Alternate activities to eating or feeding?

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Alternate activities to eating or feeding?

This topic contains 73 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  mrRandallfus 5 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Exercising in the Margins.

    I found many interesting observations about exercising that applies to my fitness beliefs from this article:

    Here’s some of my thought on this:

    ☑️ First, reset your expectations.

    I like this summary: The goal in all cases should be progress, not perfection.

    ☑️ 2. Have a short memory.

    Forget the past & move forward.

    ☑️ 3. Forget sedentary days and weeks immediately.

    Great new belief: Your exercise past is not your exercise future.

    ☑️ 4. Plan to lose one week every month.

    I somehow underestimate interruptions that could happen in my life: It’s not about how you exercise in a good week, it’s about how quickly you recover from a bad one.

    ☑️ 5. Don’t tie exercise to weight goals.

    I’ve come to understand this balance: See exercise as a constant, not an intervention to solve a problem.

    ☑️ 6. Set seven-day goals.

    This is a new resolution & revelation for me: After seven days, set new goals for the following week. That way, you don’t overwhelm yourself with change.

    ☑️ 7. Orient to social and playful.

    I mostly agree with this: Our minds seek play and social connection naturally.

    ☑️ 8. Exercise in the margins.

    This is multi tasking or multi combining activities for exercising that makes sense to me.

    I’ve learned some new strategies and reaffirmed other beliefs from this article.

    I wonder if anyone else thought this useful and could apply some of this?

    Hi Rocky,

    I have tried to get you interested in “exercising in the margins” before. Only I called it NEAT or Perpetual Motion Exercise.

    Equating weight loss to exercise seems to me to make no sense. I forgot how much exercise Michael was told it would take to burn the calories of one latte but it was way more time and effort than most of us would be willing to give.

    I can think of nothing more stultifying than going to a gym. The first thing that happens when you walk into a gym is that your sense of smell is over whelmed with the odor of unwashed, sweaty bodies. UGH!!! Then your hearing is assaulted with weights clanging, exercise machines making their perpetual noises, other people talking loudly in order to be heard above all of the other noises. Not my cup of tea or even glass of whiskey.

    For me fitting exercise into the margins is: rocking in my chair like a religious scholar when reading at the computer. Pacing around when on the phone. Doing toe touches or push-off for the 30 seconds I am waiting for my coffee to warm in the microwave. That’s really fitting exercise into the margins.

    As far as moving your exercise time from 20mins to 25? Doesn’t work for me. I have tried several times and once I go over 20 mins. on my exercycle, I soon quit doing it completely. So I am now trying to get back in the groove of riding my bike 20 mins. daily.

    Past certainly doesn’t predict the future in anything but it is an indication of an individuals tendencies.

    The social and playful aspects of exercise are certainly appealing to me. Most weekends my friends and I go for a dog walk that lasts 1 to 1 1/2 hours. This is just fun for all of us, dogs included. I am getting close to retiring so I have been thinking about what sport I can take up that will combine mild exercise with some socialization. Those are the only goals I am setting for exercise.

    I realize that there are many others who enjoy exercise and more power to them.

    As with a way of eating/fasting that works, exercising is an individual thing.



    “I have tried to get you interested in “exercising in the margins” before. Only I called it NEAT or Perpetual Motion Exercise.
    Equating weight loss to exercise seems to me to make no sense. ”

    Agreed. Weight loss via exercising, I’ve realized, doesn’t work unless it’s long distance running. My days of marathons have passed andhave only occasional long runs. My running friends still adhere to it, but mostly because they have not discovered alternate activities. The pounding on the legs eventually take a toll.

    Speed sprints is totally different with almost the same cardio benefits, in a fraction of the time.

    “I can think of nothing more stultifying than going to a gym. The first thing that happens when you walk into a gym is that your sense of smell is over whelmed with the odor of unwashed, sweaty bodies. UGH!!! Then your hearing is assaulted with weights clanging, exercise machines making their perpetual noises, other people talking loudly in order to be heard above all of the other noises.”

    Your description is funny and in past days, I would look forward to that exact scenario. Maybe it’s a younger man’s memories. That’s how I connected with others through my collegiate years. I had many emotions vested in those locker rooms of wins and losses. Many friendships were made there, even with opponents.

    ” So I am now trying to get back in the groove of riding my bike 20 mins. daily.”

    Yay. I did my solitary workout today and missed the group workouts with others that I would have that would be competitive and encouraging. Workouts give me a sense of being alive. Especially when I can exceed my own expectations.

    “The social and playful aspects of exercise are certainly appealing to me…so I have been thinking about what sport I can take up that will combine mild exercise with some socialization. ”

    For anyone over 40 or so, there seem to be limitations on activities that have a social component. ‘Fast for life’ goes dancing and my wife and I may start that once again. That’s it. I can’t think of another social physical activity fitting in our environment that we could do.

    Oh wait.

    This may fit the social activity mentioned above.

