42 day challenge beginning 1 May

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42 day challenge beginning 1 May

This topic contains 2,339 replies, has 109 voices, and was last updated by  back2thefuture 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • US Phoenix, AZ May 7, 2016 10:15pm End of Day 7–Great week! Both fast days went well and lost 2.6 pounds this week! I’ll take it, especially after a 3-1/2 week plateau. Must run. Heading out for Mother’s Day road trip early in the morning. Monday will be my next FD. Hope to catch up reading posts next week. You all spark great motivation for me. Keep on keepin’ on, everyone!

    Checking in from Los Angeles at the end of Day 7. It was a NFD, didn’t count calories exactly but I’m sure I was a bit under my TDEE. Tomorrow is my first Mother’s Day in 22 years without a child in our house — both of mine are now away at college. Will be a bit sad I’m sure, but I will get by. i will try to mind my calories tomorrow and look forward to my next FD on Monday. Keep it up, partners!

    UK day 8. Start of a FD, also just weighed in. Pointless! Didn’t lose a thing! Feel slimmer, but haven’t lost any inches, either. Going to be interesting trying to stick to a FD with just 1 hour of sleep. All-nighter went well – found it easy to resist the biscuit tin, and only ate 2 apples. maybe there’ll be some benefit when I do my second FD later in the week?

    Switzerland – Day 8

    Another lovely morning, although I drank my morning coffee while shooing sparrows off all the grass seed I put down yesterday…

    Tuesday’s my usual weigh-in day but this challenge has really got me fired up, so here goes:
    May 1 – 89.5kg
    May 8 – 88.9kg (0.6kg loss)
    I’m feeling slimmer, my pjs are looser round the middle (!), but my measurements are mixed, some up, some down. But I know I’m doing the right thing for myself and need to take a long term view.

    Minols, stick with it, even on one hour’s sleep – you’ll have a massive loss next week!!

    Good luck to everyone else weighing-in today!

    Australia Day 8 Mothers Day here and my first without either of my children, one interstate and the other in London. Had phone calls and finally opened the present that arrived on Thursday. Feeling pretty good. Lost 1 kg so far. I haven’t checked in for a few days and have enjoyed the huge range of posts and the obviously different approaches people are taking. I’m with Troyca, as I want this to be sustainable and punishing myself is not going to help, as history has shown me. My goals are a long term shift in my eating habits and feeling healthier. Definitely feel less bloated and the FDs haven’t been as tough as I expected. If my more casual approach doesn’t achieve results I will reassess at day 43 🙂

    Uk day 8. Happy mothers day to everyone celebrating it. My eldest is through today from edinburgh where shes just finished uni, having her home for a couple of days before shes off to glasgow to start a new chapter in her life…being a grown-up! (Even im still learning that one lol)
    Weight loss so far 4lb, going to measure myself today as i forgot all about that.
    Minols, agree with exhale, stick with it, you will get the loss, hang in there some people lose differently, im sure youll notice soon

    UK Day 8, busy weekend of chores and shopping. Weighed myself this morning and very pleased with a loss of 0.6kg or 1.3 lb, and 3cm from my waist. This is my third NFD in a row and I’m looking forward to getting back to fasting tomorrow. Im feeling a bit bloated and sluggish. This is probably how I felt all the time before I started this WOE I just wasnt aware of it. Having a drink of kefir for breakfast, which I find really helps my digestion.Planning 3 FDs this week, Monday Wednesday and Friday. Gardening today, planting out sweet peas. Happy Sunday everyone.

    UK Day 7 Looking forward to having a nice relaxing Sunday ,will have a rest day from HIT but aim to go for a nice walk this afternoon . Just got weighed and I’m really happy with a 3lb loss ,it’s really motivated me for next week ,I’m going to start reading through my various books and get next weeks meals planned, hoping this lovely weather stays makes eating salads so much more appealing .Thanks for the helpful tips from everyone , it all helps

    Hi uk day 8 happy mothers day to all who are celebrating x

    TTL did you mean day 7?

