Alternate day fasting.- No weight loss?

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Alternate day fasting.- No weight loss?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • I find it a little confusing that I can eat day on day off and not lose any weight.
    My fast lasts approximately 36 hours each And I have been doing this for three weeks now..

    I realize the metabolism probably slows down to some extent, But if this calories in calories out argument holds… Then why, if I am only eating a few days a week am I not losing any weight?

    On the days that I do eat, I eat healthy and I try to eat 2,000 calories. No alcohol, of course, and I am a non-smoker.

    I am 50 years old.

    I walk and cycle everywhere.

    What could I be doing wrong to stop me from losing weight?

    You might find reading this thread useful: It’s an oldie but goodie

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