(First post here for me!)
My wife and I have been doing standard 5:2 for 6 weeks. I’m age 42, 6 ft tall, about 220 lb. Trying to get back down to 190 so I can wear my favorite clothes again. Even if my weight is stable, I’m actually much more interested in avoiding the usual diseases of civilization. As I told my doctor: “I have a family history of EVERYTHING!” Don’t know how much my wife weighs or what her goal might be, but I’m sure she’s heavier than I am. Our exercise is mostly just taking walks.
My weight dropped by about 9 pounds, of which maybe 4 can be accounted for by not having much food in my digestive tract. I like how clear my mind is while fasting and how it relieves a general feeling of bloating. I also like how it moderates my appetite somewhat on the next (feed) day. It’s good training for emergencies too: if I miss a few meals, I can remain calm and know that I’m not going to starve immediately. My weight loss seems to have leveled off fairly quickly, so I might have to change something. Maybe do 4:3, cut fasting day calories further, and/or tighten up on junk food and snacking during the rest of the week.
My wife, on the other hand: She followed the 5:2 plan to the letter for 6 weeks and had ZERO change in weight the whole time. On fast days she’s reliably sad, cranky, and freezing cold in the middle of summer. I know she’s on thyroid meds, but her dosage was updated just a few months ago. On feed days she doesn’t go off the rails at all. Reasonable portion sizes. But no weight loss, not even half a pound. Obviously she is not happy about this.
Any suggestions for either of us? I’m going to keep doing some version of this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she gives up completely on fasting. This might not be the ideal plan for her.
5:27 pm
8 Jul 16