Amazing and Awesome Actionable ( AAA) April

This topic contains 317 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  AT 1 year, 10 months ago.

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  • 2nd post

    @funshipfreddie Yes, I know. Getting them in the carrier is seldom easy. We had one who just walked into a front-opening carrier when we put a bit of meat inside. The other ones we all had to lift up by surprise to put them in a top-opening carrier. I hope it will be going smoothly today, good luck!

    Day 29 -Ireland – NFD πŸš«πŸšΆπŸΌβ€β™€οΈβœ…

    Just a quick hello to check in and say I’ll be back next week… hols going fantastically β˜€οΈπŸ–οΈπŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸŠβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆπŸ½β€β™€οΈβ˜€οΈand very active but also eating lots… will be interesting… 🫣

    Have not caught up on posts but will see you in May.

    Hope you are all well πŸ‘‹

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others

    Day 29 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    I’ve been off the wagon all week, and not feeling like I’m even trying to catch up. But I am still on the forum and will try to keep posting to at least keep reminding my mind that there is an alternative way to live i.e., not eating everything in the cupboard.

    It’s my bedtime so goodnight all.

    Day 29 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 219 lbs. Looking forward to tomorrow’s FD and a good start to May on Monday!

    Day 29 – Rural Nebraska, USA – TDEE

    Yesterday ended up being EFS. I have no idea what my problem was, but nothing could swerve me from a determination to eat. GAH!!!!!

    So today is a new day, and that’ll have to be good enough, but it sure feels bad to know what yesterday looked like–“eating everything in the cupboard,” indeed, @malee57.

    I actually don’t have all that many chores on my to-do list today, so if nothing comes up to surprise me, I’ll get outside to do some cleanup…it will be wonderful to get to do yard work on a decently warm day!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 29 UK FD800

    FINALLY managed to pull a FD – my first Saturday FD ever. I’ve not weighed myself for a few days but will get back into the habit tomorrow.

    After a full tired week I enjoyed a lazy morning of chores & reading the paper followed by an afternoon of reading papers & emails for a big meeting next week – still 42 pages to go but enough for today. I’ve enjoyed making a huge batch of sweet potato, chickpea, mushroom & spinach curry – yum, filling and less than 400 calories/portion – eaten as OMAD with a little red carmargue rice. Tomorrow I’ll make a batch of soup and plant some more veg.

    @lilymartin sorry you have been so crook and hope you feel better v soon

    @at thanks for starting May challenge – I’m definitely in!

    Pocket list day 29

    Day 29 Wales NFD

    Over TDEE today! Oh well it’s done and it’s only one day so damage should be undone with a good FD. Disappointing scale readings throw me off course so I am going to weigh in only once a month from May 1st.

    Hope you are all having a lovely relaxing weekend.

    @lilymartin are you feeling better? So sorry you have endured so much tummy upset this month. Thank you for hosting us despite not feeling very well πŸ€•πŸ’πŸŒΊπŸŒΌ

    Day 30 NFD NZ

    Where did the month go???
    Had a lovely windy Saturday morning at the beach y’day meeting doggie friends with their humans. Everyone promenades from one end to the other, some determinedly carrying summer over and wearing not much and others completely rugged up. There were dogs chasing sticks in the sea, chasing balls on the sand and others chasing each other. The full tide was receding so the sand was wet thus not picked up by the wind. Perfect!
    Shared a small roasted beetroot and blue cheese topped quiche with my friend, had a flat white and we were given an enormous doughnut filled with raspberry jam, custard and cream to share😁. Dinner was a purple Maori potato, bell pepper and zucchini and a lamb chop. I do need to work out a small grilling system to render the fat 😬 but Macintosh enjoyed the offcuts.
    Here’s to a refocusing for May
    Onward and downward

    Day 30 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    I’m not aiming for anything except a restrained eating day. I have nothing planned so will need to keep busy so that I don’t raid the cupboard.

    A lovely sunny, though chilly, morning here so I want to get some work done in the garden.

