Me too!
Oops…new page. I mean me too, being excited about the forthcoming new challenge!
This topic contains 2,339 replies, has 109 voices, and was last updated by back2thefuture 3 years, 11 months ago.
Day 5 of 19 Uk.
Decluttering bug is on the loose!! Well done everyone!Took all my out sized, out of date and no longer liked clothes to charity this morning! I think I should think about the attic, which is stuffed! Boxes from the last house move and boxes of stuff from parents house, which I’ve not had the headspace to go through – yet.
K-lo good luck with the sale!
HannahWatto, stay strong the weigh will go and you’ll soon be having a clearout too!
Ciren2- brilliant what a boost that is! I weigh in pounds, kilos and stones, sad I know but I’m hoping to see under 150lbs this week the next stone/kilo is a way off yet!!
Thirdtime lucky -just read your profile, thankyou for being with us and for your help and encouragement !
Today is a fast day, OH, who is usually SO suportive, forgot and came home with a fresh French stick and yummy cheese, the smell delicious!! But I’m proud to say I did not succumb as he even ate it in front of me! Testing my resolve!
I know I can eat tomorrow so that’s ok!
Onwards and downwards!
Pacific NW USA: Day 5, NFD with 16:8
I’m not experiencing enough change in my clothes size yet to have under grown anything in my drawers or closet. Although my current size clothes are starting to feel roomier! I hope the big clean out for me will come after my summer travels when I’m getting ready for fall and winter clothes because I won’t need these summer sizes next summer! You all who are cleaning and tidying give me lots to look forward to.
Yesterday’s NFD was slightly over TDEE although all fresh and healthy food. It was after a 36 hour FD so maybe that’s why I felt hungry after each meal and ate extra fresh berries and cream last night. Today I’m returning to my eating pattern of 16:8 on a NFD and will see if the hungry-bug is still with me. The age-defying benefits of taking in less food is very motivational.
Weighed in this morning and despite the over-eating and drinking over the 4-day weekend I have not put on any weight! This is the WOL for me! I did do one 41-hour fast and am just finishing a 36-hour fast so I have worked at it to balance everything out just in case anyone thinks it happened by magic π Have a good weekend everyone.
Hiya All, Merryme you advised (I think, umpteen apologies if it wasn’t you!) to use the myfitnesspal app.
I downloaded it and when I had my first FD yesterday it refused to allow such a low input! So it wouldn’t accept that entry!
I consequently found an app 5:2 app TrackmyFast by
This knows and is based on 5:2 and works really well so far. Has at first use a mass of items already inputted for easy Calorie counting and you can scan an item if it’s not in it’s food library.
My FD yesterday went well and I was just over 400.
Today I met a friend who is also doing 5:2 so we shared two meals between us, salad with goats cheese which I left, mushrooms and some tiny bead like things, and a plaice fish dish with 1 small new potato and a few beans so I think this might work as my 2nd FD this week… well until I just ate a small Cornetto! π
Just thought I’d share! π
I’ve also just found this nutrient sites :
US SE Day 5… Hi all. Am still hanging in. FD today went well. Yesterday was a different story. After being quite good all day I ended the day by eating a pile of cookies. I can’t believe it. After all this time and all I’ve learned I am still capable of doing something so stupid. I’m not dwelling on it… I’m moving on.. but I am so disappointed in myself.
AuroraMagic… glad you decided to take the plunge. Thanks for the link for the nutrition table.
HannahW… congrats on no gain … yeah!!
Have a good weekend everyone!
Congratulations everyone. I’ve been trucking along with this but haven’t had time to check in. Dropped by this evening thinking the 42 days must be nearly up by now and so it was! I’ve been really pleased with the results and I can see a change in the looseness of my clothes as well as a 3cm drop in waist measurement and 4.8kg drop in weight. I’ve gone from an overweight BMI to a healthy one which is also pleasing. Thanks Coda for providing the impetus to start.
Can’t remember who posted the link for Marie Kondos declutter method, but thanks very much. Watched the U-tube video and having a couple of hours to spare got stuck in to the drawers in my bedroom. Wow, was I hoarding a lot of ‘stuff’ that didn’t sparkle at me. They have gone and I now have tidy drawers and can see my things at a glance. Wardrobe next! Thank you all. Love this forum. TTL:
Third time lucky,
Backing you up here! Also start the de-cluttering process in my home, and was thankful when someone mentioned Marie Kondos method here.
