4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • fastdutchgirl…. I hope I don’t regret this, but I have to ask what “vegetarian mice โ€˜meatโ€™ ” is.
    I’m crossing my fingers that there is a mis-type in there!

    Hmmm – Is anyone using the myfitnesspal calorie tracker? I’m just starting out using it this week and on my first FD it seemed totally aghast at my calorie count (38 cal for 6 oz of chicken bone broth, tea and water). A lengthy reprimand popped up that said with those numbers it would not post or generate a five week projection and demanded that I eat up. I actually found it funny that I was being scolded by a virtual dietician. Is there a 5:2 version out there?

    Still day 2…It is now around 8 pm….damn! I have had potato salad, first time in 5 weeks (made by my son-in-law) and wine which he so kindly brought up to my room, and I simply could not say no. Hurt my leg this afternoon, don’t know how, but very painful to move. It should be gone by tomorrow if I rest it.
    Oh well, our mantra on this challenge, onward and downward!
    Coda, it seems like I am older than most in years, though I don’t feel it inside. I am just delighted that this method works at this age. I was told that once you reach 70 you are pretty much done for. I am not quite sure what it was that caught my attention about this method, but something did, and thank goodness for that! It is so good to know that we are all supporting each other. See you all tomorrow!

    UK Day 2 – just checked in and had my comment lost when I hit ‘submit’ – oh well, too tired to write it again! Suffice to say, NFD, really enjoyed my chees sandwich at lunch, and fish and chips this evening!

    Day 2 Quรฉbec

    Thank you for your toughts and prayers for my father-in-law. I’m emotional today, remerbering my own parents.

    Coda, please consider that I might not post each day for the coming week. I will however do my best to stick to my 5:2 plan.

    Bye bye x

    Hello everyone!

    Brazil Day 2 of the challenge,

    Fasting only Monday!

    USA – day 2
    Nursing a hangover today but finally feel back to normal. Have been for a long walk and up to 11,553 steps on my FitBit. Going to 4th July fireworks display tonight and then planning a paddle boarding session for tomorrow morning. Still planning to make Tuesday my first fast day. Good luck everyone ๐Ÿ’

    Day 2 – USA – NFD

    Ran/walked 5k this morning and felt great! I was nervous about doing this diet because I am so active. I was afraid I wouldn’t have energy for my runs, but it seems fine so far. I ran on a FD last week,which was very hard. But today was great! I will have to experiment with the timing of runs and FDs.

    Love reading the posts!!

    California, USA. Day 2. NFD today, keeping to 16:8, under my TDEE. Did HIT exercise x 20 min on my stationary bike. Between that and planking, I feel so out of shape. I am hoping this challenge will help establish an exercise routine that I can stick to.
    Wishing a great weekend to all.

    Minois – it took 4 tries before my last entry posted. I got wise to it finally and copied my entry before submitting then just copied it back each time it erased until it finally went through. Must be something going on. If it happens to anyone else we should report the bug.

    UK day 2 friend to stay so 5:2 went out the window, 150 over TDE not too bad. Will fast tomorrow to make up…..quick check in, no time to read posts! 30 min walk and HIT housework ๐Ÿ˜€

    France Day 2 NFD

    Mowed the grass today, it takes two hours so it is a lot of exercise.

    Day 2 UK. Late post today as the families have arrived, 3rd birthday of our grandson tomorrow so a family party!! lots of baking done, all very healthy but calorific! So NF day today I stayed under tdee, not able to get my exercise done. Tomorrow is party food day, I’m going to try not to go over tdee but …..! I think the next few days will be a challenge!!

    Quebecois my condolences to you and your family.

    Very impressed with 2.5min plank Brightonbelle!

    Good luck all!

    Aussie day 3 doing my FD today school holidays started here so i have three grand kids over the next three days thought i would dust of the WII FIT board and use that to weigh on as it keeps a graph also it has some exercises i enjoy disguised as games LOL. I have to keep busy or I get bored and eat.

    UK Day 2 NFD
    Day out with friends – food & drinks galore!
    FD tomorrow- definitely needed.
    If this works it will be the best plan ever – no guilt for an indulgent day?!

    Day 2 done๐Ÿ˜œ

    US Day 2- FD

    First fast day of the challenge and I’m doing well. Still need to do my plank for today, as weekends tend to be my days off from exercise.

