absolute beginner!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tracy5447 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • hi, i have just started my first fast day today and feel good, i didn’t eat at all until i finished work at 4.30. I can’t believe how great i felt, almost euphoric it was very strange. We have an exercise bike in work for a bikeathon and i did 10 miles in my (no) lunch break. I am doing two days together as i am most busy tues, wed, with work, i really hope tomorrow is as good as today. I have nearly 3 stone to lose so i know i have a long way to go, i have mostly done on and off atkins which is great if you can keep it up, which i can’t so i am going to try this approach, i have read the book and it makes complete sense. so here goes!!

    Hi Tracy, I too felt surprisingly good when ‘fasting’ from the start and it has continued that way(I am a month in). So much so that I actually look forward to the fast days as a ‘break’ in a way… I think being allowed 500 calories rather than nothing at all makes it do-able – and the old brain seems to appreciate it!

    5:2 is very doable and sustainable. Which is where it differs from a diet, 5:2 is just a pattern or way of eating.

    You find some great information in the following





    I do 5:2 for the health benefits of it. Weight loss is just a bonus I get for free. I like anything free pretty much

    Best wishes on your 5:2 journey

    thanks for the support guys,
    I am really pleased how my two days fast went.
    Caroline, i think i will be the same, i am actually enjoying giving my tummy a rest, it has worked so hard over the past 10 years!

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