And so the journey continues – Fuvvie

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And so the journey continues – Fuvvie

This topic contains 141 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi Fuvvie hugs. I had sent this to you but not sure you picked it up x

    @fuvvie I think we all have a weight that is a tough one to conquer. Mine was 11.9 it was when things always started going backwards. But I think I had built it up in my mind as impossible and if I got near it and started going in the wrong direction well that just proved my point. I just decided in one of my clearer moments this was not going to beat me and if I got below it, well then anything was possible. Some goals are easier to tick off than others, some take a bit of time and more effort – but we will get there as we are not giving up and after all – this is for life!

    What if you count 100 or 500g increments on a chart and rather than think of ‘that’ number concentrate on the smaller steps. Each time you get down a little step tick it off and only think of those small steps – wipe that other number from your mind for the time being. It seems to have grown in your mind and you need to change your thinking. It is possible so you need to believe it is possible. What are you really telling yourself? Is your self speak reinforcing a positive or a negative? If we keep telling ourselves we can’t, are we correct then if we don’t? Why not tell ourselves we can, and do it!
    You seem to have a lot going on but as on an airplane we need to look after ourselves in order to look after others x

    Thank you Coda. They are good suggestions. I’ve not given up on getting under the 100 and I do need to stop allowing myself all these treats that really are small doses of poison affecting my “wellness”. I’ve got B2tf firmly in front of me now and when I think about deviating, I think of her starting 2 days after me and now within her goal range and realise that perseverance is the only way. I’m putting her up there with Lolly and Buttonboots and really trying hard to move into acceptance of this WOL rather than trying to get away with taking little side tracks. I hadn’t checked into my thread for a while so only just saw your message. I am still checking into the challenge but finding it hard to get all the reading done. I’m at the boys’ swimming lessons at present so catching up.

    Hi Fuvvie, Just caught up on your thread and there are so many similarities to my journey over the past few months! But you have stayed with it and the challenges! I went awol into old habit eating mode! I got out of the routine of reading post and responding to threads, feeling bogged down by the sheer numbers on the Feb challenge I couldn’t keep up!
    This year has been very stressful and I’ve been unable to stay on 5.2 consistently. So the self esteem plummets as the scales goes up. I also started my own thread which helps. I have started reading Dr Moseleys book again over the weekend, it rereinforces why I started 5.2 last May.
    So enough! This morning I weighed – up 5lbs, not good but it should be a lot worse!
    Today is my first fast day in a long while and I will stick to it!
    Big hugs to you Fuvvie thank you for this thread, we can do this!!

    For time too quickly passes and we are growing old
    So let us fill our glasses and drink to days of gold😉

    Have spent a lot of this week out in the garden putting in a rock border, weeding and planting some new bushes and ground cover. My sister is up from Melbourne and we visited her yesterday, going out to a Spanish restaurant in Noosa for dinner. They had 3 guitarists playing and singing and it was a wonderful night. I was the designated driver so didn’t have much to drink. I’m trying to get back to a more controlled way of eating. I’m over-obsessing about food and then binging so need to back off for a while. Time will tell.

    Hi just popping in to say hello. I saw your post the other day and you mentioned a book you are enjoying. I ordered it lol and it arrived yesterday but haven’t started it yet. Thank you

    i am trying Michael’s blood sugar diet 800 cals per day. Started this week and so far liking it. I have also started taking kefir which has been mentioned on our challenge thread. I mix it with Chia seeds, mix in some fruit and a tbsp of homemade apple puree. I had been going backwards since beginning of March but this week seem to be making progress again. Take care but keep on keeping on x

    Hi Fuvvie, hope you’re doing ok. I’ve been struggling and taken a step back from the forum. I know I have to get back and am trying but get so hungry! Like coda I’m taking kefir as my breakfast, will try the chia seeds coda!
    Good luck! x

    Hi Rocy, I think we are in the same boat. I’ve been on a binge for a number of days now. Still I think I can get back on board shortly. It has been 11 months and I think I just got fed up with trying . Today was going to be a fast day but it’s very wet here with the post cyclonic rain depression and we’ve got rain being blown in under doors and windows that we’ve never sealed properly. So a lot of the day I’ve been mopping , reading and feeding. We’ve had good results since starting IF so I really do believe we can get back there. We just have to be kind to ourselves and then start again. For me it has been a lifelong thing so none of this is new or unexpected. IF has given me the most success. I’m going to just write here for a bit and lurk elsewhere. Good luck right back at you and Coda.

