Amazing and Awesome Actionable ( AAA) April

This topic contains 317 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  AT 1 year, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 319 total)

  • Day 15 UK NFD

    Ok yesterday wasn’t quite as controlled as I’d hoped but not a complete disaster so onwards and downwards (hopefully)

    Yes @missybear although I do a fair bit of exercise my right arm does get a regular workout but I’m working on reducing the reps

    Excellent news @jaifaim 🎖️

    Have a good one all

    Day 15 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. Planning for a FD tomorrow. LOL on the all-you-can-eat. Yeah, it wasn’t that great, led to a little mid-afternoon snack due to the carbs, but dinner was well controlled 🙂

    Day 15 UK FD800

    Hello lovely people, I’m ba-ack! It’s been a tough time with a mix of things – business, illness and stress really knocking my mental health. I’ve lost a week to a virus and 8 days to trigeminal neuralgia after dental filling; I’ve eaten lots of carbs, not drunk enough water, eaten too late in the day and had many ‘comfort eating’ evenings in response to stress and difficult things. By Easter Sunday I felt very puffy and egg-shaped before weighing in on Monday up 8lbs in 6 weeks to 81kg!

    But I’ve eaten more healthily and am back into a swing of better things. Monday & Tuesday were reset days then I started b2b FD800s on Wednesday – just finished my 4th, down to just under 80kg and feeling much less puffy. I have stocked up on lovely veg and lots of apples, have some dahl, soup and stew in the freezer for speedy meals on busy days and feel as tho I’m just about on the waggon again.

    I plan to do 6xFD800 for the rest of the month with one more relaxed day each week. Looming motivation – I’m going to Dublin with DD in late May for close friend’s 60th birthday then have my own big birthday in June. And I was SO miserable on Sunday, I just don’t want to feel like that again.

    Next week is particularly stressful – more dental treatment, grievance hearing, first session of big training programme that’s been in the pipeline for 9 months and DD’s follow up appts after chemo. BUT I have a plan, a quiet week the following week, and will post here daily for accountability.

    I’ve caught up with posts since Monday and lovely to be back among you

    @merryapple @missybear @daffodil2010 so much empathy re falling off the waggon and climbing back to try again

    @jaifaim congratulations on your ATL – that is an EPIC achievement!!! xx

    @lilymartin so sorry you are crook, that sounds miserable. Hope you feel better v soon. Thank you for hosting this month’s challenge x

    @stitchincarol welcome back from internet oblivion: always lovely to read your chatty posts

    Looking forward to catching up with everyone else’s news. Onward and downward!

    Oh, @michelinme I’ve been quite worried, and am so delighted to see you back! I’m sad for your illnesses and all the varied stresses, but it’s good to hear your cheer at being back on the wagon; prayers that your DD’s follow-up appointment has grand news.

    Day 16 NFD NZ

    It’s wonderful to have everyone together declaring their commitment to this WOL and climbing back on the wagon, me included.
    I have spent the last few days helping a friend whose sister died of liver secondaries y’day. She hadn’t eaten for 40 days and had an assisted death by the head of the ambo service who is also an ICU doc. She lived in the tiny coastal settlement of Piha (where the Piano was filmed) with her twin daughters of 50. The area is difficult to get in and out of anyway but worse now because of the floods and she was determined to remain at home. My friend spoke with her sister daily on the phone but wasn’t invited to be there. Hence me offering up support.
    It’s odd how people react though . She has much closer friends than me but since her husband died 3 years ago they have stood back and don’t think to actually ask her over.
    I’m going to a yummy yum cha with a Chinese friend this morning. She has just bought a new Landrover and wants to drive to Wellington with me as co pilot. Trouble is these new vehicles are like piloting a rocket. I sold my lovely 30 yr old Merc last year and Macintosh and I drive around in DH’s black 2002 Mini One which is manual…
    Onward and downward!

    Day 16 Melbourne, Australia FD

    After an EFS evening yesterday I need a FD today. Last night I was eating a chocolate easter bunny that I had been given while thinking that the chocolate was not very good. This morning I have put the remains of the chocolate bunny and another of the same brand in the compost bin. I still have some other chocolate from easter, but I am not going to eat rubbish chocolate. I have spent a couple of hours doing housework and will now cook a big batch of soup to enjoy on a cold rainy day (today).

    Welcome back @michelinme. You have had a rough time but sound like you have a plan and are already getting back on track. It is quite motivating for me when I read about how others are getting over difficulties in their life and not using them as reasons to give up on health.

    @merryapple We all need friends to provide support in difficult times as well as good times. But it doesn’t always happen. Sometimes people just don’t know what to say and so friendships slip away. Your friend is lucky to have someone like you to be there.

    Pocket list

    Day 15 USA\HI FD800
    Trying to get back on track. Trouble staying focused but now I feel like I am ready.
    Will weigh in after today’s FD800. It’s already 6pm here so hopefully can make it to bedtime without eating. Still under 800 calories for the day.
    DH still hanging on but hasn’t been able to get out of bed for almost 5 weeks now. Eating and drinking only small amounts and sleeping most of the time. Both sons are here with us. Helping dad with sitting on edge of bed and doing a few of the excercises but it’s challenging. On positive note, I’ve hired enough caregivers for most of the visits we need. Sons can help me fill in the remaining times so all is good.
    Best to all…. Seems life is throwing many of us a few tough spots. May we all get back to this WOL and hang on tightly.

