42 day challenge beginning 1 May

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42 day challenge beginning 1 May

This topic contains 2,339 replies, has 109 voices, and was last updated by  back2thefuture 3 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,151 through 2,200 (of 2,344 total)

  • Total loss during challenge 17 lbs πŸ˜€

    Thanks for those that have continued to post, i am doing a fd and felt my resolve waver so i checked in and now i feel back on track πŸ˜€ Thank you also for my medal Coda and i will update my profile before the next challenge starts. I shant be checking in too much over the next few weeks as i want to see that i can manage on my own, after all this is not just a diet but a new way of eating/living/thinking. I will definitely check in at some point, probably fd’s to give me that umpfh!!! Good luck and best wishes all xxx


    Until the new challenge begins and a new link is set up I will be posting here from time to time and would hope the other 35 who started and completed the challenge will drop in from time to time also. I think we will all want to know how everyone is getting on.

    Still missing a few results?

    Lovely to check in and see that people are continuing to post!
    Hiatus day 3 (that’s brilliant HappyMargo thank you!).
    I fasted yesterday and it went well, I’m finding now that I sleep so well after a fast day, it feels like a real treat. Fasting again tomorrow, which is a night shift. I know I can do it because I have done it before. Hope everyone is forging onwards and downwards

    Day 3 of 19: Non-Fast Day UK: Hello all you still here. I got a soaking at work today, but now the weather looks a bit brighter, I’m just off out for my evening “route-march”.

    Big booty, of course you are right! I knew that we breathed it out, but peeing it out also makes sense!

    I knew nothing of the law of conservation of energy.

    Thank you for the information.

    I am trying to promote this 5:2 idea, and this challenge to other women that I know.

    Just checking in to see how people are doing and it seems I have inadvertently stirred up a hornets nest.
    Many thanks Merryme for your post, couldn’t have said it better myself (and I didn’t even have to type a word!) Thanks also to DebbieQ, Bigbooty,EJG for your back up.
    I can only add that I chose to eliminate carbs from my diet as I had been diagnosed with Leaky Gut Syndrome a year ago, after many months of just not being well and not knowing the problem. I was advised to eliminate all wheat from my diet, but after reading a book a book called ‘Eat Dirt’ by Dr Josh Axe, dedicated to Leaky Gut Syndrome, I realised that pretty much all simple carbs were affecting me negatively. Since eliminating them from my diet I have slowly but consistently lost weight, and felt much better. It is scary to read about the actual production of our food in the world today, and what is done to the processing of it before it reaches the supermarket shelves. I don’t want any part of it. There are lots of alternatives, and I have never felt deprived since changing the way I eat.
    This is my choice.
    Another thing I must point out is the amount of food people put on a plate, that they consider ‘normal’. When Dr M suggest that for 5 days a week you eat ‘normally’ – you really should check the amount of calories you are eating. It is so easy, even with what it considered healthy food, just how the calories mount up. My OH eats porridge with banana and yogurt every morning. When we started out we discovered he was eating almost his whole daily allowance at one breakfast. He had been eating this amount for years and this was a ‘normal’ serving for him. He now eats 30grms porridge etc, and this is now his ‘normal’. About 1/4 of what he had been eating!
    We were out for lunch one day at a newly opened chain restaurant. I decided to have the roast chicken dinner. (I asked for a small portion) this is what I got –
    1/2 chicken
    8 roast potatoes
    Big dollop of mashed potatoes
    6 boiled potatoes,
    spoon carrots,
    two pieces of broccoli
    big portion of cauliflower cheese.

    This was considered a SMALL portion in this restaurant.
    There was enough to feed a family of four!
    What chance have we got when this sort of thing is happening all over the world.

    You really have to make an effort to cut out and cut down on various foods. All you need to do is log on to MyFitnessPal app. This will tell you the basics of the calories in the foods we eat. If you are trying to keep within your TDEE, then start to eliminate the high calorie foods (CARBS) and fill up on the healthy low calorie foods. (VEGETABLES, SALADS etc) You will get all the carbs you need from fresh fruit and vegetables, along with loads of vitamins, minerals and fibre too. Your body will thank you for it.

    The only other thing I will add AuroraMagic is to try and put your scepticism to one side and just do the regime as Dr M suggests you do it. Keep it simple. When it starts working for you, then you can play around with it, and shape it to suit your needs and lifestyle. But if you do nothing else for yourself, at least give this WOL a try. Your body will thank you for it! TTL

    Third time lucky, when I go to a restaurant these days, I generally order a small plate appetizer and maybe a side vegetable. I just cannot eat that much.

