Any Newbies out there?

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  • Only three weeks, but I’m adjusting quickly, and it keeps getting easier.

    My first day was pretty awful, and I wondered how I was going to put myself through it twice a week, but i don’t mind it at all any more. Mostly I just don’t like watching my boyfriend eat our icecream on fast days, but telling myself that I will get to have some tomorrow really helps. And that fact that I have lost over six pounds already

    Good luck for your first week!

    Congratulations on loosing 6 pounds in 3 weeks! That is really amazing! Tomorrow will be my first fasting day so today I plan on eating normally and we will see how it goes. I work from 1-9 on Tuesdays, so I’m hoping the work will keep my mind off food. I’ll just drink a lot of water to stave off hunger….hopefully. Thanks for the advice!

    i started this morning had no sugar added muesli 350 , didnt realise it was
    so calorific , so cant have a lot more today , is fruit allowed ?

    Well I am saying goodbye to 5:2 for a little while, I lost 3lbs overall in my first week, but unfortunately have found a lump on my thyroid (I have had Non Hodgkins Lymphoma for 17 years) so I have had blood tests and I have a CT scan scheduled for 30th September. The muscle pains I experienced at night on my fast days also meant that I had a very bad nights sleep on those nights. Once I get the all clear I will be back again, but as I have had 7 lots of NHL diagnosed over the years, it is better to be safe than sorry. Good luck all x

    CPR–our best thoughts and wishes are with you that your tests come out okay.
    Good luck to you and we’ll see you back in the near future!

    Starting my second week of the diet, 3rd fast day today. Weighed this morning and have lost 5 lbs! Yay! Still trying to maintain 1200 calories on the other days but the weekend nights are the hardest–I like my cosmos! (Homemade w/o the triple-sec.). They clock in at 158 calories each so I have to juggle my other calories in order to imbibe. ☺️ Some things I just don’t want to give up. Oh well…such is life. I’ll just keep plugging along. We are all either making progress or getting ready to or wouldn’t be on this website. Good luck to all!

    Thank you Linderly x Good luck with your 5:2 journey x x

    I’m just starting too, but from everything that I have read, fruit is allowed. Just look up the calorie content of the type of fruit and the size and quantity to make sure you are not exceeding your target.

    Hi, I have tried few times but not getting off ground. I work 12 hour shifts days and nights and sometimes days off I just cannot stop the binge what starts out as a fast day ends up as 1000 plus calories lol. I am hoping to get rid of this bloody mid body fat. I get away with looking slim in certain clothes but I wouldn’t wear a dress and I hate spilling over top of my jeans!!!!! Really need to do this and thought joining the forum might keep me inspired. Fingers crossed. I’ve had 509 cals today and no intention to add anymore!!!!

    Hi, menopausal bat here. I just joined. I have a stone to lose.

    Welcome Ottoline! Plenty of people in the same boat here! Welcome and Cheers!

    Good job Trimmy! I find it hard on days that I work as well especially since I do sometimes feel a bit dizzy at times and don’t like that. I have taken a hiatus from 5:2 for the last week or so when my kids have been home sick. I don’t know, maybe I thought I was coming down with something too and just needed more calories or maybe because I find it easier on days when I’m not around munching little ones?? NO more excuses! I need to start again tomorrow (I think!). Did love the feeling of the scale going down so need to keep at it. You really feel like you achieved something when you do a fast day and it feels good to not overeat as well. Let’s keep at it:)

    Hi and welcome all. On my 10th fast today and one month in. Thought I went overboard yesterday but according to my fitness pal I didnt.

    Hi! I’m just getting started. I’m 313lbs and 52 years old. I live in Saint Mary’s, Georgia.

    Hi to all on here I am a newbie.

    I am not a faster and have tried this in this past whilst I had eating disorders and made me binge-eat after doing a fast each and every-time. I am here for the right reasons: to lose weight and try and rid toxins from my body without resorting to extreme fitness addictions and juiced food stuffs.

    It is interesting to note that the more physically fit I become, the greater the appetite shrinks because of hormonal adjustment – this is a natural fast of sorts because your hunger reduces and hydration levels rise – ridding toxins from the body in equal measures whilst tweaking hormonal irregularities.

    Hi newbies and welcome:

    Here are some tips that might help:

    Good Luck!

    I started 5:2 at the begging of last week and at weigh in today I have lost 4lbs πŸ‘! That is the good news. The bad news is that apart from my bust 36 to 35) I am no thinner anywhere else. Is this normal not to lose inches after dropping 4 pounds?

    Any comments would be most gratefully received. TIA

    hi i have just joined i have been doing this 5 2 died for six weeks now and i am proud to say that after eating normal on my non fast days that i have lost 10 ibs. This is great for me as i have tried every diet going and failed them all.

