Amazing results

This topic contains 37 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Been fasting for four months now. Started at ~240 lbs body weight at a height of 6 foot 3. Now I’m a shade under 210 and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down at all. Changes in size and appearance aside, there is something about fasting that has triggered an even bigger change in terms of my body’s ability to handle intense exercise and subsequently recover. When I started I couldn’t do ten press ups. Now I can do 30+ in one go and have started doing clap press ups for a bit of a laugh. If you’d told me that just a year ago I’d have told you to get lost because I’ve never been able to do anything like that in my life, even when I was a teenager. I can’t thank you enough for introducing this to the wider world, I genuinely feel like I’ve been reborn or had a huge upgrade at the very least.

    That is fantastic. Congrats.
    More than weight loss, it is the feeling of overall fitness and a sense of accomplishment and control over your body’s cravings… πŸ™‚

    I started 3 months ago and have deliberately not focused on weight but on size/shape. I have lost 7 inches around my waist, 4 around my back and 2 around each thigh. Energy levels through the roof. Skin is radiant. Have stopped drinking alcohol forever after years of battling with it because I feel so great during and after my fasting days. Totally agree with Sivasankar about control over the body’s cravings. Feeling amazing inside and out. Loving it πŸ™‚ Soooooo grateful I found it!

    Started three months ago too when I weighed 192 pounds and now I’m at 177 pounds and have lots of energy and work out every day. Lost inches and feel great. This is an eating fasting lifestyle for me for the rest of my life!

    Well done all! I’m just starting out. Do you find exercise on fast days any harder?

    So excited that, in two weeks, I have lost five pounds. The fasting days are getting easier as well!!

    Has anyone done 4:3 and, if so, have you had significantly more weight loss?

    I love reading the comments on this site! I have started today – 5′ 4″, 11st 13.5lb (that half pound matters!) 28.7 BMI and waist measurement is 35 inches. this is a much smaller girl than the 13st 7lb I weighed when I started running 7 years ago but I have hit a plateau and need an extra boost. Diabetes in our family makes me health conscious too and from all the comments here and the book and Horizon programme I am sure I have made the right choice! Can’t wait! Am enjoying today – we shall see how I feel after a 200cal dinner after my 5mile run with the girls tonight πŸ™‚ Have a great day all x

    After 3 fast days I have lost 3.5lb (went up a lb this morning but I am fine with that). however I have lost 1inch from my waist and 4 inches (!!!!) from around my stomach. Woohoo!
    Roll on Wednesday which is my next fast day.
    Have a great day all, we can do this! xx

    Can you fast two days back to back?

    Hi All well I’ve been on this WOL for 14 weeks now and I love doing it feeling much more fitter than before I’m doing 4:3 most weeks simply because I have loads to lose, it’s so working for me, on my 3 F/days I take a walk about 5 miles each of my fastdays this amazingly works as a suppressant to me, can’t face food on my return for a good few hours, my walks have got quicker + longer (started 1/2miles) my breathing is easier + I feel fantastic, so 14wks & 2 stones lost forever coz there’s no going back for me. So exercise for me on fastdays yes!! a must, plenty water and loads of salad which is easy with the weather we’ve been having.
    Good Luck to those just starting this amazing mystery ”diet” Sue

    Congratulations to all doing so well. This is fantastic!

    I am at the other end of the journey to some of you folks, having achieved my weight target, and being a week away from my waist measurement target. I’ve lost 11.5 Kgs in 7 weeks, and cut 120mm off my waist. Down to a BMI of 23.5, and a waist : height ratio of under 0.5.

    A major part of my faster than normal weight loss is due to exercising vigorously on fast days. It is not only easy, I personally believe that it is more beneficial to exercise when there is no food in your system, because the ONLY source of fuel then for your body is your own fat store. Far from feeling lethargic, I can report feelings of extreme vigour and alertness on fast days, although endurance cycling on those days can’t be quite as far as on “normal days”.

    I too have used 4:3 a couple of times, but only after dinner parties. You soon get into the mentality of “I’ve done so well so far that it would be a shame to spoil it”…..hence the occasional extra fast.

    Good luck to all. Pursue this, because not only does it work, it is actually very easy, and it gives you a weapon you can use at any time in your life when your weight or eating are getting a little out of kilter.


    Thanks Mike.

