4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

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4 week challenge Phase 2 begins Friday 1st July

This topic contains 2,656 replies, has 76 voices, and was last updated by  Onahealthyhigh 7 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,301 through 2,350 (of 2,659 total)

  • Still Day 7: Pacific NW USA, 19 hours into a 36 or 40 or 48 or 60 hour FD. I’m just going to go along listening to my body over the course of this fast. As long as I’m still feeling strong I will stick to the liquids only.

    This last morning’s breakfast buffet at the hotel was avoided with all of you on today’s 36 hour fast looking over my shoulder! The buffet looked even more delicious because I’m pretty sure my hunger troll had been abnormally alerted due to hidden simple carbs in the Chinese food we ate last night. I almost decided I would delay my FD but there was a whisper in my ear that said I could make even better Eggs Benedict when I get home!

    Kay65 – good luck on the scales – I’ll be doing the same peek when I get home to my scales tonight, but our flight is delayed 2 hours : ( Right now I’m suffering the smell of baking bread hear at the airport, can you believe they would do that to me!

    Rocy65 – congrats on the report from your Dr Fit!

    SongBird – dream on as your body is burning fat as you sleep!

    Fuvvie – math and spelling mistakes are becoming more frequent for me too! 60 hours is still so admirable! I’m wondering if I can make it till Wed AM on this fast I started after dinner on Sunday??? So far I’ve only gone to 48 hours and at that time ate because I thought I “should”. At any rate it’s still the case that if I shoot for it I will at last make the 36 hours with everyone else!

    Hannah – here’s hoping you can stay strong with your brother!

    Que – don’t know about fruit juice because of it’s high sugar content?? Do you have anty miso soup or clear broth? I say bottom line is listen to your body,

    Still Day 7: Pacific NW USA, 19 hours into a 36 or 40 or 48 or 60 hour FD. I’m just going to go along listening to my body over the course of this fast. As long as I’m still feeling strong I will stick to the liquids only.

    This last morning’s breakfast buffet at the hotel was avoided with all of you on today’s 36 hour fast looking over my shoulder! The buffet looked even more delicious because I’m pretty sure my hunger troll had been abnormally alerted due to hidden simple carbs in the Chinese food we ate last night. I almost decided I would delay my FD but there was a whisper in my ear that said I could make even better Eggs Benedict when I get home!

    Kay65 – good luck on the scales – I’ll be doing the same peek when I get home to my scales tonight, but our flight is delayed 2 hours : ( Right now I’m suffering the smell of baking bread here at the airport, can you believe they would do that to me!

    Rocy65 – congrats on the report from your Dr Fit!

    SongBird – dream on as your body is burning fat as you sleep!

    Fuvvie – math and spelling mistakes are becoming more frequent for me too! 60 hours is still so admirable! I’m wondering if I can make it till Wed AM on this fast I started after dinner on Sunday??? So far I’ve only gone to 48 hours and at that time ate because I thought I “should”. At any rate it’s still the case that if I shoot for it I will at last make the 36 hours with everyone else!

    Hannah – here’s hoping you can stay strong with your brother!

    Que – if you’re going for a liquid only fast I think fruit juice might have pretty high sugar content. Do you have any miso soup or broth? Bottom line is listen to your body and do what you think best.

    Sorry – didn’t see post because it was on the next page and so submitted again!

    Thank you, you confirm what I thought. I’ll have miso soup.
    Night, night x


    Really depends what youre trying to achieve. If youre fasting so that you want your body to flip over into ketosis and operate primarily on ketones then juice (any juice) will kill that process in its tracks within minutes!! It will skyrocket your insulin response. So what is your primary goal in fasting?

    Australia -Day 6

    A fasting day today. Our baby rabbits didn’t last their second night 🙁 I knew they had really bad odds as they both had cuts from the dog/cat mouths. But at least they were warm, had full bellies and hopefully didn’t pass in too much pain. They were so cute and so tiny.

