4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Minimee off course you can – Welcome.

    Happymargo – don’t worry 20 secs is a good base to start for a first time planker! I would stick with that maybe doing it 20 secs rest 20 secs rest and if you can push another 20 secs. If you can only do 2 fine maybe try this morning and evening? Next week try 25 secs, increasing by 5 secs increments each week.

    Just discovered there is another 30 day and exercise challenge going on (inspired by our 42 day challenge)!

    Hope all our friends from USA have a great 4th July.

    oops, was so busy and excited by Mom’s arrival, and forgot to check in. USA day 2 and 3 NF days. 😀

    Day 3 Minnesota, USA About 12:50 pm

    NFD. Yesterday’s planned cook out with daughter’s family turned into “Let’s just get some Thai take-out for everyone”. Chicken red curry on less than 1/2 cup of rice, and an egg roll. Kept calories under TDEE.

    Today, I am so stiff and sore from my HIT walks (uphill) and planks and squats from the last two days! What terrible shape I am in, apparently! I’m cutting back on my planks to 30 sec each, four times daily and will increase gradually. I made it to 1 min on a of couple days last week, but paid for it later. They were excruciating. I was on the verge of saying to heck with it, so it’s time to back off and make it doable. Like Cizzy2, I mainly want to establish a daily exercise routine I can stick to.
    HappyMargo, I’m sure your planking will progress very well as you seem to be fairly active and athletic. A glass of wine could help you work through the pain. LOL. Just kidding. 😜🍷😊

    I should just say “ditto” the first post of Day 3 from Dutch:

    Congrats ETJ, you must feel wonderful with wt loss of 22Kg and all the much deserved compliments; Brighton—2.5-3 min planks!!!! Amazing. FishingGran good idea with the Wii, and thanks asweet0862 for the link. A fun way to add activity.

    Good luck to all of you grandmothers (B2tF, Rocy65, FG) with grandchildren staying, and please share any tips you have for staying on track with the plan while entertaining them. My two oldest will come for a visit a week from now. They loooove their carbs and treats. There will be tempting goodies in the house!

    Now, I’m off for a short and leisurely walk to get the blood and lymphatic fluid circulating through my sore and stiff body, and then to the garden for a couple of hours.

    Have a good day, everyone.

    California, USA , Day 3. Today is a NFD. A quick check in. On my way to the lake for the day. It will be a family day on my son’s boat. Hoping to make wise choices in eating.
    Good luck to everyone trying to make good choices on the holiday weekend.

    Day 3 again …UK..Yorkshire

    After a bad two days with family visiting. We (hubby) have had a good low calorie day just under 700 calories leading into our FD tomorrow.

    I have been up and down stairs 22 times and some swinging and sqatting excerises in the bedroom.

    I couldn’t even think of planking..well done to everybody who is managing it.

    Just counted my wine store 12 bottles to date…it’s my buying old habit but not really drinking…not forgetting a chocolate store..5 large bars but not eating it…strange…..it must be my comfort area 😇

    Have a good evening all


    Day 3, Austin Tx

    1/2 fast day.

    Im eating until midday, then fasting until festivities tomorrow.

    Got in more walking than usual yesterday. 👍

    The Netherlands – Day 3 (non-fast day)

    Yes, I meant mince meat and not mice meat (that wouldn’t be vegetarian 🙂 )

    Today I did a lot of cycling (about 60 kms) and some gardering.

    Hey I am sorry I missed a couple days. I am doing well. I’m at 4th party with edzeko and select. We had a nice lunch and I believe we all kept it under control.

    Day 3 Cornwall UK. NFD today . A lovely day with 3 year old grandsons birthday party, so a houseful, and 4 grandchildren under 6. the weather was kind so lots of time in the garden picking and eating raspberries, playing chase/ hide and seek and bug hunting then up to the park for a good run round, such fun! Unfortunately the birthday boy, who is dairy intolerant, must have somehow had dairy and has been violently sick. (as far as we’re aware everything was dairy free, so a mystery) It is likely to be a long night!

    I doubt I am under my tdee today, but I have just resisted the cake with coffee the family are now eating at 9pm and a fast day tomorrow!

    I have a suspicion this week is going to be really hard going, but I’ll do my very best to stay on track!

    Good luck to you all!