    Fishing Gran- The exercises I’ve been doing are using Wii Fit. I found a plan of sorts that I then modified to my abilities. Just thought I’d share in case you want some ideas! Also not sure how accurate the Wii is with weight as it tends to be about 2-3 lbs different than my scale, but if you are consistent in using that it shouldn’t be a problem!


    Australia, day 3, NFD

    US SE Day 2 – FD
    I don’t normally fast on Saturdays but this week I plan on doing today, Monday and Wednesday because we are heading to Charleston next weekend. Fast day today has been surprisingly easy. Company coming for a cook out tomorrow so am looking forward to that. Haven’t done any planks yet…not sure if I will but I have been incorporating short runs (about 1 minute for every 5 walking). Who knew I could run!! โ˜บโ˜บ

    Hi Coda.. that last post was me … my sister was logged in on my laptop and I didn’t realize it. You can mark her present as well please. I’ll have to be more careful in future. โ˜บโ˜บ

    AUS day 3. Hi everyone. I find your stories and life challenges inspiring and my thoughts are are with those of you facing difficult times. Today was going to be a NF day today but have added 1 extra fast 500 day this week. Tried to eat reasonably yesterday while at Party with healthy food mostly but on reflection just ate too much thru day. Just reminds me of the need to not nibble when preparing food and visually limit myself to a small plate full of mostly healthy food during the night (noticed my slim girlfriends ate about that amount of food during the evening) lesson learnt. Have a great day everyone.

    Sunshine CoastAus Day 3: hi everyone. Drove to Toowoomba yesterday to spend time with family. NFD today. 3 hour drive back home this afternoon.

    Ha ha vegetarian mice meat, I hope, should read vegetarian mince meat. As in ground beef only possibly made with quorn.
    Quebecoise no problem I understand x

    Dahliafan no worries that is fine just when you are ready. That is fantastic Wales getting through to semi finals?

    A few names who signed up and not posted yet Amritpc, batatadoce, happy girl 16, Karenpp, Mermaidtiya, nova05 and jomac1928. I’ll recheck in case you advised you would not be able to post but usually I would make a note. Just giving you a heads up.
    K-lo would you give annmaryusa a nudge as I don’t seem to have heard from her either – thanks.
    So we have DebbieQ related to asweet0862 and coolcat but it could be anyone posting as the other lol – you really want to keep me on my toes!
    Edzeko are your sisters on this challenge? Who are they? Is one Kayhon?

    Croatia, Day 3, NFD
    Weight – 84.2 Kg

    Day 2 Quรฉbec

    Wow, I managed to do my HIT today on my bike. I did 5 repetitions.

    Thank you Coda.

    Bye bye x

    Note to self:
    since doing 5:2 I really can’t handle drinking so much. I have 2 glasses of red wine & it knocks me out. Feel like I could use a good nap.

    I guess it’s great because it really saves on calories!
    Anyone else have this happen?

    Australia – Day 3 – 28 days to go of challenge ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hello, We went yesterday and met up with the family and Mum and Dad commented on how much weight I have lost, so that has given me a boost. They said I look like I’ve dropped half my size, lol. It seems 20 kilo’s makes a difference, lol. Although I’ve only lost 4kg since they saw me last. We are going to their farm to visit them on the weekend. My brothers and families are going out there too as it is school holidays. Should be good.

    Day 2 Los Angeles — NFD today, kept at or under my target weight TDEE. Cleaned out the garage all day and did some walking. Tired now so this is short. Quebecoise, take care. Life is harder some days.

    India. Day 3
    The compliments are beginning to trickle in!! Friend said I am looking thin! Yay!

    Hope you all have a glorious Sunday ๐Ÿ˜Š

    UK day 3 – up bright and early to get the prep for today’s work finished…so I’d better not hang around here, and crack on!


    NL day 3 NFD

    asweet0862- thanks for posting that link. I need to get my Wii out too then!

    Brightonbelle- that’s an amazing plank of 2.5. Wow!

    HappyMargo- 2 glasses of rosรฉ is my limit also. In my family we all have a low tolerance for alcohol. We never get drunk – we’ll be asleep before that happens. LOL

    ETJ- 20kgs is something I can only dream of yet. Well done. You must be so proud of yourself.