    DorothyG noted thanks

    Onahealthy how nice that you have a kind and thoughtful husband. Hope you and all the others in fact everyone enjoy their day.

    Well done everyone! some really pleased with results so far. A few didn’t get the results they hoped for. But keep to it – you signed up for 42 days stick to it and see what has happened at the end

    Plan plan and plan go for it!

    Thanks Exhale and Tattie…will get my 2 days in this week and ‘possess myself in patience’ until next Sunday!

    Day 8. Wisconsin, USA. Happy Mother’s Day! For Mother’s Day weekend, I am watching my son’s compete at a state wrestling tournament. Yesterday, my eldest son dislocated his elbow. I had to run him to the emergency room. It took 5 doctors and nurses in one small room to determine how to put the elbow right. They told me that because our son is such a strong, young man, his body was fighting their efforts to put the elbow right (probably what they tell every mom :)).

    Eventually, they sedated him, and did put the elbow back in place. Meanwhile, I became ill, which I didn’t see coming, causing a bit of distraction, which I regret. So to Meli, and all the other Moms out there, congratulations on being a mom. It is the best and worst job of our lives. Mostly, the best. And, all the hard parts do make us so much stronger.

    As for my eating, yesterday was GREAT. I stayed within my TDEE, and I made a breakthrough. I realized that, for me, saving my calories for the afternoon and evening works. I can eat little or nothing during the day, but struggle to eat just a bit in the evenings. I would rather sit down to a generous helping at dinner, and go to bed full.

    I will try this again today. Sorry for typos. In a hurry, as we are off to watch our other son finish the wrestling tournament.

    Colorado, USA
    Good morning to all you lovely Fasters! Such a wonderful, supportive international group! Just finished reading all 11 pages. I know I’ve missed the 1st week, but there are still 5 more weeks left in the challenge. If possible, I’d like to jump in & make the most of these next 5 weeks too!

    Short intro:
    I’ve been following Dr. Mosley for 2 months already, mostly doing 6:1 along with skipping most breakfasts for 16:8. Combining the intermittent fasting with LCHF (low carb high fat) eating.
    Have already lost 10 lbs (4.5 kg)
    Would like to punch it up a notch by doing 5:2 fasting on Mondays & Wednesdays, while continuing low carb healthy eating.

    Starting weight today = 147 lb (66.8 kg) or (10.5 stone)
    Goal weight = 136 lb (62 kg) or (9 stone, 10 lb)

    Not sure if I’ll reach my final goal at the end of this Challenge, but I’m sure I can make excellent progress with this fun group!! Cheers!
    – Happy Margo

    USA (MN) Day 8 – checking in …NFD today. Stayed below TDEE yesterday (YAY!) will save most of my TDEE (or less) for Mothers Day dinner tonight (and a glass of wine!) off to my power/strength class and then to plan for tomorrow (and the rest of the week). Have a great day all – stay strong!

    UK day 8

    NFD 3, FD 1

    Hi all on this lovely sunny afternoon in the uk. I have had another good day – staying below my TDEE. I managed to resist several temptations today (cakes ) by taking n emergency rations to snack on.

    Tomorrow will be my second FD and I’m hoping that it goes as well as the first one!

    Day 8 California USA. Good morning and Happy Mother’s Day! I may have gone over myTDEE yesterday, didn’t count calories, but did some snacking. I have plans to see my mom for an early lunch and will try to eat very light if at all. Then back into town for early dinner with my son and husband. I just agreed to go into work at 3 am, so I will be a 12 hour shift on a fasting day. Also I will have to get to bed early which will shorten my eating time today. That may be a good thing. I need to get back on track. I am Feeling much better since starting the 5:2 diet. I gave stopped taking Prilosec for my GERD. A 10 lb wt loss has improved my symptoms significantly. PPI meds are not good for you on a long term basis.

    Edzeko: I work in the ED. They were telling you the truth about your son. Fortunately there are great sedating drugs available. Hope he heals well.

    Wishing everyone a successful day!!