    UK day 3 rest from exercise and healthy eating apparently…..family gathering today. Im not too fussed though, i enjoyed myself and have a busy two days coming up so i plan to fast for them both two days solid again and kickstart the planking 😀

    USA – Day 3
    Non fast day but did a couple of hours paddle boarding and 10k steps.
    Looking forward to a nice burger for dinner (in a low carb bun). However I did have quite a large helping of ice cream for lunch 😮

    UK Day 3 getting back on track now, planning to fast on Tuesday and Thursday and be disciplined on other days. I’m hosting a family party next weekend so I want to make sure I have some calories in hand for that. I haven’t managed to catch up with posts yet so sorry if this is a bit me me me!

    Day 3 France

    NFD. Quite hungry after yesterday’s FD but kept busy outside sorting and shifting about a tonne of stone.
    Bathroom scales are not working but kitchen ones are, Another FD tomorrow.
    I tried on 3 pairs of jeans this morning. Non of them fit and smallest pair I could only pull up. I would like to be able to wear at least one pair by the end of the challenge.

    AUS day 4
    Welcome to a new day 36 to go.
    Successfully fast 500 day yesterday with scales returning to my starting point. The day was not too much effort and felt satisfied after a small dinner (split Cals between lunch and dinner) Shows how easily weight can sneak up over several weeks with a few outings! NF day today will aim for 800 as feeling this is all I need today.

    Pacific NW USA: Day 3, 16:8 NFD

    After a NFD I sometimes wake up feeling unrested, bloated and groggy, especially if it’s a NFD that follows a liquid FD. Maybe I need to figure out a way to ease back into eating and not just jump in with both feet. On Sat (following the Fri liquid FD) I usually start right out with breakfast then lunch and dinner within TDEE. Then on Sun I do a 16:8 with lunch and dinner which is usually closer to 1200 cal and what I’m doing today. I’ll test out my theory and see how I feel tomorrow morning.

    We froze 25 pints of fresh blueberries today as part of red, white and blue food and drink for tomorrow. We also Kondomari’ed the two freezers. It felt splendid to donate foods that I threw in there the end of April or stopped eating when I started 5:2 and do not miss eating at all. OH was very good about keeping the freezer stocked with easily accessed food during my down time – but I don’t need the waffles, muffins, bagels, cranberry loafs, breads, hot dogs, breaded chicken fingers, or frozen meals (even organic) any more. Felt good to give to those who can benefit.

    Yeah, Coolcat for running fartleks! (Swedish for interval running, not as it sounds in English like a propulsion system when you exert yourself running!)

    Dutch – thanks for the funny intermission while I was catching up on everyone’s messages!

    Clemmi – a ton of stone sure must qualify for strength exercise! I’ve only worn stretchy slacks for so long I don’t know what denim feels like any more. Your goal reminds me of one I wished for myself. I still have my last pair of jeans in the closet waiting!

    I’m starting tomorrow. Looking forward to the inspiration of everyone on here. I’m a bit scared I will feel ill on 500 calories. Am going to do hiit training on youtube by Joe wicks The Body Coach.

    Sbird220 – Good luck! Drink refreshing water, tea or coffee, keep busy, remind your body that it’s stockpiled fat that it can burn for energy while you’re fasting and give it a very nutrient rich 500 cal and you will pass the day with flying colors! Thanks for HIT training resource!

    Day 3, Québec

    This morning the scale was nice with me.

    Today I did some HIT and 3 repetitions of plank (about 25 sec each). My abs are conscious that I did it Lol.

    And now, the weather is so nice that I am having chips and a mojito with my husband. Enjoying it fully without any guilt, what a good feeling !

    Tomorrow will be a FD, the first real one since my father in law deceded.

    Bye bye xxx

    Welcome Sbird220 you will be fine- really!
    Sunflower1 36 days to go??? You do do know this challenge ends 29th July lol?

    Sunshine Coast Aus,Day 4.

    So good to be back on the coast. I can’t remember being as cold as I was in Toowoomba. Even though I was warm under the 2 doonas, the air was so dry and cold I woke up coughing and could hardly get a breath in past the bronchospasm. Really scary. My family are supportive of this new way of eating but I’m not game to indulge too much on NFDs. So after 2 NFDs in a row, came in at 109.6kgs in spite of that lovely glass of red on Saturday night and nut snacks when feeling the pinch. Today is an FD, and doctor’s appointment. I’m going to see if I can have a blood test and see what the HDL and LDL are doing. Also interested in the blood sugar, although never diagnosed as diabetic, did have impaired glucose tolerance.

    Loved the thought of your sitting with your husband having your chips and mojito (have never had one of those), Quebecoise. Losing loved ones is so hard. All strength to both of you. May your treasured memories warm your hearts and support you in your loss. Good luck with your FD. They are my favourite days of the week. Go figure.

