down the drain, as I very unmindfully did this week. I add herbs, parsley mint and coriander leaf this time, but whatever you fancy. Some of that and raw veg, capsicum, carrots, zucchini cabbage, again your choice. Easy, quick, tasty, healthy and filling. Beware commercial hummus, it has oil added usually and is expensive compared to buying beans and soaking them. I add a bit of bicarb to the soak, they cook quicker.

    On other days I use a yoghurt, could use a soy one, and a bit of tahini as a salad dressing. A little goes a long way and it tastes great if you like tahini, as I do. Again you can add herbs and or garlic and or lemon or lime juice.

    If I have a big serve of veg or salad with this I don’t eat too much other stuff, like falafel.

    I am moving from vegetarian to vegan; like many it’s cheese that gets to me and I have been living in Thailand where it is impossible to get vegan cheese.

    Re thyroid issues and diabetes, how about we leave them to the endocrinologists and proper science based peer reviewed work.

    Hi – The problem is that so many great vegan foods like nuts, tahini, and avocado are full of calories.

    Black beans and rice could be a work-around, if measured.

    There is humus, which I am sure that you know is a mixture of tahini, lemon juice, and chick-peas. I suppose that one could put only a tad of tahini with the chick-peas to keep down the calories.

    Heart of palm has few calories and is filling.

    Tofu is only 24 calories per 40 gram slice–at least the brand I use. Oh, there is misso! You could make a broth with garlic, onion, and cilantro. Then add the misso for taste, heart of palm, lemon juice, and various kinds of mushrooms chopped up for chewiness. Mushrooms are low in calories. Grilled without oil increases their tastiness.

    I plan to go vegan once I reach the maintenance phase.

    P.S. I have now seen the posts on tofu affecting one’s thyroid. I will take care not to eat a constant diet of it.

    I see that most of these posts are very old, but I am really interested. I am a 59 year old woman who has been WFPB for over 15 years. I am also post-menopausal for 14 years. I haven’t eaten sugar for that time as well, and lost 50 pounds when I first went WFPB. I have had no problem maintaining my weight until this year, when I gained 15 pounds! I began with just limiting my nuts and seeds and other calorie-dense foods like flours, but nothing…it was very discouraging. I have been doing IF 16:8 for about a year, and still nothing. I’m switching it up to the 5:2 (not adding breakfast back in) to see if I can get the scale to move down. My genetic risk is for heart disease and cardiovascular, so I am taking this very seriously. I want to stay healthy for a long time, no matter how long I live!

    I was on a strictly Whole Foods Plant Based diet some years back for about a year. (Also for many shorter periods since then.) I was at my desired weight and ate whatever I wanted and never gained weight. I did limit the number of nuts and dates I ate, but not potatoes or other starchy foods. I like most kinds of beans so ate a lot of them in different dishes. It’s almost impossible to not get enough protein on a vegan diet if you eat a variety of foods and don’t starve yourself. If I had been doing 5:2 at the time, I would probably have not gotten enough protein on FD. But I often don’t now either, with meat included because I still eat mostly vegetables. I make it up on NFD.

    I never paid attention to quantity and my carb content was very high. The thing is, that the fiber content was high too, so I felt full all the time. The processed foods I ate were mainly condiments. At the time, several friends in the neighborhood were on very low carb diets and while they initially lost weight they never got to were they were thin. They often lectured me on how I should be eating low carb, but there was kind of a disconnect for me since they were all over 180 pounds while I was 130 and stuffing my face with carbs.

    I went back to eating animal products because I travel and have meals out with clients and business associates often. It’s possible to do that on a vegan diet, but usually not without a lot of fuss in substituting menu ingredients or choosing restaurants. I will likely go back to a WFPB diet when I retire. We still eat a lot of vegan meals at home.

    I eat plant based! I guess the proper term I’m hearing lately is “veganish”, since I don’t stress over animal by-products.

    I keep it real simple on my fast days ( I’m doing the revised 800 calorie 5:2), with lots of black coffee, water, low calorie drinks like Bai, etc., vegan-based protein shakes and soups.

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