    Day 16 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @michelinme & @maui – welcome back!

    @malee57 – I’ve never met a chocolate bar I didn’t like 🍫

    Looks like we’re going to have a real Sunday Pocket List; hop on people!

    “Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart”. ~ Erma Bombeck

    Pocket List – Day 16 🍎

    Day 16 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Wet cold and gloomy weather here today ☔️🌧️ so it’s looking like a good day for some housework to keep my bum off the sofa. @malee57 over on the other side of the planet I too will be having a warming bowl of soup for lunch.

    My weekend is going to plan 🙂. The remnants of a bottle of brandy called out after dinner last night but I ignored it and sipped on a mug of tea instead. Feeling pleased with myself this morning……baby steps!

    @michelinme sorry to hear you’ve been having such a rough time, hoping for better times ahead 🤗

    @maui its good to hear you have managed to organise help and support in caring for your DH, sending you a great big virtual hug 🤗

    Stay strong Sunday fasters 💪

    Day 16 UK FD800

    Thank you for the lovely welcomes back @stitchincarol @funshipfreddie @malee57 @missybear – I’m feeling gently at home already 🙂

    Didn’t go to church this morning despite getting everything ready yesterday – I’ve not bounced back from latest cold and need to build energy for the demanding week ahead. But I joined online then had a restful morning reading the paper, catching up with online friends and watching the sparrows bathe and the garden grow. I’ll do an hour or so project work this afternoon to take the stress out of the week, make a batch of cabbage soup and host an online coffee gathering before stretching, film, bath and early night.

    Yesterday I also skipped a community gathering to stay home and look after myself. I enjoyed making a batch of my mother’s pain relief balm (to a recipe given by wonderful aromatherapy massage friend) and planting some seeds – two types of chilli and six heritage varieties of tomato. Courgettes, lettuce, kale, potatoes and flowers still to do but waiting on garden help and compost delivery. I love the promise of seedling pots on all my bright windowsills, hopefully this year I won’t lose most of them to a heatwave.

    I’ve just had brunch of scrambled eggs, fresh tomatoes and a slice of my seedy/raisin/cinnamon oat bread left over from Easter breakfast. That’s it until cabbage soup, crispy salad and apple supper.

    @merryapple people are so strange in response to friends’ bereavement. After my sister died lots of people seemed to disappear but i found a new community of connection among others who’d had a close loved one die. So glad you were there for your friend as she accompanied her sister – and hope it’s been an epic adventure today!

    @maui sounds as tho it’s been a tough time but so glad you have your sons and care-givers to share the journey

    @malee57 sounds a wise choice – especially the ‘keeping the good chocolate’ bit 🙂

    @missybear woohoo with resisting the siren calls of brandy!

    Pocket List – Day 16 🍎
    @michelinme – so good to be fasting with friends again 🙂

    Day 16 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. FD is here! Good luck to us all!

    Pocket List – Day 16 🍎
    @michelinme – so good to be fasting with friends again 🙂

    Day 16 USA/HI
    Weigh-in this morning hits my previous low of 157lb. I can hardly believe it! Even after skipping many days of logging my calories on MFP, I was amazed to see the 20lb loss since Oct 2022 is still good.

    I am inspired to join today’s group of friends. Pocket List – Day 16 🍎
    @michelinme – so good to be fasting with friends again
    Loved seeing your comments MissyBear in Wales and Michelinme in Uk as we have great memories of travels there years ago. And now, DH unable to travel, we have new friends thinking of us in Wales and UK!! and many more friends around planet Earth….all sharing our journey together daily. I am back to stay! Virtual hugs to all🤗

    Day 17 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    I hope everyone else’s FD yesterday went better than mine. It became a CD. Too many carbs but not over the top. I’m going out for lunch today and then coming home for a sleep before work.

    @maui great to see you back. It’s good that you are getting help during such a difficult, emotionally and physically, time.

    Have a good day all.

    Day 17, FD, Aus

    Fast Day!!!!!

    It will be so.