    Have a lovely day all.

    Day 30, Germany, NFD

    I had a good month, maintenance went well. I’m down 0.6 kg so stayed about the same without too much effort.

    @lilymartin Thanks for guiding us through the month πŸ’πŸŒΊπŸŒΌ!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 30 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – NFD – 🚫🍷7 months! πŸ₯³οΈ

    Down a total of 0.8 kg for Amazing April, so I sort of maintained 🎯 Boo Boo & I are now in our new place, half of which looks like it was hit by a tornado, but we’re here. It was so nice just to sit on my own sofa last night, eat from my own crockery & sleep in my own bed. It’s the little things, right? πŸ˜…

    @snowflake56 – I used a technique a cattery owner showed me a while back. Stand the carrier on its end, with the top open. Pick up the cat with one hand and hold the back legs together with the other hand, then gently lower him/her bum-first into the carrier. By the time they realise what’s happening, it’s too late. Works like a charm πŸ˜‚. But I still hate putting her in there. Boo Boo was so bewildered when we got here. She spent ages wandering from one room to the next, sniffing everything & gazing out of the windows before she calmed down. They say you should keep a cat indoors for a couple of weeks after you move. But she hates being stuck inside all day. Maybe I’ll take her out on a lead in a couple of days.

    @michelinme – well done for a successful Saturday FD! πŸ₯‡

    @lilymartin – thanks for hosting AAA April. I hope you’re feeling better now πŸ’

    Well done to everyone who lost weight, maintained or just hung onto the wagon. As Albert Einstein once said, “you haven’t failed until you stop trying”.

    β€œCleanliness is not next to godliness. It isn’t even in the same neighbourhood. No one has ever gotten a religious experience out of removing burned-on cheese from the grill of the toaster oven.” ~ Erma Bombeck

    Day 30 UK NFD

    Same weight as I started this month which I’m fine with Thank you so much for hosting @lilymartin see you all in MayπŸ‘‹

    Day 30 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. Yuck, I blew April by gaining most of what I lost in March back. And I was on such a good track in March. I know I need to be kind to myself because this was really a month of adjustment. I won’t overshare, but I have been guilt-tripped into buying fast food for the family much more than I would like, and to eat such foods more frequently and extremely late at night (because if I’m not fasting, isn’t it an insult to not come and eat when invited?)… that sort of thing. Then, once I’m in the habit, the carbs make me hungry and I start raiding the refrigerator for more unhealthy things even on days when this doesn’t happen (harder to find at my house, but easier at my mom’s, where we usually eat these days). Ultimately, though, it does come back to my decision, so I may have to hurt some feelings this month. I don’t want to eat or live that way, so I guess I’ll make my own healthy supper and take it down with me if we are eating together. I’m hoping I can cook some things the kids will like that isn’t just a bunch of rubbish that we can share.

    Anyway, I’ll try to make May like my March and get back on track.

    Pocket list – day 30

    3rd post

    @funshipfreddie No change doing it that way with our last three cats, 2 of them were 6 kg, our last one had 7 kg, without being overweight. We always go for large male cats. After moving (we moved 10 times in 37 years) we always kept them in the house for 6 weeks. They didn’t complain too much, they just sat patiently on the windowsill. Not all of them were eager to get out, only one of them wanted to be outside, the other three went outside for a few minutes and then came in again. I hope you both will settle in soon and be happy in your new place.

    USA. Day 30

    Looks like this month got away from me, as I rode a roller coaster. Hopefully, May will be better! April turned out to be sooo busy! I know May will be busy, too, but I am hoping I will be better able to control my days in May! See you all in May!