    Day 3 of Hiatus, Minnesota

    Great posts by TTL, Bigbooty, Coda, ETJ, and an absolutely extraordinary explanation of this WOL, and the purpose of our challenge, by Merryme. Thanks to all of you for sharing your knowledge so patiently with people who are just starting this journey. I think you probably make the difference between success and failure for many who begin the 5:2 diet.

    Pacific NW USA: Day 3 FD, continuing onward!

    AuroraMagic – I think you had very legitimate questions! This forum has supported such a wide variety of health seekers, with so many various circumstances but the main thing is we are managing our goals with the solid foundation Dr Mosely has given us. I’m a 7 week newbie with 5:2 myself and the best thing I can say is this forum has given me what I needed to persevere. Perseverance and info to help me find my own balance. I hope you hang out with us and keep asking those questions – you can see you started a great discussion!

    Rocy65 – I’m going to have a birthday during this hiatus also!
    HappyMargo – thanks for a link to some great new recipes and also the tip on which spiralizer you use!
    BigBooty & ABC1 – HaHa, OMG, are you suggesting Coda’sCrew is contributing to global warming??!!

    Hiatus day 3. Cornwall UK.

    Thankyou Merryme very well explained and backup from ttl, Bigbooty and ETJ thanks!

    I like fd and nfd but am happy to go with what the majority decides!

    I am fortunate to be able to grow a lot of vegetables so can eat very fresh, organic produce; I have made the decision cut right back on carbs and as far as possible only eat low GI, which I’m still learning! Highly processed foods are no longer on my menu. I have taken time to read lots of books and online research about fasting and nutrition; this really helps when explaining to friends/family about the 5.2 and the health benefits ! This WOL has also helped
    my arthritis, I feel so well. Time will tell if there has been amy affect on my cholestrol, I’m going to give it another 2 months before I go for another test to give this wol a chance to have a real effect on my system.

    During this challenge it has been evident that many have long standing issues with food to overcome, whether through health, emotional or other cause. The support and care that has been shown to each other has been wondeful. A few words of care and encouragement really gives a lift and I feel blessed to be part of this.

    NFD for me today,

    Big hugs all!! Onwards and downwards.

    back2thefuture wow whens yours? I’ll be 68 on the 25th.

    I just feel sad without my 5:2 pals! πŸ™‚ During the challenge, I told all of you that fasting was very painful for me, and I became discouraged when I read others were having an easy time of it (sorry I am so selfish). I am totally shocked to realize that I am over the hump. I feel hunger when I fast now, but it is very manageable, and occupies much less brain space. What an interesting phenomenon. Another lesson in Perseverance.

    I’ll be stopping back to read new posts, and to check in now and then. Enjoy your hiatus.

    Thank you all for all the valuable information that is all really interesting. πŸ™‚
    Merryme – I have bought the book on my phone, and hope to finish it… just been pretty busy.
    I certainly hope to eat as little as I can on the FD as I need to loose a whole chunk of cakes & chocolate off the hips etc! πŸ˜€ Yes I too have been thinking of soup. Going to do a FD/LowCal day tomorrow. πŸ™‚ I have days that I ‘naturally’, don’t eat much so I ‘m hoping that by having it more organised I can loose weight. πŸ™‚
    It was the TV show where I saw the first 5:2 info.
    I thin kit may work as perhaps we naturally ate less and more on different days over 100’s of years.

    I’m also assuming that as I loose, by redoing the Tracker it will then give me a lower TDEE ? (than a higher one)? How likely is it that it’s higher. I read somewhere that it is important to eat enough to ensure the weight loss?

    Your point 3 of 3 – another reason why I’m photographing all that I eat! (At least for the first 8 weeks or so!)

    oooch I’m so sorry to hear of your situation. That must have been a nightmare to find out all of that. But it sounds like after much research and a ton of effort you have got a great plan sorted out! πŸ™‚
    I do recall a program that showed whats in food and they were talking about gluten free and it’s replaces the gluten with ‘err something’ that was high in calories… so defeating some of people’s hopes… πŸ™

    I have no judgement to other people’s decisions, I’m trying to fully understand what I am doing to try to get the best out of it. I fully expect that in a year’s time all those 365 days of experience to chat about I’ll be as knowledgeable as many of the wonderful ppl here are already! πŸ˜€
    Yes I am aware that it was a challenge for a group for 42 days.:) So pleased to hear that people have done so very well doing this. Was wondering about starting my own… πŸ™‚

    Hi DebbieQ Thanks for the information that is helpful. I have started (Monday) and just seeking as much info as I can to try and be as successful as possible! πŸ™‚
    I like science and hence why so attracted to DrMM’s programs. Yes I’ve got the book and am slowly reading it inbetween everything else!

