Any newbies in November?

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  • Hi, I’m totally new to this diet and am starting today. I haven’t really planned too well for today my first fasting day. However I’m on a mission to lose some weight for christmas. Who wants to join me in sharing food tips and recipes to help with the fasting days?

    Ps I am in Northern Ireland

    Hi Crimbo, welcome to the forum 🙂

    If you look at the forums here you will find a wealth of information & stories to help you on your 5:2 journey:

    Some of the people on here are super helpful, and you may find this post (posted by the every-helpful @simcoeluv) in particular will answer many of your questions:

    There are a few newbies thread, I’m sure some of them will be very helpful 🙂

    Hi Crimbo,

    I’m new too! today in fact. going to look at recipe ideas for my fasting days as I’m completely new to this! Would love to loose a few pounds before christmas! 🙂

    I am new also. Both myself and a man at work are spurring each other on for this. We will keep you posted.
    Me 36 13St 3 Week 1 Day 1 Here we go……..

    I started on October 15. Have lost 3 lbs, and I am finding it easiest on fast days to not eat until later in the day. I have about 200 calories at about 2pm, salad and celery and cauliflower, with just a bit of basalmic, no oil. Then about 300 calories at dinner. It’s hard, but gets easier. Just dive in!
    Just glad Halloween is over! Got the candy out of the house.

    Hi and thanks for your replies. Day 1 almost over! Phew. Whilst I’m starving now, I did find it ok not eating much although I have a really bad headache. I had a boiled egg around 11am (100 cals) a miso soup at 41 cals around 4 and made a chickpea curry that I found on a thread somewhere for dinner. Also did a yoga class so feeling very righteous. Not entirely sure whether it’s a diet I can sustain but I guess one day at a time and tomorrow I can eat, yippee. How have you found day 1?

    Okay I’m going to join in. Getting married in March. Have about two stone to lose. I’m strting this tomorrow. Will aim to have eggs for lunch and then tiny dinner. Will let you know how I get on! Nx

    Hi All, today was my first day on this diet as well I had a question for the seasoned 5:2 peeps 🙂 What should my calorie intake be on non fasting days?

    My TDEE is 1960 cals. I ate 500 calories today, no hunger pangs, no headaches, no fainting spells, felt good 🙂

    Am not clear on how many calories to eat on non fast days. Any advice? Or can someone point me to a place where I can find more info on this.

    Hi fighting:

    The answer is you eat to your TDEE, or less, on your non diet days.

    Good Luck!

    Hi,I am starting again after a little break.I need to lose at least 4 kg and hoping to do the majority before xmas.

    Hi – I am also going to try the Fast diet from now until Christmas – my biggest concern about the fast days is feeling tired at work and also not having that natural break during the day to eat – so planning to go for a walk or swim at lunch time (gentle) – I’d like to lose 7lb before Christmas.

    Hi Crimbo I am a newbie too 🙂 did my first fast day yesterday without too many issues but didn’t sleep well and a bit headachy today. I am excited to keep going though and hoping for good results as I really need to find something that I can maintain long term without being obsessed about food. There does seem to be quite a lot of recipes and ideas on various sites on the internet, anyway good luck with your journey!

    hello I started one week ago I have lost 5 ib already so hopefully you will have a great start too. love to keep in touch and let me know how you get on. I feel better already good luck

    Hiya, I am also a newbie, I started today with my first fast day. So far so good, it has been easier than I thought. No headaches but I did ensure I upped how much I drank to keep dehydration at bay.

    Here’s hoping it stays easy enough to keep on track as I have a stone too lose but am also keen to gain some of the health benefits this diet possibly provides.

    Hello to all! I started today 🙂 with Fasting Day as my 1st day. Ordered the book to get more info what and how to do it…. I am totally new to this, but was amazed looking at my friend who started this diet few months back… She lost so much weight, she looks beautiful and is glowing! Did I mention she is in her 60s?????

    So, I started the 5:2 last week and have done 3 fast days so far and lost 2.3kg already. I have struggled towards the end of the fast day but need to remind myself of the long term benefits and that ‘it is only one day’ and I can have breakfast in the morning. I’m also reading the book which is great to help understand all the other health benefits because it’s not all about the weight. I’m actually looking forward to my next fast day tomorrow.
    Good luck to everyone just starting out.

    OK Half way through fast day two. On the day I fast it feels hard, I literally inhale my food on a fast day, the next day I think what was I complaining about? Not weighed myself yet but feel that my stomach has shrunk and I’m not as hungry as I used to feel. That’s a good start.

    hi im new and did my first fast day yesterday which wasnt as hard as i thought ( i did sleep half of it as i work nights lol ) im struggling today as ive eaten so much rubbish and know i have eaten way more than i should have 🙁 does any one eles have this issue.
    im also doing the 30 day shred and am on level 1 day 3. im weighing in at 11.7 and would like to be 10.7 by xmas or as close to this as i will turing 30 and would like to enter it being as fit and happy as possible

    hey guys
    i am amanda lopez from tx,
    i am new here.i will share with you many more in future.thanks all

    Hi Crimbo, I cant say I am new been in here for about a 2weeks now. I lost around 2kgs. Happy abt that!! Hows everyone doing??

