I’m finding that I need to replace moments that I would normally eat food with other activities, especially when I’m not hungry.
What does everyone else do?
This topic contains 73 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by mrRandallfus 5 years, 2 months ago.
Cry! Only joking. I try and ignore watching the clock as I wait for 7pm to arrive so that I can eat. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to be too active because I need to be careful that my blood sugar doesn’t fall too low and exercise might cause that, so I potter around or sleep. Pretty boring really!
u wanted 2 know about that meditation video
i’m going 2 try it (go 2 my topics it is there)
oh here it is
“The Truth About Personality” 10 July 2013
Michael Mosley explores the latest research in genetics and neuroscience to find out what factors shape people’s personalities and whether they can be changed. Michael tries two techniques in an attempt to make him worry less and become more of an optimist – with surprising results.
Diet and Disease FIRST BROADCAST: 11 Sep 2008 BBC Four
The lengths doctors go to to uncover connections between what we eat and what we die from.
research on internet about how 2 improve my health
& how 2 have a tasty fastday
read books listen 2 books while cleaning u really wash & clean really well
answer & read posters on this forum
especially unanswered topics
do hiit
recent SCIENCE & GUIDE 2 High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
The Scientific 7-Minute Workout
that even a few minutes of training at an intensity approaching your maximum capacity produces molecular changes within muscles comparable to those of several hours of running or bike riding.
Interval training, though, requires intervals; the extremely intense activity must be intermingled with brief periods of recovery. In the program outlined by Mr. Jordan and his colleagues, this recovery is provided in part by a 10-second rest between exercises. But even more, he says, it’s accomplished by alternating an exercise that emphasizes the large muscles in the upper body with those in the lower body. During the intermezzo, the unexercised muscles have a moment to, metaphorically, catch their breath, which makes the order of the exercises important.
The exercises should be performed in rapid succession, allowing 30 seconds for each, while, throughout, the intensity hovers at about an 8 on a discomfort scale of 1 to 10, Mr. Jordan says. Those seven minutes should be, in a word, unpleasant. The upside is, after seven minutes, you’re done.
great simple guide in pictures 4
watch movies from netflix
call my relatives & friends
& listen 2 them only never talk about myself or the fastday lifestyle
& thank mosley 4 introducing this way of life
u will be fine ur creative mind will come up w/ something
& hopefully u will share it w/ us
wish u 2 have many happy non-stressful fastday ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
I like to potter around too! 🙂 And I no longer have an ironing mountain! I evening get all the clothes put away too! I also enjoy food shopping on fast days! Lol! Am I odd? I don’t get tempted but enjoy looking for new low calorie meal ideas. My hobby is photography so I often take photos or go on Instagram, which keeps me occupied in a nice way. 🙂
i like doing one of my fast days on the weekends because i do housework at home! i noticed i would use eating to procrastinate.
last night, i had 1.5 hours to go before my fast ended (i fasted from 9:30 PM sunday to 9:30 PM Monday). so i did a very short workout of 20 min and then 35 min of yoga – both DVDs so that i could just follow along and not watch the clock.
i found that i wasn’t hungry either! i had had my second fasting meal around 5 PM.
Up until 2 weeks ago I would have a cigarette. Now I try to fight off my cravings for something sweet after any sort of savoury (even a slice of toast seems to warrant pudding in my mind at the moment!)
Probably not a very good idea but yeah…smoking puts me right off food! Haven’t managed to shift any weight since I quit 2weeks ago despite doing 4:3 and running 30 miles a week…the winning combination that got me from 10st3lb to 8st3lb in less than 3 months!
Hi Rocky,
On one of the evenings of my fast days, I am at home and I have been doing the 5:2 so long now that I have to remind myself not to eat when the urge strikes. Usually, I’m not really hungry but used to having a small bite to eat in the evening.
On the other day, I take one of my dogs to Agility class. The class is both physically and mentally active for both me and my dog. I get home about 8:30 pm, so only a couple of hours until bedtime. I eat my meal before I go to class.
I am thinking of moving my Mon. fast day to Tues, so it coincides with my Spanish class. That way I won’t be near the Fridge on either fast day evening.
I also have a stationary bike and sometimes I will ride for 20 mins, if I didn’t do enough walking that day.
wow supercool worth re-posting
can’t wait till those 3d printers go down 2 the 50$ price
Good to read your posts. Coming to this forum every day is a huge support to me. It’s so funny – I can usually “Procrastinate for Scotland” but the energy (physical and mental) that the 5:2 has brought me has had the effect of motivating me to do stuff, especially long put off stuff. I find that I’m doing things naturally without needing to give myself a pep talk. I always liked the Nike slogan “Just Do It” but could never get around to adopt it lol. It’s so good to be more vital and achieve the smallest/largest of things.All these benefits add up. Taking responsibility, control and ownership of the way I’m living is starting to have a good effect on my confidence and sense of self. Really grateful to all on here and wish us every success – it’s hard earned and we’re worth it.
Rockyromero – you are the funniest poster on this site. I always get such a laugh – in a nice way – at your comments. It keeps me sane and sticking with this way of eating. 2 pounds lost last week. Today is a fast day, so I feel a bit waterlogged with all the water I have been drinking. I just love this site!!
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8:52 pm
16 Sep 13