    Day 17 country west Australia FDbd ( fast day by default) 82.6 kgs
    Welcome back to some who are rejoining the wagon, and holding tight to those on the wagon by the skin of their teeth.
    Been there- done that and that is why I am firmly BACK on the wagon, happy to be here and planning to stay on this time for the duration!!😁 Plenty of MOJO for all those who need it.
    Having had my Mojo vanish in the past I really do empathise with those of you who are struggling. 🤗
    Back on deck after a hectic several days.
    Not only did I contend with aforementioned stomach ailment but looked after an adorable little 2yo pocket rocket DGD while our DD and DSiL rested with their new little fledgling DGD – so tiny and cute like a little doll.
    It has been an interesting few days.
    @funshipfreddie, yes it does sound very similar to what you had.
    If you could bottle this bug (without the very unpleasant side effects), it could be the answer to weight loss and overeating! 🤔🙄
    I have absolutely NO appetite whatsoever. Nothing and I do mean nothing tempts me to want to eat and even the thought of food and most drinks makes my stomach churn.
    For a food lover, one who LOVES to cook and with over 300+ recipe books I am not sure where it is headed. 😲😲 Hopefully I will improve in the next few days.🤞🤞🤞
    Two things to think about re 5:2, food issues , weight loss and health :
    everything I am reading at present talks about the absolutely vital importance of adequate sleep, 7-10 hours a night.
    Which seems a lot for a night owl like me but I am trying to go to bed earlier.
    The other thing is the link between leptin and ghrelin the ‘ hunger hormones’.
    Will post more about this later – have been summonsed to help on the farm !!!…
    Good day all.

    Day 17, Germany, FD800
    Day 16 NFD

    Line dance this morning, I plan to do well.

    @jaifaim Well done!

    @michelinme and @maui Welcome back!

    Pocket list day 17
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 17 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD800

    Not a bad weekend, mojo is strong and high, getting back to the habit of no breakfast during the working week and then protein lunch. I do enjoy breakfast very muchBUT it’s not a problem for me now to skip it. So onwards we go.

    Welcome back @michelinme, I knew you would come back, wishing you well for the stressful week ahead.

    To all having tough times, big hugs to you all.

    I had my Dad for the weekend, 86 and mobility and health issues, but still full of good humour and enjoys life, so he is my inspiration to just get on and DO IT!!!

    Happy Monday all.

    Day 17 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Aced my FD; 650 cals. 😇 It’s so much easier when you stay busy, & away from kitchens/food stores & other people who’re munching.

    @maui – well done on sustaining your 20 lb loss, despite everything you’ve been going through 🏆

    @lilymartin – that bug has been rife here. They say you should follow the BRAT diet for an upset stomach, i.e. bananas/rice/apples/toast. I was forcing myself to eat. But zero appetite – probably better to listen to your body & wait til your appetite comes back.

    Halfway through AAA April – let’s make every day count 🎯 Sending RESOLVE to the Monday fasters 💪

    “In two decades I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.” ~ Erma Bombeck

    Pocket List – Day 17 🥝
    @lilymartin FDbd (fast day by default)
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @daffodil2010 FD800

    Day 17 – DORSET – FD

    @snowflake56 -Thank you for asking, it felt better Saturday morning, but unfortunately had to work until late Saturday night so I am back to square 1 😌

    @jaifaim – a new ATL that is so exciting ! I agree with @missybear it gives me hope as well that I will get there!

    @lilymartin – definitely think a Drs visit is in order. In the meantime, do you have any electrolytes to help your body? Also try root ginger in water it can sometimes help.

    @funshipfreddie – this really made me laugh! “@northgeorgia – nooo?! 🤦‍♂️ that phrase – ‘all-you-can-eat’ – nothing good can come of it 😳”

    Pocket List🥒🥑
    @lilymartin FDbd (fast day by default)
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @daffodil2010 FD800

    Day 17 UK FD

    Haven’t had time to catch up on the weekend posts yet , I’ll do that this afternoon but need to get myself on the list

    Pocket List🥒🥑
    @lilymartin FDbd (fast day by default)
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @daffodil2010 FD800

    Day 17 – Dorset – 2nd Post

    I completely missed a whole page!!!

    @michelinme – so lovely to see you back and very sorry that you have been so poorly! Hopefully this week will be less awful than you think it will be.

    @maui – its good to hear from you again. Having your sons around must be a great help with your husband.

    @daffodil2010 – I know what you mean about “just get on and DO IT!!!” My dad is 89 and my mum is 86 who is battling bone cancer have just come back from a holiday in Tipperary (they live in Sussex) and are planning to come down to us (a 3 hour drive) and then drive on to Devon for a holiday, they are just keeping going! ( my dad plays golf twice a week now and still goes to the gym then does the gardening) and then my Mum complained that he was walking like an old man😂

    Day 17 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    A good booze free weekend, now to get back into the routine of Monday and Thursday FDs.

    Pocket List🥒🥑
    @lilymartin FDbd (fast day by default)
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @daffodil2010 FD800

    Day 17 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅
    156.5 lbs

    Hello all! I had a super busy day yesterday catching up with family…and was an active one… we all agreed that while we can we should 💪💪. There will come a time where exercising, dancing, lifting, gardening, cutting cals etc may be difficult so while we can let’s do it… ⭐️
    I see others referring to that too .. have just skimmed more recent posts as busy again…

    Edging down slightly with my numbers… you all wouldn’t really notice it’s such a subtle drop but great to see after a weekend.
    @michelinme I am so happy to see you here! You poor thing I’m so sorry to hear you have had such a rough time of it… and I hope this week goes better than you expect.

    Well done to the Sunday fasters!!!

