Alternate activities to eating or feeding?

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Alternate activities to eating or feeding?

This topic contains 73 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  mrRandallfus 5 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I’m finding that I need to replace moments that I would normally eat food with other activities, especially when I’m not hungry.

    What does everyone else do?

    Cry! Only joking. I try and ignore watching the clock as I wait for 7pm to arrive so that I can eat. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to be too active because I need to be careful that my blood sugar doesn’t fall too low and exercise might cause that, so I potter around or sleep. Pretty boring really!

    ” so I potter around or sleep. ”

    I know what sleep is. I prefer 10 minute naps to recharge & for quick energy.

    I don’t know what “potter around” is?


    u wanted 2 know about that meditation video

    i’m going 2 try it (go 2 my topics it is there)
    oh here it is

    “The Truth About Personality” 10 July 2013
    Michael Mosley explores the latest research in genetics and neuroscience to find out what factors shape people’s personalities and whether they can be changed. Michael tries two techniques in an attempt to make him worry less and become more of an optimist – with surprising results.

    Diet and Disease FIRST BROADCAST: 11 Sep 2008 BBC Four
    The lengths doctors go to to uncover connections between what we eat and what we die from.

    research on internet about how 2 improve my health

    & how 2 have a tasty fastday

    read books listen 2 books while cleaning u really wash & clean really well


    answer & read posters on this forum
    especially unanswered topics

    do hiit

    recent SCIENCE & GUIDE 2 High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

    The Scientific 7-Minute Workout
    that even a few minutes of training at an intensity approaching your maximum capacity produces molecular changes within muscles comparable to those of several hours of running or bike riding.

    Interval training, though, requires intervals; the extremely intense activity must be intermingled with brief periods of recovery. In the program outlined by Mr. Jordan and his colleagues, this recovery is provided in part by a 10-second rest between exercises. But even more, he says, it’s accomplished by alternating an exercise that emphasizes the large muscles in the upper body with those in the lower body. During the intermezzo, the unexercised muscles have a moment to, metaphorically, catch their breath, which makes the order of the exercises important.

    The exercises should be performed in rapid succession, allowing 30 seconds for each, while, throughout, the intensity hovers at about an 8 on a discomfort scale of 1 to 10, Mr. Jordan says. Those seven minutes should be, in a word, unpleasant. The upside is, after seven minutes, you’re done.


    great simple guide in pictures 4



    watch movies from netflix

    call my relatives & friends
    & listen 2 them only never talk about myself or the fastday lifestyle

    & thank mosley 4 introducing this way of life

    u will be fine ur creative mind will come up w/ something

    & hopefully u will share it w/ us

    wish u 2 have many happy non-stressful fastday ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪

    “i’m going 2 try it (go 2 my topics it is there)

    research on internet about how 2 improve my health
    & how 2 have a tasty fastday
    read books listen 2 books while cleaning u really wash & clean really well
    answer & read posters on this forum/

    watch movies from netflix
    call my relatives & friends
    & listen 2 them only never talk about myself or the fastday lifestyle
    & thank mosley 4 introducing this way of life”

    Wow, thank you.

    There really are many alternatives.

    Sometimes, it feels that there is only one thing to do. With some thought and planning ahead, life can be a lot more fun with all the extra time.


    forgot 1 more thing

    think about all the things u have achieved done

    in all of ur life

    finding ur wife

    the successes

    the goals

    anything that gives u a smile in ur mind & on ur face

    don’t ever think about


    it’s a waste of time & u don’t have a time machine 😀

    Reflecting more on this, it occurred to me that I would do the simple things.

    One of which is brushing my teeth.

    But more thoroughly, as I have the time, and enjoying the process without feeling rushed.

    Flossing first with a mint tasting floss thread, then brushing the teeth and the tongue with minted paste, and finishing with minted mouth wash.

    This is a recipe worth saving for me.

    “lots and lots of water. especially gulped down after a fast meal to increase fullness ”

    This is a great idea that I only do occasionally by opening my throat wider & drinking plenty of water.

    Working from home has advantageous and areas to be aware of with regards to food.

    This has great ideas on this:

    Being conscious of what foods are easily available is a challenge. I’m finding that my refrigerator is emptier and that I need to stock it appropriately.

    Potter means just mooching around doing small things. So maybe you could do something small that you put off because you cannot be bothered usually and that should take your mind of food/eating/not eating etc

    “Potter means just mooching around doing small things. ”

    That’s a great idea & so funny.