    Hello everyone!! I will be starting next Monday and want to find some newbie friends to keep in touch with. I am a 50 year old Mom who has been a career dieter. Atkins, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Ideal Protein Ect…….. The only time in my adult life that i have been at a stable weight for any period of time I was following the plan without even realizing it so when I heard about it recently a light bulb went off for me. I am going to try fasting for 3 days a week instead of just 2 but I’m excited about not necessarily having to be so strict everyday that I go into the “all or nothing” mentality that I’ve had for years. If I screwed up in the past I would continue to binge on all of my forbidden foods until my next start date. I think for me knowing that I can still have some “normal” foods on off days will help me break my binge cycle. Wish me luck πŸ™‚

    Good look starting the5 2 diet like you i have tried every diet going and failed. This for me works as i can eat normal on non fast days. I am having my takeaway tonight and not stressing over it. The first week is the worst i just think about eating what i want the next day. i have lost 11 lbs so far it has taken me six weeks.If i cando it anyone can. good luck.

    Hi Rosie
    I wish you luck on your journey. Although I have been told to eat 1600 calories a day I am using My Fitness Plan which suggests 1200 and that is what I have stuck do. I do two fast days of 500 calories and today for the first time in the three or do weeks I have been doing it I felt hungry or more accurately I wanted a glass of wine. I didn’t have it though πŸ˜‰.
    Tomorrow is weigh and measure day. I am trying to do this only once a week and just pray that I will have lost a pound or two.
    I am not a serial dieter but did the Dukan diet about five years ago and lost over two stone. The only problem was that as soon as I started eating normally the pounds crept on again.

    keep with it it takes time good 4 lb loss is very goodi found if i keep of bread my jeans are getting looser i think i need a smaller size.

    Hi Louise!!

    Thanks for the advice!! I have been up and down too many times to count in the last few years and think this might actually work for me πŸ™‚ Just not having to worry about what I’m eating and when during the day is very liberating! The drinking thing may be a different thing for me as well but it also leads to senseless eating soooo I will try! (on fast days anyway;)) I am going to try 3 adys a week instead of just 2 but I need to get away from the “all or nothing” mentality that I have. I think I can do it with this plan!!

    Good luck Rosie, fingers crossed for you. The only bit of advice I can give you from my five week journey is NOT to become obsessed with the scales. Once a week is fine. From what I can gather this is not a quick fix but a slowish process. I put on a dress today that I haven’t worn since I started 5:2. The zip used to be tight but today I did it up without probs. So it is encouraging. Slow but sure is going to be my motto but I still have 7lbs to go! πŸŒŸπŸ‘

    Good Morning Ladies!!

    Thanks for the tips. Funny that you mention this being a slow process because my initial attraction to the program was the word “FAST” which I though at first was fast weight loss and I was all for that! With that being said it may be a little early in the program to say this but I thionk this may be life changing for me πŸ™‚ Yesterday I had some healthy carbs (blueberries and an apple) without any carb guilt at all!! On the carb subject I went shopping for some healthier frozen meals for a quick fix if I’m starving and bought a couple of the Atkins meals. I looked a little closer at the nutrition a couple of days later and immediatly threw them in the garbage!! 29 GRAMS Of FAT!!!How can thast be healthy?

    I had forgotten about blueberries. Glad you jogged my memory!

    Hi Rosie and welcome:

    The low fat diet has been discredited. It is now understood it is the major cause of the obesity epidemic. Although the facts have always been there, it is now understood that a high fat, low carb diet is the most healthy for the human body. Even the U.S. government eliminated the limits on fat intake in its ‘recommended’ diet. If you do some research, just on this site, you will see the negative impact of carbs on the body, and the positive impact of fats.

    However, 5:2 works regardless of the diet you choose to follow. That is its genius. So, if you follow 5:2, and eat whatever you consider to be a healthy diet, you will lose weight. Here are some tips:

    Good Luck!

    Rosie, we have been so brainwashed about fat…but all the low fat studies have been debunked. Read Jason FUng’s Obesity Code.


    Get the book by Jason Fung, The obesity code. Don’t be scared of fats. Be scared of sugar and simple carbs. Avoid grain based carbs like pasta, bread, pizza. Avoid fruit juice like the plague. Only whole fruit and in limited quantities. Go for the berry type fruits. Get most of your carbs from veggies. Fats keep you satiated for longer. Have cheese, high fat low sugar yogurt, avocadoes. Protein/fat from almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts. Protein like chicken, tuna, tofu. Avoid breakfast cereals like the plague.

    As a general rule I wouldn’t be eating pre package anything. If you do then pick foods with as low a sugar content as possible. Sugar and simple carbs are killing people.

    Good luck 5:2 work.

    Good Monday Morning Everyone!!!

