Hello! Hope you are all doing well. I am still a bit new to the 5:2 WOE – I have almost completed week 3 (Weigh in on Friday!) and I have lost 8lbs so far.
On my fast days I am managing to save all my calories (with the exception of my cups of tea!) to dinner time, and I tend to have 2 slices of toast with no butter, and a small tin of Heinz beans and sausages. I am under my calorie goal for the day, but I am wondering if eating carbs on a fast day will impact on my weight loss/heath benefits?
I have also been considering the benefits of 4:3? Does 4:3 help boost weight loss? and how difficult is it? I manage just now fasting on a Monday and Thursday just now, but I would find it difficult fasting at the weekend. Any advice/tips or success stories from mixing 4:3 and 5:2 would help. I had thought about maybe trying 1 week 5:2 and 1 week 4:3 but dont know if this would help?
I think thats enough questions for now.. however I am sure more will come up as the journey progresses. Feel free to join with any comments/questions or stories!
Take care,
A x
7:26 am
18 Jun 14