    @merryapple it’s so sad when friends are not there for support in the tough times… I’m sure there are many reasons but so difficult for the person who is hurting/grieving 💕 . Hope the road trip went well 👍

    @maui I’m so sad to read your update… but it is great that you have both sons and great care givers to help you… carers are the unsung heroes in my mind… we would be lost without ours… 💕

    Like @lilymartin I can pass on mojo right now 🫴. Not last week… was glum and bobbing but was great the week before… 🤷‍♀️ so my point is : we never know how we will wake up and although it might seem tough now it will get easier and better… ok really have to run….

    Joining the very healthy looking pocket list first though…

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List🥒🥑
    @lilymartin FDbd (fast day by default)
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @daffodil2010 FD800

    Day 17 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. Not sure about my next FD yet, probably Wednesday. Busy week ahead.

    Day 17 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 152.8

    Whew, LOL, it’s been a busy morning already, and it’s not quite 9am. I’ve made a doctor’s appointment for 1:15 today and will get a mammogram in the same complex at 12:30, and arranged with piano students for some schedule shifting next Tuesday that I need to do–etc., etc., etc. I’ve had a migraine on something like 20 of the past 30 days, and need to talk to my doctor about a possible shingles shot, and blah, blah, blah. But the big news I just found out is that, after starting on statins a year ago, my cholesterol has gone from 288 to 144. Amazing. Who was it who told me a test to ask about to see if I actually need statins?? @lilymartin, was that you?

    @northgeorgia Our boys told us about an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant, not even expensive. Tempting. But SO not in line with our healthy lifestyle goals. Maybe when I get down to 132, I’ll go, LOL.

    @malee57 When I went on a trip with my three sisters to San Antonio last September, I’m sure they thought I was on my way to being a drunk–or maybe they thought I was already there! 😂 But I behaved myself nicely when I was home again, and I’m sure you’ll get back to that one glass a week easily.

    @lilymartin Serious bummer on the stomach bug woes you suffered, and are still experiencing. Silver linings do exist, however!

    @snowflake56 The birds have been getting loud and chattery here as well; such a lovely sound after a harsh winter.

    @jaifaim Nice weight, and so close to goal! I’m sure you can pull this off!

    @merryapple It must feel wonderful to be able to offer needed support to your friend, and I’m sure she treasures you.

    @maui Oh, such a tough several weeks you’ve been having. Prayers for your DH, and what a joy that you have your two sons with you. Hugs, my friend. But terrific news that you’re still at your 157!

    @michelinme I hope this Monday is feeling good after your gentle weekend!

    @daffodil2010 I also adore breakfast, but unlike you, I don’t enjoy it in the morning! 😂 That was what prompted me decades ago to start making brunch every Sunday after church; can you do a breakfast for lunch on the weekend to give you the tastes you enjoy and still stick to ZBC?

    @dramaqueen6 Bummer that the backache is back!!!

    Okay, off to do some tidying and then head off to my doctor’s appointment. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 17 second post
    running out of energy due to lack of sustenance and certainly getting keto-breath. Yuk!!!
    @dramaqueen6, nice to have you back and thank you for your concern.
    Yes I have Hydrolyte – tablets mixed with water to rehydrate and for electrolytes. Also a lovely ginger and lemon drink but could not make it to the bottom of the glass as the pulp was too much for a sensitive stomach. Getting there slowly.
    @funshipfreddie, I really look forward to your quotes, they really make me laugh!! Thank you.🤣🤣
    @jaifaim, ATL ! – wow! great effort 😇
    @maui, sorry to hear of your tough time but glad you have family, DSs around to help.🤗
    @northgeorgia, well done on the 215 lbs. Good work !💐
    @merryapple, your friend is lucky to have a friend like you.😊 It can be difficult for people to deal with death and bereavement and is so awful when friends fall away for whatever reason.
    @missybear, so pleased you are back with us. Well done on the booze free week. May it continue if it helps. 👏
    @brightonbelle, trusting the FD is going well.
    @daffodil2010 so pleased your mojo is so strong! It certainly helps. So glad you enjoyed your father’s visit.
    What a fabulous attitude your dad has to ‘ just get on with it’. Our parents’ generation will be sorely missed when they go. They are/were such no nonsense folk.😊
    @snowflake56, hope you enjoy the line dancing. Such fun.
    Halfway through the month I can feel the impetus to All become Amazing .
    @penz hope the FD went well. Good to see you so positive!😁
    @malee57, still ending truckloads of mojo your way. 🙂You will find it soon. Perhaps it is just taking some time to cross the Nullarbor due to Australia Post!! Not sure why it is like in the east but it can take a LONG time for snail mail to get anywhere here in the west.
    Time to catch some zzzzzs.😴😴

    second post

    In case you see this, @lilymartin, was it you who suggested a particular test to see if my body actually needs statins??

    day 17 USA/HI. NFD
    Weigh-in still 157 lb this morning. Down a few tenths of a lb after B2B FD800 days but not enough to move to new low. Hope to se 156 before end of April. But during this stressful time I will be ok with maintaining 157.
    First caregiver arrives shortly so I must get ready. Onward and downward.