    Today I plan to tackle the garden. With temperatures rising and so much rain the weeds are really taking over so that’ll be my exercise today after planking. Still at 1-1.5mins. Maybe I need to push myself a bit more…๐Ÿ˜“

    So many posts. It’s a great start of the day: coffee and 5:2 forum!

    Hi!! May I join this challenge from today please? Just registered on the site. I will be checking in from India!

    Day 3 FD. Thanks to Dollybird, Back2 and Coda for your supportive comments. No change in Weight yet but I’m slow going. 6Ibs in July is doable.

    Day 3 Northern Spain here.
    Yesterday was a bit mad.
    Had invited my husband’s family for lunch and managed to cook something suitable for all which was healthy.
    Salads, cured ham, chorizo followed by roast chicken with veg.
    Everything went well until dessert arrived, my fault entirely.
    Chocolate ice cream!!
    But as it was a non fast day, I got on with it and enjoyed it thoroughly!!
    Today is another NFD day but I shall try to behave.
    Interesting fact- stressed is desserts spelt backwards!!!
    Is the Universe trying to tell us something??
    Cheers and have a good day

    Day 3 …UK..Yorkshire

    I didn’t make my 800 low calorie day yesterday, the last visit from my family going home to the States. When they left we finished a few bits and pieces off, all gone now.

    Trying for a 800 day today….leading into my FD tomorrow.

    HappyMargo and Dutch…
    Strange I am not drinking my Merlot like I used to, still buying it as usual..habit…a nice few bottles growing in the corner!

    Instead of a couple of bottles a weekend now one bottle lasting three weeks! Unheard of always up for a glass. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Have a good day everybody

    Day 3, Cotswolds, Gloucs. UK: Non-fast day. I am trying to eat sensibly today, leading to a successful fast-day tomorrow, after a failure last time on Friday. I will also get back on track with my evening fast walk of about 1 hour, which has also been slipping of late. Have a good day all of you out there.

    Dorset UK Day 3

    So yesterday I planned to eat loss to compensate for going over on Friday….it didnt happen! I did manage to stay within cal allowance though…so could have been worse.

    Weight up 0.5 lb but hopefully that will go again tomorrow.

    Today is a fast day….so nothing until this evening and then a light salad based meal.

    I completed day 2 of the 30 day shred in spite of some muscles feeling a little tender…Im hoping today will feel a bit easier.
    I forgot to do my plank but will get back on it today!
    I did spend 2 hours cleaning the inside of my car though ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Today the outside gets a wash..lol

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 3, Wisconsin, USA. Darn. Missed posting yesterday. Holiday fin happening in United States. Lots of family

    My FD on friday got a bit off track when husband asked me to go out for dinner. Yesterday’s NFD went well.

    My husband put me through killer HIIT workout. Every muscle in my body hurts today. Otherwise, feeling great.

    Coda…yes, Kayhon and Delwct are my sisters. Not sure where kayhon has been, because she is doing great. Kayhon???? Where you at, girl?

    US SE Day 3. Checking in early today. Company on the way and cook out for today. Looking forward to it! Have a great holiday to those of you celebrating the 4th.

    Day 3– Colorado, USA

    Again today, tried holding a Plank in kitchen while heating my coffee cup in microwave. As yesterday went, again I did not last long.

    Decided to actually measure how long I am able to hold a plank… It’s sad, very sad.
    On elbows & toes, I lasted a total of 23 seconds. Yes, a mere 23 seconds before dropping to my knees. Managed to hold a tiny bit longer on elbows/knees. :sigh:

    Well, I guess I now have an official Plank Challenge starting figure.
    Can’t wait to see what time I can get up to by the end of July!

    (And WELL DONE you ladies holding Planks over a full minute. Wow.)

    UK day 3

    Had an early yoga class, then nice long walk home this morning then lovely big healthy breakfast,nice piece of tuna for salad Nicoise tonight quite looking forward to FD tomorrow,and hoping to cope with my gym classes better than last week ,couldn’t manage the stairs without ouch,ouch ,ouch ! til Thursday

    Happy 4th July to all our Americans x

    Surrey Day 3…Morning everyone, still feeling some pain in the leg, but I have had a pain killer, because the dogs need to go to the park and have a run.
    Today might just turn into a fast day, which is normally on Monday, but it is 1 pm and I am not particularly hungry, so let’s see how it goes. Good luck everyone!

