And so the journey continues – Fuvvie

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And so the journey continues – Fuvvie

This topic contains 141 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 3 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 144 total)

  • Hi ETJ, I just looked on your thread and nothing new there, so was delighted to find you here. The thing I like about Rooibos tea is that it is caffeine free. I have lapsed today into having 2 coffees with cream, and I almost have the shakes. I feel trembly. I need to have a big mug of water. I couldn’t work out what was wrong, but realise the caffeine has kicked in.

    My niece hasn’t let me know this week how she is going. I’ve sent her a message again, and will let you know if she replies.

    I only did the b2b because I wasn’t feeling hungry on that second day and I was busy doing lots around the place so didn’t think about hunger. Today I could eat my own hand off. I made Mother cruskits with cheese, salami and tomato for lunch and drank my rooibos tea (available at Coles in the Nerada tea section). I miss eating cruskits, but know that this way I don’t get swelling in my legs.

    Is it hard to mark the lambs? Is it a tattoo or brand or what? I am ignorant when it comes to those things. I am far too lazy to live on a farm. All that work. But you sound as though you thrive on it. I’ll be passing through your neck of the woods in November on my way to Melbourne with a friend. I haven’t driven down that way since about 1989. When we lived in Canberra and all my children were grade 1 and younger, I went to EasySlim and went from 73kgs to 61kgs. I was so slim you could see my hip bones in the front. Those have not been seen since that time and I almost doubled my weight in the intervening years. (That was 1977). Huge sigh. I’ll give you a big wave as we go by.

    Better go and get that drink. Or I’ll break sown and eat, and that is not my goal for today. Take care.

    Fuvvie – you could always pop in and have a cuppa on your way through! It would be lovely meeting you and you could visit my crazy farm, lol. We now have miniature goats, miniature cows, a miniature donkey, miniature horse, a pony, a friesian poddy calf, chooks, dogs, cats, a baby rabbit and a heap of other sheep. We are near Goulburn, so you could see the big merino while you are at it!
    For marking, we put an ear tag in, put a ring on all the lamb tails and a ring on some of the boys balls (we have kept 4 to be rams, because they are pretty perfect looking australian whites with very little hair – yes hair, not wool!) And give them an immunisation injection. They should have been done a month ago because they were so big, I have pulled my back a bit catching them all and i could barely lift some of them.
    Anyway think on it. We aren’t serial killers or anything, lol. It’s a very pretty part of Australia – I think anyways πŸ™‚

    Hi Fuuvie and ETJ, I just happened to see your post ETJ about the miniature animals. They sound so cute! I have a soft spot for miniatures and was looking into buying a miniature pig as a pet since we live in an environmental housing estate here in N. NSW which bans dogs and cats. …But pigs would be allowed, since they aren’t predatory! …However, I learned that the miniature pigs require more room to roam than our postage stamp sized yard provides! Miniature goats, cows, horse and donkeys would be awesome!

    Anyway, your place sounds idyllic ETJ!

    Fuuvie, I love rooibos tea too especially because it contains no calories so is perfect for my FDs! I too get the shakes if I consume caffeine and as much as I love dark chocolate (especially Lindt 90%) if I eat too much at a time, I even get the shakes then! Hope yours have passed!

    Lael – Sorry to hijack your thread fuvvie, lol. We are planning on getting a few mini pigs around christmas time. I just need to build them a hut, pig fence the paddock and dig them a mud pit first. Check with council about pigs first as they are livestock because they have hooves and most councils won’t let you have them in town. It’s the last different sort of animal we want, well besides ducks and turkeys, but I need to build a fence for those separately as well. Our little dog was acting strange the other night, would not leave the door ways and was shaking. We kept going to put her outside and she wouldn’t go. So i said to hubby that something was wrong and he finally followed her out, grabbing a brick on his way (LOL) and got to the bottom of the stairs from our back area and there was a fox walking out of our chook shed. He got hit hard from the brick and took off running. Thankfully never got any. Serves us right for forgetting to shut the door! Won’t make that mistake for awhile! Having pigs will be great, because we are going to put in a huge vege garden and orchard and already have more food scraps than the chooks can eat, saves it all going to waste. And they are super cute!