    Day 17 UK FD800

    Yesterday was over 800 by a second bowl of cabbage soup so a CD, but still low carb and full of nutrients, well-balanced and sugar-free. It all feels like progress atm. Today I just touched 174lb, a lovely 3lb down on last Monday. Hoping the EOEO will sail away all the way down to 168 by the end of April. That’s keeping me motivated!

    I’ve had a day already! Chores, ready just in time for zoom meeting, admin and some difficult stuff to read/prep ahead of tomorrow’s grievance hearing, more to plough through in the morning. Mid afternoon it was 3 mile roundtrip to dentist for 90 mins treatment, including extraction of broken tooth that’s been waiting to come out since I had covid in Feb 2020. Sadly the bridge didn’t fit so my old tooth – which is actually a baby incisor! – had its little root filed off and was stuck back in again while the bridge is adjusted. I’m not allowed to even rinse until tomorrow evening because it will dislodge the clot and can’t eat on that tooth at all – it’s just a place holder until the bridge is fitted on 11 May. The local anaesthetic is wearing off so it should be a fairly easy FD!

    I’ve had two super seedy crispbreads thus far today. About to have some cabbage/carrot/tomato soup and quorn chicken, then apple compote with soya yogurt. That is comfortably under 800 calories and even gives space for extra soup if I need it.

    @snowflake56 @dramaqueen6 @daffodil2010 @jaifaim thank you so much for your warm welcomes! I have missed my lovely friends on this forum and will try not to stray again

    @stitchincarol congrats on your cholesterol!

    @lilymartin hope you feel better v soon

    Pocket List🥒🥑
    @lilymartin FDbd (fast day by default)
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @daffodil2010 FD800
    @michelinme FD800

    Day 18 FD NZ

    Not my usual FD but for the last two days I have been celebrating my birthday with food and lovely friendships. I am now officially 65 (don’t feel it!) and will receive the pension. Yeah!! The revelry wasn’t too excessive but I do need a rebalance. I be lucky to loose much this month but am going to keep trying.
    @lilymartin and @funshipfreddie That sounds like a lovely bug that will no doubt be heading towards our shores… I hope you’re both feeling brighter.
    @stitchincarol Those headaches trump (not a good verb!) cholesterol. I hope your doctor can help you get on top of them. I’m amazed at how much you achieve whilst having them.
    @michelinme Teeth 😬They’re a double hurt – you and your pocket. You sound on good form!
    @maui You’re doing so well.
    @jaifaim Well done! I’m a wee bit jealous truth be told. Those numbers are where I start to feel normal… Hope you do too.
    @malee57 I admire your commitment to quality!
    Onward and downward!

    Pocket List 🍎🍏

    Day 18, Germany, NFD

    Had a lovely line dance class yesterday, this morning it’s ballroom again.

    @merryapple Happy belated birthday wishes for you!

    @dramaqueen6 What causes the backaches you suffer from?

    @stitchincarol Great to hear the statins brought your cholesterol down so much.

    @michelinme Your weight is going down well! I hope the tooth place holder will stay on it’s place.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 18 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @merryapple – belated birthday wishes! 🥳️ 🎉 🎈 🥂

    @lilymartin – I’m glad you like the quotes 😅

    @daffodil2010 – ditto what @stitchincarol said re breakfast; I just have it around 11:30 or later. Many places here serve ‘all-day breakfast’ now. Your dad sounds awesome.

    “I’ve exercised with women so thin, buzzards followed them to their cars.” ~ Erma Bombeck

    Day 18 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD800

    Morning all. It’s another fast until lunch, then I have a two egg salad for lunch, and dinner will be something with chicken and chickpeas and chilli. Feeling good.

    @michelinme, ohhh that tooth sounds like a nightmare, and on the day before you have a stressful grievance meeting too. Sending you strength and hugs xxxx

    @merryapple, happy birthday to you and great to reach the pension milestone. Enjoy it all.

    @dramaqueen6 I smiled when I read about your 89 year old Dad and your 86 year old Mum, driving around on long journeys, taking Holidays, getting on with it.
    As @lilymartin said, our parents generation will be sorely missed 😍

    I still giggle at my Dad breaking free of legally enforced Covid confines a couple of years ago and hopping into his car and driving up the Dublin mountains just to get out as he cannot stand being told what to do. As quoted in The Shawshank Redemption, “Get busy living, or get busy dying”…… I know what way I want to be 💃

    Have a great day all.

    Day 18 – 2nd Post

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍎🍏
    @daffodil2010 FD800

    Day 18 – Ireland – FD800 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hi all, so busy these days but exercising around work… feeling productive and healthy. 👍 thanks all… I’m inching towards goal… poca a poca…. Won’t lose focus…👍. Can’t… too close… 🏖️.

    @merryapple happy birthday to you! 🎈🎈🎈wow!!! are you a pensioner now?? 🫡🤗 I understand … I’ve been there envying others as they manage to get to goal.. but isn’t it great that we can say how we feel here but really – It has taken me sooo long!