    Hi bigbooty, yeah I watched the video where Jason spoke of the food triangle was made for commercial profit! πŸ™‚
    I’m a terrible emotional eater (love sweet things), as said previously so this in itself is going to be a challenge. Most of my foodstuffs have been sensible… but not enough and the comfort eating has been bad after many years of bereavements and difficulties. So I have total empathy with others and their own specific situations.
    My query was if it’s on a 5:2 forum was the challenge a 5:2 success … and then ought it be called a 5:2 success if some had done other ‘plans’ but then I can see it’s nothing ‘official’ as such… so that and all the further info is very helpful. πŸ™‚

    ETJ Yes the 42 day challenge I was trying to gain more knowledge. I started reading the thread from the start but after several pages I realised with other things that I had to complete I wasn’t going to get through it all (sadly really). So I flicked through the pages and read the last few. I’m not in any way being critical of this challenge, far from it. I think it’s brilliant what people have been so very committed to and all the wonderful support that they have had and I have already experienced. πŸ™‚
    I love analysing things and I guess I’ve come across a bit too direct, so I do apologise if I have upset anyone, that is never ever my intention. I’m just trying to learn and grow so that I too can be successful at this given all my own specific needs.
    Yes I quite like LowCal Day (LoCalDay? πŸ™‚ ) or LoWDay (Loose Weight Day?) the other days are just Hold Days HD, but I’m not here to re-invent any wheels… I’m highly creative and love putting forward ideas and thoughts. πŸ™‚
    Such a great thing when ‘losing’ is such a positive and successful time! πŸ™‚
    I’m just so pleased that I have finally got to a place where I’m ready to tackle my weight issue! I’ve only rarely done ‘diets’ before but like many I’ll plateau and loose hope and in essence give up. I have hope that I might get past that plateau with 5:2 (or more etc). πŸ™‚
    Thank you and everyone for the full and very informative answers I very much appreciate it. πŸ˜€

    back2thefuture Thank you for the most kind compliment. I must say I hovered over the submit button for a while.
    I love knowing more but I can be a bit blunt and direct. I never mean to offend, but as I hoped people came forward and helped me appreciate all aspects of this last challenge. πŸ™‚ For that I’m most grateful.
    I really want to get down to 8.5 stone, from 11. For many many years I’ve felt this is a slipping dream, so I substitute up to 9 stone, but even then it’s seemed impossible, until my fella died. Then I barely ate for two months and reduced down to 9stone.
    But for a sensible eating plan I can’t starve for 2 months every now and again! But there was something in it.
    So when I heard of the 5:2 it started to sound sensible. That was many weeks ago but I wasn’t ready to start.

    However looking at the maths, take a year 365 days, and then 2days of every week = 104 days or 14.85 weeks…
    so if I can loose nearly 2 stone (28lbs) on my un=intentional neigh starving 2 months, then if over 14wks I have LowCal / FD days then it ought to show a loss of more than 2 stone over a year!
    Since the data shows IIRC it’s about 1lb (0.45kg) loss a month, that would total 3.71stone/51.94lb /23.56kg a year.
    But most crucially it seems like it ought to be sustainable (I hope, as I can’t speak from experience yet!) as many of you hear are saying and have already experienced. πŸ˜€

    FD yesterday and in fact ended up drinking only tea and water for 40+ hours because I was so busy at work I missed breakfast and lunch today. It amazes me that I was still not hungry and I must admit that the control made me feel empowered though I will watch as fasting for that length of time I am sure is counter-productive. I hope everyone is enjoying their week. Cheers all.

    Auroramagic – you’re fine, you just come at learning about things from a slightly different direction, and trying to get get your head around the science of too many things at the one time. Understanding the science of intermittant fasting in general and Dr Moseley’s 5:2 version of it is enough, without trying to understand the way people operate on the forum as well, as that lies in the realm of the social sciences which is very different to the physical sciences. I suspect that if you try to understand the science of everything all at once it will just stop you from getting started. We all know the internet is just about infinite, and the science contained on it is varously excellent, very good, good, not so good, not good, downright dreadful and,yes, totally fake at times. You can get lost in all of that and never get started; or you can just take a couple of pieces of information and get started.