    Sounds awful weather fuvvie! Yes we’re in the same place, so hard when we’ve done so well.
    I know I can get where I want to be with IF but it’s just hard at the moment, to many emotional things have messed my head up!! So frustrating, I have a couple of good days then wham the anxieties hit and I’m back on the carbs!!
    I’ll keep checking in here and around the forum, I know I will get back to 5.2 but its hard just now! All best of luck and hugs.x

    Hi Rocy65 , The weather has improved a lot as the rain depression from the cyclone has moved on. There is awful flooding in NSW now and my heart goes out to them. I spent the morning cutting down the banana trees that were blown over during the storm. God exercise. We have a small stand of banana tress and half of them are gone now. No other damage though.
    I had a grim 2 weeks food wise and am now settling back into more controlled eating. The emotions have been on a roller coaster. I’m over the worst of it now and hope you are on a more even keel now that March is behind us. I’ll be fasting Mondays and Thursdays and my daughter gave me a book called fast your way to wellness. So there are new recipe ideas and I am going to try and plan more. I will be child minding 5 grandchildren 3 days next week so will be pretty busy.

    All the best, Fuvvie

    I had a resonable FD yesterday. May have eaten up to 800 cals I would guess. But no naughties. Just coffee and cream this morning followed by mineral water. Will do my best to stay away from food. I have 2 trees to plant so that means lots of digging. In heavy wet clay, that will be significant exercise. I’m off to buy some soil improver to make it easier for the roots to get to where they need to be. My weight yesterday morning was 110.4kgs. This morning it was 110kgs. I’m going to try and get a few FDs in a row to pull back from compulsive eating and restore my FD frame of mind. It was pretty easy 11 months ago, and I really want to get into that headspace again. I know it is very self centred to just stick to this thread and I still read the challenge as it is a warm and friendly thread, but I have to be more accepting of myself and not keep measuring myself against others and feeling inadequate. I look at the long term participants in this way of life, and it is not unusual to see them struggling at this stage. Then I look at dykask and see that he has taken 5 years to get to where he is. Not giving up over the long haul is what matters. So slowly slowly and gently gently. It will happen. Sugar is out the door again. I let it back in but it is a very poor lodger. Reflux returned and waist getting bigger. Clothes that were looking good are now making me feel sad. So there are plenty of measures to reflect on and keep me in line. Tally ho and all that jazz.

    Hi Fuvvie, how sad to lose your banana trees! We heard about the flooding in NSW looks awful, so many disasters going on around the world, we are so fortunate.

    I have picked up on your more positive mood and am going to join you, if I may, to get our heads back in the If space! I agree that there seems a lot of people in our place. Monday and Wednesday are my fds, I’m not going to beat myself up if I go over my 500cals!

    This morning I’ve had my kefir and plan to fast until this evenings meal. It’s going to be hard but I know that now the better weather is coming I’m hopeful my mood will improve, it’s been a long winter!

    Ive also been doing a lot of grandchild care, which is a joy! But tiring!

    Hope you got your trees planted, sounds like your land is not the easiest! Ours is sandy loam, which we feed with home made compost and seaweed. Great to be able to get out and get seeds sown. So love our fresh veg!!

    Hello, Fuvvie and Rocy65! I can definitely identify with that trickiness of head space thing. Stick at it, and you’ll find a way to break through. Discard the “should”s and find the thing you truly want, because that’s the only effort worth making.