    Bravo @stitchincarol on the cholesterol! That’s just fantastic news!!! 👏

    @maui how are you doing it — keeping the focus with so much going on – I am in awe. Sending hugs.

    @lilymartin my gosh you have a dose.. so glad you are taking electrolytes as you must be quite dehydrated. 💦 hoping you begin to get some strength soon! 🙏

    @snowflake56 – lovely to hear about your dancing 💃🏻. I’ve finished up my class now.. may go back to a different class in the autumn.

    @funshipfreddie @daffodil2010 and @stitchincarol I’m the same… love breakfast food… but at around 12 on weekdays…always try to start with some vegetables which isn’t always what I fancy but seems to work well.

    Tempted to go with a FD800 as it will keep me focused but also know I need to eat well today though as lots of energy expended this weekend.. and I’m already hungry 🫤 – so it’s a tricky one 🚴🚶🏽‍♀️ 🥗 🍲 😋

    Will go on the list and see how I go…
    Have a great day everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍎 🍏
    @daffodil2010 FD800
    @jaifaim FD800

    Day 18 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Yesterday I felt the difference between a guesstimate calorie FD and a food logging actually calorie counting FD….. I was hungry, not unbearably so but enough to realise I really haven’t been doing 5:2 properly for ages. Another discovery of yesterday was how wonderful a boiled egg and fresh tomato tastes, I don’t appreciate the flavour of food when I am overeating 🤔 clearly less is more!

    @merryapple happy belated birthday! 💐

    @michelinme sending positive vibes your way for a good outcome at your grievance meeting 🍀

    Have a good day everyone 🤗

    Quick Second post

    Bravo @missybear on the AF weekend and a good FD done ⭐️ it’s so interesting when you log accurately… amazing how much we actually consume without realising when we don’t…

    Sounds like you caught the mojo 🏈👏👏

    Day 18 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. Probably will make tomorrow my FD.

    Day 18 UK NFD

    Caught up on posts , glad to see you back but wow what a time you’ve been having @maui and @michelinme 💕

    Scales are not shifting but I am able to squeeze in some of my “thinner” jeans, the muffin top definitely needs to go though – so back to it 💪

    Well done with the cholesterol @stitchincarol 🎖️

    See you all tomorrow Have a good one

    Day 18 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 152.0

    I didn’t eat before heading off to the doctor’s office yesterday (a forty minute drive) and by the time I realized what was going to happen, there was nothing to be done about it–I didn’t eat lunch until after 3:00, when I did a fast food drive through for a fish sandwich and an iced tea, 580 calories. That made me not at all hungry at supper, so after DH and I met for a glass of wine (me, ~200 calories) and a beer (him), I pretty much didn’t eat the rest of the day, except for a little Easter candy (~300 calories), 4 ounces of wine (~100), and some almonds (~200). So while it felt like little, the calories sure added up. Hopefully the low quantity of food in my belly doesn’t make today’s WF a bigger challenge.

    Thankfully, the nurse that checked me in was able to find the record of the meds I was given in 2009 to “break the cycle” (Nortriptyline) and I got a prescription for those and took my first one last night…hopefully I can say a full good-bye to all these headaches. I have to stress they’ve not been debilitating, but life is certainly easier without them!

    @merryapple Happy birthday! You’re eight months older than I am; I’ll be joining you at 65 in December. 😉

    @snowflake56 Love the daily description of the dancing you’re doing!

    @jaifaim This is exciting to watch you creep down to your goal–WONDERFUL!

    @missybear Yeah, it’s so horribly easy to overeat and not realize how inaccurate our guestimates are! At some point, I’ll have to get back to using MFP. My motivation isn’t quite high enough to do it yet, however. (Why does it feel like such a hard step? Probably exactly because it means you mean business, and I don’t quite yet…)

    I keep getting interrupted by texts I have to answer and even a couple phone calls, so my focus on everyone’s posts has been woeful…I think it’s time to give up trying to find focus and get on with my day. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍎 🍏
    @daffodil2010 FD800
    @jaifaim FD800
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 18 UK FD800

    Yesterday’s FD800 wasn’t – I slid to a CD as it felt as tho I needed some more food after dentist. Glad I did despite the fact that my weight this morning was up to 176 again, hopefully reset by today.

    I woke super early bc anxious about hearing and it’s been a non-stop day. Hearing was a very stressful 2.5 hours but I settled into it and did the best I could, aided by lovely supporter friend. There was much more relaxed feeling at the end than at the beginning but no idea what outcome will be. Thank you so much for lovely encouraging messages – I really do feel supported xx

    I decided to decompress by making butternut squash, spinach and chickpea curry because i’d stumbled across the recipe and had some roast butternut squash in the fridge waiting to be used up. Sadly I had a rare evening zoom meeting to attend and didn’t have time to eat beforehand, but hoping my late evening curry won’t keep me up too late. It was delicious and has left me way under 500 calories today which is A Result! Here’s the recipe in case anyone would like to try it

    Two more full and stressful days to get through then I can relax and recover for 10 days. Now heading for bath with some mindless tv to help my body begin to switch off….