    Yes, I can see you like to understand all the science first, and have it all planned out, but realistically, this probably won’t happen that way. Our bodies, with their ruling brains, are the most complex machine on the planet and no-one knows exactly how it all works. So to try to understand it all will stop you from getting started. You don’t need to work out if 5:2 works. There is absolutely no doubt. It works. It’s worked and has, and is, working many many thousands of times for several years. There is no doubt, now , that people lose weight, maintain their weight, and get healthier on 5:2. They lose, on average, 1/2 to 1 lb per week. They also seem to do it easier than any other way of losing weight.

    Trying to understand so many people’s different personal approaches to 5:2 may just be confusing the whole thing for you. They are trying to work out how 5:2 works in their lives and with their health in their bodies with their state of mind, and as bigbooty says, with their own psychological and emotional baggage in tow. Just give that a miss by seeing them as doing their thing, and you doing your thing.

    So… May I suggest

    1. that you start by only going through the science of 5:2. Understand that 1st. Finish reading the book. Read it a 2nd time if you want.

    2. There will be a new challenge on here starting from 1st July for 28 days.

    3. Decide if you want to start 5:2 on 1st July and do the time challenge of 28 days. Or, you may decide to start 5:2 before then. Don’t think of anything else while you make that decision. This is the emotional and psychological bit, not the science bit.

    4. Decide what 2 non consecutive days of the week will work best for you as your fast days(FDs). Again, no science involved. Just look at your life, what you do, and which days you think suit you more.

    5. Next, look at the food in your cupboard and fridge already. What do you not want there when you start. If you know certain things will put weight on you then you have 3 choices

    * eat them, especially if you can’t afford to throw food out
    * give them away
    * throw them out

    6. Get ready to start your own experiment , and the subject of the experiment is you.
    If you don’t have them, buy a kitchen scale to weigh your food. Put in your kitchen with an exercise book and pen, and a calculator. Or you could plan to use myfitnesspal, or another app to enter your food into to calculate your calories. There are many ways to find out the calories of food – books, websites. Find one you like that you think you can use easily.

    7. You say you are an emotional eater. That means that occasionally or very occasionally you will eat or drink something from stress. That’s OK. That is normal. You don’t have to solve any or all of your emotional problems before starting 5:2. You also don’t have to be perfect or do 5:2 perfectly. 5:2 is very forgiving.

    Here is something very important to remember in whatever way works for you:

    “If you fall off the horse(5:2) just get back on the horse(5:2) the next day. ”

    8. You are in control of your 5:2 experiment. Keep the record keeping up each day for the 28 days of the next challenge. If you want to add emotional and psychological observations in there, add them on the day thay happened.

    9. Decide if you are going to weigh yourself daily, weekly or at the beginning and end of the challenge.
    Record the weight and you maybchoose to set up a graph.

    10. Goals. Choose a final goal weight e.g. You have mentioned 9 stone. Is that your final goal?
    Next choose mini-goals along the way. Eg your 1st mini-goal might be to lose 7lbs. Choose a non- food reward for your next mini-goal.

    11. Decide if you want to start your own thread on the forum which can be your personal blog of your journey, if you wish. If being on threads with lots of people doing lots of different things is too diverting, then This might be useful in the 1st month or 2, while you’re finding out how you adapt to 5:2.

    You can do this Auroramagic, and you will get back to your healthy weight, except this time you’ll do it a healthy way. Also know that everyone, absolutely everyone, goes through terrible things in life at different times. You’ve been through some of yours and 5:2 is something you can do to be in control of your health.

    Good luck,

    Auroramagic – don’t put dates on your final goal and mini goals. Just decide the weight goals.

    Hi Merryme – thanks. I have already started and the former 10 days ate the most naughty tempting food. I still have rice pudding in the cupboard for emergencies though! πŸ™‚
    I like facts for sure and I will read the FD ‘book’ on my phone… scanned it so far.
    I like your contribution of mini goals… I know weighing daily is demoralising … so think it’d be fortnightly or weekly.
    I’d only just reached 11 stone (later in the day) and a quick check on the scales showed 10.12 but it’s a guide. I have usually always weighed after initial bathroom use and before dressing so it’s ‘consistent’… so I’ll take the 10.12 as a start figure although 11 is in the Tracker now.
    Today is my LowCalDay although I wonder if looking at food as HIT training might not be a good idea…. so GE ‘General Exercise’ for 5 days and 2 days of IR ‘Intensive stomach Relaxing’ with little to do? πŸ˜€
    or Body Relaxing days? Since not wise to be active on these days?
    Or Body Break Days ?
    I do like to look positively on things. πŸ™‚

    I’ve been thinking about getting an App for calories just to double check what I’m eating… is within tolerances.