    Must go make some kefir cheese now. It’s such a useful thing to have around: guests love it and I don’t have to mention how good it is for them. 😀

    Hi Lolly and Rocy65,
    Thanks for your input. This week we have had as many as 9 grandkids and 3 of my daughters plus my son here on one day. That was hectic. For some reason I have been in a truly destructive frame of mind, but the scales have pulled me up with a jerk this morning and I’m listening to Dr Jason Fung’s youtube lectures again. Today is a fast day. It was meant to be yesterday but preparing breakfast for the 5 children set me off on a strange eating path. I’m going over to your site to read your last really inspiring post again, Lolly. Both of you have me looking at kefir. I think I will go to the health food shop and make some enquiries. I also hope to look at engaging the boys in some activity today. I didn’t plant my trees. I have been indulging in a lot of reading. Last evening I did a really foolish thing when I decided to help my daughter get the fire going by putting metho on the wood. It actually doused what little flame there was so I put a match to it. The whoosh singed all the front of my hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and the fluff on my top lip. Lesson learnt, but I had to laugh as I was lucky enough not to catch my clothes on fire or actually burn myself. I had “au d fire” for the rest of the evening.

    Stay positive, Rocy65. I have proven without a doubt over the past 4 weeks that giving in to the carbs is definitely not the way to go. It is a timely reminder of how much better I felt about 7 kgs ago.

    Hi Fuvvie, singeing your hair and face is not good, hope you’re ok.
    You’re so right the carbs are no good for us at all. I failed to successfully fast last week but feel more confident for tomorrow. I hope you managed yours yesterday? Its so annoying knowing the benefits of fasting and how I feel when successful that I’m in this limbo!

    Right must get to do some pilates. After a days gardening on Saturday and a 20mile bike ride yesterday I need to losen up!!

    Lolly how do you make Kefir cheese? Is it like a cottage cheese.

    All best of luck x

    Kefir cheese is like a cream cheese, Rocy, and quite easy to make. Here’s a link to a straightforward explanation:

    I really enjoy having this daily, and I add things like roasted garlic, green onions, tahini, spinach, etc., to make a variety of spreads or dips I can enjoy as much as anyone else. My food philosophy is all about using real food that tastes great and this one fits the bill beautifully.

    Singed Fuvvie does not belong on anyone’s menu — thank goodness it wasn’t worse! But completely understandable under the circumstances — sounds like a three-ringed circus at your house just now! It has to make fasting harder for you, so be kind to yourself. Find ways to feel successful because you really are.

    Easter Saturday, and closing in on the 26th April. Big family get together this weekend.

    The sugar demon has me in thrall. It was so easy to give up before and yet now the cravings are paramount. I started the day off with coffee and a walk around the paddock, after doing the first level and day of fast exercise on that app. Then I cooked breakfast for one of my grandsons and joined him in a bacon and egg muffin. We are cooking roast pork for dinner at my son’s place.

    It’s interesting to see that with all this junk that I have consumed over the past 2 and a half months, I am now bursting out in cold sores which I haven’t experienced much over the past year. So the junk is really stressing my body. I really don’t understand why I am doing this to myself. Never mind. I planted 3 trees yesterday. That is 13 trees I have planted in the past month. The walk down the paddock was to say good morning to my 3 new trees. They will grow to give screening to the big house over on the other hill from, I hope. It’s all activity. Now that I have debriefed here, I will gird my sins for this afternoon and endeavour to not have any chips and sugar producing foods. Have a lovely Easter to all those on the threads.

    Easter is done and dusted. I had a good fast on Easter Monday and another one today. I have ripped up the ground and planted another 6 trees and 4 lomandra. As well as that I mowed the paddocks and started clearing the area around the dam. That kept me away from the food. I’ve watched 2 new YouTube interviews of Jason Fung and feel re-inspired. He is so clear in his take on fasting. I’m grateful that I am taking more care in food choices. I’ve bought some kefir so now I just need to use it. How are you going, Rocy65? I need to pop over to your thread and catch up.