    Have a fairly busy day today. We are doing more landscaping, hopefully this afternoon I will be able to paint some more of the chook shed, as I only have until Friday to get it done. I don’t want it looking crappy with everyone visiting. Currently we have piles of dirt, road base, white gravel, black gravel, a fountain in it’s packaging, grass mounds, a half painted chook shed, lol. It’s kind of like when you are cleaning a room and you have emptied everything out and the room looks so much worse than when you started, but now you have to clean everything and then put it all back so it looks nice. Now, just to achieve that before Friday 🙂

    Have a good day all 🙂

    US Day 7 FD. All well today.

    US Day 7- FD

    Went well today. Off to Atlanta for a ballgame tomorrow night… Going to try to save as many of my calories for the night as possible. Night all!

    Day 7 Minnesota, USA a NFD

    Today’s FD turned into a NFD, as I had my 4 & 1/2 yo granddaughter most of day. She now loves her new, 7 wk old sister. Today, anyway. Changes daily, of course. Then my daughter and 7 wk old granddaughter came over to have dinner and pick up 4 1/2 year old girl. So, had three of my favorite girls today! 😃 Baby is so colicky! Any ideas for relief?
    Anyway, I did end up breaking my fast that had been liquid from 7 pm last night to 5 pm tonight. I was hoping to do the liquid fast with the 36 hr liquid fast team. I will do that later this week. Maybe Friday for weigh in on Saturday.

    Back2theFuture, your explanation of fasting to SongBird was brilliant. You are so articulate! Coda is right that you should lead a future challenge. And so glad your son’s Wedding went well and you enjoyed yourself. Modern family stuff? Yes, been there, done that. My husband and ex-husband walked my daughter down the isle, together. It is so wonderful for the kids when everyone can be civil, and also get along well. We actually all like each other! Keep in touch with your friends so they can see the svelte you that will happen!. I have no doubt at all.

    HannahWatto, a special prayer for you that things will work out well. You are in a terribly difficult situation with your brother. It’s so hard to know the difference between what helps and what enables. I speak from experience. A rehab center would be the absolute best thing. Second best would be going to AA meetings every day or eve of the week. He must do one of the two. You will have to be strong to set your boundaries. Good luck!

    So many wonderful posts! Fuvvie, you are just a jewel! But also, so many others that I have not the time to name. Good luck to all!

    Weighed in after my water fast this morning, 71.3kg, I shoot for 71.0 kg exactly, so a little over. If Im a little over next week then its time for two fasts in the week instead of my usual one. So far I havent needed to do two fasts since going into maintenance 6:1 mode in March. I’ll put it down to my father in laws birthday night out to a fancy restaurant.

    Callifornia, USA end of day 7. Today was a FD, may gave gone over 500 cal this evening, but at least it wasn’t ice cream or chocolate. I am staying in the 169-170 lb range. Hoping to make it to 168lb this week.
    Stay strong!

    Hey, Big Booty, I have a question for you: I think I’ve seen on other threads that you talk about chewing gum? Chewing some sugarless gum in the evening, but 5 calorie xylitol gum, is how I got through the second water, coffee, tea fast that I did.
    I know there are studies that say such stuff spikes blood sugar, or increases appetite. I just found that the bubble gum ice breakers (USA) gave my mouth something to do for a bit and then I got over my craving. I don’t feel it stimulated my appetite at all. Any thoughts?

    Northern Dawn — two of my babies were colicky and with the 2nd I heard about stopping coffee drinking. It really helped my milk to be tolerated so much better. Also avoided spicy foods. It was a real struggle on ME to give up my coffee every morning, but managed to make it with the caffeine in hot tea, and baby Monique did much better.