    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Hi ETJ and Lael, You can talk on my thread as much as you like. I would love to meet you on the way through, ETJ. Your farm sounds amazing and I would love to see that chook house. Not a case of fantastic Mr Fox, but unlucky Mr Fox. He picked on the wrong chook house. Well done listening to your puppy dog. I thought you were going to find a snake and was relieved it was a fox. Our neighbour’s chooks were all taken by foxes. We may have chooks one day, but not till OH is home on a permanent basis to help look after them.
    Will go and have a rooibos now. It’s 16:15 and time I got off this computer.


    OK, it is a fasting day for me, lunch time, and I need reinforcement. I decided to re-read some of my favorite threads. Today it happens to be yours, Fuvvie.
    It is fascinated to read all of our thoughts, feelings, struggles from past. They are not very much different from current, don’t they? I would think, that I could have learned to fast with ease after 10 months into the program, but no – every fast is still a struggle. It is nice to know that we are not alone in this struggle, and there is always somebody who succeeded thru the fast. If somebody can do it, so can we!

    From your thread I discovered that I was intended to try to put a spoon down after every bite as K-Lo suggested, but never actually tried it. Should keep it in mind for my NFD. Anybody is doing that on regular basics?

    Rooibos tea. Fuvvie, I do share your love for it – the smooth richness and sweetness that I appreciate even more after I stopped use sugar in my drinks. I also became more adventious with different types of tea – seems like my taste is changing. For example, I really don’t like ginger tea before, but now I enjoy it if it not very intense. I also brewing kombucha tea. Have you tried it?

    Going for a walk now. Thank you to your thread for keeping me away from wending machine. Fast is still going on for 19 hours already. I might hit my goal and stay away from food till morning. πŸ™‚

    I have had a big eating weekend and the scales reflect that . Painful, but I just can’t really stay true to myself at the moment. We had the ACAT re-assessment this morning, with a phone call out of the blue as there was a cancellation and we were able to fit it in. So that is one step closer to looking at alternative care options. I am fasting today and it is easy so far. I am very determined to carry it thorough as I am not meeting my goals this month and don’t want to end up any heavier than the start of the month.

    Lovely to see that you are feeling better about things Coldpizza. Thanks for dropping in here. I did see the entry earlier in the week but trying to get things in order. Keep it up. I know it is worth it.

    It is difficult to think of one’s own needs when those of others are so pressing. You’re obviously a gift to those around you, Fuvvie, but you could use a little help yourself!

    Eventually, the issues around your mother-in-law will be sorted out — sooner than later, I’m hoping — and you’ll have a chance to breathe again. Meanwhile, simplify things as much as you can. In a similar stressful situation myself some time ago I sat down and did an exercise where I imagined how others would cope if I weren’t there. Much as I’d like to see myself as indispensable, I came to realise that if I stepped back a bit it gave others a chance to pick up the slack. And if they didn’t, some of what I assumed was necessary actually wasn’t that critical and could be let go.

    Be as kind to yourself as you are to others. You deserve as least as much consideration. There is no failure in this process, only learning. Eating habits aren’t the only things we need to change but we’ll get there!

    Hi Fuvvie,
    Lolly is right. When I was taking care of my MIL, I simply could not fast. It is so much harder, when you need to feed others. You are amazing, and helping so many people around you.
    I also realized that it is harder when you are closer to your goal (at least for me). Seems like our bodies and minds resist to change. Still, we should not give up, and no matter what we will continue to give ourselves a gift of health.

    God bless you!

    Thank you Lolly and Coldpizza. One makes some wonderful friends on this forum. I’m a new woman today. Cried it all out, walked it all off and threw my troubles into the waves. I feel great.

    So happy for you, Fuvvie! πŸ™‚

    Two days at the beach and will head there again today. Suddenly feel as though I am on holiday. In fact, I am going on holiday Monday week and a friend is going with me. Hopefully OH will meet up somewhere along the track. I will ask the convener to send you my email address ETJ so we can meet up on route. We will spend 8th and 9th in Sydney and head out of Sydney so should be near Golburn by the 10th.

    Hairdresser and choir are the big events today with a walk in the next hour or so. Getting more active feels great. Will go and hang the washing out and get cracking.

    Wow, sounds so lovely! Enjoy your wonderful holiday time. πŸ™‚

    The October challenge is over and now moving into the November challenge with B2tf. I’m hoping to chill out a bit and travelling for 2 weeks from 7th November should help with that. Visiting friends and no doubt plenty of food stops, but will use the tracker to keep a lid on things and remind myself of what this journey is all about…fitter, healthier way of life. Also want to go overseas next year and will need to be a lot slimmer to fit into the airplane seat. It is embarrassing when one has to ask for a seat belt extension, and the arm rest is jammed down onto your excess thigh mass by the person next to you leaning on it. So there are several reasons why I need to get back on track and be more true to myself and my goals. Need to plan my meals more. It’s all become very haphazard.