    Walk lined up and another go at those planks. Terrible how the thought of one little exercise can hang over one’s head like the sword of Damocles.

    Thanks also for all the entries on this thread. So very inspiring.

    Australia, day 4, FD

    Quebecoise, sending you condolences and best wishes as you and your family go through this time of grieving. Sending a hug too.


    Extra post to thank all of you who sent good words, thoughts, hugs and energy for me and my husband. All of it helps our hearths.
    Hugs x

    US Day 3- NFD

    Family day today with a cookout. Ate more than I should have, but that’s what the third fast day this week is for! Looking forward to my workout again tomorrow. I think I feel sorer when I take a break!

    I hope everyone in the US has a wonderful 4th of July tomorrow and I wish everyone else good luck with Monday!

    You’re welcome for the link Dutch! I really enjoy doing them, even though I have to change a lot right now!

    Ireland day 3 nfd….enjoyed a bbq with family today…holidaying in US at the moment so will follow this time zone till July 19…difficult to stay on track today but fast day tomorrow so staying positive…

    Australia – Day 4 – 27 Days to go of challenge 🙂

    Happy 4th of July Americans!

    Today is an eating day. Have a monster day planned. I hope everyone has a great day. Everyday is going too fast at the moment, I don’t have time to read everyone’s entrys. So sorry. I will catch up when things slow down!

    Take care.

    Hi Quebecoise, thinking of you at this sad time. xxx

    Australia Day 4 FD – a rotten weekend healthwise. We went to the movies and dinner on Friday night – I can highly recommend “Hunt for the Wilderpeople” if it is playing near you – and ate and drank too much. I started Saturday with a bacon and avocado roll though took the fat off and ripped out the centre of the roll, and had a 30-min walk before going to a yoga class but then wrecked everything at a “Brews, Beats and BBQ” event. I woke on Sunday morning at 1am and couldn’t go back to sleep but then fell asleep before dinner last night! Oh well at least I saved those calories :). So much for Dry July though. Will have a liquid FD today and plan to go 36 hours. I had a 20-min walk this morning, will walk for 60 mins tonight and will do the plank. Happy 4th of July!

    I just LOVE how we represent so many diverse places on this blog! International. Tremendous.

    Croatia, Day 4, NFD
    Weight – 84.1 Kg

    Day3 wisconsin….spent the day with Kayhon and Edzeko…..sunburned and no big slip ups.

    Oops. Thanks Coda. 25 to go seems so much more manageable!

    Aussie day 4 NFD for me.


    NL day 4 FD
    I.Am.So.Mad.At.Myself!! Tyring to lose weight, exercising and eating all the right things……then blew it all last night by drinking a few glasses of rosé with friends. Should know better by now! I don’t even dare weigh myself today or tomorrow.
    Drat! Been trying to cut corners for too long. The weight is coming off sooooooo slowly. That’s also because if I have, like a lot of peanuts and lost weight, then I think I can do that again the next day. But it doesn’t work that way. So today is a FD and I’m going to reprimand myself and start all over again. First up is the plank then a walk then back to the garden.

    Fuvvie- hope you’re feeling better. That sounded scary.

    neostaford – you could get under 84 today!! Good luck

    Hoping all in America have a great 4th of July!!

    Thanks for all your posts. I’ll be re-reading to pick up some more motivation!

    Italy Day 3 – NFD

    Really enjoyed breakfast after a FD,, but after a half hour i felt a little faint and had to drink some sugar water to get my blood pressure back up. Rest of the day fine but a friend came round and ended up drinking too much. Oops

    Day 4 Scotland NFD

    No sign of my weight shifting so far. Good luck all.

    UK day 4 – yesterday went reasonably well all things considered. Up early and walked the dogs…set myself a HIT of running particular path-lengths. Going to enjoy my food today – someone else is responsible for making soup lunches all week at the holiday club…yum! Hoping to keep the junk food at bay, and try to sneak in another FD or two. If not, well, I’ll get plenty of HITs running around with the kids…I will make sure I join in EVERY activity as if I were a 7year old.

    The Netherlands – Day 4 (fast day)

    Today is a fast day. For me that means skipping breakfast and lunch. At 4 o’clock I usually eat soms raw almonds and walnuts. At about 7 I’ll have a diner of about 500 calories. Tonight it’ll be a stir fry of some cannellini beans, fennel, tomatoes and scambled egg. I always plan my fast day diners with FatSecret and shop before.