    And I know I’ll need support so will happily do the challenge from 1st July.
    I’ve a wedding to go to (Brother) on 30th July so I really hope to be as slim as I can be for then.:)

    Sadly as I’ve got older I need less food. If I can convert my baking to savoury then maybe that’s a really good way forward.
    But cooking for 1 isn’t fun, and neigh seems like a total waste of time, so meat or fish in the little Halogen oven and veg into microwave (mwav) and sometime later it’s all done. πŸ™‚
    Found recently that I can put in a potato so that means I can now cook a third of a tattie (potato)if I ‘need’ it in with the vegs (usu frozen as easiest). πŸ™‚

    err potato into the microwave to cook …
    so they ‘steam’ cook in my little tub with a sieve, which works brilliantly. I’ve been steaming veg for a long time (likely from a previous show or article), but a recent TV Show Unwrapped Food, scientifically proved it! πŸ™‚

    Broke my 41-hour fast with fresh Vientamese rolls (rice sheet wrap, smoked salmon, avocado, lettuce and a little vermicelli) with some spicy soy sauce. I thought that was all fresh and unalderated apart from the really few carbs in the roll wrap and vermicelli but I got such a horrible sugar rush after eating it I wonder if there was even sugar in the soy sauce. I won’t do that again.

    Now signed up to myfitnesspal on your recommendation … looks good. πŸ™‚ TY.

    Hannah, the sauce with these rolls is usually hoisin sauce, which is yummy, but has quite a bit of sugar in it. The rice sheet and rice vermicelli are just as likely to gve you a spike.

    Can you omit the sauce ? πŸ™‚ Sounds yummy.

    AM – good on you for getting going!

    You’ve sorted out how you’ll weigh in a process that works for you. FYI- most people weigh 1st thing in morning after going to the loo, and naked, and , as you say, keeps it consistent. (It also gives rise to the saying “doing the naked happy dance” when someone sees a new lower number on the scales.)

    You can call you Fast Days (FDs) and nonFastDays ( non FDs) whatever you want, and whatever works well for you.. You could also call your FDs Cell Repair days.

    Re food. Perhaps you could make up something for your FDs, divide it into portions and freeze them. FD soup of some sort is a popular choice of frozen FD meal..

    Sounds like you’re going well,
    Onwards and Downwards,

    Good morning All…I was about to take the dogs out for a walk and decided to check in here first and glad I did. Merryme, the advice you give is so well ordered and systematic as well as useful, I looked up your profile to see if you were perhaps a professional life coach or similar, but there is nothing there. I think all of us on the Coda Coach appreciate what you have to say, and I have certainly noted down a few pointers! Please tell us a bit about yourself! (Only if you want to though)
    I had a bit of an off day yesterday, but entirely through my own choices. Today will not be the same. This is what I appreciate most about this way of life…I feel in control of my own progress. You are right, Merryme, it is a very forgiving way and so beautifully adaptable to each person. Each day starts with a purpose, and it is not always only the food..there are other things happening as well. I have started drawing again, which I haven’t done for nearly two years now, and it is the one real love I have. I too will keep checking in every couple of days until we start our new challenge. Have a great day wherever we all are

    Wow, Merryme, DebbieQ, bigbooty, EJT and TTL & many others…

    This is why I love this challenge group. The time you all take to give thoughtful, supportive & honest answers is amazing.

    When my resolve waivers, I can return to this thread to read or re-read the helpful input. And then I feel buoyed up & convinced that “I can do this! As a way of living/ eating, this plan is flexible & successful.”

    Many thanks!!!

    Hi NorrieπŸ™‚
    I’m happy to be able to help. I’m glad you found some helpful things for you in there too.

    Um…. why I don’t put in a profile. We have had a challenge in my family with some identity theft, and I do prefer to remain somewhat anonymous, although obviously, not totally. So……It’s enough to say I am a retired specialist teacher. Over the years it’s been brought to my attention by others, and testing, that I have a capacity to step back and see a global overview of things and how the different facets interact, and conversely, the other end of the spectrum, how to find a way through things in small ordered sequential steps. As a teacher that basically meant I was good at being able to diagnose what was happening in learning in individuals, and how to get them learning. I’ve not had the stock standard route through life, and it’s meant I’ve been through some very steep learning curves that these 2 capacties have helped me and my family navigate successfully. I’m grateful for the help others have given me, and I’m happy to help others in their journey.