    Hi Fuvvie, didn’t want to clog the challenge with personal stuff, it’s so big this month. I just wanted to take a moment to wish you happy holidays. What a wonderful motivator travel could be…whenever you’re faced with something naughty just think of all the places you could go and visit. Have a wonderful, relaxing time you really deserve it

    Hi HollyLJ, Lovely to see you here. We had a great 2 days so far. Have eaten much more than I’ve been allowing myself previously. Slept badly last night. So will try an FD today. Meeting up with a friend for morning coffee and then lunch with another friend. The friend I’m travelling with has never met either of them but that just adds to the interest. Hopefully catching up with ETJ this afternoon and seeing her farm. Really looking forward to that. She sounds so dynamic. And she has followed through on this WOL. So I’m sure I’ll be very inspired. We’ve travelled through some beautiful country on the New England plateau and the Hunter River Valley on our way to Sydney. We didn’t see any bushfires which was a relief. Visited a couple of wineries but had to tip the tastings into the pan in order to not become inebriated. Not a good thing when drivingπŸ˜…πŸ˜Ž but tasted enough to buy several bottles to take back to Queensland for enjoying at a later date. Should be in Victoria tomorrow where I will see my sister and niece. Thank you for your good wishes. Having not seen your post till just now, I wasn’t able to heed your advice but will keep it at the front of my mind today. Warm regards, Heather aka Fuvvie

    I can’t believe that I have been attempting to follow this way of life for over 7 months now. I have plateaued at a 19 kg reduction in weight loss. There are a lot of 16:8 happening, but not enough FDs. Initially I was doing ADFs or 4:3 and this was very successful. So I am going to attempt to up the FDs during December. I am also going to get out the 5:2 recipe books and attempt to be more accountable with recipes, rather than turning to nuts to fill myself up. I sound like a cracked gramophone record, but I do need to remind myself that there is a way out of this quagmire and the path is via 5:2 or 4:3. Must go and get a bit active with the grandsons, for all our sakes.

    I’m feeling very paranoid. I’m going to continue to drop into my own story and try and rationalise my behaviours etc, but people I have come to care about don’t seem to be writing on their own threads anymore so will try and give them space. It’s probably co-incidental that my entries are the last on several for quite a while. I’m here for anyone who would like to comment on their journey and I’m in touch with the challenge.

    Still have to get out the recipe books. I have to shake off this blue feeling and not indulge in bourgeoise suffering. Life is good. Getting more active. The weight hasn’t got out of hand and the way forward is positive. Acceptance is freedom indeed.

    Your entry is no longer the last on my page, Fuvvie! Thanks for caring so much and not being afraid to show it.

    Now — let’s DO this thing!

    Hi Lolly. Could have wept with relief when I saw you here. It had crossed my mind that you may have been with family as that happened once before when you dropped out of orbit. But I have the bad habit of hearing horses and thinking zebras. The mind plays strange tricks. Have to go over to your page and re-read what you wrote there. I’m on a b2b and managing well so far. Having a long black st the swimming pool while the boys are having lessons. We have choir practice tonight so won’t swim today, But tonight is the last practice for the year, 3 Christmas concerts to go and one tour through the wards at Nambour Hospital and that’s it for the year.

    Hi Fuvvie πŸ™‚

    Sorry, no time no speak. I am sorry that you are having a downer at the moment. Big hugs. How is the back to back fasting going for you? Congrats on still sticking with it and moving along. I haven’t been on much lately because I am not fasting currently. I am booked in for my op in February, unless I have a big attack in the mean time. I am having a bit of an attack tonight, but hoping that it calms down sooner rather than later. I normally stay on the forums a lot when I am hungry, lol. I am only eating two meals a day, but feel constantly full. No weight gain so that is good. Bland diet is working, lol.

    I’m glad things have been more settled for you, ETJ. Have you read the Complete Hip and Thigh diet by Rosemary Conley? She was due to have a cholecystectomy when she did this diet and managed to fix herself. However, it means no fat practically which is a bit opposite to what we have been doing. Still an interesting read. Years old now of course. Good luck with it all.