Since don’t have much time after work I choose very small “categories” to de-clutter:
“cups”, “spices”, “towels”, “bags” already fixed. π
Planning something big for a weekend fun – like clothes or shoes. π
TTL/coldpizza- it was about the second week of the challenge that I posted about Marie Kondo. So glad there’s more and more response now. You’ll experience the same YAY as I did once I got started. It’s a great way of going about the house. I like to call it ‘life laundry’ and in a way it goes hand in hand with the 5:2 weight loss. Glad you’re enjoying it too!
ETJ – thanks for the support……glad to say I made it under 70kgs today. Only JUST – 69.8kg but I made it! You’re way ahead of me on the weightloss- good job!!
HappyMargo- …enjoy !!
Love it that so many are still posting so often. I felt a little adrift when the challenge ended but still your posts are encouraging me to hang in there- even after a plateau of two weeks. Thank you all!!
Have a great weekend everyone
Day 6 of 19.
thanks ciren2, it was hard as bread and cheese are my weakness!!!
Today I weighed and measured, a little disapointed though just got in hnder 150lbs, the tape measure was kinder and lost an inch of my tum measurement, so it is positive really!!
I will not be under tdee today as OH brought breakfast in bed and we’re out for anniversary meal layer, this will include wine. Knowing I can cut back tomorrow and sunday, though with family for Father’s day , then fast Monday. It’ll be fine!!
Take back control!!
Happymargo – enjoy your hols!
Have a good weekend, staying strong!
Pacific NW USA: Day 6, 36 hour FD
Hm-m-m, the connections between weight loss in the body and shedding items in the home. Emotional eating? Emotional “saving”? Afraid to throw stuff out I might want or need later? Eat, eat, I might not have a chance later. Gives me something to think about, Dutch.
Loved the nutrition site AuroraMagic, I’m going to check out the fasting app too. Loved the weight management HannaWatto. Have a great vaca HappyMargo.
DebbieQ – we can always balance out over consumption, that’s what’s great about 5:2. I know I feel a little like I was sleep walking or something when I realize my arm just brought the equivalent of 3 servings of hummus into my mouth. At least if I only have healthy choices in the house I can’t be doing too much damage. And OH is cooperating by keeping “his” Oreos in places I can’t see so the puppet master can’t put them in my mouth. It’s the fat combined with sugar that will get me!
Thawing my bone broth for the day. Thinking about all of you still here giving me my daily motivation and new ideas. Thanks! Great day everyone!
Back2thefuture- the nutrition site mentioned – thank you AuroraM- is great in use (I’ve been using the dutch version of this site during the challenge) and I just love how you don’t need to do the math on portions; you just use the slide ruler . SO easy to use and a lot of info on the site. Just love it!
DebbieQ- I think most of us know the feeling of that blooper at the end of a fast day. I know I do!! Just yesterday when I had my meal in the evening. Mantra: No dessert, no dessert, no dessert, no dessert, no dessert, no dessert……..opened the pantry door: hey wow…I still have some chocolate! Brain fart?!!
dahliafan- I feel for you about your Dad’s passing and the items in the cellar. I couldn’t reply yesterday because it was my own father’s birthday. He passed away 3 years ago. It’s comforting to have a few items around that bring back fond memories. You need to cherish these good memories. I have kept a small pipe he always used and I can still smell the tobacco in my mind and see him smile. It doesn’t hurt me that much anymore now that the good memories have taken over.
Coda- which book do you have? I have the first ‘The life-changing…’and am contemplating getting ‘Spark Joy’ but am wondering if it’s a pseudo copy of the first??
Oh bother! I have just typed in a whole response which has now disappeared. So let me say in a shorter version…had a good FD yesterday. I will weigh again on Tuesday morning, (once a week). I do not want to fall into the trap of calorie counting on the non fast days, but I want to be aware of what is being eaten and that is slowly but surely happening. The cauliflower rice has been a real success!
Merryme…thank you for the response. Identity theft must be horrific. I do find the way you approach things very informative. Somehow it resonates with me!
This forum is so comforting to come back to whenever there is a slight wavering. There is a great deal of strength in a group such as this. Thank you all, wherever you are, and have a great weekend!
