5:2 Lighterlife Shakes, meals & bars!

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5:2 Lighterlife Shakes, meals & bars!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Fattybird 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hey there was just wondering if anyone had used or discovered Lighterlifes 5:2 range of products? Just purchased the shakes and peanut bars to give a go from Superdrug.


    Let me know as I have wondered about them cheers

    They seem good – but watch – they have got the maths wrong- there are meal replacement options which count for 2 meals – so you have to be mindful of what options you are using – 4 X 150. Kcal products or 2x 200 and a 150 kcal product!

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