42 day challenge beginning 1 May

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42 day challenge beginning 1 May

This topic contains 2,339 replies, has 109 voices, and was last updated by  back2thefuture 3 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I am thinking of a 42 day challenge if anyone wants to join me – starting 1 May? Not sure of the plan so open to suggestions. So far my idea is you weigh at the beginning of the challenge – share if you wish, you must blog here each day – this shows commitment. Confirm – have you kept to a healthy eating plan, what exercise have you done (anything – a class, a walk round the block – something). What days you are doing for your fast days. If you wish to tell us what you had to eat on your fast days – feel free. If you eat something you deem to be ‘bad’ tell us why you ate it – you may see a pattern. The challenge will end in June – last day being 11 June. Weigh the next morning and report in. We will see how many join me and will see how many are in at the finish line. Any other ideas to keep us motivated, inspiring posts will be most welcome.

    Coda, I’m Brazilian 56 years and a lot of weight to lose and accept the 42-day challenge will be great!
    Write on google translate may have spelling errors.

    Hi,this is my first time to post but sounds like a fun challenge.I also have lots of wt to lose. Any tips or support would be very welcomed!I want to take the challenge!

    I’ll join this challenge, timely because I’m starting my goals today and will benefit from the mutual support. I”ve been cleared by my doctor and PT after a year dealing with the aftermath of what we thought at the time were minor injuries from an accident.

    Sounds great I’m starting a 41 day meditation challange at the same time they will go well together. Thanks for doing this community always does better. I am in need of a 50 lb drop

    I’ll join! I like extra support! I typically fast on Monday and Thursday.

    Hi Coda, and all you new to the challenge. I’ll join you if I may Coda, even though I am at my target weight. I feel I can offer some suggestions and encouragement to the ones just starting out. I feel it’s so important to get the message out there and will do my bit if I can.
    Here’s to a successful May, and am happy to leave April behind! Would you believe we are 3″ under snow here in Dundee! Winters here again! Roll on summer! TTL

    I’d love to join but we have a family reunion and so will be on vacation from 5/26 to 6/4. Maybe I’ll follow along as best I can. I’m brand new and so need some support and motivation.

    Hey there I would like to join the challenge

    let me know what I need to do and where to post daily

    here’s to losing lots ……….

    Darn! Would love to participate, however leave on June 7 for 10 day vacation out of country……maybe I will do same “follow along” ….best to all who particpate!! Sounds fun! Definitely motivating 🙂

    This sounds great!! I have booked a trip to Las Vegas in July, and am desperately seeking the motivation/plan to lose weight for not only the trip, but to get me started onto a healthy path! I made the commitment in January to exercise for a minimum of 30 min each day, and I have stuck with that, so I am looking for a plan to jumpstart my metabolism. Any tips are greatly appreciated!!

    I’m in..😊

    Hi, I’d love to join. I need to lose about 25 kilos, so will be at this for awhile 🙂 Bring on May!

    Great idea! Count me in.

    Hey… I’d love to join the challenge. I’ve never done one before. I just finished my 3rd week of 5:2. It hasn’t been so bad so I think I can do this.


    Hi Coda! Count me in too please. I’m very new to all this and am wanting to lose about 15-20 kgs. I,m 75kg now so just like you ETJ I’ll be here a while too.
    Oh…and is there anybody from the Netherlands joining in?

    Good morning everyone, great to see so many new people wanting to take up the challenge.
    I have been doing 5:2 since January 2015 and have reduced in weight by 2 stone 11 pounds since then. I am now at my target weight of 9 stone and size 12 clothes, down from size 18. Whilst there have been tough times, I have religiously kept to the recommendations in Dr M’s book, THE FAST DIET, doing Monday and Thursday every week. Missing out a few days when away on holiday. I can highly recommend you buy the book. It gives a lot of insight as to why we are overweight, as well as information about the positive effect this regime will have on your body.

    You may all wonder why I am joining you all when I have reached my target, but just wanted to share with you all how I got here, and what I am doing to stay here. Mainly still doing my two days fast a week, simply because I miss giving my body a rest from eating. I still enjoy meals, and occasionally am ‘naughty’ and eat something outrageous, but sticking to this new way of eating suits me, and am happy to continue with it. First thing to take on board is the commitment to this regime. It’s not hard, and sometimes you will get frustrated, but just stick with it and the weight will disappear. Good luck to you all – onwards and downwards!

    Hi All

    I am a newbie and would love to join the group to work through the next 42 day challenge. I am 50 years old wow seems old when you write it down in my heart about 25. I need to lose a lot of weight so it would be nice to take the first step with others. Does anyone know which are the best days to fast??

    Started January 1 and lost 15 lb so far. The process is slowing down somehow. I need the extra boost and motivation to lose 30 lb more. I am in!

    Hi Everyone – my what a response and TTL nice to have a familiar friend. Unbelievable weather!I am so glad you joined us as (as I have said before) you are an inspiration and you provide good advice and nice recipes!

    So far 16 people have signed up – I also need support so as TexasF has said a community does better. We are all here for a common purpose to lose weight and be healthier in the long term – without health we are very poor.