Glad the site and app that I mentioned has been helpful. I thought that they are good. π
Oh for sure ‘hoarding’ is emotion, often brought on after bereavements and loss and the need ‘to care for’.
There’s been a good tv program from Channel 4 about it with a psychiatrist helping those people to move on. Most informative. π
Motivation is a big and most interesting subject. ‘Self interest’ or a reason to see an advantage to one’s self is the prime cause to do most things for ourselves… forgotten where the link is for this one…
I ended up with another FD /LowCal day yesterday but have felt slightly light headed and ‘needing’ today but had a little breakfast and then got treated to an afternoon meal which was very yummy in Central London. π
I wonder if the reason a post is lost is when it’s gone over a time-frame limit. I’ve solved this previously by making up the post in a text editor and then posting it or sometimes you can hit the back button and if you’re lucky your post will be remembered. Perhaps a Forum Admin can help with this?
And is it possible to enable ‘edit’ a post please ? π
I also find this site helpful for calorie info (esp fish) :
Day 6 of 19 USA Minnesota About 7:30 pm Friday
I had two good FDs this week, Monday and Thursday as usual. I ate a bit over TDEE on Wednesday. My OH and I took “the Kids” out to eat; daughter, son-in-law and 4 year old granddaughter. Daughter has one week until her “due-date” to deliver our next granddaughter. We just thought we should take advantage of the time we have now, to spend together in relative peace before the baby comes.
Lost another pound this week, so I’m quite happy going forward.
Yesterday’s fast was a bit difficult but I can always chalk that up to too many carbs, a glass or two of wine, or both, the day/night before. It is just a fact for me, that if I want an easy fast day I have to stick to HFLC the day before.
Edzeko I’m glad to hear your FDs are getting easier. Try the HFLC approach the day before if you find they get hard again. I bet it will help.
HappyMargo I hope you have fun! But, tell me, where does a person who lives in such a gorgeous state as Colorado go for a getaway?
ETJ, you must have amazing amounts of energy that you spent over a day going through all those toys, etc. Once again, you have my admiration. Good job!
Dutch, thanks for mentioning Marie Kondo several weeks ago. I did watch some of the you-tube videos at the time. Had other things going on and forgot about her. Now, with all of the recent interest on the forum I actually found some better videos today and spent half the day watching, and then I got busy with my clothes. I think I finally have the folding methods down and they really do free up drawer space. Amazing, really. And I feel like I lost another 10 lbs after throwing the old stuff!
And, Dutch, I also have my father’s pipe. I pull it out every so often and smell it, and it makes me smile. It was 7 years ago this weekend that he fell (Father’s Day here in the states), and we found out his carotid arteries were closed, as well as other arteries to his brain, and we would only have 6 weeks with him. He would never go to Doctors. We were there with him, taking care of him, in my parents home until he passed; so no regrets that way. But, of course, my mom didn’t last even two years after he passed. My memories of them are happy and take up more space in my heart, now, than the grief does, after the years have gone by.
But, Dahliafan, it is still hard to go through all of their stuff. I still have too much of it. I’ll get there.
Rocy65, you know you will clear 150 lbs soon if you stick to 5:2. It is inevitable! That’s what I’ve come to believe, and why I love this WOL. I’m right there with you as it’s a goal I hope to reach in the next 2 weeks. Let me know WHEN you do, and good luck!
Take care everyone and have a very good weekend!
Hi all. Just ConMari’d my wardrobe. Thought I had done a good clear out a few weeks ago, but yet another bag full to the charity shop. Mostly because they are too big!
Starting on my office/workroom next but will watch another of her videos to get me on the right track. So much stuff!!!
Over my TDEE for the last couple of days due to a lovely box of chocs I was given. Just can’t seem to resist when they are in the house.l. When they are gone, they are gone . Am trying to reduce my food intake during the day to compensate. How crazy is that? Not eating good nutritious food so I can eat a couple of pieces of junk food in the evening?
Started back on my HIT exercises on the rebounder again today after a ‘forgetful’ layoff for a while. Funny how sorting out your clothes helps sort out your head!?
Have a great weekend everyone, and thoughts and prayers for everyone who have lost their lives this week, for whatever reason. TTL
Ciren2 and Rocy65- bread and butter is one thing very hard to resist! You’re doing good!