    Croatia, Day 6, NFD
    Weight 78.9 Kg

    Day 7 Sussex U.K.
    30 hours into my first 36 hour liquid fast.
    I can’t believe how easy I have found it. A revelation. I feel almost euphoric.
    Crazy isn’t it? After so many years of thinking that the bottom would fall out of my life, if not my stomach, if I didn’t eat every 3 hours!
    Have to say I did have a busy day. Started a French conversation course at local library and met daughter for coffee and shopping but energy levels never dropped. Amazing.
    Will see how I feel by lunchtime. Not sure now what I want to eat. Lol.
    Have a great day everyone and thanks for all your lovely posts.

    UK day 7 – NFD – can’t quite believe there is just one week to go!

    Hi ND,

    I know I keep banging on about diet drinks and the like being bad for you. I know that when I used to drink diet drinks I would never be satisfied with just one glass, Id always want more and Id go looking for other sweet things. I chew wrigleys extra white which I think contains aspartame? Weird but I don’t find myself craving “sweet’ things when chewing gum though. Perhaps the amount of aspartame in any one piece of gum is so low it doesn’t matter? Or the act of chewing over rides all the craving signals? In any case, for me at least, I know it helps.

    UK day 6 wow well done to all the 36hours and more out there, sometimes I’m tempted to try but evening dinner with OH is such a highlight of the day I dont want to miss it at this stage, who knows, maybe in the future . Rocy65 yes I do Pilates regularly and lots of other abs exercises -I ‘m still clinging on to the idea that under the padding there’s a six pack waiting to be revealed . NFD for me today

    NZ Tuesday Day 7 I guess
    Quebecoise, and others thanks for the encouragement and tips. It’s funny, cos intellectually I KNOW what to do, and what NOT to do, but sometimes the troll wins. Just have to keep working at it I guess.

    I think my OH would have quite a lot to say if I kept throwing out jars of peanut butter as it is his toast topping favourite!

    Anyway, I have had an awesomely good FD today, so feel good again.

    Don’t do it Quebecoise, fruit juice is so sugary…have a cup of tea or coffee or a fizzy water. You’re so close.
    That is if you’re feeling ok. If you feel dizzy or poorly have something to eat

    Gozo, Malta

    Weigh myself this morning and I’m 69.8 kilos down by 1.2 kilos from last week. I was 71.7 kilos on 29 July. I’m down 4 lbs from 29 July so have only one pound to lose till next week to have a 5 lbs loss. Hopefully I’ll be able to lose it and be with my 5 lbs buddies.

    The only exercise I’m doing is going up the stairs fast for five times and going down slowly as Coda suggested once. I’m only a little active minding and babysitting my grandchildren.

    ETJ I’m sorry to hear about the rabbits. It’s the cycle of life.

    Yesterday was a successful fast day for my hubby and I. This morning I enjoyed coffee with milk and a light yogurt. I want to stay within by TDEE today and tomorrow.

    It’s spaghetti bolonese for lunch and a cereal with one banana for supper for me.

    Good luck everyone with your fasts. Enjoy Tuesday.

    Sorry Quebecoise i posted before i realised there was another page of messages. Hope you managed to get through alright, why did your sister want you to drink juice?
    Italy Day 7- NFD

    I weigh 76.8 kg. Down 1.1 kg on this challenge i calculate at nearly 2.5 lbs
    Got to get a good week in for my 6lb buddies Who are doing an amazing job!

    I’m not great at the science bit hope someone can help correct me if i’m wrong. But i have noticed that i’m not the only one Who has friends and family that doubt this regime despite me feeling so positive and seeing results without doing anything too drastic.
    I explain it thus….when i fast my body doesn’t have food to burn to give me energy so it starts to burn my fat reserves instead which explains why i see more difference in my body measurements than on my scales. Is that about it??

    Thanks Northern Dawn – I have made an appointment with the doctor tomorrow to talk about treatment centres. I’ll also find him a local AA meeting xx

    Anna6 – Congratulations!!! You hit the under 70 barrier. You have done so well, enjoy the feeling.