    I get a visual of what Hobbits probably do to stay busy.

    chilliexx described potter perfectly. Yep I’m a great potterer, do it all the time 😀

    I like to potter around too! 🙂 And I no longer have an ironing mountain! I evening get all the clothes put away too! I also enjoy food shopping on fast days! Lol! Am I odd? I don’t get tempted but enjoy looking for new low calorie meal ideas. My hobby is photography so I often take photos or go on Instagram, which keeps me occupied in a nice way. 🙂

    “I also enjoy food shopping on fast days! Lol! Am I odd? I don’t get tempted but enjoy looking for new low calorie meal ideas. ”

    I have purposely avoided any exposure to foods on fast days. I used to go to a farmer’s market on weekends & have stopped doing that because it is my fast days.

    How do you keep from eating foods on those days?

    ” I ask myself “how is that going to be of any comfort or in any way is that being kind to myself by eating something that means I put on more weight !?”

    Yes, personal self talk & messages are very important.

    How to have them when most needed?

    “think about all the things u have achieved done
    in all of ur life
    finding ur wife
    the successes
    the goals
    anything that gives u a smile in ur mind & on ur face”

    Thank you for this reminder. I caught myself doing the opposite of what you mentioned above.

    I’m having success with 5:2 lifestyle and I will use it as a stepping stone to other successes in my life.

    Our pastor mentioned that he had fasted for 3 days & it perked up my curiosity.

    He also mentioned that he was also not talking at the same time that he was fasting. I was more curious. His message was more for a spiritual connection than a physical endeavor. He went on to say that the less of material focus there is, that the more God appears.

    That thought stayed with me.

    I have fasted for 3 days but never had a period of silence at the same time. It would probably have to be in a hermetic setting with no one else around. That’s not going to happen to me soon if ever, or for a long time.

    However, I will be in an upcoming men’s retreat and I wondered if I could substitute listening for being silent?

    I would mostly ask questions and withhold speaking more than necessary. This would be unlike prior years where I would tend to dominate conversations. I would also take notes of my thoughts & discussions with others.

    So – a vow of listening!

    Of course, I would not tell others. Not like those that are going silent and hold up a card of “silence” to let others know. No dramatics. Just more curious.

    For an entire day on Friday, I think I can do this.

    Laughing will be allowed.

    rockyromero that sounds like a great idea,(listening as opposed to talking) let us know how it goes!

    ” that sounds like a great idea,(listening as opposed to talking) let us know how it goes!”

    I better start practicing now?

    i like doing one of my fast days on the weekends because i do housework at home! i noticed i would use eating to procrastinate.

    last night, i had 1.5 hours to go before my fast ended (i fasted from 9:30 PM sunday to 9:30 PM Monday). so i did a very short workout of 20 min and then 35 min of yoga – both DVDs so that i could just follow along and not watch the clock.

    i found that i wasn’t hungry either! i had had my second fasting meal around 5 PM.

    “so i did a very short workout of 20 min and then 35 min of yoga – both DVDs so that i could just follow along and not watch the clock.”

    Great strategy to keep something like that handy. I’ll have to come up with something for myself like that.

    Up until 2 weeks ago I would have a cigarette. Now I try to fight off my cravings for something sweet after any sort of savoury (even a slice of toast seems to warrant pudding in my mind at the moment!)
    Probably not a very good idea but yeah…smoking puts me right off food! Haven’t managed to shift any weight since I quit 2weeks ago despite doing 4:3 and running 30 miles a week…the winning combination that got me from 10st3lb to 8st3lb in less than 3 months!

    “Haven’t managed to shift any weight since I quit 2weeks ago despite doing 4:3 and running 30 miles a week…the winning combination ”

    Maybe you can find your winning combination in some other form.

    I’m doing 5:2 and sprints, strengthening and stairs climbing and in a good direction.

    “(listening as opposed to talking) let us know how it goes!”

    Just In time article on listening.

    How Can I Improve My Listening Skills?

    So how about just smelling food & walking away from it?

    Humans ‘sniff 10 types of smell’

    The thousands of aromas humans can smell can be sorted into 10 basic categories, US scientists say.

    Whoever said we need to eat after smelling food, if we don’t want to?

    Listening to music has been a great way for me to engage while doing other activities.

    Often, I will have my headphones on so as not to disturb anyone else and I can hear the richness of the instruments.

    Whether fasting or not, music is part of my life, as it is for so many others.

    Recently, Apple has announced their own radio presence:

    “Additional good news from Apple was the 11 million users the new iTunes Radio streaming digital radio service has already attracted. ”

    This has already made an impact on both my wife and I.