    My wife wants me to pick her up at a night club as if we don’t know each other prior to that.

    Now I have to search the web & learn trendy pickup lines…well, enough on that..

    Only someone fasting with a lot of time would do these domino tricks:

    Stay active.

    On the topic of what NOT to do on a fast day:

    Scientist Says New Drug Gets You Drunk Without Hangovers

    This one puzzles me.


    worth repeating very interesting so many can not even email/text/post/use computers/tablets/cells/attachments/dvr’s/apps/retrieve a voicemails

    they do not even want 2 try

    i come from the days of bad command no file 😀 am very glad dos is gone it is now so easy

    tought myself wanted 2 know

    “Adults who have trouble reading, doing math, solving problems and using technology will find the doors of the 21st century workforce closed to them,” Education Secretary Arne Duncan says. “We need to find ways to challenge and reach more adults to upgrade their skills.”


    hoped u listened 2 a book while

    “cleaned out a closet bookshelf and stacked books that I intend on donating to our local library.”

    if u did what did u listen 2?

    “what did u listen 2?”

    I listen to meditation recordings that have helped me tremendously in so many ways, beyond mentally and emotionally, to even physically.

    I read my books for other content.

    Glad that you’re keeping up with your reading & research.

    You may be the most well informed health expert on our forum?


    thanks, however, not an expert just a right brain layman wishing she could have & retain & use like a left brainer sigh 🙁

    this lifestyle & this forum

    has made me communicator on trying 2 help me & others

    on achieving a healthy goal

    never liked chat rooms or forums but somehow

    am ravenous in researching & reading on this lifestyle & what can enhance it

    i thank that uk little article on my nook tablet

    through a newswire app about the british r going crazy over the 5/2 or fast diet should have saved it 🙂 but still never will 4get the date i started

    thus me trying 2 find the vid then went 2

    there was 1 forum i went b4 dr molsley’s

    where they were super mean because i did not put it the right weight in & was super cluttered
    i bowed out gracefully & found this site

    i don’t know if u read jeanius’s post & the beginning of this site. dr mosley even responded directly 2 my email was so surprised

    now dr fung is replying weekly w/ me 2

    it feels good 2 have open minded people on this forum

    that r not egotripping all over the place

    i really like how this forum interacts w/ everyone’s idiosyncrasies/thoughts/posts/rants/research/concerns/oops

    & it lets us b

    it let’s us add 2 this forum whatever we want 2 share

    it is definitely helps when fasting or on a day off

    it’s my meditation in sharing the knowledge & reading or clicking on other links that other people have found

    however, can become addicting 2 luckily hiit is short i used 2 read 4 hours now i do this & still read/listen 😀 day off only it is now super cold in pa 23 degrees brrrrrr

    what were the meditation recordings?

    take care


    It’s such a simple idea, yet no one has mentioned this to assist on your fast day.

    Of course, it’s not for the faint of determination.

    Nor would this work for those that have hit their target goal.

    Consider wearing your tighter fitting clothes that may also expand on that special day?

    For some, this may mean the same clothes that they wear usually.

    So, on fast days, wear those clothes that remind you that your decision is a matter of inches.

    A subtle reminder.

    For years, I’ve had a fascination with robots and more recently with drones. Finally, the price of drones are coming down to an affordable diversion. They apparently get lost and damaged easily.

    Recently, Amazon announced an initiative for a drone package delivery system of the future:

    I’m open to the drone experience and want to explore aerial photographic possibilities.

    I may have to come up with a better reason to give to my wife soon. I couldn’t come up with one yet.

    It’s our future in the present.

    So I practiced flying the drone in my living room and it takes some getting used to the controls.

    The video recording works and I can fly it for as long as the 20 minute battery lasts.

    Next, flying outdoors from the roof of my building and figuring out how to prevent it from flying off on its own.

    Sure beats trying to fill in blank spaces of time on a fasting day.

    Rocky, I see you have your drone. Hope it lives up to expectations. Enjoy your new toy.

    Most of us enjoy listening to music.

    We all have favorite music themes for certain activities.

    There are some of us that enjoy horror movies to get the blood pumping. Not me, unless there is something special about them. Certainly, not as much as I used to.

    There is something about the Horror theme music that gets our pulse pumping. That’s why the best part of a horror movie is the music. Have you ever watched a thrilling movie scene without the sound? It lessens the effect dramatically.

    Here’s what I’ve discovered: listening to Horror movie themed music while fasting, enhances the fasting experience.

    Consider that we have fight, flight and feeding tendencies. We do not combine these activities, we can only do one at a time. So by listening to sounds that reminds us of fight or flight, then we are not concerned with eating.

    I have boring periods in my days, and food brings excitement to those moments.

    What if I could listen to Horror movie themes when I’m fasting? Will I eat more, less or none at all.

    For me, it’s none at all. Not until my perceived, fabricated danger passes.