    This is our challenge and the rules can be adjusted accordingly – those who have holidays booked during the challenge just jump in when you can -this is real life at the end of the day. I too have a birthday in May and a weekend away at the end of the challenge so will have to weigh on 10 June – plan your eating in the run up before you go and get right back in there when you return. We all put off things – oh I’ll do it after I come back or I can’t do it now because I have a birthday, anniversary etc. Keep putting it off and you will never get there as there is always something round the corner. The great thing with this plan is you adjust to suit.

    I suggest we all take a photo of ourselves now before the challenge begins – this can be in underwear or whatever as only you will see it. Then when the challenge is over take another photograph as sometimes the scales do not reflect the changes in your body. Or take measurements before and after.

    On this site http://www.calendarpedia.co.uk/calendars/calendar-june-2016.html you can print off blank calendars – this is for UK but I am sure you can find one for your part of the country. Print of May and June and write in your fast days, exercise days and any special days. If the link doesn’t work – google blank calendar. Stick it up on the fridge and each day you have succeeded draw a little smiley face or get a sticker – you will soon see those little smiley faces and they in turn will encourage you to keep going. What will you award yourself when you complete the challenge?

    Of the 16 signed up 9 have not put in a profile – please tell us all a bit about yourself – where are you from, what are your goals etc. Have a look at each others profile – click on their name

    Please feel free to add an inspirational quote if you come across one – if it resonates with you – it may just be what someone else needs.

    Check in everyday and if you can’t, tell us why – commitment is key. I appreciate everyone is busy but 5 mins to check in here should be within everyone’s grasp. Saying that no one is going to beat you with a big stick but let’s be honest with ourselves. It is only 42 days – 6 weeks and no knows it may be the incentive you need to keep going.

    The hardest part of starting a challenge is actually starting it! Plan it and prepare for it and be ready.

    Are you ready for Sunday?

    Hi, I am in as well. Started 5:2 only some days ago, so, looking forward. Good luck to everyone!

    Oh 2 more have joined the challenge by the time I typed my (rather long – sorry) post. Welcome – do update your profile please? Well done for those you have already started, you are an inspiration to those just beginning this journey.

    Bouncy the best days are the ones that will suit you – me I do Mondays and Wednesdays but on occasions throw in an extra day maybe on Friday.

    Ha Ha you are joining thick and fast – another one for the challenge but Rita no profile 🙁

    Hi Coda

    Thanks for stepping up to do this! I stood on the scales yesterday and realised I have been fooling myself with my 2 fast days a week and then total mayhem the other 5!! I have regained about 7lbs since my lowest weight so would love the push to do something about it before we have to get our shorts out of the loft for the summer (if it ever comes!) I know I wont be able to start til Tuesday 3rd however as I have a houseful of guests over the BH weekend with lots of food and drink planned, and whilst I could kid myself and say I wont join in I know it would be pointless and demotivating right from the start. So I will spend some time over the weekend looking at my calendar from then til the end date and make a plan. Like you I tend to fast Mondays and Wednesdays and occasionally throw an extra one in, but my plan is to cut right back on booze except for listed and pre-planned days and give up Cheddars!!! (my downfall when I have a glass of wine)

    Hi Lifesabeach – nice to hear from another familiar friend. Hopefully some of our other little voices will join us. Feel free to start 3rd May maybe extend the challenge for an extra 2 days at the end?

    I too was finding it tough and was going backwards so hopefully with all these like minded people joining in – it will start me back on the road to a slimmer and healthier me!

    For those who don’t know little voices was a topic that I joined back in July last year, a group of like minded people – I always think of them as being the little voices everyone hears (your conscience)- though sometimes we turn them off and don’t listen to them but for this challenge you will listen to the little voices and take heed – they have your best interests at heart lol

    Great idea about calendar. May and June is printed out and ready to start receiving smiling faces.

    Dear Coda, just updated the profile. 🙂

    I’m in! Along with the challenge of losing 40 pounds or so, I’m a bit technologically challenged, so posting and printing calendars and all will
    be interesting. I’m so glad you started this, Coda, and looks like a lot of
    others are as well. Consistency and commitment are loaded words for me, so
    I’m excited to have this opportunity. Go, us!

    Hi Everyone
    I will also join the challenge. Looking forward to getting started. I’ve been on 5:2 for six months and my weight loss has really slowed down and I still have 7 kilos to go so this will help.

    I’m in! I have only 5 pounds to go, but this will keep me on track for the summer. Note to self: Take measurements on Sunday.


    @coda: I too have updated my profile. Thank you for the reminder!!
    @rita: we have pretty much the same goal (and height).
    I’m so looking forward to the challenge!! :-))

    I’m in too – thanks! My profile tells a bit about me. My favorite “inspiration” saying is “it’s a great life if you don’t weaken” – very fitting for my current determination to keep at this WOE over the long haul. I started 5:2 6 weeks ago and have dropped about 11-12 lbs; I want to lose about 50 more. I am using MFP to track calories daily. Good luck to everyone!

