UK day – not sure, just trying to get back on board! Can I join the 4lb group, please, as I can’t even remember where I was in the challenge. Feelign woefully disorganised, but believing that the important thing is just to get started. So today is a FD. and in 5 minutes, I will go and pick up my son from football training and fill the rest of the day with domestic chores (carpet shampooing etc) that we can do together. I’ll make up some Skippers Soup to take me through the rest of the day and then I have a meeting this evening to distract me. I’m currently 4lb over the lowest point I briefly touched earlier in the summer, so feel I’m back to re-losing lbs (frustrating!) before I can get back into losing real lbs…but I’ll get there!
11:42 am
8 Aug 16