    Lovely to hear of your success.You are confirming what I suspected, that exercising on a fast day really shifted the weight. I hit a plateau, although I was running, but couldn’t do that in the heat, so changed to swimming on one fast day which resulted in a whole 2 lb one week.I was eating less due to the heat as well.

    I fasted and swam on Monday and will do the same on Thursday and hope for another 2 lb loss.I should add that I do not own a car so that the walk to and from the pool is 30 mins each way, which I’m sure helps too!

    Well done!

    well done everyone! i agree with Mike on the exercising, after an hours swimming i lost more weight that week than the weeks i didnt go,
    infact ive up’d to 3 fasts a week and added swimming as a weekly event, along with my dance class, both are on fast days, i dont feel tired after either,
    after being stuck for nearly 4 months my weight has started to shift again. 35lbs lost to date, 6lbs in the two weeks i added swimming! xx

    annette52 you must of posted as i was typing my reply out, isnt that funny how we both posted almost the same! xx

    Thanks for the walking tip Sue Q, I’ve just started the diet today and usually feel nauseous or like I have rats gnawing my stomach when I get hungry. I’m going to try a long walk about lunchtime. Best wishes to all.

    Hi everyone, i do interval training intensly on my fast days and get massive results. I didnt exersize for month when i started this diet to see if it actually worked. For a male this diet is impressive. Drink plenty if you do train like this it certainly burns the fat hard.

    I was considering starting Insanity (interval training) again, and all these comments have won me over! I will need to up my food intake a bit then, because I tend to eat below my TDEE on non-fast days as well. And sometimes I downright skip my meal on fast days, but when I start training again I’ll of course have some protein for my poor muscles!

    The thing I’m thinking about now is whether to just do the interval on fast days whilst keeping my intake on non-fast days on the low side as well, or do I do Insanity 6 days a week (as the program says) and up my food intake a bit?

    Hi Nika,
    You strike me as the kinda girl who would relish the improvements of doing it 6 times a week?! And it would mean you get to eat more πŸ˜€ While I always find it hard getting out the door, I do some form of exercise (some of which is HIIT, but I don’t know anything about Insanity) at least 6 days a week, because I feel great after doing it and know it is all contributing to a slimmer, stronger, fitter me πŸ™‚

    Hey 2B! Thanks for your response! I would certainly enjoy the improvements to my physique enormously (still have my head set towards the world championships of 2015 / 2016). My biggest concern is my timetable. I find I’m usually tired after a day of work (I work 45 hour weeks and come home around 19:00). I used to do Insanity when I came home a few weeks ago before I started IF and I’m feeling like they may be hard to incorporate together… Then again, I can just try.

    About eating more, that’s also an issue for me xD I eat one meal a day so usually find it hard to stuff 1300 calories into 1-2 hours. And I can’t eat heaps of bacon all day… It sounds weird, saying it, but it’s true – I’m finding it difficult to eat enough calories on my non-fast days. Huh.

    Hi Nika and Iwant2Bincontrol, in regards to the interval training, i work on a 6 day, 1 day off week as well. So the high intensity training is for a solid hour Monday, Wednesday and Friday which are also my fast days (600 calories). The other days i usually run for 5-7km and as long as i load up on the non fast days with plenty of protein iv’e found my muscle recovery has been excellent. Also my fast day meals are mostly protein as well. I split my fast days breakfast and dinner and as long as i have good fluid intake during the day the training has been awesome. Feel very light on these days! Goodluck.

    Hmmm okay, I guess I could up my protein intake. Don’t have any powder or something here though (sadly) so that’ll just be loads of meat!

    Yeah I’m pretty keen on protein at the moment too!! Loving chicken breast and lean pork. And also am finding muscle recovery to be really good, now my body has got a bit used to things!
    Haha I wouldn’t trust anything powdered in China Nika!

    That’s why I don’t have it 2B! They sell it here, both whey and soy – even some American brands which are hugely expensive – but I kind of feel like I don’t (or shouldn’t) need it. A protein shake has diary which isn’t always a good thing (carbs!) and a chicken breast has the same amount of protein (and when I eat chicken I tend to eat three of those a day!) It’s either that or beef with some eggwhites to up the protein a bit further. Some days I even find myself eating bacon because I’m having trouble getting in enough calories…

    Starting Insanity last night, did the fit test. It wasn’t as good as a few weeks ago, but I blame that on just coming back from Hong Kong (with two nights of bad sleep in a 8-girl dormitory) and the fact I didn’t exercise for those weeks. I did lose weight though and some moves felt easier because of it, like the jumps and squats! Guess that makes sense. Looking forward to losing more this week, because I did gain 2lb last week due to Hong Kong and a chocolate binge earlier.