    Today I have a lot of meetings at work so that means ignoring a lot of cake and cookies.

    UK day 4 my first FD of the challenge and I feel like I need it ,this is only a short challenge so need to get serious now as I want to shift some of this flab! LB&T ,Abs and finally nice yoga classes booked for lunch time so that should help me not think about food until dinner roasted beetroot,goats cheese and pecan salad .I’m going for a 3min plank today Report back tomorrow

    Day 4……UK..Yorkshire.

    Happy 4th July to our American friends, have a good day with your family….No Fasting..enjoy

    FD for us today. Fruit for breakfast for me this morning, low calories and it keeps me full. Dinner will be meat and salad.

    House cleaning, car wash and gardening for me today so keeping busy.

    Keep strong everybody …have a good day


    Happy Independence Day all of you who live in the USA. Condolences to you Quebecoise

    My granddaughter s birthday is today but we celebrated with a BBQ party yesterday. I tried to eat sensibly but had some cake and sweets too.

    Today is a fast day for me and my daughter. My husband is doing Wednesday with us. I’m trying for 4:3 this week, fast days being today, Wednesday and Friday.

    So far I’ve had black coffee and sparkling water with a little squeeze of lemon juice.

    It’s chicken with salad for us for lunch and salad with smoked salmon for dinner.

    Have a nice day everyone it’s lovely and warm in Gozo, Malta.

    Day 4 – FD for me today. Saving all my calories for dinner tonight so just drinking lots of water today. No exercise class today but I will be walking.

    Hope everybody had a good weekend 🙂

    Day 4– Colorado, USA Happy Independence Day!! 🙂

    Thanks, Coda, that’s my plan then! I’m not quitting on this Challenge! No way.

    I’m really putting your Calendar idea to use. Not only did I pencil in my intended Fast Days, I’ve added all my stats on it too: body measurements, weight, body fat %, starting Plank of 23 seconds & able to do 16 Push-ups (press ups?)

    I was a bit of a slug during the interim break. Back-slid a touch & gained a few lbs.
    But now I’m ON FIRE again with this Challenge. Thank you, Coda for setting it up again.

    I can’t wait to see my Plank & Push-up (& weight) improvements by the end of July!

    Day 4 (again) – Colorado, USA

    Forgot to mention, with adding exercise & carefully cutting out all the sugars (keeping to Low Carb/High Fat as I usually do) in just a few days, I’m already down 0.6 lb. Much better than the gaining I was doing between Challenges. Oops!

    For those of you following a low carb/high (good) fat regime bullet proof coffee is great especially on a FD. I whisk half a tablespoon of lightly salted butter (50 calories) and 2 tablespoons of single cream(40 calories) into my coffee and it keeps me going all day. With a total of 90 calories it still leaves me with plenty for my dinner. You can substitute the butter for the same amount of coconut oil for 8 more calories but I don’t particularly like it in coffee!

    Northern Dawn– Haha! A little red wine helps with A LOT of things! 🙂 But, sadly, probably not my Planks.

    It’s frustrating how short I can hold them (& how painful they are. Wow! They must really be effective!) because, as you mentioned, I am fairly active.
    I run 5K or farther with my doggy 3-5 x each week, plus walk her daily. Also, I bike every chance I get (try to keep my car in garage.) When I ride to work, it’s 26 miles (42 km) round trip. My job as a Surgical Nurse has me on my feet all day, moving heavy equipment & patients. I only sit down for lunch time.
    So, I was shocked by my silly weak ol’ abs! I guess “use them or lose them!”

    You do Planks 4x/ day? I’m totally impressed!
    I was aiming for every morning. Maybe I should step up my game!

    Day 4 Surrey, UK Hello All, and a happy 4th July to all in the USA. It is probably going to be easier to make a note of who says what so that one can reply in a sensible manner! By the time I have got to the end of reading all the posts, I have forgotten what I wanted to respond to!
    Thanks for the good wishes on this leg of mine, which appears to be slightly less painful this morning. Things aren’t going too badly, I was supposed to fast yesterday, but went slightly over the calories for a fast day. Still well below the TDEE.
    I do think though, that the whole principle of 5:2 is just that…5:2!

    USA. Day 4. NFD. Some poor choices yesterday. Entertaining today. Day is unplanned. Plan to wait til at least 11 to eat then then will make good choices with other meals.

    US SE Day 4 FD. We had a cookout yesterday and I ate too much and got too much sun. It’s a FD for me and I’m glad of it. Glad your leg is feeling better NorrieB.

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