    UK Day8. Lots of chores being done today and have eaten well. Cinammon porridge with banana for breakfast, light side salad, a yoghurt and an apple lunchtime and early evening have just had a big chilli with courgetti followed by a couple of squares of luscious dark chocolate as a treat. Feeling stuffed and still within daily limit. Now off to tackle that pile of ironing. Good luck everyone for week two.

    Yes Coda, was meant to post day 7! Now day 8 from Scotland. Must be all that sunshine we are now getting here, not used to it!
    Very busy day at work, back home exhausted. Had dinner of chicken and mushrooms in a cream sauce with brown rice pasta. First time trying this pasta and can’t tell the difference from wheat pasta.
    Just 1/2 lb up from my weigh in on Friday, pleased with that. Fast day tomorrow, so hopefully can reduce a bit more.
    Off for a long soak in the bath. Hope you ladies have all had a good Mother’s Day . Don’t worry, your fast days will recover things that went awry. TTL

    Day 8 Gloucestershire. Hello everyone again. Tried to keep away from snacking, which is my weak point, especially on a day off work. Fast day tomorrow!

    Hi uk day 8 nfd for me.
    Welcome happymargo yes just jump in. If you would start your post USA (and the day on the challenge where we all are ie USA should be starting day 8)?

    Sticking to plan and the sun is shining!

    What I find about now I seem to get tired and grumpy. Not sure if these are withdrawal symptons really kicking in. The enthusiasm has waned a little and i am so tempted for a quick fix and before I know it I am back on the roundabout. Has any one else experienced this? I think the way forward is to stay hydrated – at least I hope it is as that is my plan to get through this 2nd week. You probably don’t want to hear it but week one was probably the easy one. Just like in any challenge you now have to find a rhythm to take you through to the finish. You will at times have to dig deep and grit your teeth. You have to believe in yourself.

    Together we can do it!

    TTL where did you source brown rice pasta?

    Day 8, Québec

    Nfd for me. Fd tomorrow. I will be back at my appartment so am optimist to succed like I did last week. I din’t get on the scale since friday morning … A bit worried !

    Thank you Coda for your posts I really appreciate what you do for us. This international group is very suportive.

    Happy mothers’ day to all the moms xxx

    Day 7 UK. NFD. I woke up starving this morning and needed breakfast! The first time since starting this challenge, I think it could be because I had wine last night, maybe?
    Anyway today I stayed under my TDEE. Ready for FD tomorrow wont be an easy one as we’re still away from home.

    Keep focused, keep a strong mindset every one, GOOD LUCK FOR the week ahead.

    opps that’s day 8 UK coda!!

    Hi Coda
    We have a very good little organic food shop in Dundee where I found the brown rice pasta, but I think you should get it from a good health food shop too. TTL

    Aussie day nine woke up early as oth wants to go fishing early only 4.55 AM here and it’s raining and I want my time to sit and catch up with you lovely people going to miss this when it’s finished.Glad today is a FD after all the cake and choc i consumed for Mothers Day watched a show last night that talked about Aussies getting fatter with 3 different diets one was Dr Moseley’s Blood Sugar Diet interesting, threw away the rest of choc’s Ha Ha I do have a love affair with choc. It’s hard to stay off that roundabout Coda thats how we got like this in the first place I know i have to make a decision about being overweight and getting diabetes or sticking to this and becoming healthy I have to make this a life long commitment not just 42 days tried a year ago lost 10 kilos pre diabetes disappeared blood pressure dropped then i lost my mojo for it and put it back on and along came you and this challenge I so thank you as I am sure we all do for that.

    I am finding the size of this forum a bit daunting. Ok day yesterday. Planned for dark chocolate treat today. Think u might need a smaller forum

    Aus Day 9, NFD. Troyca, you’re right. Normally I would have dropped out by now because of the size, but I’m enjoying the enthusiasm and determination expressed in this thread. Quite motivating. Today’s plan is to eat sparingly and healthily and to remain active – no couch surfing! Yesterday, was a bit of a disaster. I ate way too much and enjoyed my half bottle of wine. Not too worried though because I’m already mentally back on track and will fast two days this week.

    UK day 7 Northerndawn what a lovely message to log onto, wish you every success on this programme and i look forward to hearing all about it!