NorthernDawn- thank you for your post! Couldn’t have said it better. Tomorrow is a memorable day, I’m sure.
Coda- so sorry- I wasn’t clear. You wrote ‘And I just took delivery of Marie kondoβs book!’ -was wondering which book that was.
the Fast Diet cook book by Mimi is loaded with great recipes, I agree!! Today is going to be the ‘Superfood Belly Buster’. Sounds so good.
For a while I’ve been trying what works for me. Yesterday I did 12.000 steps and today was down 0.5kg. But that’s not something I can do every day. So I was looking on youtube and the www and found that planking strenghtens your core muscles and eliminates that belly. For me the belly started after my CS – even at 51kg. it bothers me and I want to get rid of it. So..well….planking promises to do the trick. Yesterday did my first ever: only a lousy 45 seconds. Man, planking is HARD WORK!! The youtube video I was watching says ever so lightly: oh…you’ll want to do 2 minutes to start. WHAT?! <embarrasssed chuckle> Hahaha……… a long way to go, obviously! Today I knew what to expect and with grinding teeth managed 1 minute. There’s a lot of work ahead to do even those 2 minutes! Wish I was stronger <sigh>
My new goal is 65kgs. Taking it 5kgs at a time. Looking into a zero calorie on FD monday. Also I’m still reading up on cholesterol. How can I raise the levels within the 5:2 regime? All suggestions are welcome!!
UK Day 7 of 19 in-between days. Non-fast weekend for me. Great relief as I normally do three water-only fast days during the week. Normally Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Well done K-Lo! Isn’t it great when you break a new, downward, weight barrier!
I broke into a new, lower stone during the week….one not seen for about 24 years!!!
Congratulations K-Lo and Ciren2 for those new, lower numbers! I’m sure it feels wonderful. Enjoy your success, and pat yourselves on your backs. You are inspiration to the rest of us.
Dutch, I’m not going to admit publicly how long I can plank, but you would be right in assuming that it is of short duration. I’m going to make 1 minute at a time my first goal. I may reach it in a couple weeks. π I’ll keep trying if you do! Oh, and in watching videos of Marie Kondo yesterday, one review from a gal called “Youngmom”, I think, said the new book is more detailed and explanatory of things that were left vague in the first book. I think I’ll get that one. Sparks Joy (?) I think is the name.
Have a fun weekend, everyone!
Pacific NW USA: Day 7, NFD
OH and I started today with Mimi and Sarah’s omelette, my version today had sweet onion, tomatoes, pepito peppers and arugula. Yum, after a FD. We have a dinner date planned tonight and will walk to and from restaurant so omelette may last till dinner.
Coda – the Roasted Red Pepper soup sounds delish and has so few calories it’s almost nothing!
AuroraMagic – another interesting web site – thanks.
NorthernDawn – good tip about HFLC on NFD before a FD. I theorize that anytime I eat a higher glycemic food it triggers an incessant voice in my head that starts reminding me about all the food I really don’t need to eat. When I have the presence of mind to check in with my stomach first I’m usually not actually hungry. Then sometimes I’m fooled by that voice and justify eating too much of something “healthy” and going over TDEE on a NFD. 7 weeks and I’m still looking for the balance!
Dutch – the plank is one in the series of HIT on the fast exercise app which I’m trying out this week. I remember in a past life that I could hold a plank for over one minute. I now have to modify and balance on my knees and I will confess here, to you my 5:2 friends, that 30 secs was hard, 45 secs was so difficult and at 60 secs I thought my core would explode. I do feel a little abdominal soreness however, so it’s working even with the modification.
Day 7 of 19.
well it had to happen, fallen off the horse big time hit the biscuit tin!!
SO silly and I’m really not sure why! It happened before brain connected.The stupid thing is I don’t have a sweet tooth and just don’t eat cake and biscuits. It’s a bit crazy!!!
Thanks NorthernDawn but under 150lbs is looking even further away ! I know with 5.2 I will get there! I started this challenge at 164lbs!!
Must get back on track tomorrow , we have a family gathering for Father’s day but I’m sure I’ll get back on that horse!!
I did wonder if it had anything to do with starting to sort out my parents belongings, stashed in the attic for the past 2 years since they passed within a few months of each other, they were married for 61years! It’s very hard to know what to do with familar items that I have no space for and the children don’t want. I know many have to go! Decisions, decisions!!