    Happy Margo, happy to be of assistance or future assistence to you as wellπŸ™‚

    Day 4 of 19: Fast day, Gloucestershire, UK: Hello everyone. Good to see lots of you still chatting away on this thread.
    Me? Just had a long, hard day delivering the mail. Wednesdays are always a challenge. I am coming up to the end of my 24 hour water-only fast day. Sometime in the next hour or so I will have my small fast-day meal of 2 boiled eggs and two slices of toast, and maybe also a piece of cheese, if still hungry. I am so predictable….sticking to the same old routine, which seems to work for me, eh? Tomorrow is a normal eating day and also my day off work. Hooray!!


    Merryme- can’t even begin to imagine the impact of identity theft. It must be so scaring! I’ve seen some documentaries and I’m sure it’s a terrifying experience. Hope you are all doing okay now!
    Edzeko- I’m so glad that your FD’s are not so painful anymore! Hang in there – It really does get better all the time!
    I’ve not changed my meals or FD’s. Tomorrow FD again and still hovering at 70kg.
    I’ve set myself goals of 5kg at a time. So next goal is 65kg. Then I weigh about the same as my twin. When I drop to the 60’s I know she’ll come on board and start 5:2 too.

    Today I cleaned my kitchen. Love cleaning the house and getting rid of unwanted/unused items and using The Marie Kondo method. Works just great for me. When I opened the kitchen cupboards I’d see spices and herbs in all kinds of containers, jars or bottles. Now I have them all in test tubes with a cork. Neat transparant label attached. All in one box and I’m loving the result. It’s amazing how much space you can save!! Looks kind of like this:
    http://www.pannen.nl/kookblog/maak-je-eigen-reageerbuizen-kruidenrek/ …or…

    I had written and posted this earlier but somehow it doesn’t show up so wrote it again. Sorry if it comes up as a double post!

    Hope you all have a great day FD or NFD and…lose it!!


    Ciren2- well done and if it works: stick to it!! Enjoy your day off tomorrow!

    Pacific NW USA: Interim Day 4, NFD

    36 hour FD yesterday. I’m still surprised about how staying busy and drinking tea gets me through a water only FD. I had my annual physical yesterday and my weight loss was confirmed by my doctor’s scale. I’ve been slightly wary about the accuracy of my home scale so I guess I better start trusting that 5:2 is actually working!!

    I also re-watched the original Eat, Fast and Live Longer BBC documentary with Dr M yesterday. I was reminded about all the health benefits of fasting and that weight stabilization is just one of the positive side effects. That weight issues bring so many people to 5:2 (myself included) is sort of obvious. But what about people like my OH who definitely doesn’t have weight issues but probably does have body “chemistry” issues like Dr M had at the beginning? I guess we can ask our doctors to do a blood analysis but I for one would never have known the significance of the less well known precursors to age related diseases, cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc. I take comfort that I don’t have to know every detail as long as fasting covers most of the bases for better healthy outcomes!

    I’m just finding out that several family events will coalesce during our July challenge and take me away from the security of home for most of the month. “Fear” was my initial reaction. Will being away from home “ruin” my chances to stay on track? I guess I’ll find out but it will be a true challenge. I’ll be with my adult children and grandchildren who have healthy lifestyles but “3 squares” a day is the norm. My fasting will definitely be a contrast as eating will be central to many evens. It’s a month away so another lesson I’m trying to live by is to not live in the future, stay in the moment. I’m glad I have this interim group to help me stay in this moment!

    A few comments:
    Wow, Dutch, your spice cupboard must look like an art installation!
    HannahWatto – regarding your 40+ hour fast, I don’t know if it would be counter productive, in Dr M’s BBC doc he fasted for 86 hours and had tremendous blood test results, so occasionally maybe a good thing??!! He got the same results with intermittent fasting alternated with healthy eating days and therefore the 5:2.
    Rocy65 – my b’d is the 26th!
    Edzeko – glad for your perseverance and many of your 5:2 friends are still here!
    To all our wise mentors on this forum – thank you for your continued guidance!

    I am back on the track, sorry for being absent yesterday because I was little bit ill as I got depressed because I am not losing any weight,I should start again and try to find out what is making me not losing the weight at all
    have a great day all

    Thanks Merryme and B2tF for your input. Today is another FD so I’ll see how that works after such a long one. Crush keep at it. I’m sorry you are so upset at not losing weight. Are you weighing your meals and sticking to your TDEE on non fast days? Have you talked to your Doctor? Be kind to yourself.