    Hi – big smiley face to those who have updated their profile – thank you Rita 🙂 It is so interesting to find out where in the world everyone is from. We are quite a varied bunch!

    K-lo welcome and while you have in the loosest possible sense have a profile, you don’t however give much away lol.

    Excellent Coldpizza – prepare to succeed.

    Go Starjet indeed – I like the enthusiasm – it is almost palpable.

    If you are finding it tough going at any point please before you throw in the towel post how you are feeling – sometimes just off loading can help. Remember we are all in the same boat with the same end goal.

    Coda…ooops, what is this profile thing of which you speak? What am I supposed to do?

    I totally agree with you Coda. Yesterday I had a fast day and it got a little tough in the late morning…. early afternoon. I went online and read through some of the posts. It really got me through that moment and I had no trouble the rest of the day.

    Welcome Micky42 – you mentioned something others may find useful – Myfittnesspal. You can download an app. Some people find fast days a breeze but struggle with their normal days. Do we all know that we have a TDEE calorie total? This should be the guide you use to stay within on non fast days. You can use the tracker on this site (see top of page – fast diet tracker). It is also useful as it has a graph and nice to see the weight going down. I also use mapmyrun on days when I do exercise – what methods do others use to help keep track?

    Starjet – you will learn lots here – including printing a planner and you have already posted a profile which is more than some so don’t be to hard on yourself lol.

    If you have a nice recipe – please share – TTL is our resident chef and is very good as well as inspiration to the rest of us as she is already at goal. If you want to see any recipes she has shared, I believe you can find links to her posts if you click on her name thirdtimelucky (TTL). If not I am sure she will copy and paste some for us.

    There are now 22 who have signed up – it will be interesting to see how many will post the first day?

    Well done DebbieQ for updating your profile 🙂

    K-lo you must have entered some details on your profile as you give your age, height and 12 pounds over – (oh to be 12 pounds over) lol. Just expand the details a little?

    oops mis-counted 23 of us!

    and off course me 24 lol

    I would love to join in the 42 day challenge as well.

    Count me in! Ready to start~

    I’d like to join and do this for the first time. Have lost 32lbs with will power but am getting complacent and have 7-9 lbs to lose to get where I want to be. I have thrown out all my fat clothes so can’t afford to lapse! Looking forward to trying this plan

    Coda, profile updated! Troyca, what fun that must have been — getting rid of your “fat clothes.”

    Profile completed! Ready to go!! My fasting days are Mondays and Thursdays.

    Oh yeh! Don’t want to go to that place again…the stupid thing is I know I can do it as I have been here before but never with external support. It has been the missing element. I am determined to chase away the beginning of a lapse. No one knows better than me how good it feels to reach your goals. Returning to the place you don’t want to be starts with the first 5 lbs.
    I have noticed for me that ,just like I used to think the difference between success and failure was a stone it is now 1 or 2 lbs. It’s all relative.
    All I can say to those of your with lots to lose it makes you feel really good about yourself so just buckle down and concentrate on yourself. You deserve to make a change for the better! Good luck

    Ok I’ll have a go. I just joined the site to do so. Wish me luck, I need it!!!

    Count me in the 42 Day Challenge. I am brand new to the 5:2 fast diet and these forums.

    I have been overweight my entire life and have tried every diet out there, having had the most success with Weight Watchers. I lost 100 pounds on Weight Watchers and have maintained that loss for the past 4 years. I still have about another 100 lbs. to lose. I come from a family of great cooks (me included) which is what I blame the excess weight on. After all, who can resist great food?! For the past 3 months, I have committed to cooking healthier and have eliminated all processed foods from my diet. This dietary change, along with incorporating 30 minutes of cardio 3-4 days a week has resulted in a 20 lb. loss over the past 3 months. I use the App MyFitnessPal to log everything. I seem to be at another plateau now and I look forward to implementing the 5:2 fast diet. I don’t anticipate any problem with fasting 2 days at 500 calories. My first fast day will be Tuesday, May 3, 2016. I have chosen my fast days to be Tuesdays and Fridays.
    Coda: Where do we go to check in daily??? Thanks! Looking forward to meeting all of you.

    Yes. Absolutely. Thank you for asking. I’m in. Just logged in for the first time though. So, I’m not sure how this works. Will everyone check in each day on this thread? Or will a new thread be started each day? Thanks!

    I would like to join, I have 50 lbs to lose and I need help!!

    Hi everyone – do you know what I’m not too sure how this will work ha ha. I had thought if everyone just posts something like this
    Day 1 non fast day, ate within my tdee, feeling good and walked round block or
    day 3 1st fast day feeling little hungry but determined to see it through. Ran 1 mile/15 mins body weight exercise/danced through 3 tracks of my favourite songs What do you think?
    The key I have found is to plan – know in advance what you will have for fast days know in advance what you will have on non fast days. Know what days you will do what exercise.
    I am on my way home from cinema so will add our newest members to the list. Talk later x

    I knew a bit about the 5:2 and was just starting to read the book today. I wanted to start soon… May 1 st it will be for me !

    Thank you for this challenge.

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