    On fasting days, I’ll be listening to soothing music more often.

    I find that not eating gives me quite a lot of time back – often spent in hotel rooms. So anything that involves nourishing my body in a different way: body brushing, lovely lotions, a DIY pedicure etc

    Hi Rocky,

    On one of the evenings of my fast days, I am at home and I have been doing the 5:2 so long now that I have to remind myself not to eat when the urge strikes. Usually, I’m not really hungry but used to having a small bite to eat in the evening.

    On the other day, I take one of my dogs to Agility class. The class is both physically and mentally active for both me and my dog. I get home about 8:30 pm, so only a couple of hours until bedtime. I eat my meal before I go to class.

    I am thinking of moving my Mon. fast day to Tues, so it coincides with my Spanish class. That way I won’t be near the Fridge on either fast day evening.

    I also have a stationary bike and sometimes I will ride for 20 mins, if I didn’t do enough walking that day.


    Good thoughts, Annie & Quick.

    My next approach on fast days, with more time now available to me, I will do those things that I’ve been procrastinating on.

    I’ll probably read the book on procrastination that I’ve had for a month. I haven’t even opened it.

    Ha Ha!

    Here are some strategies to consider obtained from another source:

    ✔️1. Do it first thing in the morning. If you’re dreading doing something, you’re going to be able to think of more creative excuses as the day goes along. One is “Do it now.” No delay is the best way.

    ✔️2. If you find yourself putting off a task that you try to do several times a week, do it EVERY day. When I was planning my blog, I envisioned posting two or three times a week. Then a blogging friend convinced me that no, I should post every day. As counter-intuitive as it sounds, I’ve found that it’s easier to do it every day (well, except Sundays) than fewer times each week. There’s no dithering, there’s no juggling. I know I have to post, so I do. If you’re finding it hard to go for a walk four times a week, try going every day.

    ✔️3. Have someone keep you company. Studies show that we enjoy practically every activity more when we’re with other people. Having a friend along can be a distraction, a source of reassurance, or just moral support.

    ✔️4. Make preparations, assemble the proper tools. Clean off your desk, get the phone number, find the file. I often find that when I’m dreading a task, it helps me to feel prepared. There’s a wonderful term that chefs use: mis-en-place, French for “everything in its place.” It describes the preparation done before starting to cook: gathering ingredients and implements, chopping, measuring, etc. Mis-en-place is preparation, but it’s also a state of mind; mis-en-place means you have everything at the ready, with no need to run out to the store or begin a frantic search for a sifter. You’re truly ready to begin to work.

    ✔️5. Commit. We’ve all heard the advice to write down your goals. This really works, so force yourself to do it. Usually this advice relates to long-term goals, but it works with short-term goals, too. On the top of a piece of paper, write, “By the end of today, I will have _____.” This also gives you the thrill of crossing a task off your list.

    ✔️6. Remind yourself that finishing a dreaded task is tremendously energizing. Studies show that hitting a goal releases chemicals in the brain that give you pleasure. If you’re feeling blue, although the last thing you feel like doing is something you don’t feel like doing, push yourself. You’ll get a big lift from it.

    On fasting days, this may serve as a reminder.

    How about a 6 second teeth brushing experience?

    Putting cost aside, the future will bring us a way to keep our teeth cleaner and our breaths fresher.

    Just what fasters want..!



    wow supercool worth re-posting

    can’t wait till those 3d printers go down 2 the 50$ price

    I have been lax in my reading, although I did read a book yesterday while fasting.

    I also cleaned out a closet bookshelf and stacked books that I intend on donating to our local library.

    I could visually see the shifts of thoughts and ideas in my life by the types of books that I had accumulated. Further, I can determine where my thinking is by the books that I’ve kept.

    In a digital age, my books come from Amazon, Apple and my local library. I prefer the digital experience. Gone are the days where I need proper lighting, like yesterday, to do a reading. I can now read anywhere and in various comfort spots.

    So it is to my amazement and interest that a new service, Scribd, has appeared that I can borrow any of their books for a monthly or annual fee.

    This has some very nice possibilities for those fasting moments where I can replace feeding my stomach with feeding my mind. My mind has no limits of storage, unlike my stomach.

    I’m still contemplating on how I will proceed with this reading regimen.

    Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    Are you finding more time in your feed day also?

    I’ve noticed that while I’m eating less on feed days, I’m finding more available time for other things – like thinking.

    Who’s thinking more and eating less?