    Well done everyone for all your weight loss!!! And keep on going to those that have experienced a bump along the way…

    Troyca dont feel overwhelmed we’re all very nice and supportive 😀

    Plan to weigh Monday morning as i begin my next week, will check in tomorrow and let you know how i got on. I’m hopeful think i did ok! Non fd today, very hot and enjoyed relaxing with some nice food. Still well within TDE.

    Day 8– Colorado USA

    Troyca, this is a fast-moving active forum group for sure! But I enjoy feeding off the energy. Everyone’s enthusiasm is contagious!

    Fishing Gran, that’s interesting about the program saying people are gaining weight on Dr. Mosely’s Blood Sugar Diet. It’s basically 800 calories/ day eating Mediterranean style food. Many people are having success with it… sadly, I did not!

    I was making progress on 6:1 (combined with 16:8 and Low Carb) when I switched to BSD. It was a terrible struggle trying to hit just 800 calories every single day (especially difficult on the weekends for me.) Works well for others, but I decided to come back to 5:2.

    Today was NFD for me. Still 830 calories under TDEE, so plenty left for dinner.
    Thinking enough to spare for a glass of red wine too!

    From California, at the end of day #8, a NFD. Went well, plenty of food this day but under TDEE, as usual. I don’t have any problems with this intermittent fasting diet. The following week I’ll fast on Tuesday and Friday. I decided to alternate one week 5:2 and the following week 4:3.

    South Australia Day 9 Good morning to you all
    We are having very strange weather today in SA, it is trying to rain. Lots of grey clouds and wind this morning and even a few drops of water now and again.
    We had our Mother’s Day lunch yesterday and my daughter posted a series of photos of me on Facebook which was very sweet and also interesting because I could check the difference now I have lost 15 kilos on the 5:2.I couldn’t actually see much change but I have lost 4 inches off my waist so I know there has been a significant improvement.
    Anyway I enjoyed our family lunch and ate and drank what I felt like and now today is a fast day.
    I must admit there was a moment yesterday when I thought ‘I am getting tired of this’ but then I thought of the challenge and we have 5 weeks to go and I have a personal goal to lose of 1.5 kilos and that helped revitalize me.I do like a deadline to work towards.
    All the best to everyone and have a successful 5:2 day

    Troyca sorry you are feeling overwhelmed with all the posts. just post daily if you can, you are doing well so far. (assume as you are uk you are beginning day 9 tomorrow 9th May). If you want to read everyone’s post do so but you don’t have to. We have lots of members across the world doing this together – incredible when you think about it. I think it is amazing. People you don’t know but with a common aim. I usually go back to my last post and work my way to end, checking everyone in. Hope you stick with the challenge and not let the number of posts put you off. I always go oh my goodness we are on another page already!

    Australia Day 9 – I am so angry at myself. I ate like a pig all weekend. I knew I’d overdo it on Mother’s Day as the meals are all planned by the family and there would be champagne and cocktails etc, but I had sort of planned for that in storing up extra calories during the previous week. But I overate on Friday night and on Saturday so really blew it. The weekend are always really hard but I thought I had myself firmly entrenched in 5:2 and would stick to my TDEEs. But no … FD today to try and right some of the wrongs.

    US Day 8 – almost the end of Mothers day. Looking forward to pushing forward. Good luck with week 2 everyone!

    US Day 8 (end of). I also over indulged this past weekend but not by a terrible amount (I think). FD tomorrow and Thursday. If I slowed my progress down this week I think I will try an extra FD next week. I’ll weigh Tuesday after FD. I probably should weigh tomorrow, but I don’t think I want to know. 😉 Had a lovely Mother’s Day. I hope everyone else did, too. Good luck to all with the new week! Dawn

    USA 8 of 42
    FD did really well. Stayed busy!

    sorry Happymargo that was meant to read three people are trying out three different diets to lose weight one of them is on Dr Moseley’s blood sugar diet we await the outcome. thats what happens when I get up to early sorry for the confusion. I was thinking of giving it a go but i don’t think i could stick to 800 cals either.