    ANZAC Day and special thoughts given to those who fought for our freedom. My father was very skinny when he came back from the war and had developed the addiction to cigarettes. This affected his health to his detriment developing peripheral vascular disease and led to an early death at the age of 68. My uncle lost a leg, and their brother was killed in France. I grieve for those lost lives and even more for those who are dying such horrible war driven deaths overseas now. It is such a waste on so many fronts. It brings this weight loss battle into perspective.

    My weight is stable at present but nowhere near where I need to be. I’m trying to become a lot more active rather than focussing on food so much. Having an FD today with one coffee and now one cup of tea (rooibos) but need to get water into myself. I forget to drink water even though I like it.

    The liquid fast lasted 38 hours. I broke it with a heap of barbecued chicken and had Shephard’s pie last night. Another fast today. I’m in the zone. 109.6kgs this morning after being in the high 111s for a few weeks. I’m feeling in charge again. And it feels good.

    It’s hard to believe that it’s over a month since posting on my thread. I have been completely AWOL in mind, determination and commitment. However, the idea of fasting and its health benefits have stayed very much in my awareness, but very firmly defied/denied/ignored. Of course, there is a huge cost in this with inevitable weight gain. Time to put the brakes on and look at all the benefits that I have forgone, indulging in all the foods I felt I was missing. I’ve actually missed the feel good feelings that I used to get from fasting, but have struggled to do this. Now I’m ready to give it another shot. The concerts are over and winter is settling in. I haven’t eaten since 3pm yesterday and I have to say the empty feeling is very freeing. Free from reflux for a start. It has been plaguing me. We’re the bread, biscuits, wine, cocktails, potatoes, sweets worth it? They seemed so in the moment, but the cost is too high. Will check in in a couple of days.

    Hi Fuvvie,

    Have been thinking of you and missing your delightful presence on the challenge threads. I’m sorry you have struggled so much lately, I hope you feel more in control soon, though I completely understand not feeling in control.
    I agree with what you said about missing how you feel fasting and not having so much rubbish. I sometimes feel really apprehensive about fasting, especially if I’ve missed a few fasts, but then when I do one can’t believe how good I feel and how once you get through the first day it is so much easier.
    Anyway just wanted to say that you are missed and that I just wish all the best for you and hope to hear more from you when you are ready. xx

    Hello Lou Belles, Thank you so much for your warm sentiments. You and Coda are both being very supportive. I’m not quite ready to throw my hat into the ring on the daily commitment. Life is a bit haywire at present, but enjoyable for all that. I’m following you all from a distance. Take care.

    I can remember how excited I was to see 115kgs on the way down. Far different feeling seeing the same number on my way up. Still haven’t tamed the galloping hunger dragon and sugar trolls. Each day starts with coffee with cream through till lunch and then the binging has been setting in. Expecting lots of family today and extras staying in the house over the next week due to school holidays. How to rein it all in???? 14 months since I started this journey and hopping on today after a fortnight’s break from the thread leads to another endeavour to honour a commitment to get back to 5:2. I’ve done it before with remarkable success. I will do it again.

    I’m signing in on the July challenge. This time last year I was joining the challenges for the first time. I was on a plateau for months. Then the weight started to climb. Now I’m around the 115 kg mark and still trying to get a handle on things. Will persevere.

    HI Fuvvie
    just noticed your thread when I checked in to the July Challenge.
    I’ve been trying to check in daily since November 1st 2016 when I started 5:2.
    I certainly need the support and find it so helpful.
    Have been on a plateau for some months and so went completely bonkers on the weekend and overate hugely. Enjoyed every morsel but did wake up yesterday morning with the realisation that now I need to reset and try to do better.
    To you Fuvvie and others struggling, you are certainly not alone. For me, I find it is good to know there are others out there also taking the circuitous route.
    Doing a much needed FD today!!
    Anyway, just wanted to say Hi! and let you know others are thinking of you.