    HollyLJ – My family knows, but most of them have tried/ are doing this themselves. The reason you are giving sounds about right. It works, you are losing! People think that if it works for them, it must work for everyone and it just is not true. And we all have to be understanding that this way of eating is completely the opposite of everything everyone has been told for years. You can’t skip breakfast, you have to eat many meals a day, you will go into starvation mode. Of course if you believe all of that, this diet would be shocking!

    Patti67 – Good job. It’s amazing how little food we actually need!

    NorthernDawn – I hope your Granddaughter is feeling better. It is hard watching them upset and not being able to do much. I was lucky with my kids. I had one that was an explosive vomit-er because he was premmie, but was fortunate not to have colicky babies.

    I am hungry tonight! I finished the red on the chook shed this afternoon, still have the surrounds to go. My arm feels like it is going to fall off, lol. Some days fasting is hard, but it is those days that make the difference!

    Dorset UK Day 7 (I think)

    Made it. 38 hour fluid only fast….phew! Keeping busy is definitely helpful!

    I weighed myself this morning and was really chuffed and surprised! Just half a pound up from last weigh in before holidays just under 3 weeks ago! Fat % up 1% but hopefully that will settle down.

    Sooo…1 week to go of bonus challenge…my aim is to do alternate fasting days and lose as much as I can. Definitely need to get below what I was at the end of the July challenge, so thats at least 1lb..anymore will be a bonus 🙂

    So today a NFD
    Wed….400 cal FD
    Fri….400 cal FD
    Sun…36hr fluid only

    Good luck everyone…keep strong 🙂

    Hi everyone Tuesday 16 August day 6 and going down – for all you that are getting mixed up lol

    Sorry about the baby rabbits ETJ but at least you gave them a chance. They may not even have survived without the added complications.

    Everyone is going really well and I am very pleased with the confidence being gained – who would have thought it eh? Well done Anna6 on getting into the 60’s it gives you such a lift.

    Not long to go now – so really focus – hope you are still visualising?

    I am starting my next extended fast after Thursday lunch and my last one will begin after dinner Sunday evening with my final weigh in on Tuesday morning. Ciren2 does that fit in with your plans?

    I have been taking homemade bone broth on my extended fasts, I guess there most be some calories in it – does anyone know roughly how many – not that I am going to count them as I assume I would be well below my 1/4 TDEE – I add some chilli flakes to spice it up a bit. Not ready yet for water only, maybe one day lol.

    US, Day 7, NFD..from the southern Adirondacks. I think I missed yesterday. Not sure about my country scale but I am back in 119 land. I havent been there in a while. Surrounded by snacks, ice cream, chips, donuts, I’ve been staying sane.

    Practicing my MELT exercises and some Pilates every day. Swam the small lake yesterday.

    Day 6: Gloucestershire, UK: Non-fast day. 36-hour water fast SUCCESSFUL.
    Well done to all you on the 36-hour team.
    Coda: Yes, I can fit in with both Friday and next Monday being a 36-hourer. I will also do tomorrow, if possible(!)…
    Unlike you, I don’t usually begin until tea-time on the day before and then go to breakfast on the day after. Just water.

    Day ? Los Angeles. Confused about which day it is …
    NFD. Yesterday’s FD was unusual for me. Coffee in the morning, water all day, about 1.5 cups steamed Brussels sprouts, 1 TB butter. Plus licking the spoon when daughter and friend made ice cream. Plus a couple (7?) tortilla chips and maybe a TB of guacamole. Not sure about how many cals I ate, but definitely ate them over a couple of hours, rather than at a single meal time. Mmmmm not so great.

    Day 6 USA (Utah, traveling)

    Yeah! Completing my 36 hour liquid only fast. Yes, it has been amazingly easy for me too like others have said. Glad for our little band of Team 36! Next Monday (end of this challenge) will be my flight home to Illinois day. I head to San Diego on Friday to be with my brother and his new fiancee for the weekend. I fear alcohol will be the vast majority of my calories there!