    DollyBird– Oh my! I never noticed desserts is just stressed spelled backwards.
    And ice cream. Mmmmm. I miss ice cream, especially Coffee flavored. Can’t be trusted with it in the house. Ever. The ONLY time I ever have ice cream now is away on vacation/ holidays. It’s just safer that way.

    Symba7– So you’ve got a little wine collection started? Maybe when we Challengers hit our goals, we can break open some of that wine & cheers to each other. Celebration Merlot!

    Kay65– 2 hours cleaning your car? Bet it’s spotless now. That’s a good work-out right there!

    Day 3 (again)– Colorado, USA

    This weekend, only eating breakfast & dinner. Skipping lunch. Struggling thru my attempts at planking. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, getting in my early morning runs with my doggy. She’s a great motivator to get me out the door!

    (I’m sorry to hear about your hurt leg NorrieB, but isn’t it lovely having furry companions that still get us up & about? I sure hope you heal up & feel better quickly!)

    Tomorrow is normally a Fast Day, but we’re having a Fourth of July neighborhood block party. Complete with kids’ bicycle decoration & parade. And pot-luck grille out. I’ll be taking a fabulous (& healthy) black bean & corn salsa salad. Also, baked beans & corn bread to share with everyone.

    Will have to push Fast Day off till Tuesday & Thursday.

    Day 3 – did a pilates class this morning so keeping up with the exercise regime!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend and happy 4th of July to our American cousins ๐Ÿ˜Ž


    NL again
    After forgetting to plank this morning I dived into the garden. A lot of weeds to be pulled. About 1/3 so far. If I do an hour a day I’ll have had my exercise AND a tidy garden. Couldn’t do much when it was raining all the time.
    Anyway, after 4 hours gardening I tend to crash on the couch with the laptop on my lap (..duh!!) After some serious stuff I move on to youtube for some much needed laughs. Sometimes it’s damnyouautocorrect.com but today it was the “Japanese reporter Ushi”. Her English is terrible and she constantly misunderstands and lures celebrities into saying things…
    In reality “Ushi” is Wendy, blonde, about 5’4″ and (oef…) about 50kg/110lbs. She speaks pretty good English and definitely not a word of Japanese!
    Watch her as she interviews Donny Osmond, Will.I.am, Shaggy, Adele and so many more!
    Here’s the link to part 1 of the interview with Donny Osmond: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skqtpz0IKpA

    Maybe, NorrieB, this will take your mind off your sore leg. Hope you’re feeling better today! X

    Hi everyone. Yesterday I went to a wedding and I didn’t ate healthy as the food was high in calories mostly but I enjoyed myself a lot. Today I had coffee with milk for breakfast, a salad with cottage cheese and a slice of melon for lunch only. This evening we re celebrating my granddaughter s 3 rd birthday with a BBQ party. So that means I’ll have some cake too. It’s a non fast day for me today. Tomorrow it will be a fast day for my daughter, my husband and myself. I’m not doing any exercise though. Yesterday I received the book “fast exercise” and I hope to read it soon to get ideas for hit etc. good luck everyone have a great day!

    Day 3 – USA – NFD

    Heading to a local museum with the family today. Hoping to keep the calories fairly low today, as tomorrow is a holiday here. I’m thinking of holding off on eating tomorrow until the cookout at dinner time. Then FD on Tuesday.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

    Day 3 USA (Illinois) NFD for me.

    I was so hungry for popcorn last night, I ate a whole bag. Just looked and it was about 400 calories! I love the movie theatre butter variety, but wow. Oh well. That happened. I ate it while watching the last 2 episodes of “Orange is the New Black” of this current season. It ends with a cliff-hanger! Why do they do that to us?

    I will do a 8:16 today and plan for FD’s Tuesday and Friday this week. I made a nice imitation crab salad I had for supper and will have again today. It’s salty, but fairly low in calories.

    U..K DAY 3 NFDay
    Went way over yesterday so will be reasonable today. On ferry back home tomorrow so fast day. Hoping to do Monday and Tuesday back to back.
    Am loving all the posts on here. Such a supportive group.
    Good luck everyone today.

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