Thank you for your continuing posts, websites and apps all so helpful!
Good luck and stay strong!
Day 8
NorthernDawn- thanks for the info on that book. Think I’ll get it too. You bet I’m going to keep trying the plank if you do too :-)) It’s working for I too have sore tummy muscles now. Which makes it even more difficult to do today. Must hold on!
Back2thefuture- at the beginning of the challenge I looked at the app. It’s only available on iTunes I believe. Wish it was an app I could download straight from the Google App Store on my android. Good job on seeing it through even with the modification!!
Rocy65- 61 years!!! There’s a whole lot of memories there. I can imagine how difficult it must be. Those items are safely stored so you can work on yourself first losing those pounds. Doing all at once is too much. There’s a time for everything and also now: listen to our body. It will someday all come together and fall in place. Hold on!
Coda- thanks again. Yes, there’s a lot of info shared on this still fast moving thread. I’m dreading the exercise thing but for now the plank attempt is enough. :-))
5 minutes I can only dream of right now! Yep – sigh of relief here!!
Make today a special Day!
Day 8 of 19: UK: Non-fasting day. It’s only 10am and I’ve eaten far too much already!! Sweet things and chocolate are my downfall. It’s because I’m not at work and have time on my hands. But hey, tomorrow is another fast-day and a busy day at work, I’ll be ok then.
Rocy65: same for you, just promise yourself you’ll be back up on that horse. Every day is a new day. You know the reason you did it, deep down, and its totally understandable. Good luck xx
US, Day Whatever…Tag sale netted $120. Others have my size 8s, my books, my yarn…
I am now taking a break from cleaning my spice cupboard. I don’t know what KondoMari says about holding each container, asking if it gives me joy, but this is a great exercise. How many containers of ground cumin can one woman use? I am finding spices that I took from my father’s house after he died (2010). You think it’s time?
You did good business on the sale K-Lo! You can do a lot of lovely things with $120!
Hehe….2010….yeah….you might want to – very slowly – get rid of 16 year old ground cumin…just to be safe!! :-))
Today NFD.
Started the day with yet another attempt at the plank and made it 1:05min. Haha…the psychological 5 seconds extra!! NorthernDawn are we going to make this a daily ritual?? I’d love a partner-in-exercise-crime”!
Took the bike for a short spin which ended in a 4 hour drive. The weather was sunny and about 19C so I just kept on going. Charged my inner battery.
Tomorrow FD. Really need that because today was + .4 kgs on the scales- no idea where that came from, honestly!!. On the menu the ‘Superfood Belly Buster” from the 5:2 Diet book by Mimi & Sarah – …it’s another delicious recipe from the book!!
Some times I wish I could see all of you. Put a face to a profile. Wouldn’t it be great if we could post pictures here?!
I’ve just spent a very enjoyable half an hour reading through recent posts, so supportive and thoughtful thanks everyone. I have had a few days off the wagon and in the gutter, in fact I think the wagon disappeared over the horizon without me. It was my birthday last Thursday, so there was cake at work and then cake at home, and then on Friday I met my sister and drank waaay too much wine. All fun at the time, but I really need to get back on track now. I recalculated my TDEE for my goal weight just out of curiosity and it’s 1473, so one I reach my goal I will only be eating up to 368 on fast days. It makes sense because I am not very tall, and I’m lazy. Im going to try eating under that amount and see how I get on. I made some cauliflower rice today and had some with chicken curry while everyone else had rice. It was delicious and best of all I didn’t get that too-full feeling that carbs can give you. I really recommend it to anyone who hasn’t tried it yet. I have stashed some portions in the freezer.
Happy decluttering, planking and fasting everyone
I am wondering if part of this WOL, includes such an enthusiasm to lose weight that people find they almost instinctively also decided to chose the best healthiest foods they (currently) know of and try to strive for?
Could this be apart of the overall process or spurred on only by the achievements already made?
Do in fact more people lose weight because they aim to not buy the donuts and so on or because they limit these known ‘less than ideal’ food choices?
Yes I’m still at the beginning and still have much to learn – I know, & I’m not trying to be a pain.
But my point is ….