    Day 30 country west Australia CD
    Well, it has been an interesting month!
    Have just spent an hour catching up on most of the posts but as I’m still a bit sketchy and it’s 11.30 pm, replies will be brief!
    Thanks to all of you for keeping the thread going. I believe it is SO important no matter where we are on the health/weight loss journey to post/ support each other.
    And I thank you lovely people for doing so over the past few months.
    My mojo is well and truly BACK !!!! Happy to give it away to those who might need some.
    And for those disappointed at results in April, tomorrow is a new day. ( Do I sound like Katie Scarlett O’Hara ????) πŸ™„
    Poco a poco or Club Tortwah is definitely me at present. 😲
    I agree with all those who say more than 5 ingredients = non food. So true. And UPF!!! What a nightmare for your digestion and gut biota.😲😱😲
    @stitchincarol, you had very soon advice for Quadpa, a week ago ! Keep food intake under control without being too restrictive plus exercise AND lots of water usually gets results eventually.
    The mariage regret sounds very interesting.
    @quadpa, I sat on a plateau for 3 months !!!!! and that led to my downfall 😒 but here I am back again and 5:2 is definitely working. Also some meds can hamper weight loss.
    I will put in a rider – have had THE. WORST. GASTRO. BUG . EVER. for almost a week, so every day was actually a FD by default…….
    @funshipfreddie – your own bed !!!!!😊 What bliss. Hope Boo Boo settles in well.
    I too love your links to interesting articles ; and your quotes do make me laugh 🀣🀣 Thank you. I need it after the month I’ve had !! Loved the Macca’s and WIFI link !!
    I m not sure if it is Novovirus or not, but very nasty and lasting a longer time than I would like.
    Still can’t eat a lot and only bland food.
    Stomach cramps after lunch of small piece of fish and 4 tbspns veggies. My skin is like a crocodile’s and still very dehydrated despite drinking gallons of water and starting to tolerate electrolyte replacement drinks 😒
    @missybear I agree exercise is vital. Glad you are feeling better after 2 weeks on 5:2.πŸ’
    And I agree that how you feel and how your clothes fit is often more accurate than the scales.
    @northgeorgia, it sounds as though you might need to work out what triggers you perhaps? πŸ€”
    Can be like peeling an onion. Lots of layers until you get to the core. Each individual is so different and what works for one does not necessarily work for everyone.😊
    They say it takes 30 days to create a new good habit but only 3 days to revert from a good habit to a bad habit πŸ™
    @michelinme your veggies form a week ago sound amazing.πŸ˜‹ Will try them sometime ! When hunger returns….
    @malee57, plantar fsciiitis – OUCH ! 😲Have you tried taping it? Physio have some vey good techniques for just such. And at least you are hanging in which is great. πŸ‘
    @snowflake56, planning is so crucial. Don’t they say that failing to plan is planning to fail ??πŸ€”
    @dramaqueen6, so sorry to hear about your back problems. Have you tried Core stability exercises? Or thing again ? Rocktape is amazing stuff for support.☺️
    @daffodil2010, sounds like. lovely party. And trampolines are such fun and so good for children.πŸ’
    Glad the mojo is working for you and DH.πŸ˜‡
    @brightonbelle, I hope the decorating went well. A change can be very energising and feel like a completely new room.😊
    @merryapple, yes ANZAC day is a special day of temperance for us here in Aus. Congrats on getting in to the 80s again.
    Kiwifruit was suggested to our pregnant DD as she was constipated and it seemed to help.
    Ironically after the past few days, I may need to buy some for myself tomorrow……πŸ™„
    @suresh3101, welcome. I remember your name from a few years ago when I was doing 5:2 – except I wasn’t!! One actually has to fast to be doing 5:2….. Happy to have you onboard.😊
    @at thanks for all your help with setting up the spreadsheet – and I am definitely IN for May.
    Which is now only 1 minute away. …
    Off to catch some zzzzzs😴😴
    Yep, now it’s officially May !!!!

    Thank you @lilymartin for looking after us for two months in a row… see you all in May πŸ‘‹

    Day 30/Day 1 May second post
    @jaifaim, happy to have hosted. Hope you are having. fabulous holiday.😊 See you in Marvellous May.

    @lilymartin – thank you for hosting us in an Amazing and Awesome Actionable ( AAA) April πŸ™ and these are for you πŸ’

    See you in Marvellous May x

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