    Thanks lilymartin. I saw your post on the July challenge and commented. Lovely to see you here. Thanks for the double support. I’ve just been for a 3km walk and now enjoying a lovely coffe Vienna style.

    Hi Fuvvie, been a long time since I logged in to see how everyone’s doing. I’m not doing well, and put on big time. just been an emotional and busy time roller-coaster and I slipped back into my comfort eating. I’ve been through the whole beating myself up! Now with my positive head in place I thought I’d look you up and see how you’re doing!
    Pleased you joined the july challenge, I will do so after our weekend away!

    All very best wishes x

    Hello Rocy65. My heart goes out to you as I know exactly what you are going through in regards to going off the rails and stacking it back on. But the ongoing support you get here whether you feel like a huge backslider or a success is never stingy. It buoys one up to know that this is not all that unusual and it’s just a matter of getting on with it. Have fun on your weekend away. And then it is a matter of being mindful of what you are doing and just why you are doing it. I’m convinced we don’t do this to ourselves without a reason.

    Hi Fuvvie.
    Just checking on you. You put on Lolly’s post that you started month of August with new determination. Any happy results to report?

    Hi Coldpizza,

    Afraid not. August seems to have gone to hell in a hand basket. But one lives on with hope in the heart . It’s been a big month with my daughter moving in up the hill, my husband sustained a crush injury to his (R) index finger and daughter a fractured toe. A good friend has had a re-occurrence of a very nasty cancer. She is such a good person who has always looked after her health, nursed friends through end stage of breast cancer, is a social worker who walks the walk as much as talking the talk. It seems so unfair, when there is so much evil in the world and this very kind loving person ends up with having to go through removal of tumour, part of the pancreas, stomach, spleen and bowel. The lost a kidney during the last bout of surgery.

    Glad to hear that you are doing much better. Thank you for your note. I’m keeping a pretty low profile just now. Don’t want any despondency to rub off on others.


    So sad about your friend. It is always much harder when it hits a person you admire and love. It is one of the reason that we have to be healthy and strong – to support our friends when they need us. Please let your friend know that a person from Texas thinking about her. Hugs.

    Lovely sentiments. Thanks Coldpizza.xx

    Just starting to read Dr Mosley’s The Clever Guts Diet. I’ve been offline, off track and off kilter for a year now. Devastating results and now the heaviest weight I have ever been. It’s hard to believe how good I felt when I started and lost 20 kgs fairly easily. But I threw it all away. I’m no longer a carer and all the stars should be aligned to conquer my addiction to food. Alas it has all turned to dross. So here’s the first step to getting on top again. I see Buttonboots has continued her incredible journey. I’m full of admiration for her. I’ve put my Fitbit on the charger and I’m nominating Tuesday and Thursday as my fast days. If it is to be, it’s up to me. Here goes.

    I have just responded to Fruitcake3 and am feeling much more motivated. I can’t believe I last wrote on 17th January and didn’t follow up . False promises. But I am feeling much more accountable now. So here goes. Fasting tomorrow. The journey truly continues.

    Here we go again. Just a short note:
    I’m going to the gym 3 days per week. I’m doing a lot of singing with end of year concerts and preparing for carolling.
    5:2 has not been a feature of my life for too long. So am now registering a plea to myself to wake up before any more weight goes on.

    Rereading the fast 800. Will pick up a glucose monitor and measure progress in more ways than just getting on the scales.

    How much the world has changed since I last made an entry. COVID-19 has been a huge reality check. I could comment on world politics, but not the appropriate space.
    I’ve been following the fast800 for over 4 months now. My weight had topped out at 128.8 kgs. Read the book and by the time I joined the online community, it was exactly 128.0 kgs. Now I’m 112.9kgs, swimming a km at least 3 times a week and feeling so much better. Time restricted eating 16:8 also improving my efforts. I’ve just read through this page and love the support I always felt in the group. My heart goes out to all in the Northern hemisphere struggling with Covid and lockdowns. We’ve so far been pretty lucky in Queensland and I keep wondering when the sword of Damacles is going to fall. Hello to Coda, Rocky65, Coldpizza, Lolly, Buttonboots, lillymsrtins and Lou Belles, to mention a few. Love, Fuvvie xx