    @ Vicky- Yes it happens to me too. But you will get used to this way of eating (WOE) soon just make sure you don’t eat more than your TDEE and you will be looking forward to your fast days once u get a hang of it.

    @ SunshineGirl – that’s a great start! Welcome abroad! 🙂

    @john – yes me too 🙂

    @miss V – Soon you will also see a lot of difference in yourself too.

    @BonBons- that’s a great start! Hope it went well.

    @Catwoman- Well done on the weight loss. Hope alls well.

    I am fasting tomo. Hoping to lose some lbs this week.

    Hows it going for every1 else?

    Thank you Crazy 🙂

    Hello All,
    Well I’m not exactly new but my first try didn’t last very long. I don’t even remember what threw me off track, but I have recommitted and I will start again next week. I need to do a bit of shopping to get organized. I have about 8-10 lbs to lose and I’m working tons and try to exercise either before or after work 3 days a week and both weekend days. I do love yoga and weights but I seem to love food and drink just as much. Also I do remember I felt great on my fast days so I need to just do one and remember. So good luck to all of us and I think checking in every week will be another help to keep me on track. thanks

    Hello there!

    I am starting this today. I had coffee with skim milk and tsp raw sugar and a tiny piece of quesadilla this morning. I am currently 69 kgs need to lose 10 kgs to brig my BMI to normal range. I think for my lifestyle, it’s best to do fasting on Thursday and Friday because everyone is out of the house and we usually go somewhere on weekends. I also really need to lose weight and keep it off as it is stressing my knee joints, I am only 153cm and do not need the extra 10-15 kgs I’m carrying around LOL Looking forward to share this journey with everyone.

    I have been reading a lot of posts here in the forum and I realised that the fasting doesn’t have to be done on two consecutive days as I originally thought, so I am starting today and I will have the next one on Tuesdays, that probably sounds less intimidating than not eating for two days straight.

    Hi yes I’m a November newbie needing to lose 3 stone eek. I’m a 43 yr old female vegan. Pleased to meet you all

    I’m new too. It’s my first week and currently doing my 2nd fast day today. But I went out for a lavish dinner last night for a friend’s birthday and it is definitely harder to do a fast day with a hangover. Hopefully, I’ll start to learn about moderation once I’ve been doing this for a while!

    Eveblue it’s my second fast day too, I can’t wait for dinner and bed lol x

    Hello everyone from Biloxi, Mississippi! I am new to the diet as well and was hoping to get some encouragement and tips. I started my first fast day on Tuesday and I am doing the second one on Saturday. I was wondering, does anyone else find themselves still extremely hungry days after your fast day even if you are eating normally? I am no stranger to fasting but it has been my personal experience that after a fast I tend to eat way more than I should because I’m so hungry. I am trying really hard to eat very healthy on non-fast days but am finding myself constantly hungry even after meals. Is this normal and something that eventually goes away?? Thanks for any advice.

    @marks : Best of luck & welcome. We all love food and that is the reason why we all are here. Anyways hope you start your Diet routine soon and let us know more

    @joee : Hi there, This fast diet is like a new way of life(WOL) for most of the people. So people here fast 2days in a week (5:2)or 3 days in a week(4:3). Its not necessary to do consecutively. u can do it on your choice like Mon , thur or tue, fri. Its all our choice. Some people in here also do back to back fast (B2B) for more results. Once u get a hang of it u can try to do consecutive if u feel it is better that way for you. If you want to have any doubts you can read this:

    @Vegan4life , @eveblue @vicky : Welcome to all of you!

    @diane : Hi there, You will find lot of support an help here. Initially you may find yourself to be hungry, make sure to drink lot of water because most of the times we are thirsty and mistake it for food. Hope you are eating within your TDEE on non-fast days. Please be sure to select the right kind of foods for your health and overall fitness rather than binge eating. Hnag on in there and eventually you will be used to it and will be looking forward for the fast days.

    How’s everyone else doing?

    Yesterday my fast day did not turn out to be a fast day as I had been for a friends raffle party and got stuck there. So I am fasting today.