    NFD today and have a busy day with granddaughters planned. Swimming pool, taking them to dance, and Taco Tuesday that I will enjoy with them.

    Stay strong, everyone. There is light at the end of this tunnel!

    Tuesday 16th August = Day 6
    Wednesday 17th August = Day 5
    Thursday 18h August = Day 4
    Friday 19th August = Day 3
    Saturday 20th August = Day 2
    Sunday 21st August = Day 1
    Monday 22nd August = Day Zero
    weigh in results expected from Tuesday 23 August

    Last week of challenge and some people have not posted as yet this week – Jaynayb69, Lisahawk, LS, Pollycosmo and Slimnhealthy – where are you or have I made an error or forgotten something?

    Im confused…lol

    If today, Tuesday, is day 6, that means day 1 is Sunday??
    More than happy to weigh in on Tuesday though, it gives me an extra day 😉

    Ah…scrap my last post Coda, it overlapped with yours!!!

    no worries Kay65 – everyday counts lol

    Anyone want to join me in a 36-hour liquid fast for tomorrow(Wednesday)?Starting tonight through to breakfast on Thursday?

    Day 6: Pacific NW USA, at home, now at 36 hours fasting, continuing on today and I will see if I want to go overnight till total of 60 hours at tomorrow’s break-the-fast (Polly – if you’re still here with us I’m going ahead with that b2b I previously commented about)

    Coda – here’s what Siri found for 8 oz of grass fed beef bone broth:
    Calories 69.2
    Total Fat 4.0 g
    Saturated Fat 1.7 g
    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.0 g
    Monounsaturated Fat 0.0 g
    Cholesterol 18.1 mg
    Sodium 232.8 mg
    Potassium 10.4 mg
    Total Carbohydrate 0.8 g
    Dietary Fiber 0.1 g
    Sugars 0.0 g
    Protein 6.4 g

    bigbooty – here’s another question because you answered so specifically about he results from drinking juice on a fast day, you put into fact what seemed intuitive to me, thanks! Do you know what the effect is when you drink a cup of bone broth on a liquid only fast day??

    ETJ – sounds like you’re going all Martha Stewart on the farm!

    Northern – thanks and you are so lucky to have a daughter and g’kids close by. After a month with all mine I’m back home with OH and we feel like our nest has emptied all over again.

    Anna6 – so proud of you!

    Surrey UK Day 6 (Tuesday) Generally for me a fast day is, for instance, dinner say on Monday night will be the last meal, then if possible, no eating till Wednesday morning, so that the whole of Tuesday is fasting. How many hours is that? Guess what, I’m an artist, not a mathematician! Today I had to have something to eat, was just too hungry. Had salad and beetroot, with some smoked salmon. Sure it was just under the calorie allowance.
    Please tell me how to make bone broth, everyone seems to be having it. I hope we can all stay together for a long while yet, and get to know each other better. My daughter has finally met some friends she made on facebook, and they have turned out to be really lovely people. I met them as well the other day. All in the 50 to 60 year age group. That is so nice. I have always been very suspicious about online activities, but judging from this forum, i have a feeling we would all get along very well with each other!
    It is a fact that it really does help to read everyone’s posts. One simply does not feel isolated, and I think that is a real service to each other. THANK YOU!!!!

    Day 6, Québec

    My liquid only FD yesterday was incredibly easy. Imagine that, I didn’t even starve to death 🙂 great success for a woman who used to eat almost every 30 minutes or so. I feel that my level of energy is more stable.

    In fact after 30 hours I was in bed and couldn’t go to sleep because I was then too hungry. I got up and ate one artichoke heart. No sugar, very few calories and it did the job. I’m satisfied with my 30 hours as a first experience. Plus, I finally broke my 130 pound mark. This morning I weigh 129. Haven’t seen that for about 2years. Yippy !

    Fasting again on Thursday ( starting Wednesday night ) and might try another 36 hours liquid only. Do I have a partner ?