    I can then choose the activities for my moments better.

    If you were going to pick 2 meals to eat, I would suggest breakfast and an evening meal. Eat something for breakfast as studies have found that students that eat breakfast, stay awake in school and get better grades. Depending on when you can eat breakfast, you can grab something in the student union at noon or eat an earlier dinner. You can always choose a fruit or starch like bread with your meal and keep it to snack on between meals. Your not eating breakfast is probably the reason behind your midnight snacking too.Healthy food choices are any food that isn’t high in fat (fried) or sugars (sweets). Eat enough food to fill you up, but stop eating when you are full.and How are you taking your heart rate? Best time is when you are resting unless you are checking for your target heart rate while exercising. Using your index or middle finger, place your finger on the inside of your other wrist, next to your wrist bone. You can count heartbeats for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 or count for a full minute to get your heart rate. Don’t use your thumb as it has a pulse.


    “You can count heartbeats for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 or count for a full minute to get your heart rate. ”

    Sometimes I’ve wondered if counting a heartbeat for one second and multiply it by 60 would just be faster pulse taking.

    Probably not as accurate?

    Oh, actually I feel that fasting leaves me with an huge amount of spare time. Usually I eat all the 500kcals for lunch. The time I save in the morning, I use by sleeping in long or by doing a more elaborate make-up as I usually go light on this thing.

    In the evening I enjoy not having to rush home in order to satisfy my craving. Therefore I ofttimes use this time to hang around in the library (I love books!) and I do all the grocery shopping on my twpo fast days. It mights seem odd, hanging around between foods but not eating, but as a matter of fact I am really into foods and I love buying fruits and vegetables and just taking time to stroll over the different markets, etc. and ofttimes I donät do that as I am too hungry to explore the new booths on the market more closely. Therefore the fast days help me with that. Also I write my diary on fast days as on the other nights I usaually am too busy to write more than five sentences. Oh, and I love to paint my nails on fast evenings as I love them to be painted but usually don’t want to take the time. I also enjoy reading, phoning friends, writing emails, watching movies, going to sport, knitting, etc. You just have to keep yourself busy.

    You should see the fast days as a possibility to get some extra hours and being able to do all the stuff you usually find you have no time for, instead of seeing it as a boring time that somehow needs to be filled.

    Embrace the feeling and do something you really enjoy!


    “You should see the fast days as a possibility to get some extra hours and being able to do all the stuff you usually find you have no time for, instead of seeing it as a boring time that somehow needs to be filled.”

    This is a great reminder to me to use the extra time for being resourceful and creative.

    It occurred to me that I can connect with others on the phone rather than in person, so that I can maintain my own fasting regimen.

    An alternative to eating and helping in fasting is to stay excited about something. Biking is one of those.

    I received the Jetson Electric Bike and it fulfills my expectations.

    I took it for a 4 mile spin and it can cruise at 24mph. It has ok pickup, probably the same as the Xtreme XB600 that I used to have.

    I’ll check out the range of distance somehow. I would feel more comfortable with an extra set of batteries as a backup.

    Hopefully, it has the same performance with two riders.

    I’ll know soon enough.

    No thoughts of eating while riding, although, this will make it easier to get to out of the way dining places.

    Anyone else biking or scooting?

    I forgot to mention that I rode the bike to our Chicago lakefront.

    On the way there, I stopped to get my favorite pizza for dinner.

    It’s an experience worth doing once, as I combined two favorite things that I like to do.

    Now, I have it out of system.

    For now.

    I’ve discovered coconut water as a treat when fasting.

    I will drink my regular lemon or lime tainted water throughout my fasting day. Occasionally, as I pass the refrigerator, I will reach in for a drink of coconut water. This gives me a different taste and satiates the need for variety. It also becomes a fasting treat.

    On feed days, I may just get the entire coconut to eat.

    It’s such a tropical treat.

    There are few things that are more intimidating, for many of us, than a trip to the dentist.

    Having just returned from such a trip, on a day that I’m fasting, encourages me to continue my fast.

    To keep that just professionally cleaned feeling, for a bit longer.

    No pain, no mess, just a clean feeling in the mouth.

    This experience helps to keep the resolve of better dental hygiene.

    The World Cup has descended in full force with me and many others. My brother is one of those.

    The hype, the anticipation, the world stage, and excitement of watching every possible game unencumbered by travel or crowds or nonsense is very appealing. It feels like being there live. Almost.

    One game, six of us joined via texting and watching the same screen even though we were separated by distance. It was absolutely a lot of fun. My first at this.

    Oh yes, I didn’t have time to eat and the time passed just as well without thoughts of eating.

    It may be that there are no breaks for food commercials.

    Great for fasting moments.

    Would you believe that I spent the evening of my fast doing cookup and meal prep for my non fast days! And except for having a nibble of the zucchini to see if it was cooked, I didn’t feel hungry at all. Weird!

    You are not right. I am assured. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.

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