    Wow just sat and read the posts i missed over the last couple of days how informative.I was starting to lag a bit and getting a bit confused myself. I will just stick to 5.2 as written in the book that’s what works for me. Thanks for info.

    Merryme – very eloquently put. Aurora magic – hope you found Merrys post helpful. At the end of the day just keep it simple and start with Dr Ms book. Also, I would suggest to everyone struggling to buy the 5:2 cookbook by Mimi Spencer. Her recipes are easy, uncomplicated and calories counted for you. It helps to get a grip of portion sizes, also the amount of calories being consumed.
    I’m delighted to have dropped the last of my holiday weight, and looking forward to staying at 9 stone or there abouts from now on.
    Keep these great posts coming – it’s all great support for each other. Night night. TTL

    Dutch– Love the spice test tube idea. Looks so organized & clever!

    Were you able to follow Marie Kondo’s Method? It sounds so effective & exhilarating if you can stick to it. Left only with items that “spark joy!”

    I’m afraid I need to approach cleaning out my home (with my eye on a more minimalist goal) with baby steps. I’ve made errors in the past where I’ve chucked out too much, too fast & regretted it. Still absolutely love her book & KonMari Method, but I’m going at my own pace this time!

    Can’t wait to reach my weight loss goal & go all KonMari on my wardrobe!!! Just like K-Lo did with her too large clothes. That will be a fun reward!

    dear HannahWatto, I made an appointment with my doctor because also recently I am feeling very sleepy with low energy so I was thinking of might be a thyroid problem because i am sticking to the program but not losing weight
    other option is that the quality of the food i am eating,I should re review it as it might be very high in calorie although little in quantity
    but i am not giving up,I will re start again and change everything
    thank you hannah and thank you everyone in this nice forum


    Crush- good for you to not give up! You’re bound to find out what’s going on and start losing weight soon.
    TTL- I totally agree with you on Mimi’s book. There’s some fab recipes I have made and some I still need to make.
    HappyMargo- yes, the method is working for me but like you, one step at a time. I started with folding my clothes like she does and getting rid of the ones that no longer are needed or wanted. The drawers are always tidy and that ‘sparks joy’. That keeps me going – all at my own pace and definitely not every day because psychologically and emotionally there’s a lot going on.
    It also makes cleaning so much easier.
    Today is a FD. Hoping tomorrow I’ll get under 70kgs.
    Have a great day everybody

    H Day 4. UK
    Crush Very sensible to get a health check, hope it’s all ok. All very best of luck!

    Yesterday I went through all my drawers, wardrobes and those boxes that lurk full of clothes not worn for years! Feels so good to have tidy drawers so I can find everything! So a lot of bin bags ready to go to the charity asap so I don’t open any up!!

    I am determined not to buy amy more clothes until I’m at my goal!

    The wonderful thing is that I am in control of what goes into my mouth, food does not rule my day! The 5.2 book combined with this challenge thread has been a real life changer! Thankyou coda.

    So today is fast day, I’ll keep busy and plan my evening meal to enjoy later. I have found Fennel tea is a great apetite suppressant and Nettle tea is a very cleansing, and enjoyable!

    All very best of luck to you all.

    Dutch – Good luck tomorrow. It is always so exciting to get under one of those round figure numbers! I hope you hit it tomorrow. I can’t wait to see 60 something on the scale!

    Happy Margo – I did our play room yesterday. All the toys got thrown out of their tubs/toy boxes into the middle of the floor. The boys and I went around the house and found any toys or anything that wasn’t where it should be and toys were all heaped in the pile and anything else was put into washing baskets. I started at about 9am yesterday and finished last night at about 7pm! Non stop! We have a 40 square home, so it did take awhile. I filled about 6 garbage bags of toys/broken toys. Another 2 of shoes that don’t fit anyone. I also did the boys closets. Then I tackled the toy pile. The boys are lego addicts so that had one basket which was filled and then thrown in their lego cupboard and actual toys kept I put in a basket and when that filled up I put them in their smaller baskets, over and over, lol. It was a massive day, but it is nice to know that for a short period of time, things are where they should be, lol! πŸ™‚

    Crush – :hugs: My Mum has been on a 5:2 plateau for about 2 years! She lost the first 16kg in about 6 months and hasn’t budged since.