    Rockyromero, think too much sometimes. Like to do something practical to keep my hands occupied. Or, like you, get stuck into a good book. Must have a look at the website you mention.

    Good to read your posts. Coming to this forum every day is a huge support to me. It’s so funny – I can usually “Procrastinate for Scotland” but the energy (physical and mental) that the 5:2 has brought me has had the effect of motivating me to do stuff, especially long put off stuff. I find that I’m doing things naturally without needing to give myself a pep talk. I always liked the Nike slogan “Just Do It” but could never get around to adopt it lol. It’s so good to be more vital and achieve the smallest/largest of things.All these benefits add up. Taking responsibility, control and ownership of the way I’m living is starting to have a good effect on my confidence and sense of self. Really grateful to all on here and wish us every success – it’s hard earned and we’re worth it.

    Rockyromero – you are the funniest poster on this site. I always get such a laugh – in a nice way – at your comments. It keeps me sane and sticking with this way of eating. 2 pounds lost last week. Today is a fast day, so I feel a bit waterlogged with all the water I have been drinking. I just love this site!!

    “2 pounds lost last week. Today is a fast day, so I feel a bit waterlogged with all the water ”

    Great progress!

    Water logging is only one of the 50 shades of fasting.

    Someone should list all of the shades.

    This article states the aptitude in four areas for adults:

    “Adults who have trouble reading, doing math, solving problems and using technology will find the doors of the 21st century workforce closed to them,” Education Secretary Arne Duncan says. “We need to find ways to challenge and reach more adults to upgrade their skills.”

    So how can we use our fasting time to improve on:

    ☑️ reading,

    ☑️ doing math,

    ☑️ solving problems and

    ☑️ using technology

    Just in: Housework ‘not strenuous enough’ for exercise targets.

    Now what?

    Well the conclusions may upset some people.

    Well just spent weekend clearing out unwanted stuff and bottoming the house. Generally turned the house inside out and was exhausted! Was strenuous enough for me. Hope this conclusion wasn’t reached by someone who never does any!

    @ toms mantis

    “Well just spent weekend clearing out unwanted stuff ”

    Same here. It’s more emotional for me than physical.

    Rockyromero, it is emotionally draining, as some stuff belonged to my mum, and maybe that’s what’s tiring. Anyway, fasting day today, so tackling laundry to keep me busy now my housework is done! Fast well.

    @ toms mantis
    ” as some stuff belonged to my mum, ”

    Yes, I’m reluctantly purging of what had interested me in my past.

    It occurred to me that going through this, I can reflect on my past successes and failures.

    It helps that my wife is taking the lead on this.

    In a way, it’s materials fasting.

    I will be lighter.

    This is my feed day, after a weekend of fasting.

    I’m finding that my productivity starts to slow down after two days.

    Now, I want to pickup my reading interests.

    I have lapsed this year in my reading. With cooler weather, more time from 5:2 fasting, and eager for new discoveries, I’m open to newer ideas and people that can communicate with me.

    I’ve downloaded 3 books that has some possibilities to challenge me:

    Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
    Taleb, Nassim Nicholas

    Extreme Productivity: Boost Your Results, Reduce Your Hours
    Pozen, Robert C.

    The Start-up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career
    Hoffman, Reid, Casnocha, Ben

    Now, I’ll see if fasting can improve my brain & knowledge capacity.

    Anyone else want to join?

    Choose your own books & report back to us?

    We can all agree that meditation soothes the soul and is one of the ultimate ways to enhance the fasting experience.

    Recently a concept breathing wall became a finalist that would assist in meditating.

    From what I understand, this is digitally projected to any wall while smartphone controlled.

    The undulating waves are similar to the breathing sensations.

    Would you fast better to this, if you had it?

    It’s confirmed that women multitask better than men.

    Now, there’s no excuse for staying active on fast days.

    Why workout or fast when a new shirt will instantly give you fake pecs and a slimmer look?

    If women can wear supportive garments, shouldn’t men do the same?

    Is it possible that on fast days that the extra time is an opportunity to test ideas unencumbered with the need to prepare, consume and clean up?

    That could add up to several hours.

    Uninterrupted creativity has always been done by the most creative of humans. Imagine Michelangelo, Einstein or even Mozart.
    Didn’t they focus on their art & science when they were at their most creative and barely ate?

    They probably didn’t refer to not eating as fasting. But that’s what I imagined that they did to reach a higher level of performance.

    At the master level, does food drain us & defocus us from reaching the highest possible levels?

    It’s almost as if in order to reach our higher potentials, we must simplify our path.

    Fasting is a start.

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