Hello, everyone, Next week I will be celebrating my one-year anniversary as an intermittent faster. I have surprised myself with my ability to stick to this way of eating and continue to feel that it has changed my life and made a huge difference in the way I feel about my body. It has also made me healthier as my numbers showed a few months ago: lower glucose level, better cholesterol and tri-glyceride numbers and, last time I weighed, 23 pounds lighter and a BMI that is now in the normal range.
I plan to continue this WOE indefinitely as I’ve adjusted to the fast days and find them quite easy to do and often a fast day feels welcome because I have “eat” days when I feel I am not being careful enough. Therein lies the conundrum: I thought I could do this for the long term because I don’t feel deprived except two days each week and on those days, mid-afternoon when I crave a carbohydrate, I get through them by reminding myself that it’s only a matter of feeling this way for a few hours and tomorrow I get to eat!! So, if I start to think about how much I’m eating on an “eat” day and think about cutting back then it may lead to my feeling deprived more of the time and could be the demise of the plan. The end result, though, of not being very careful on the five eat days is that I haven’t lost much, if any, in quite some time. Losing 23 pounds was enough to change the way I felt and brought me back close to a normal weight that I could live with. Thus, some of the drive to do better is not as strong since I could be happy with this weight indefinitely. But, ideally, I would lose another 8 pounds and that is still my goal. I’m not sure I can accomplish that. But, if I stay here and can maintain this weight and not worry about things I’m eating five days a week, then this is acceptable.
I’d love to hear from those of you who have been doing this for a year or so. Did you find your weight loss slowed? Did you find anything to jump-start (restart?) weight loss. I have tried to do that by buying a pedometer several months back and being motivated to reach my walking goal each day because of that little gadget. It has made me realize that if I weren’t counting and trying to reach my goal I’d be moving very little each day.
I also am not someone who weighs because I fear getting discouraged. I have only weighed myself a handful of times because I can tell from the way my clothes fit that I am either going in the right direction or staying the same. I may weigh next week on my anniversary–or may not!!!
Kudos to all of us because we are doing something worthwhile and healthy and we should give ourselves credit for our stick-to-it-ivness. Cheers!! And a big thank you, again, to Michael.
9:50 pm
10 Aug 14