    It is an eating day today πŸ™‚ We went and watched the Warcraft movie this morning and then I was busy pulling down a fence this afternoon.

    Take care everyone,

    Hi everyone, UK Day 4, and I just wanted to chime in and add my appreciation of your posts Merry, so helpful not just for newbies but for those of us who have been here a while. I’m feeling a bit structureless after the end of our 42 day challenge and it’s wonderful to check in and see such an inspiring summary of this WOL.
    I survived my night shift FD, in fact it went really well. It’s empowering for me to know that I can fast on a night shift because I generally have one a fortnight so I did need to find a way to work with it.
    It’s great to hear about the clearing out and decluttering going on as well. We live in a house which used to belong to my parents. When they moved out my father was in poor health, so quite a lot of their stuff was left here “temporarily”. Needless to say we still have a cellar full 14 years later. I will get around to sorting it all it one day, but I must confess I love to see my dad’s old winemaking kit and his tools still there because he is no longer with us.
    Onwards and downwards everyone xx

    Day 5 of 19: UK Cotswolds; non-fast day. It IS day 5, right? The 42 day challenge finished Saturday 11th, so now it’s Thursday 16th?
    It will be straightforward once we start the new challenge on the 1st.
    I am so happy to report going down under the next stone, YIPPEE! My goal is getting in sight now….

    Wow, having cleared out the rubbish from our bodies, we are now clearing rubbish from our homes. Great work everyone. They do say that a cluttered home means a cluttered mind. I enjoyed being able to unload about half my wardrobe a) that didn’t fit, b)that were out of date I’d had them so long and c) wondered why I ever bought them in the first place.
    It is really empowering. When I did my other ‘diet regimes’, I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of the larger sizes, “in case I needed them again”!
    With this way of life, I have felt confident enough to let the larger sizes go as I have reduced in size, and never gave a thought that I might need them again. It’s strange how this way of eating affects the rest of your life, and gives you the confidence to do things you would never have done before.
    I now have a core wardrobe of clothes that I wear a lot, plus some of my size 12 clothes I have had a long time, but a) are too expensive to give away, b) I like them, and c) they are more dressy clothes for special occasions. My clothing has become more streamlined and when I do buy new things now, I make sure that they compliment what I have and that I enjoy wearing them, including tight fitting clothes that I would never have bought before, and sexy high heels that make me feel 6 foot tall. (that’s a laugh at just 5ft 1in)
    My OH constantly tells me how good I look, and it really gives me a boost. Plus meeting up with friends I haven’t seen for a while, they are full of compliments. Anyway, enough of my ego boosting post, really just wanted to say how proud I am of all of you to be moving forward so confidently and positively with your lives. Well done all. Just keep doing it!!!
    Off now to Pilates class in my skin tight leggings and skinny tank top. Haha TTL

    Finishing up my 2nd FD for the week. Have only had black tea and coffee today. I really should drink more fresh water also. I am so jealous of you who can throw away your larger-sized clothes already. Well done!

    Hi all day 5 – 14 days to next challenge. Are you all limbering up? I have my calendar printed off but not put in my fast days yet.

    Hannahwatto you will get there and will be bining those big clothes. Just keep picturing the scene.

    Crush while it is an excellent idea to get everything checked by your Dr I think you are being too hard on yourself. You joined our challenge late with most of us having completed 2 weeks already. So in 4 weeks you lost 3 lbs while I lost 5 lbs in 6 weeks!! Who is to say had you started at the begining you would not have lost 7lbs. Would you have been pleased with that? While you may have wished for more use this time to get accustomed to the plan. Learn as much as possible, listen to the good advice provided by others who have been there done it. Think of this as a long term plan not one that you will stop when you have lost the weight. Patience my friend. Learn to embrace the bumps in the road and enjoy the moments when you can free wheel. x

    Good morning from overcast NYC. I am continuing to collect stuff for our block tag sale this Saturday. Books, DVDs, large clothes in good shape. It’s so easy finding clothes in my closet again! I still have some pottery in my basement to look through tonight. Collecting single bills and quarters. Pulling out my folding table and getting a clothes rack tomorrow. FOr next challenge, we might also report on a daily item purge!

    Fasting today, and am VERY HUNGRY. THis too shall pass. Unfortunately, I also have a headache (from my hinky neck, not my fast), so we’ll see if I last. Maybe I’ll get some tea.

    Ciren yes day 5, sorry if I confused things earlier! Well done on passing a stone threshold x

    New Challenge? Good! I’m excited for it.

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