    ETJ I’m sorry for your baby hippos. At least you tried.

    Bigbooty and HollyLT Thank you for your good advices. My sister tought that I should have fruit juice to give me energy but I gave her your explanations and she now understands.

    Patti67. Bravo pour les cours de conversation française. Enjoy !

    Chipmunk13. Oups ! Seems like the Peanut butter trick isn’t appropriate for your household -;)

    Going forward and going down.

    Bonne journée x

    NZ Wednesday 17th Day 5
    It’s OK Quebec – peanut butter is just a metaphor for every tempting food! I often think it would be easier if I lived alone. but then again, what about all those other benefits????

    Weighed this morning and am exactly the same as when I joined this two week challenge. I know why – two good FDs and too many over TDEE NFDs.

    I am still here though, despite a week away from today and several social functions coming up. I will hold my own til I can join the next group with renewed vigour and commitment.

    NORRIE B – It seems to me bone broth is really just a fancy name for a properly made stock. HAve a look at this article

    Day 6 Minnesota, USA NFD 3:45 pm

    Ciren2, I will fast with you! I need it. I’ll have supper in 3 hours, then only coffee, tea, water until Thursday morning, or 11:00 am, if I can manage.

    SongbirdMe, I asked my daughter about her coffee intake. She said she’s down to 1 cup of half caffeine-half decaf in the morning. But she’s going to try green tea instead and see if it makes a difference. Here’s to hoping! And thanks for your suggestion.

    BigBooty, the gum sure seemed to help me stick to my liquid fast, so I think I’ll keep some around for those difficult times. I was afraid it might spike blood sugar and raise insulin, but it doesn’t affect my appetite in a negative way, so it must not really do anything to those levels. Thanks!

    ETJ, I wish I had your red chook house, and the fresh eggs that probably come with it! It will look really nice when you get it all finished.

    B2tF, my OH and I moved here several years ago specifically to be close to our daughter. Hubby left former job and got one here, we sold our beloved home, left friends and other family to be close as she started her family. If only my son and his family could move closer, I would then be perfectly happy! I hope you can stay busy enough to fill the empty nest feeling, a little, until it eases.

    Have a good day, everyone!

    Day 6 Cornwall UK. Only 1 week to go eeeeek!!!
    Fast day today and really went well. Went to pilates class with my daughter, walked the mile there downhill then back up! After lunch decided to take the children on thier bikes 6yr old is confident but 4yr old just learning! So lots of running! I am amazed and pleased that I was able to run and it felt good!! I am so much fitter! We went about 4miles and I probably ran for 1mile! I really hope that I’m not to achy tomorrow but so far feel ok!This may be the beginning of regular runs!
    No time to really read posts, but everyone seems to be really going for gold! I plan 2 more fast days Thursday and Saturday.

    Good luck all!

    I’m up for a liquid only 36 hour Fast on thursday with you Quebecoise. I will make it this time, the first one was so easy i think i didn’t concentrate enough the second time round. On thursday i’ll give it my all!
    Buona notte

    Australia Day 5 NFD

    Hi back2thefuture,

    I cant be 100% sure because I have never used bone broth and measured my blood glucose response. I dare say the BG spike would be minimal if at all. I drink sparling mineral water by the bucket full on my fast days which I suspect does a similar thing to bone broth (probably not as good as bone broth though). It will have a little bit of fat, and some dissolved minerals in it which will help with electrolyte balance. Your stomach produces leptin which tells the brain your “full” and don’t need to eat anymore. I suspect the bone broth in some way triggers this response. The opposite hormone ghrelin is produced when the stomach is empty. Bone broth being so “salty” will sit in your stomach for a reasonable time and will have the effect of actually drawing water into the stomach to dilute the salt concentration. Im guessing but I think this is why you feel satiated for so long on the broth. The ghrelin hormone is supressed and leptin is produced. An old trick from the depression put to good use!!