    Would you believe it! My first FD for the week and we have a welcome lunch for a new colleague. Fortunately we will go to a Japanese cafe and so will be able to just have miso soup.

    Australia Day 9 – 33 days to go of challenge. Rainy and cold today and water fasting. A great combination for feeling very hungry, lol. We can do it!!

    Fasts: 5 Non fasts: 4

    Day 8 and MD in California. Not sure how I did today — was doing well and eating pretty sensibly at our multi-generation MD gathering until I decided to enjoy a piece of cake. Not too,large, but definitely cake with frosting! I’m not going to regret it. Tomorrow is a FD for me. Back on the wagon, and good luck to everyone this week.


    NL day 9
    Totally forgot to post yesterday! It seems I am developing the habit of nibbling on pretzels after dinner. If I stop doing that…..!! Today NFD

    Uk Day 9 fd
    Hannahwatto if someone else had posted they had over eaten, what would you have told them? So listen to your own advice – learn and move on. We are too hard on ourselves at time. Yes sometimes we need a good talking to but this is a learning process something we can live with. These things happen. What is important they don’t happen often or you don’t give up. x

    Thanks Coda. Don’t worry – I am definitely not giving up. Am doing a total fast day today and even drank water at lunch while everyone else tucked into stirfries. I’m just cross at myself but won’t let it derail me! This forum really helps too.

    Pacific NW USA: Day 8 NFD.
    I like to read your posts before I go bed so I sleep motivated for tomorrow. I usually start with my last post but I don’t think it loaded when I submitted earlier this evening because I can’t find what I wrote, oh well.

    Mini Egg frittata for breakfast and then we went out for Mother’s Day dinner and I had Tum Yum soup and stir fry. Tomorrow Is another NFD.

    UK day 8 so my second week ,having a mini reflect on my first week of this challenge And on the whole pretty happy how it went so my aim this week to copy all the good things I did and try to eliminate the bad but taking on board all your comments and I’m aware it’s important to be be positive but realistic and forgiving. FD today so aiming to keep busy and save the bulk of my allowance for a nice meal this evening nice Thai beef salad I think

    UK day 9 – FD today as I changed my mind yesterday. Didn’t go wild, but having been up all night, I needed some good food to keep me going.

    Must be working- underwear getting loose.

    Day 9– Colorado, USA

    Coda, thank you for starting this challenge. This thread is so full of such good ideas & supportive words. I’m really enjoying starting my day & wrapping up at night getting caught up with all the new posts. Rather encouraging!

    Today is a FD. Planning to keep all my calories for dinner. May have just a mug of bullion or miso for lunch if I’m feeling headachy (the combo of salt with all the extra fluids seems to help.)

    Question for my fellow 5:2’ers:

    Last night, I finished far under my TDEE. Only ate 2/3 of what was on my dinner plate… which is amazing because I was raised as an official member of “the clean plate club!” If food was served & sitting in front of me, then it was totally eaten!

    However now, I am finding that I seem to “fill up” faster & on smaller meals than before.
    For instance, restaurant meals look gigantic to me now. My husband & I can each start with a leafy salad and then share/ split one entree dinner together. And surprisingly, that’s now enough. Never thought I’d see that day!

    Does this happen to others too?

    USA Day 9:
    Good morning!
    I stayed under my TDEE yesterday but still had a piece of cake…which would have been fine if I hadn’t done it from a negative and compulsive place of feeling emotional and missing my mom. (sigh)
    So today is a FD and I still feel emotional and like eating. Just sipping on tea this morning and am going grocery shopping with the kiddies. Hopefully that’ll keep me busy. Sometimes grocery shopping can be tough on FD cause it all looks so tasty. I know I just need to have a plan for my 480 calories and stick to it. Was planning on doing a spirulina/chlorella drink 3x today (something I read about that’s cleansing and good for fasting). But when I woke up I just don’t know if I’m up for just liquid today. Perhaps just 2 drinks and then a bit of dinner with the family. So I don’t have a plan at the moment.
    Good luck everyone this week.

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