    I totally agree with the lower carb lifestyle. I know from experience that they are my enemy!!! Thank you for the tips and book recommendation. I’ll be sure to check it out. So far it,s been going okay I just feel like I may have overdone a bit on the weekend and need to keep a closer log of what I eat and drink but the beauty is that today is a brand new fast day for me to get back on track!!

    Hi all, I bought the books from Amazon and started 5:2 today with one of the 2 days so I can feel I started. Haven’t had anything since a plain porridge + blueberries this morning but don’t feel too bad! Good luck to you all! x

    Hi all.
    Newbie here ☺ I have about 14lbs to lose after trying every different diet for years. I have had a recent gain and I hate it.
    I have worked out my BMI and TDEE. ..I will be using MFP to track. I have tried every diet under the sun but fasting is new to me. I admit I am scared…I am AWFUL when Hangry!😈 I plan on doing my first fast tomorrow, but don’t yet have my book (only ordered yesterday) If anyone has any tips for me that would be much appreciated. I plan to graze on low cal items through the day as I am really entering this quite blindly! But keen as ever to give it a go.
    I see some of you eat only one meal on fast day, my guess is that it’s trial and error to find out how you cope with fasting?
    Looking forward to a new journey 😊

    Hi D17 and welcome:

    Remember, the TDEE calculator gives an estimate of your TDEE, not a precise, accurate number. It is a starting point to be adjusted when you start seeing your personal results. One thing you will learn if you stick with 5:2 long enough is that you won’t get hungry when you actually fast but you will get hungry after you eat – especially processed carbs.

    This thread contains most of the information you will need to be successful with 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    Thank you for your reply simcoeluv.
    Just reading through some of those threads and getting my head round it. ☺

    I’m new!
    On my 2nd FD this week- and to be honest I wish I had never picked a Sunday but hey ho!
    Wanting to shift a few stubborn pounds- well 1/2 stone that has crept on this past year. I like eating out with my partner when my 3 girls are with their dad, and a glass of wine is obligatory; so fasting two days a week completely fits in with this. I am also throwing in some exercise for good measure (HITT 3 x week); so fingers crossed I can get to my goal weight.
    I know weight loss is all relative and we all will have different goals; but the committment and delight as the pounds fall off is the same in every circumstance- and I am looking forward to my clothes feeling comfy again…… πŸ™‚
    It would be nice to hear from anyone if they want to say hello….I’m hungry today….. x

    Hi I’m in my third week, so still very new too. I had been trying 4:3 but have decided this week to stick with 5:2 and start checking my NFD cals as I haven’t lost anything yet and think maybe I’m overdoing the NFD eating.
    I totally agree that we all have different goals, I’ve never posted to a forum of any kind before but I’m facing a reality check with myself that the tight jeans are now unwearable and it’s not water weight! I need to get serious and i hope 5:2 is the way for me. So far it seems manageable but I’m trying not to lose hope when I still haven’t lost weight

    Hey everyone, so I have decided to start the 5.2 diet this Saturday 24th sept 2016. not sure how I will cope with the fasting days but I will give it a go as I have nothing to lose apart from weight which will be good as I will be feeling healthier and better about myself so here goes my starting weight is 10.11lbs height 5.4″.

    Hi Happy
    Good for u.
    I started 23 days ago and am weighing in once a week.
    As of today I’ve lost 2.7kg which according to my converter is 5lb 15oz.
    It’s early
    In my journey but I’m thrilled with it and haven’t struggled with FD eating at all.
    The NFD are more challenging to stay sensible but clearly it’s working for me with that much of a loss, and I don’t feel deprived. If I want something on a NFD I have it. I have noticed that I don’t always want all of whatever it is anymore, previously I would have just finished anything (especially anything with sugar) anyway and felt sick. Lately I just don’t want to finish most of the time, not to be good, just don’t want it. Strangest feeling for a sugar addict like me! Other times I eat all of whatever I feel like without any guilt, that’s a wonderful feeling too, and still the scales go down.
    As an example we had a drug rep bring a huge morning tea in yesterday and I was on a FD so I ignored it all and had my black coffee. I’ll admit to thinking it looked delicious and I felt a brief moment of longing, but it wasn’t that hard to tell myself that all those foods are an option for me tomorrow if I still want them, just not today.
    Funnily enough I’ve got no interest in them today, and I know there are leftovers there I could eat if I wanted to.
    I hope you stick with this new way of eating. It’s going so well for me I hope everyone gets the same great feeling and results they are looking for.
    Best of luck and keep reading the forums, the support is brilliant especially on those down days when you wonder if it’s worth it or if it’s going to work for you. 😊

    Hey lany36,
    Thank you for your reply and well done on your weight loss so far keep up the good work and I hope I do as good as you are doing πŸ˜€. I have always done silly fade diets and have got no willpower and thought I’d give this new way of eating a go, this is my first forum I have ever joined from reading through forums I am happy I found this site as the support from yourself and other people is very encouraging. πŸ˜€

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