Amazing April 🐣

This topic contains 348 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  stitchincarol 2 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Day 30 – Saturday -Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

    Goodness! it really is the last post for AMAZING APRIL. Wherever did that month go?

    So, it’s a long weekend again here (3 days) and I’m set up to work all weekend to try to get on top of business books. No plans, no visitors… just concentrate on the work to hand.

    Today, Saturday, is not my WEIGH DAY but weighed in for ACCOUNTABILITY because it is the LAST DAY of AMAZING APRIL. I’ve reduced 1.4 kg for the month which is at least downwards🔽 but disappointingly short of my 2.5 kg goal. 😜😜😜

    Disappointing… yes… but not insurmountable…… 🌄

    So taking a lesson from the Little Engine that Could 🚆🚆🛤🛤
    I think I can, I think I can-
    I think I can, I think I can, I think I have a plan
    And I can do ‘most anything if I only think I can

    So thank you all for your kind support and inspiring contributions this month …. you all deserve medals for your hard work and commitment to IF … 🥇🏆🥇🏆👏👏👏… see you tomorrow in NURTURING MAY!

    cheerie dearies

    Day 30 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @snowflake56 – welcome back!

    @mariaelena – I couldn’t bear to part with all my DVDs either. I’ve got a small DVD cabinet that fits just 30, so that’s how many I’m keeping.

    April gone already?! It wasn’t exactly a resounding success; the scales tell me I gained 0.3 kgs. But I’m still a very healthy weight, so that’s what counts.

    Congrats to all who made progress or successfully maintained this month. And a big ‘thank you’ to @jaifaim for hosting 💐

    Have a good weekend everyone, & see you over the page…. ⛅️ 🌈

    Day 30 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    What a fabulous week catching up with son and DIL, been great fun and nice to spend quality time together, yes we talk on the ‘phone most weeks, but even better to see them and have their company as well 🙂

    Quite a few jobs to do this weekend and then off for a week to an area of the country I’ve not visited and Mrs IHL hasn’t been for over 40 years!

    @jaifaim – Thanks for steering us round the Easter Egg obstacle course this month 😉 Good month for me, been ‘maintaining’ and dropped a pound over the month despite our visitors and the associated feast that Mrs IHL put on. I never realised I have inadvertently trained myself into good habits where food and drink are concerned.

    I have referred to my 5:2 WOL has become a ‘habit’ and seems to have become very easy to keep! Maybe I’m finally getting older and wiser …. Doubtful, but whatever it is I’ll take.

    Take care all

    Day 30 – UK – CD

    My mojo has certainly deserted me – no FDs since Day 20 of this challenge!!!! I daren’t step on the scales 😱 as sadly my clothes are telling me that there has most definitely been a gain!!!!

    Not going to attempt fasting over the weekend but will aim for CDs to see if this can bring an element of control over my eating/drinking habits🤞

    @jaifaim – I am so sorry for my poor contribution to the forum over this Amazing April Challenge – losing my MOJO has also meant that my headspace has not been into fasting……Hence my volunteering to host May as I’m hoping that by hosting my lost MOJO will find it’s way back to me…….
    @matpi – interestingly the BMI calculator on here and the one on your link both give me exactly the same BMI…….

    Well done to all who made progress or successfully maintained this month. And a special big ‘thank you’ to @jaifaim for hosting 💐

    See you all tomorrow on the Nurturing May 2022 Challenge

    Day 30 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏻‍♀️

    Well here we are … the final day of Amazing April 🤩 and it has been… well amazing… for me it has meant I’ve built a habit of posting… I’ve applied myself most of the time… not dropped back to atl but will weigh after this post and see. Party tonight so weigh in today rather than my usual of post last day…

    Welcome to the newcomers, @steady-wins-the-race and @kittymom78 – I hope you are getting used to checking in and now you hop over to Nuturing May which @at has set up – thank you again @at!
    Welcome back @snowflake56! I’m thrilled you are back with us and so glad you are ok but sending you my condolences on the loss of your very good friend and I’m sorry too to hear you have had health issues as well… You have had a tough time of it this past while too but hopefully you will find being back with this eclectic crew brings a little distraction, comfort snd support. You were on my mind and I’m so glad I shouted out 🥰

    Does anyone remember @ciren2? She is a postie and I often think of her when I’m out walking and see our An Post posties… I do wonder how she is doing… 🤔

    @lindab 🤩 your daily walks, inspiring us all to walk more, your positive attitude throughout and over 3.5 lbs lost – I’d say that’s pretty amazing myself ✔️
    Yes you can, yes you can 🚂

    @matpi you sound so much better! Im
    so glad and you’ve taught me another phrase as I don’t speak Spanish but I like “poco a poco” and yes… so true. I hope today is another even better day for you…