    Picked my husband up from the airport and went down to see his mother. It’s really quite sad that it has come to this. She expressed the hope that she was only where she was for a short time. She felt that every one was very kind, the food good, but not where she wants to spend the rest of her life. We took an album that I had made up of about 63 photos that we had taken of her and family over the past 3 years. She was absolutely delighted with it but wants us to write who the various people are as she doesn’t recognise all of them. She was thrilled to see us. So that was all good. Since we got home, I have almost eaten us out of house and home and just downed a rusty nail, which must have a gazillion calories in it. NOT GOOD, but was so good. It always puts me on an emotional roller coaster when I am getting things back into status quo. Still, Had a good 24 hour fast before going off the rails big time. /thank heavens tomorrow is a new day. Will behave, I promise.

    I know only too well how disturbing all this is to your system right now. It takes time to sort out all the emotions but you will. Be as kind to yourself as you would to anyone else, difficult as that may be, because your needs are important, too.

    Set only attainable goals for the moment and build up your sense of success again. And know that we’re cheering you on.

    Hugs — Lolly

    Thanks for your hugs, Lolly. I am struggling but hope to return to some sense of control soon. It’s sad that one knows and appreciates the factors involved in weight gain and control, but can’t knuckle down to it. It’s a combination of mind and hormones and I’m not sure which is the larger factor for me right now. Will keep nutting it out. I can do this as I was doing it.

    There is no doubt in my mind that you can do it, Fuvvie. I believe that struggle is an important part of our process and that it leads to a breakthrough, so hang on. It doesn’t feel much like a gift while you’re going through it! But it’s the best part of you trying to get you to a better place. And you will succeed — you are an amazingly strong woman.

    Hi Fuvvie,
    What about if weight gain isn’t about control but hormones? Can I urge to read The Obesity Code by Jason Fung? I have just read it and couldn’t put it down. The basic premise is that obesity is the result of high insulin levels clearly explained along with why diets don’t work and how we were all told that low fat was what we should be eating and why it doesn’t work. There is mention of the 5:2 and the importance of fasting.He has inspired me to try 2 24 hour fasts(dinner to dinner) this week which has been much much easier than I ever expected, apart from the relentless barrage of cooking programmes on with festive food!

    Don’t be hard on yourself. Look at the scientific evidence that Jason Fung presents in his book and the solutions that he offers. I now feel very hopeful.

    Hi Annette52. Thanks for your support. I have read the Obesity Code and watched all of Jason Fung’s YouTube talks on the Aetiology of Obesity. I certainly agree with his conclusions and his lectures are an eye opener. I think there is pal so a psychological element involved. I haven’t cracked the code yet but am finding it much harder to do the fasts whereas back in April through to August I found them relatively easy. I will continue to aim for that peace I found then. 2017 is my year to do it I believe.

    I am going to have a re-read and make some notes in case there is anything that I have missed from Fung in the book. I found that he inspired me to fast and I suppose, gave me confidence to try a 24 hour fast. I had looked at the posts of folk who had done them and wondered how on earth they managed them when I found just missing my breakfast and eating far less on a FD tough. However, I think that I have found it far easier to do without food completely and have managed 2 FD in a week. The scales seem reluctant to move but my jeans are certainly looser around the waist and my thighs. I have been wondering how to fit it in with meals provided free of charge at work and think that the solution might be to go from lunch and then not eat anything else until the next lunch time. Worth a try.

    My friend who has been very overweight all of her adult life, has lost 4 and a half stone(63 lbs) since January by simply avoiding rice/potatoes/pasta/bread from her diet.Considering that she holidays 4 times a year and goes out to eat several times a week I think that this is quite astonishing. She started fasting in the summer and has given up eating breakfast most days. She has finally stopped calling it a diet and now says that this is how she eats now.She hope to be a healthy weight for her height this time next year. I suspect that she will be maintaining form the summer.

    I have also been avoiding these carbs for most of the week, so cutting down from 2 of them a day to days without any of them did seem a strange thing to do, but it certainly works. Meals now are for the most part meat or fish with vegetables or salad. I now find that I ask myself whether I am hungry and what do I need.

    It will be interesting to see what I eat over the next few days and whether I go completely mad or find myself making better decisions. I am not going to worry about it anyway, because in 2 days I will fast.