    Going to check out Insanity today!!
    Need to go for run today though. Half marathon coming up in less than a month. Hmmmm!!!

    Nice 2B! We can coach each other, god knows it’s a tough program to stick through to the end at times. Then again I feel like I’ve failed completely when I skip just 1 day, so maybe I’m being a bit too strict.

    Have fun on your run!

    Hi all,

    I was fascinated by IF and although I am actually under weight if anything I find it incredibly powerful as a way of focusing my mind, feeling more confident, feeling more relaxed, more sociable, my life is actually so much better when I have that feeling of no food in my stomach.

    As soon as I eat something I feel sluggish, tired, less interested in socialising, more introverted. It’s a really odd but very good side effect for me.

    I was wondering has anyone else experienced this heightened happiness and confidence and what is the science behind it?

    My issue is that I’m starting to rely on it quite heavily as a way of enjoying my social and work life more and it means I’m probably getting more underweight which isnt probably too good. Now I just have a big meal in the evenings so that by the morning I’m feeling good again and I don’t eat again until dinner. And I tend to peak around midday-feeling really happy and elated and clear minded

    Id really love to hear other people’s thoughts on this.

    Many thanks

    “I find it incredibly powerful as a way of focusing my mind, feeling more confident, feeling more relaxed, more sociable, my life is actually so much better when I have that feeling of no food in my stomach.

    This is a great strategy for me to adapt.

    It’s contrary to how most people feel.

    How do you get into this state?


    Hi rocky,

    I think it is an effect that occurs once you’ve achieved your optimum weight. So something to look forward to if you hopefully keep going with it. Saying that I am always intrigued by how different we are all wired and I understand how difficult fasting can be for some and I expect many won’t get this effect.

    There is a hormone called nonrenrephene (I think that’s how its spelt) which is naturally released when you fast. Iv been told that is responsible for my rush of elation (it is actually our fight or flight hormone) but it gives me that mental alertness that I crave. ..

    I’ll keep you updated on how things develop as I’ve only just unlocked this awareness


    “There is a hormone called nonrenrephene (I think that’s how its spelt) which is naturally released when you fast. … it gives me that mental alertness that I crave. ..”

    This is extremely intriguing to me and possibly many others.

    Yes, please let us know your progress.

    Specifically, relate your mental self talk and steps that you go through?


    Hey 2B, did you check out Insanity yet? πŸ˜› Whaddya think? Kind of looking for a partner in crime, if only to motivate eachother a bit.

    I do one meal a day myself as well, Joey πŸ™‚ About the mental awareness, I sometimes get this. It depends on my diet as well though, if I have a carb-heavy day I tend to be more sluggish after. When I’m on zero carbs I do feel a bit better for a few days, I barely get hungry – but if I go zero carb too long I start feeling tired and dizzy at times. So I decided to eat carbs every Sunday (as this is my ‘off’ day from exercise as well, thought I’d make it my relax day). This makes my Monday a bit tough, feeling more hungry through the day, but then my performance during the workout tends to be better than the other days. So oh well, it’s worth it.

    Hi nika/rocky,

    Well I’m currently experimenting with which foods I can eat for dinner so that when I am fasting in the day I can feel great- because as you say it can vary- but i geuss this can also be down to other things such as how well I sleep etc . I have a feeling carbs actually help provide the good feelings the next day-I’m going to test tonight though. For me it coincides with having that flat stomach feeling. As soon as I eat something is like my body goes into quiet mode, I’m actually noticibly less sociable etc too. I get a similar sociable and euphoria feeling after doing exercise too. as I feel this helps process whatever is in my stomach.

    Anyway I’m still learning and I’m so keen to understand specifically how my body works as we all seem to react differently.

    I’m going to look more into these hormones and how they work as certain foods allow for more production of certain hormones and apparently the adrenal glands, which produce these feel good hormones, are really important.

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts too


    “As soon as I eat something is like my body goes into quiet mode, I’m actually noticibly less sociable etc too. ”

    So what is your self talk?

    The words that you tell yourself?

    This would be interesting to replicate.