    Day 19, Germany, FD800

    I stepped on the scales this morning and a gained more than expected. A few extra FDs and I’m sure I will be fine again. Line dance this morning.

    @missybear I must be underestimating my calorie intake by more than I think otherwise I wouldn’t gain again but I hate counting calories.

    @brightonbelle I had to go back to a larger size pair of jeans, perhaps I should throw them out.

    @jaifaim We have ongoing classes for everything they offer. If you have a membership, only €9,50 per month, you can pick any kind of sport you like. They offer a large variety from T’ai chi, ballet, pilates to basketball. You can take as many classes as you like and they encourage everyone to try out different things. The ballroom dancing is in the same building but we take private lessons there, the dance teacher also teaches line dance.

    @stitchincarol If I wouldn’t dance, I would just sit in my reading chair and read. I hope the Nortriptyline will help better.

    @michelinme Thanks for the recipe, I’ll try the butternut squash recipe some day but they don’t sell butternut squash here at the moment.

    Pocket list day 19

    @snowflake56 FD800

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 19 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    No FD for me today. I woke up after only about 5 hours, & couldn’t get back to sleep 🥴️ Too much going on in my head. But planning on an early night tonight, & most likely a FD tomorrow. Glorious sunny autumn weather here, but unable to really enjoy it due to the work going on in my new place.

    @michelinme – sounds like we’ll be both be happier once this week is over with. I hope your next couple of days aren’t too stressful 🤗

    @stitchincarol – I hope the meds work to shift those headaches 🤞

    @at & @matpi – hope you’re both doing okay…? 🤔

    A couple of inspirational articles from this week’s UK Mail:-

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫 🐪

    “The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one.” ~ Erma Bombeck

    Day 19 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD800 keto

    Steady as we go. Staying on the 18:6, a tuna and egg salad at 13.30 to break the fast, then some mince beef concoction for dinner. Slight drop in scales but I have learnt not to bother too much about that, as I still fit into the same clothes I was wearing 20 less lbs ago!!

    Except for jeans. The tum is the issue. Onwards we go as mojo is good.

    Wishing you a good rest of week @michelinme and @funshipfreddie

    Almost there @jaifaim, nearly there!!!!

    @stitchincarol hope the meds stop that migraine cycle. I had a very rare migraine type two weeks ago, flashing aura and nausea, this was in work, so I left the office to get my sunglasses from the car, and then walked out of the car park to get air and due to bad vision I tripped and fell flat onto the pavement. Thank goodness I do regular core and strength exercise as I was able to get up quickly with just a very bruised knee and cut palm of hand…….but jeekers, that headache was something else. Hope you get relief at last.

    @missybear, exactly what you said, when fasting, the enjoyment of food is so much better than mindless overeating.. Hunger is good sauce.

    Happy hump day all 🐫

    Day 19 – DORSET – nfd

    @michelinme – Now the hearing is over at least that is one less worry, hopefully you week will definitely get better now.

    @funshipfreddie, hope you day is better today, it feels like autumn here, rain and cold and grey!

    @lilymartin – hoping your tummy is settling down and you feel better soon.

    @snowflake56 – I had to move some leaflets at work and they were heavy, but they had to be moved quickly, so thinking I was younger and fitter than I was, I was carrying two boxes at a time up the stairs. I then sat awkwardly in a chair! And that is what I put it down to. Normally when I have seen the chiropractor it is better within a couple of days but this time it is dragging on.

    @stichincarol – my friend had a daith piercing and after having 3 migraines a week she is down to 1 migraine a month.

    @daffodil2010 – my stomach is an issue too – does anyone have a solution?

    Have a wonderful day everyone.

    Day 19 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 CD

    I too cannot fit into my jeans, or many other clothes for that matter. I am currently wearing a small selection of ‘big me’ clothes, the larger sizes I should have thrown out when they got too big. Don’t know why I kept them, insecurity maybe, an inner disbelief that I would stay slim? Who knows, but this time I shall throw the ‘big me’ clothes away….they are getting worn out anyway……and if I regain weight again I will have to tackle it immediately…..or buy new…..or join a nudist colony…..anyway there will be no safety net in the back of the wardrobe!

    @snowflake56 and @stitchincarol I also hate calorie counting but I am currently motivated by the above mentioned desperate clothing situation and my groaning painful joints. I need a month or two of meticulous food and exercise logging to remind myself of what my body needs to be at a good healthy weight.

    It’s a lovely sunny morning here so I shall go for a pre brunch walk around the village. My Fitbit just told me its time for a walk!

    Happy Hump Day 🐫😎

    Day 19 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hello all.. well goodish FD 800 yesterday… but bobbing up.. grr… not losing faith… will get there but you see how frustrating this can be even when you’re so close – grrrr 😖 😂😂. Thanks everyone I’m feeling the support … ⭐️♥️⭐️
    Friday is D-Day : Drop Day 😉

    @brightonbelle it’s happening 👖 !! You’ll see – very soon..⬇️ and @daffodil2010 too!
    @missybear I am enjoying my food so much more at the moment – l realise that I was doing quite a lot of mindless eating before… even when I was fasting well… controlled weekends are the shocker really – something has firmly clicked into place in my brain. Long may it last 🙏

    Way to go @northgeorgia 👏

    @stitchincarol I empathise completely… hope the headaches shift soon… I feel so much better in the past month or so… I can’t quite explain why … never did get to work out the cause… and can deal with a little headache now knowing it won’t go on for months.. it was awful 😞 so I hope you feel the same soon.