    No problems. Fruit juice will spike your BG within minutes!! My wife has hypoglycaemic episodes (we don’t know why) and fruit juice gets her BG out of the danger zone within minutes. So fruit juice will kill all your hours of fasting effort within 2 minutes!!


    No problems about the gum. I probably look like a cow chewing my cud on fast days.

    How I do my bone broth is if I have a roast chicken Sunday dinner. I use the carcasses (usually have 2 for all the family). I cover them with water add a splash of cider vinegar and cook in my slow cooker while I am at work. I then strain and add to the liquid some soup Celery (not sure if everyone has this) but could use ordinary celery, some carrots, leeks and parsley. I simmer in a pot until carrots are cooked. I then strain again and have my bone broth. I like to cook the vegetables separate from bones. I add salt and pepper and have added some chilli flakes to spice it up. It’s a bit more than just water but less than a soup.

    Thank b2tf the calories are less than I thought but I may take more than an 8oz glass I take a bowl of it lol

    Oh and after all my talk and my 36 hour liquid only diet I have put on 600gms!

    Australia – Day 5

    An eating day today. There is a chance of rain, so am holding off the surrounds on the chook house until tomorrow. Only 2 more days of work until my son’s birthday (which is more work with all the family – but funner work, lol).

    HannahWatto – Our bodies love to hold onto the weight as long as it can! I do every other day water fasting and haven’t budged in 2 weeks. Eventually it will have no choice! (I am hoping, lol!)

    Rocy65 – Sounds like you will be getting some exercise! My kids found learning how to ride a bike really hard. A motorbike on the other hand they picked up straight away, lol!

    NorthernDawn – Chook house is looking great. We have plenty of fresh eggs – getting almost a dozen a day! A proper free range egg has a really hard shell, and a nice dark yellow yolk. It’s funny, everyone we know also has chooks, so you can hardly give them away!

    quebecoise – Thanks. They were nice to have around while they lasted. They were so sweet. I am glad that we had the time we had with them. I wish I found my fast days easy! I am always so hungry by dinner time. And grats on the weight loss. It must have been a pleasure to see your weight down so much!

    Backtothefuture – I didn’t feel like Martha Stewart. Unless she starts a project and wishes she hadn’t, haha! An 8 by 8 meter shed, painted by a paint brush… Ouch! I do like things looking nice though. It will be interesting to hear what everyone thinks of it on the weekend. You can definitely see if from the front road!
    I was going to do another back to back fast, but the days didn’t mesh up. My son has asked that I don’t fast on his birthday, because he wants me to enjoy his yummy food… That sounds good to me! lol. And I can’t fast the following because it’s when the family are coming. So I might do a back to back fast on Sunday/Monday to make up for it.

    Still Day 6: Pacific NW USA, 44 hrs into a liquid only fast, feeling fine

    Bigbooty – thanks for your insights about bone broth’s impact on a FD. With your reassurances I just drank some spicey chicken broth and I think I’ll have no problem lasting till breakfast. I wanted to see what 60 hours would feel like in a true b2b. (Plus I don’t want to be the reason my team doesn’t get the prize from Coda!)

    Coda – I think the calorie count for any broth would depend on the amount of fat that is or isn’t taken out, but still very low!

    NorrieB – your Monday night till Wenesday AM is 36 hours. You asked about how to make bone broth so Coda gave her recipe and chipmunk gave another. To add to the info, Dr. Jason Fung is an advocate of fasting with bone broth. Here’s extra info about the benefits of bone broth and his recipe from his web site: https://intensivedietarymanagement.com/bone-broth-broth-can-cure-cold-idm-6-2/

    Northern – all our kids went off to college out of state and only come home for visits! OH and I may have to follow in your footsteps!

    ETJ – depending on how this b2b goes that I’m on right now, I may join you on Sun and Mon for another one before our final weigh in on Tues the 23rd. I need to get that 5 lbs out from under my belt to support our team effort! (And you are still our resident Martha-of-the-farm!)

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