    Hi Annette52, I wonder how you got on with making better decisions? For some reason, this season seems to generate a need in me to overeat and disregard all the good that I know helps me in the long run. I keep telling myself that I will start again and do all the right things once this full on entertaining and cooking and socialising settles. Although the time is spent with people I love and who love me, it still seems to bring out this destructive behaviour. The food dragons, trolls or whatever they are seem to take over the reins. I am positive that this too shall pass and the too mark will be breached. It has to. The exercise will be part of the package as well. So here is to a New Year and a continuation of the good that has resulted in fits and starts in 2016. Goodbye to sugar and grains. Hello health.

    Just been out for a 2 mile run/walk in the cold but sunny weather. It was tough to run with the cold air..well my excuse anyway. I have gone back to wearing my pedometer(has a loop and I attach it to my bra strap(19,000 steps yesterday) and 4000 after the run. About to walk to the shops and buy some real food again.

    Just had lunch which was a ripe avocado with some tomatoes and cucumber,and homemade vinaigrette dressing followed with a handful of brazil nuts. Dinner will be fish and vegetables or salad. Then I will fast for 24 hours until dinner tomorrow, which will be lamb chops and vegetables with my son.

    I am going to have to be very rigid to fit in the running and the fasting. I am taking part in a local half marathon in 11 weeks time so need to run 4 times a week(very slow, not sporty and soon to be 56) to start to build some stamina and then fast for 2.

    I think that food drives behaviour and the science seems to back that up, so don’t blame yourself. Changing what I eat has had a profound effect not only on how I feel but on my bank balance too!

    I bought a small Christmas cake bar and I ate it all…I bought a Christmas pudding(boys not bothered), we could have done without it and ate that with ice cream. I won’t buy them next year. I managed to re-gift most of the chocolates and shared the others with the boys.

    I want to be in a good place physically and mentally when I stand on those scales on the 1st January with my tape measure in my hand for a full assessment. I walk 45 minutes each way to work 5 days a week so I make sure that I do the same when I am on holiday. It all adds up.

    Here we are with December almost over. Hoping to finish it off with style. Fasting today. Weighed in at 110.0 kgs today which is way up, but still 13.9 kgs less than when I started this journey. I have started reading The Fast Diet again and will be using quotes out of it to inspire myself and hopefully others on the January challenge thread. I’m really psyching myself up by rereading Lollies thread and going over some of Buttonboots as well as they are stayers and inspirational. It is hormonal and the psyche plays its role as well. Not sure how the hormones affect the psyche, but probably associated with the gut, the second brain. If there is inflammation there, it is reported that this leads to depression so can look forward to feeling brighter as I sort this out this coming month.

    Good on your exercise efforts, Annette52. A local half marathon is a major incentive I should think. Wow. I’m still too heavy to run. My cartilages in both knees are too frail. Swimming is likely to be a better goal for me. Just have to convince myself to go there.

    I’m away from home during these holidays and as much as I’m enjoying the company I am looking forward to quieter times next week. I need my routine back.

    All the best to you, Fuvvie, for 2017. We shall do great leaps forward together! Well, perhaps a lot of tiny steps — which will add up to one. That works, too. πŸ™‚

    Hello Lolly,
    I just wrote on your thread and then came over here and was thrilled to see your note. I guessed you must be away. Big hugs and YES 2017 is the year for little steps resulting in big strides.

    The New Year is working for me so far. I’ve been rereading The Fast Diet with lots of reinforcement from the knowledge therein. Also monitoring the 31 day Jan challenge really helpful on keeping my focus. Not far in but down from 110 to 106.9 so feeling really positive. Tomorrow will be my second FD for the year, but following 16:8 fairly well. Am having a fry January and so far am managing sugar and grain free. Exercise still not a regular.

    The Fast Diet is a life-changer of a book, isn’t it? I am so grateful for this forum and all the support in it. You’re a part of that, Fuvvie, and this year we’ll just keep getting better!

    Good to hear that this works. I am searching for a good formula to help me lose weight. I have heard that fast diet weight loss can spring back the weight once we stop it. Is that true?