    Norepinephrine (sympathetic nervous system) part of fight or flight mechanism and mental alertness

    Hey Joey, I can recommend the book “The Paleo Solution” if you’re more interested in what food does to your body and what hormones it releases. The book is advocating going zero carbs though, so it’s a bit biased, you just have to read it with an open mind I guess πŸ˜‰

    Hi nika, I read the book. Very interesting Thanks.

    Β I’ve been working on my issue this last week and reading a lot. You’ll be pleased to hear I’m eating a lot too. Basically I’ve come to the decision that my mood and this euphoria etc. is all related to insulin levels. Because I know as soon as I break my fast and eat something I go from my euphoric state to a slump. So I’m trying to figure out which foods wont make me slump when I come of the fast but hopefully keep me in a good mood. So obviously protein, fibre and low carbs are the way to go to avoid my insulin level rocketing and getting that sluggish feeling.Β Ive also been thinking about my euphoria in relation to the insulin idea because surely when I’m fasting my insulin level is at its lowest and if anything im hypoglycemic (too low blood sugar) from my reading, hypoglycemia forces the release of glucagon and I think this euphoria that I speak about may be part of the chemical process taking place during my low blood sugar level and my bodies reaction. My science is very basic do id appreciate some thoughts from someone more knowledgable. Also when does ketosis occur in relation to glucagon?

    Hmm sadly I’m just as home-schooled as you in this topic, though I find it very interesting as well. As far as I know (and what’s logical) ketosis occurs when you’re out of sugar to burn. Sadly I can’t help any further than that…

    Maybe I’ll read some more books on the subject, can’t hurt to be knowledgeable!

    I have a question about digestion times because I am aware that in the morning, well I feel like I am still digesting my dinner. I eat at about 8-10pm so makes sense. But I want to know is it a gradual process that we stop using glucose direct from food and start using glycogen stores, surely the two must happen simultaneously as they cross over. And what about ketosis? That must be gradual too so once we get near the end of our glycogen stores we must slowly go into ketosis. I’m just intrigued as it would mean we’re never just solely in one process but have both going on simultaneously.

    Any thoughts?

    Its relevant to me because I think i get my feeling of wellness when my body starts coming off its glucose from food stores and starts using glycogen stores. And throughout the glycogen depletion process I feel really good. I think it coincides with my insulin levels being really low at this point. Has anyone heard of anything like feelings of calmness/confidence/positivity during glycogen depletion phase or very low insulin levels? As I work in an office there’s very little I do in terms of energy output so I can make it last a good few hours. It may even last into ketosis, I need to experiment. I think basically low insulin makes me feel really good so I want to do what I can to keep my insulin as low as possible often and improve my insulin sensitivity.


    This might help?

    6->8 hours to pass through your stomach and small intestine and a whooping (!) 53 hours (!!!) in total until it comes out the other end. (Can hardly believe this!)

    Re: ketosis:
    If glucose cannot be broken down, as may be the case if the insulin levels are too low, or if there is a lack of glucose, then the body has to break down stored fat and convert it into energy. Metabolizing fat raises blood ketone levels, leading to ketosis.

    My understanding is that it sets in when the liver runs out of glycogen.



    So nice to read such a well versed comment. Well done on your weight loss, your motivation is inspiring!

    Hi people, been away so thought I should report in. joey_d ‘Metabolizing fat raises blood ketone levels, leading to ketosis’ Ketosis is the state in which your body is burning your own fat ‘yuck’. That’s when your body is really burning up your fat stores. A tip to know about this is that your breath will smell bad ‘yuck again’. I find on my fast days when I also do high interval training the next morning my breath is bad so I guess it lets you know its working.

    So to report in. I followed this diet for 10 weeks now. The first 4 weeks I did no exercise and lost about 1.5kg. Then for the last 6 weeks I have been doing box fit which is just another fitness programme which evolves around high intensity training or in ‘crossfit’ an hour of tabata 3 days a week where possible.

    I weighed in initially at 107.9kg and at work yesterday weighed in at 99.7kg.

    I have also found this diet is so manageable i think it will stay in my artillery until I get down a bit more.

    Also won $120 bucks for the works biggest loser! Might have KFC for tea to celebrate!

    Brilliant news Scaledown! Congrats on your weight loss- amazing!
    Let us know how you progress.
    Have a great weekend!

    Haha celebrating your weightloss with KFC? What? πŸ˜‰

    Congratulations though! Good job!

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