    Hi, I’ll join you all! Just started this Monday. I’ve done 2 fast days and decided to try my first weekend one, think it’s a little easier for me when I’m working. Have found the fast days a little better than expected..lots of water and remembering that it’s a good thing my rumbling tummy! I started at 89 kg and not sure what my target should be at 5ft 2 (ideally quite a bit!) I have been on the scales most mornings this week just to give me an idea of the ups and downs – and have been nicely surprised at times but hope to weigh each Monday. So fingers crossed Melanie

    Yep I’m a newbie to, started this week, have heaps to loose but every faith it will work, so many good reports & one from a Doctor I know who advocates it to his patients as well as doing it himself. So excited

    Hi Angelina, it was suggested by my Dr too, due to recurrent knee problems have to do something and if this helps – well all for the better! Melanie

    My day 1. Im a newbie to 5:2 and also to forums, Ive never been on one before and I hope It will give me support to keep me focused. I started yesterday my first fast day with such good intentions and all went really well. I possible should have drank more water though. Then my cousin came over in the evening and it was first time we had seen each other for a while. It turned out not to be such a fast day. I think to be honest I went over by about 400. 🙁
    The good news is I am not deterred by my slip up and am going to get right back on track. I have 14lb to shift.

    Morning! I’m hoping someone can clarify this my tdee is 7337 – 1754 kj am I right in thinking that this 1754 kj is what I should not go over on my non- fast day – not the daily 2000 kj recommended for women and on my fast day it should still be 500? Hoping someone can clarify. Thanks Melanie

    Started my first fast day today, have done this diet before and lost 6lb in the first week but just wasn’t motivated enough.
    Will probably do fast days on a Sunday and Wednesday, dont want it to interfere with uni.
    Hoping to lose about 18lbs in total.

    Hi there
    I started a few months ago, lost 3kgs. Did stop for a month and now I’m back. I feel so much better when on the 5.2. T

    I’ve completed a week nearly a gained two lbs….. A little gutted please tell me it will work for me 🙁

    Just stick with it…..your weight will fluctuate but it will go down. Your body has to get used to a whole new routine. I have lost 6kg in 7 weeks and would like to lose another 5 before xmas. Once you get used to it it is easy and you realize on non fast days that you dont need the amount of food that you thought you did. Good luck!

    Thank you I just needed to know this is normal, I’m going to keep going couple of weeks and see how I get on x

    The other thing I have done naturally without even thinking about it is to reduce my carbs. I used to have more bread but dont hav much now. I usually have sccrambled eggs or an omlette for breakfast with a small piece of rye toast. The protien fills me up. I have a large salad with some protein for lunch with a piece of fruit…I used to have 2 pieces of bread with it. Then for dinner veg or salad with any protein. I used to drink a lot of diet hot chocolate but now hav lots of tea instead…we also get take-a-way once a week! I hope you do continue as it is like no other diet I hav tried…its great!

    Hi Mel:

    Eat to your TDEE or less on your non diet days. The 2000 is not ‘recommended’.

    Good Luck!

    Thanks for that simcoeluv! Will do! Well first week nearly over with – going to weigh and measure tomorrow fingers crossed!

    Hi Everyone,

    I started last week and have only done two days fasting so far. The first day was tough and I was, naturally better prepared for day two.

    The main trouble I had was inability to sleep after a day of fasting. I was hungry and really struggled with sleep which didn’t help when trying to cope the next day.

    Is anyone else having the same trouble? I lost two kilos, so it’s not all bad.

    Hi, Started today 10/11/2014 I am from Australia, Hi to all November starts

    hi i started on 3rd November..3rd fast day tomorrow..will be keeping an eye on this thread..stay strong!!!

    Hi, I am new too! I am a mom to two very busy kids.
    Until now I have been following the paleo/zone diet and i have felt good on it but still have about 8kg to loose. I heard about the fast diet, devoured the book and dived right in.
    Yes I started to loose weight immediately, yes i feel better and more in control on both fast days and non fast days but the most profound change i saw from fast two was that i seem to have more patience w my kids. I was totally amazed as i thought i would be more edgy if anything but i seem to have more time for them. And for this I am thrilled!

    Hi, well first week over with! Amazed that I managed ok with the fast days – I did 3. I found it helped when I ate later at lunchtime time had dinner around six. Lots of water in between, struggling with not having a sugar in my cup of tea though! Have found hot water and lemon a little better than just cold water. Felt really good when I jumped on the scales and found I lost 2 kg and an inch from the waist. I know, I know it’s just water- but have a fair bit too lose and it was just what I needed to see, I know it Will slow but Wahoo! Mel

    Hi all, starting this week, fast days wed and thur. Tried once before but found i felt sick on fast days and gave up. Gonna give it another try, bought a recipe book this time for inspiration, made sure i have plenty of fresh veg and strawberries.. So fingers crossed here i go. Need to find distractions for fasting days so i dont obsess about food.. Any suggestions?

    hey said Hi last week starting today Monday in Chicago. Good living to all of us.

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