    @songbirdme so great to have you and I do think maintenance is tough, maybe tougher than loosing weight as that’s simple…should be anyway… eat less, more more, bingo… Maintenance is what we do when we get to where we wanted to and,of course, then we KNOW we can do it… so for some, bad habits slip back in and we go back up ⬆️ or we can’t stop ourselves and continue downward ⬇️. So my 🎩 is off to you and @at and @i-hate-lettuce and our other maintainers…
    Can’t wait to join you in 3-4 lbs time 👍

    @mariaelena I saw an amazing hula hooper this week at an event… thought of you of course. Do you just use one hoop? I couldn’t count how many she had going at one stage… ⭕️⭕️⭕️ Thanks for the musings and general entertainment this month 😂

    @stitchincarol sometimes WFD have to be thrown out the window and sounds to me like you had a great night at the theatre… but what an eventful night in rural Nebraska!!!

    @northgeorgia you are definitely heading the right way 👏 I’m with you for May… 3-4 lbs and we are there ✔️.

    @funshipfreddie I hope the final FD went well … yes that’s a tough one and I’ve done very few if any…. Well done to you 👏 . This has been a shocking and sad month over for you over there in SA and more important things have been going on … who would have thougt that you’d have been locked in for any other reason than Covid.. strange times in our world. Just glad you are safe and well.

    @brightonbelle well done if you finish levelling at same as end March. Holidays and visits are not our FD friends but they are so important and we have to have fun. Time enough to get back on track in May 🚂 and levelling out around the same weight is a great result.

    @i-hate-lettuce thanks for reminding me to check the webcam… must do that this morning… it’s grey and wet here for the first time in a while so a little lazier than usual. Well done to you in a great month and thanks for taking us away on your fishing trips 🎣. Always lovely to read the account of your day.

    @daffodil2010 you can buckle down in May! You’ve had a super fun month and 1lb is nothing… probably gone today or tomorrow. And Andalucia – my god – how fab. On my list of places to visit. I love a Francis Cabrel song (now playing here in the background in your honour) called Andalucia which makes me just want to get in a plane (used to be “in a car” from Paris back in the day when it would come on the radio) and get to Andalucia…. Oh o can’t wait to hear all about it..

    @flourbaby and @babs_b I hope you are both keeping well over across the pond. Looking forward to catching up in a Nurturing May 😊

    @ccco I hope you are ok 💕 . Day by day, poco a poco …

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Second post…

    Ok… I can’t quite believe this – I have just stepped on scales several times… ⚖️

    Back to my ATL 157.3 lbs… 🎉
    157 was the target this month so I’ll take that.

    I was surprised last week that I wasn’t loosing as much as I expected as have stuck to my ABC (mostly) so it must have been a delay… the scales are working… I did check 😂
    I’m very happy and have a little spring in my step and I’ll have a big smile on my face at the party I’m off to later.

    Thanks for being there for me to share as wouldn’t be something I’d shout about in real life

    The Francis Cabrel song is La Corrida 😂… I’m only half awake here 😂.

    Day 30 UK NFD

    Finishing same as I started . I have upped my exercise considerably so I’m relatively happy Thank you @jaifaim for hosting 👏See you all in May x

    Day 30 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. Thank you @jaifaim for hosting this month. It’s not been a great one, having gained a pound back when averaged out, but I am back on the right track and am hopeful to keep dropping the weight next month.

    See you all in May!

    USA. DAY 30 FD

    Can’t wait to move on to May! 🤗

    Day 30 – 16:8 CD

    Thank you @jaifaim for our April board. Lol, I’m not a trick hula hooper, but maybe someday? It is a good goal. 😀

    I’m having a ridiculously big salad after 3 hours doing yard work. My fitness watch was not impressed, it gave me a total of 4 exercise minutes. Lol, I know I’m that was not the case. It may not have been a cardio workout but it was certainly exercise.

    Day 30 Ohio, US — NFD

    Well the scales were kind this morning: 182.9 lb (83 kg). So that’s down .1kg for the month! Actually that’s down 1.8 kg from April 22nd. That may not seem like a lot, but that’s the lowest weight I’ve had since the turn of the year. The immediate goal is 180 lb and to keep that as a very upper bound.

    @jaifaim Thanks for being a wonderful host this month! You rock! Your comment about holidays not being our friends is so true. In the last 10 days of the old year I gained 5 lbs (2.3 kg) and they have stubbornly refused to budge. With any luck May will see them melt away!

    @at Well, they should both give the same BMI. The important part is in the interpretation. For example, with a BMI of 26.9 the standard interpretation is that I need to lose weight. Using the Smart BMI graph I’m at a healthy weight for my demographics.

    See you all in May!

    Day 30+1 Melb Aust NFD

    Thank you for looking after us through April @jaifaim. I’ve been fairly quiet, but did manage a 2.4 kg weight loss, so I’m happy with that progress for April. On to May!

    Thanks, @jaifaim, for such a lovely job looking after us in Amazing April! See you in May.

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