    Hello Nomorefat: I think if you follow intermittent fasting, it becomes a life long habit and then there would be no spring back. Many people who take up IF don’t regain the weight. I think that when I started this in April, I went gungho and think I probably ate a lot less than my TDEE so really was on a low calorie diet as well as fasting. I am pretty sure I probably dropped my metabolism as a result and my body is trying to get back to its set body weight. I am ignoring this. I’m back to being less rigid and getting 5:2 going again, never really having stopped completely but I did throw all caution to the wind for a while there. If you read Lolly’s thread, and look at Buttonboots, who has been doing this for a lot longer than 2 years, then you will see that you don’t have to rebound. Bigbooty often puts comments in. He has been in maintenance for a long time. If you look at the maintenance thread, you will find a host of people who have maintained. It’s not always easy but you can do it. There are a host of people on the 31 Day January challenge who are losing weight at a steady pace, some are on maintenance and holding nicely. So I hope that answers your question. It is by far the best way of eating that I have found and I hold a PhD in dieting and all it’s pitfalls, having followed almost every diet I could get my hands on and have wasted thousands of dollars on a variety of programmes. This works best for me and costs me nothing apart from data and i pay for that anyway. I’ve made lots of virtual friends and love their humour and caring ways. Go for it. Just dive in and make the most of it.

    Hi Fuvvie, I just came over here to read your story — had no idea you struggled so much. I think I saw you as this perfect IF-er…starting the January challenge for us, keeping that spread sheet, just totally on top of all this!!

    Funny, eh? You’re struggling as much as anyone, I don’t why or where I got that idea that you were beyond struggle or effort. I think it’s my tendency to see others as being so much better and so much more successful, and I pull out the pity-party outfit and think, oh, I’m terrible but all these other people are just sailing along…why aren’t I just sailing along? Poor me….

    It’s so inspiring to see your progress right there next to the back and forth and how real life intrudes so insistently for you, just like for all of us. I realize I CAN do this, you ARE doing it, and the problems and obstacles don’t matter as much as sticking with it.

    you are a real inspiration. thanks for being so honest and putting all this out there.

    many hugs and kind wishes … pamela v.

    Hi PamelaV,
    Thanks for dropping in and your very kind thoughts. It is strange how one’s words can suggest one thing when maybe we mean something else. So the front one portrays can obviously be misleading, without intent. One doesn’t get to 123.9kgs without having some real issues with food. And those issues for me are gigantic. I’m trying to get on top of my vices, indulgences etc. Some days it works, others I succumb to lifelong habits. It’s a crazy roundabout. But I truly do think this is the way to eventually get to where I want to be. I enjoy the company I’m keeping here. So many people give me joy and a feeling of companionship.

    Talking of bad habits, today is meant to be an FD. I was going fine and I was driving 2 of my grandsons to the beach when I got a phone call from Daughter No1. She was wondering what we were doing as her son was on his own with her. We diverted and went to her place instead and went to the beach near her. We were in the water for ages. It was absolutely glorious. There was a little bit of seaweed, but nothing to disturb the fabulous feeling of freedom one has in the water. Then she suggested we have a frappe at Macca’s, which we did. Greed surfaced and I ordered large coffee frappes. When we went home, I went onto my fitness pal (MFP) and it cost me 684 Cal, with 81 grams of sugar, i.e. 20 teaspoons full of sugar. So nearly 200 cals over 1/4 TDEE. Came home and had several handful of nuts and then had bone broth for dinner. I’ve had sparkling mineral water with ACV to finish off the day. It was yummy, but won’t be doing that again πŸ˜”

    One last check in on 31 day January 2017 challenge, and then bed for me. Night and good luck.

    I’ve never had one of those coffee frappes so I looked it up — and can see why they’d go down so easily! It contains an astonishing amount of sugar, doesn’t it?

    Pamela is right: your honesty is inspiring. That, combined with persistence, will get you where you want to be. Have more of those glorious days at the beach with those you love — they are gold! Just rewrite the ending of the script in preparation for next time and you’ve got a winning formula you can apply just about anywhere.

    Go, Fuvvie!

    The end of January approaches and I am happy with how things are going. I’m on an NFD today and even had breakfast, 2 hard boiled eggs, which I am no longer in the habit of having. Mostly I have been doing 16:8 and trying to eat LCHF. I don’t think I am getting enough fat though. My daughter has just shown me a fat bomb recipe and I think I may start having a few of those now and then. She has also bought a thermomix recipe book from Skinnymix which has some really interesting looking recipes. Tonight we are having marinated butterfly-ed lamb with steamed veggies

    For exercise I have increased work around the house. I meant to buy the herbs for the herb garden but decided I really wanted to stay at home for a change. I had to go out to pick the boys up from school but it was lovely to have a day at home just by myself. I’ve been getting a bit of self hypnosis going as well to try and reinforce my desire to follow through on this way of eating to reach my goals.