    @snowflake56 sounds like a fab dance/exercise spot… I love that you live somewhere where you have vegetables available only when they are in season… it is what I miss most about France… everything so much better when it is fresh and seasonal 🥦 🥕 🥗

    @funshipfreddie oh no… hope you have a relaxing day and a good nights sleep doubt due to all that’s going on with the renovation.

    @dramaqueen6 hope the backache has eased. 🙏

    Ok dashing again…

    Have a great day everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 19 🐪 💪
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Day 19 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. Oh no! Just like the day after Easter… Well, I shouldn’t be shocked. I am refusing to follow the simple rules. As someone at work noted, “I can’t understand why you would eat nothing one day and pig out the next.” Very true. Why would I purposefully undo everything achieved in a FD? Also, why would I snack after supper? And why have a big supper if I had a big lunch?

    Need to ponder this on Thursday. I’m also grabbing fast food too often again, my downfall last year. What nice things do you pack for lunch on NFDs that satsify?

    Pocket List – Day 19 🐪 💪
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Day 19 UK FD800

    Yesterday was a successful FD, this morning I’m feeling thinner but only down a tiny bit. It’s depressing to *still* be 80kg when I was 76kg just 2 months ago, but that’s what happens when you wander off and eat mindlessly. I have to keep up the motivation with thoughts of my trip to Dublin for friend’s amazing birthday party, how much more energy I will have when healthier weight etc

    Woke feeling really pants this morning. Not sure if it’s hayfever/allergies to local building work, post dental treatment/adrenaline from yesterday’s hearing or what. But really hard to move, think, lots of pain. I think today is a day for jacket sweet potato and a big egg salad – reminding myself that the crunch is both good to munch and energising!

    I still have slides/script to do for tomorrow’s training and a two hour meeting this afternoon, then it’s early supper, shower and VERY early night! I will be so glad when tomorrow is done and I can rest/recover for the best part of a week. @funshipfreddie i hope your week gets better – or at least goes past fast without too many hiccups

    Looking forward to being more present here after tomorrow. But for now so I’m grateful this lovely community helping me stay on the waggon rather than eating my way through hard times -again!

    Pocket List – Day 19 🐪 💪
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 150.4

    I’m finding water fasting tougher than it used to be, and I haven’t lasted the whole day for a couple of weeks now; last night I caved and had some cheddar. I’m pleased, however, that some cheddar was ALL I had, and I only had two slices, so it felt like a win. Given how my weight fluctuates so much daily, it’s hard to say what I actually weigh, but I’m guessing I’ve gained 1½-2 lbs since early April; it’s nice to be mostly back in control of myself and headed back in the correct direction.

    @michelinme I’m so sad you have to go through the grievance hearing. Have you been told how long before a decision is reached?

    @snowflake56 Bummer on the unexpected gain!

    @funshipfreddie Wonderful article on the man who lost half his body weight–very impressive!

    Oh, my, @daffodil2010! Visual–or, ocular–migraines are so tough! I developed one on Sunday morning, five minutes before the service began…in other words, just as it was time to start playing my prelude! Do you know how hard it is to play when you can’t actually “see” the notes??? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😂 So glad your fall didn’t cause any dramatic injury!

    @dramaqueen6 Huh, I had to Google “daith piercing.” I can’t imagine getting one, but I’m so glad that worked for her!

    @missybear I too am in my “bigger me” clothes, but I don’t dare throw them away once I lose weight, as that kind of motivation simply wouldn’t work for me. I’m startled by several pairs of pants that fit me fine 10 pounds ago, but now are inappropriately tight–and not capable of being zipped up, LOL! These ten pounds I’m up from a year ago are the kind that seriously impact how I look. @daffodil2010 I can’t imagine wearing the same pants as I wore 20 pounds lighter!

    @jaifaim Yeah, see the end in sight of these daily headaches is wonderful; I’m glad yours are mostly gone now!

    A friend of mine is having her final chemo treatment today for the lung cancer that was discovered to be the cause of her pain for a year. (Sorry for that serious-run-on sentence!) The nice thing is that she hasn’t lost her hair, so that’s one side-effect she’s not having to suffer. Another friend of mine (a piano student, actually) is asking for prayers for her husband who’s having heart surgery tomorrow morning. It’s when you think about all the serious health issues many are facing that you stop to be grateful for how minor your own aches and pains are!

    We had serious thunder and lightning last night after I’d gone to sleep, and are supposed to have more today, possibly. The rain will be lovely for our parched ground. Today I have to record rehearsal videos for the choir of my Ascension Hymn Fest, so I’d best get at it if I’m to have any chance to finish them all today.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

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