Could it be that some don’t find that they plateau…. ‘they’ve managed’ the ‘best’ food choices (for them)?
I’ve now found that a couple of friends are also on this WOL too! One’s currently in ‘plateau’ so I’ve told her about all the great help and support here and hopes she joins in. π
I’m advised to have 1750 I think the total is on e a Normal Day, but I know I’d gain weight at this level… or do I need to eat more to lose weight? Is that in fact where many might go ‘wrong’ ?
Hallo All
I have had a few days off from posting. I have not had an easy time of losing recently. For some reason around the end of our Challenge my body decided to suddenly put on a couple of kilos. I really don’t know why as I did nothing different. I gave myself a good talking to as I felt rather defeated and worried but funnily enough the thought of giving up and regaining all that weight just wasn’t even an option. I guess after 38 weeks this WOL is more of a WOL than I thought. Unlike any other diet I have ever been on.
So I just made my goals pretty much what they always are which is to stick to two 36 hour fasts successfully during the week and to eat healthy great food the rest of the time, but not too much, plus enjoy life and relax on social occasions. So over my birthday week I was heavier than I expected to be, which was disappointing, but I stuck to my plan.
One week later after another long lunch at a local winery I suddenly really wanted to walk. I got home, put on my walking shoes and walked for ages and felt so vibrant and full of energy. And on that one day nearly all the extra weight went. I think my body did its own Marie Kondo thing. It sounds strange but it happened.
Anyway today is my second fast day for the week and so far I have just had water for 18 hours but I will have something low calorie for dinner with OH to keep him company.
It is lovely to read all your posts and find out how you are all going. I have bought the Marie Kondo book but I haven’t started it yet and I will also have a look at the videos. I still have lots of beautiful things from deceased relatives that evoke special memories but they are packed away and unused and none of my children want them.
I don’t think my back could cope with planking but I am so looking forward to seeing how we are going to work out the exercise component of the next Challenge and how we will inspire each other. As one of the 60+ members I think it is going to be great fun.
All the very best to you all and Onwards and Downwards
Hi Qsue I love that this WOL is so inspiring even when cliches happen people work right on through and carry on! π I think it brave of you to fight and strive to succeed, I say a big Well Done!
From all I’m reading it seems that this can happen, but keep going. π
Also I’d keep all the items from loved one’s. In the year’s to come I’m sure the kids will really appreciate them! But do write down a lot about all your family, and all the history that you can recall.
Whilst they might not seem interested now I’m sure they will when their older and wiser! A program recently showed that unless things are written down somewhere much is being forgotten. So if people don’t make records, and tell their relatives many things will be forgotten.
Neigh all my ‘in-laws’ and many on ‘my side’ have died now, but I have diary’s and some images to help. These are now treasured possessions! π
morning All, It has been so great to read everyone’s posts…I have been away with family for a few days and had a few slip ups but like others on the forum, it has not been demotivating…on the contrary, it just makes me more determined.
Fast day today, going to make some soups to freeze for future use and read more of the 5:2 books. It is raining gently, and so lovely…I do absolutely LOVE the English weather! Three more days before we vote, possibly changing the course of history. It is going to be very interesting!
Hi everyone,
Lovely to come back to find so many posts! Well done to all those who are continuing this WOL, your losses, you climbing back onto the 5:2 horse, and your attitudes. Great to see a community like this.
For a while now we’ve had some emotional rollercoasters ruling our lives, or hanging over us making our usual daily lives quite different, and wearing. My last FD, last Thursday, started out as usual, but late in the afternoon one of those emotional rollercoasters came to an end! So…. We celebrated instead of finishing our FD. Didn’t count cals, probably not over TDEE, and it was important for us to have that celebration, so we did! FD today and also my weekly weigh in and graph day. Down just 200gms for the last week,nor the equivalent of a glass of water. FD today, cals at 350, and my target is 375 i.e. 1/4 of my TDEE. Nearly
One of the fantastic things about 5:2 is being able to eat in a normal wayfor 5:2 days a week, and we get to decide what is normal for us. It will be interesting, over the years, to see how the psychology and emotions of people on 5:2 changes over time. There are so many people who say they see this as a way of life now, me included. It is very freeing to know that if you have something either junk foodish or celebration foods, you can adjust what happens around it, and continue on.
Onwards and Downwards,
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16 Jun 16