    I’m going to my first hip hop lesson tonight so had better put my skates on.

    You’re right about the need for healthy fats in a LCHF food plan, but it can certainly take a little brain shift after all those years of being told that low-fat is the only way to lose weight! Try bacon and eggs for breakfast, or scrambled eggs with lots of butter, and notice how you’re not hungry for hours after. Put mayonnaise on those hard boiled eggs. Try bullet coffee — it’s delicious! — and full fat cheeses. Add butter to your veggies and cream to your tea.

    LCHF works because the carbs are kept very low and protein is moderate. The fats keep you feeling satisfied so don’t skimp on them! When all is said and done, 5:2 works because there is a calorie restriction — eating LCHF makes it easy to stay below my TDEE without hunger or cravings. It’s about finding the right balance, so tracking your daily intake will help you there.

    There are so many ways to eat, and this forum proves that! I can only speak to what has worked for me when nothing else has. Perhaps it will be the same for you.

    Thanks Lolly. The sauce we had on the lamb last night was butter and cream which my daughter made. It was delicious. I could have licked everyone’s plate as well as my own, however well mannered people don’t do that. Being a foodie, it broke my heart to see those delightful juices just going down the sink. What ever happened to waste not, want not???? In all seriousness, butter etc will be used more. I have always used butter, never margarine. My mother used to put butter in all our veggies till the low fat craze hit. Then we all stopped doing it. A lot of flavour was lost 😒 One of the really big disasters as a child, and one we loved, was lettuce with sugar wrapped in it and then rolled up. We just loved it. I wonder where the sugar addiction came from? When mum decided we weren’t having the sugar in the lettuce anymore, my brother and I were heartbroken. Maybe it was the only way she could get us to eat lettuce in the beginning. Who knows.

    Hip hop was a real challenge. I could not get the routine stuck into my brain. I had to follow the person in front which put me a bit of a beat behind. It was just starting to come together when the class was finished. I filmed it so I can learn the routine. Next week I hope to be better. It was fun in spite of the embarrassment of not catching on as quickly as I thought I would.

    I followed LCHF yesterday, had 3 meals and a few nuts mid afternoon (I know, no snacking!!!) and came down 200 grams which is unusual after an NFD. So here is to LCHF and a good track to the end of the month and the end of the year…why stop at a measly month.

    Sugar wrapped in lettuce was a new one to me — but then I considered the ingredients of most commercial salad dressings…

    Your mother was just ahead of her time! πŸ˜€

    It is so hot today. Have just planted a tree which is hard yakka in heavy clay. Mixed the soil with activ8 and water and hope that does the trick. Herbs still surviving. Plenty of food for thought lately around goals, preconceptions and how I respond to others. Doing masses of reading and able to apply what I read at least 50% of the time. I’m more active which is not saying a lot but it is a start. I’m decluttering and that has a knock on effect to my attempts at weight loss as cleaning out pantry and fridge has meant there is nothing there to gorge on, no matter how long I stand there gazing into either storage area. Kitchen benches are much more organised and that makes me happy. A clear space helps with a clear mind.
    I’ve just reread Annette’s post about her friend and will endeavour to completely cut the white carbs. I really do believe it’s the clincher, besides the fasts. I know I’m rambling but I have to make myself accountable today and don’t want to clog up the Feb challenge .

    I’m hoping ETJ is over her surgery by now. If not, it must be close. If you happen to see this ETJ, wishing you all the best.

    Trying to be back with the habit of reading my favorite threads. It was nice to catch up and learn how you are dealing with your temptations, Fuvvie. I admire your determination. Trying to soak some of it to my brain.

    Interesting, how easy it is to imagine myself in all of your stories because our struggles are so alike. It’s a shame, that my reaction was to run away and gave up instead of fighting as you are. Did I soak enough fighting spirit to complete a fast day? Will see…

    Keep it up and thank you! πŸ˜€

    We each have to find our own way, Coldpizza, but having others cheering us on definitely helps. I’m so pleased to see you back. And you sure haven’t given up because you are here. No judgement, just lots of hugs and sincere wishes to see you succeed. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ€—

    Sending you a quick hug and a hope that the family issues will soon be resolved. Be sure to care for yourself as you are caring for others. You have lots of supporters here!

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