    Each time I check into this feed, it takes me ages to actually find my journey entries. Today I found it by going to the April challenge, clicked on @coda and got in through one of my entries in a 2017 challenge.
    We are finally obliged to wear masks in Qld when out and about in shopping malls etc. Hopefully it will only last another couple of weeks.
    I’ve been on a plateau for weeks, with weight fluctuations of +/- the same 3 kilos. My lowest weight so far has been 107.8kgs. Over Easter I shot up to 111.2 but today on 110.6kgs. I’m going on accountability calls and watching coaching calls on the fast mama tribe but still like to drop in here to see old faces who have been a support over the past 5 years. The fast800 has been an absolute lifeline. My HbA1c was up to 6.3%. 6.4% was cut off point for a diagnosis of diabetes. Following fast800 and it’s down to 5.5%, which is fantastic. Easter proved to me yet again that white carbs and alcohol is poison to my system. My eye is firmly fixed on 99.8kgs as my next goal. The 100kgs has been a barrier for many years, right back to the 90’s. I was part of the fast800 community for 5 months and I’m pulling out my folder with the 12 weeks of daily recipes. I released 14 kgs in those 12 weeks and expect I can do it again. I’m still doing TRE 16:8 but packing too much into those 8 hours. I will check in more often to keep track. I love life 💕💕💕🎶🎶🎶

    Weight down to 109.1kgs today. I’ve been looking at one of my thoughts that keeps me getting in my own way. The big one is I’m too lazy to plan. I’m changing that thought to I’m able to set a plan. This is because I’m worth it.
    I filled up 2 Gerry cans with fuel this morning, which contained 40 litres all up. With one in each hand, I staggered to put them in the car. 40 litres weighs approximately 40 kgs, the amount of weight I need to lose. No wonder I feel so exhausted carrying myself around all day. Time to stop
    yo-yoing and get really serious about this. Saving my joints from wearing out is a compelling reason. Onwards and downwards.

    I’m still in the 109s having gained .4 kgs but on the plus side, I have been a lot more active. I’ve cleaned 50 metres of 60 metres of louvres which involves getting up a ladder onto a plank between 2 trestles, cleaning and polishing banks of louvres. It’s a job I dread and have put it off for a year in the most obvious areas of the house and in the areas down the other end of the house, I haven’t done them for years. It’s a bit like my weight loss really. I’ve frequently lost the same 20 kgs but given up on the other 40. After all, people have noticed that I’m slimmer than I was and I feel better, so that’s when the rot sets in. Not this time. I’ll finish the other 10 metres this morning and I’m going to keep on with the plan, weighing, measuring, sticking to the 16:8 time restricted eating and 800 calories.
    Happy Mother’s Day to all those caring for families, children in care, fur babies, to aunties who help out, big hugs for all of you. Virginia Trioli wrote a beautiful piece on this on her weekly letter. She is a gem.

    Have been up to 111.5kgs post Mother’s Day and went ape for a week or so. Back on track again now and went swimming this morning after about 5 weeks of no swimming. 108.5 kgs this morning because I’ve planned better since last Wednesday. My best weight on 5:2 was 103.3 in 2016. I strongly believe I will pass this weight as I continue forwards and downwards. Beautiful day here on the Sunshine Coast this morning.

    Have had a great week so far. Down to 107.8 kgs. Swam my km this morning at the local 50m pool. I was the only one in the pool for 700m. It was lovely. The sun went behind a cloud in the last 100 metres and I was happy to get out. Life is good. Is that tempting the Fates? The fast800 has helped me get back on track. Thanks Michael Mosley and his team.

    I’m doing a 36 hour fast with 30 hours done so far. I may extend it to dinner this evening which would make 48 hours. Feeling good. Going swimming in 30 minutes. My new low this time round is 104.6 kgs. Feeling chuffed.

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